Yesterday, I finally took that dive off the diving board. I told my husband of 2.5 years that I was moving to Georgia to be close to my parents and my brother and his family. Like so many non ADHD spouses, my relationship with him has been very difficult. I went from being the center of the world for 3 months to nothing overnight. I probably should have run then, but I kept coming back. I have known him for more than half my life (I will be 39 this year) and we reconnected after many years of no contact. We used to be the best of pals, and then things developed into something more about 5 years ago.
Some background (as condensed as I can make it).
DH and I were friends (nothing romantic, however there were crushes there for both of us) for many years, and then I met someone and got married. We moved away and I had no contact with DH for about 13 years. I moved back to my home town, and while I loved my then husband dearly - we decided that we made better friends than spouses, so we made the decision to end our marriage. We didn't do it right off, and in fact we shared finances and a home for a couple of years just fine. Then I reconnected with DH through online media (hello Facebook!) and we quickly re-ignited those old crushes. It was a revelation to both of us that we each had a "thing" for each other. For 3 glorious months of phone and email and instant messaging love, constant attention and deeply romantic words - I finally made the trek up to where he lived for the weekend. It was amazing. For one night. The next day, things went to hell in a hand basket. He pretty much ignored me, and then didn't even want to sit next to me. I decided to leave early. He called me and asked me to come back saying he was just tired and didn't understand why I felt how I felt. I thought maybe I was crazy. But the constant emails, texts and phone calls dropped. Hardly any texts. Phone calls went from 2-3 hours at a time to 2 minutes TOPS (I did the math - I am nuts like that). I really sensed something was wrong. But wanted to give it another try - thinking that maybe all these years of "longing" just made things.. well weird. I came back up - he was nice, but no one would EVER have known he was my boyfriend if I didn't specifically tell them. We do historical recreation events, and have a ton of mutual friends, so I went back up the next weekend since the plan was one of those events. It sucked. But I managed to make a promise to his mom and daughter to come back. So I did. And I should not have. Pretty much since then I have felt like I was unwanted and tolerated. I really went back for the mom and daughter (both of them I adore) and the first sense of family I had had for many years. And well, I was stupid in love - you know - when you cant see the ground anymore from being so in love with someone? You can make every excuse in the world to make things OK. But eventually - I had to just ask why he kept asking me to come back. So many times I would just turn around and want to drive back home, and then I would remember that I made someone a promise to go to a party, or a dinner or what ever. So I would head back up. I guess I used that as an excuse to try one more time. This got pretty old, and finally I told him that maybe we should not continue anymore that I deserved more than a few texts and some 2 minute calls and to spend my weekends driving hours to his house to be ignored. This went on until he lost his job - and suddenly he became attentive and considerate. I know - I am so blind and stupid. I just could not imaging that this person who I loved so much and had known for so long would look at me as a lifestyle option and not someone worth love. So- this goes on, and those of you married to or involved with a partner who is ADHD and knows it and still doesn't bother to even take their meds... well you know how it is. You know the struggles. How their actions make you feel ugly, unwanted, unloved, not worth the time of day. The best part was when my ex died unexpectedly and horribly (we still had not divorced yet, but were going to file so he could buy a house) he bailed on me. Told me point blank 1 month after I had lost my dearest friend that World of Warcraft was more important than being with me. He kicked me like a dog at the worst part of my life. And you know what? I forgave him. I sucked it up, and put my grief aside, and I babied him and his needs. He just did what he wanted from there. Porn, video games, breaking every promise he made to me, constant lying (everything that had been going on and he said he would stop - the text book crap that ADHD spouses put us through) - anything to not have to talk to me, or help me or god forbid be with me in any romantic sort of way (taking care of himself was FAR better to him and still is). It made him "uncomfortable" when I was distraught over loosing my ex. (we were the best of friends).
He even said he had to call his mom when I asked him to kiss me because it had been so long...
I still married him. I was a fool, and I know it. I just was so broken in my life, and so crushed that I had no strength and was weak, so I stayed with him, and put aside everything I needed to focus on his needs. We went to counseling, and his mother begged me to stay. So I did. He was diagnosed ADHD and was prescribed medication. But he doesn't bother to take it regularly. Even when I have begged him too. Sad thing is - he finally treats me as nice as he treats his friends. But that took 5 years. And he still has no interest in my romantically. The only time he ever showed true passion for me was the first night I came to see him, and one night when he got drunk. And then after that he refused to even have a drink with me (even though he would drink with friends). I feel so low, and I feel like nothing more than a blip on his radar. I know that when I am gone - he wont care. He wont worry, he wont even think about it. That I am gone wont even register. And that what hurts the most. He is acting like everything is perfectly fine and normal. I am trying to as well until I go just to keep the peace. But, its very hard seeing the person who I do very much love not even blink or show any emotion what so ever that I am leaving. He is so matter of fact about everything. So many times I we had those deep heart to heart conversations. So many times he promised me that he would do better. Said he wanted too. Now I see it for what it is, stalling me and figuring I would just deal with it and he could go on living and doing what ever he wanted. I made life for him extremely easy - I read Melissa's book, and for the past six months have been really trying to put things in perspective and not let my anger get me. I gave him all the tools he needed, I upped my patience to the level of sainthood. I very calmly explained how things made me feel and how I was trying to separate the ADHD from him, and that I needed his help - needed him to do his part to control it. I gave him options. I told him that if he felt he couldn't do it it was ok and I was not going to force him, but that I could not go on anymore. My mother is in Georgia, and has stage 4 cancer. Every minute I am here trying to safe this relationship (working my ass off to do it) is a sacrifice of a minute with her. I told him two weeks ago that I wanted to support him in his efforts, but that him not taking his meds, and not following through with his promises to me or the counselor made me feel like the sacrifice wasn't worth it. He said he understood and was going to do better. He even read 3 whole pages of the book. (it was a miracle) but then that stopped too. He took his meds for like 2 days, then "forgot" again. Yesterday when I told him that I could not do this anymore since he wasn't doing his part, he didn't even seemed surprised. I honestly believe at this point that he was with me for the lifestyle (I make significantly more than he does, and in fact - he was "retired" for 3 years after he lost his job - that was when he suddenly started being nice to me and said he wanted to be with me).
I am very very angry, and I am sure that once I get through this sadness and hurt that my anger will fuel me and keep me strong. But right now - I am just very hurt. Its funny, because I think that I have mourned this relationship for years. I cant even count how many times I have felt like this. But this time - it will be the last time. I am going to push through this.
I have stupid fantasies thinking that something will click and he will suddenly feel all that love I wished was there. That he would start reading the ADHD affect on Marriage book and start taking steps to control his condition (I cant do it for him). Hell if he did? I would stay. I would change my plans and help him in any way that I can. But its just a fantasy. And I know that now. So - where do I even begin to try and heal? I know so many of you have been through this, but it seems from the comments that those who make it through successfully are a very small percentage. Most of the comments I see are people who have tried for years and are still having the same conversations and the same problems. I don't want to live like that anymore. I love my DH - but I know that love is not returned. I told him that I know and have accepted that I wont be anything more than someone he used to know (like that stupid song..ugh). That he will go on, and it wont even phase him until he gets inconvenienced by having to change how he spends.
So - here I am. And I am raw and bleeding. Again. Like so many other times. I need to find a way to stop the bleeding while I still have blood left! Thankyou to everyone who posts here. Even when you dont have solutions or fixes. It helps to know I am not alone and that I am not freaking crazy.
It's not you who is crazy..
It's him! I know how you feel on wishing something would just click for them. Sad thing is, when you see them spiral downhill, taking you with them, it's hard to see it ever getting better. At least you were able to decide something, even if it's not the way you hoped your life would go.
It hurts
I know this hurts. I'm sure you feel a huge weight off of your shoulders AND at the same time a crushing blow. At least that's how I felt 2 months ago when my undiagnosed/untreated ADHD BF completely cut off our relationship without a word after a big fight. Despite that fact that I had been unhappy and had been wondering how much longer I could take it...I never wanted to end it and only wanted to work on things. And then he just never speaks to me again...he has never left any woman it hurts extra that he just left me in the dust (IMHO because he didn't want to/couldn't accept his ADHD and what it was doing to him and our relationship).
I understand the fantasy...I mean, I only started researching ADHD in September and it made SO many things so clear...I strongly feel things could be so much different and better for him...he could have that "paved road" he has always wanted...if he could just see what I see. But he has always been hell bent on NOT changing for anyone and not wanting to have to work on a relationship or strive to make it better. So...people like you and I are stuck...I mean...I was kicked off my roller coaster, while you decided to get off of it yourself, but we're both still stuck in that we can't control someone else or make them see what seems so obvious.
You begin to try to heal one day at a steps...feel your are angry and hurt now, but your emotions will likely be all over the place. I am past my anger stage and stuck right now in a profound sadness stage...much of it for HIM. Let yourself feel your emotions...reach out to a therapist if you need to (one who knows ADHD would be the best, but many don't). Know that in time things will heal and that you WILL be happy has many different ways of making us happy...
"Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end" (I saw that once in a gift shop when I was going through a previous heartbreak...I think it was an Anonymous quote...)
Thankyou HurtButHopeful... I
Thankyou HurtButHopeful... I appreciate where you are are all the way. I know I am choosing to walk away, to get off the rollercoaster as you put it - but it feels like he kicked me off specifically by his actions of not taking any steps to improve his control of his ADHD. Sad thing is - we finally do get along for the most part. Its just that I have finally, painfully and deeply realized that he doesnt love me, and probably cannot love anyone other than himself. He says he cares, and he kept saying he was sorry - that he doesnt know whats wrong with him etc. But he does know. He just wont make the effort to do anything about it. He wont even brush his teeth regularly. Right now -I am pretty sure my guts are boiling from the stress. I have been so emotionally scared by this - I hope that I dont end up with an ulcer. Its so painful to watch him go on like nothing is wrong. I will have to be here a few more months while I clean up this mess I am in, and am able to afford the move.
I am truelly sorry for what you went through - I know it has to be extrememly painful. It hurts just to have my DH act like life is peachy even though we have ended our relationship, but at least he is talking to me and being friendly. Even still tells me he loves me before bed (I sleep on the couch) and when he leaves. Its also confusing. Part of me is grateful for that tiny comfort of him saying it - and the other part of me wants to just scream at him to stop lying since to me - it feels like a lie. Sad thing is - I do love him very deeply and have sacrificed so much to make this work. All for nothing.
Love the quote by the way! It's supposedly an old proverb, and many people have used it in songs and movies. And you know what? ITS TRUE! ;-)
*** rising from the ashes like a phoenix ***
Oh my!
Wow...I didn't realize (sorry if I missed that detail...) that you were still living in the same space. That must be agonizing!!! (When my ex husband...not ADHD...years ago...) told me he wanted a divorce, he left right away and moved into his parents house while we sorted things out. Is there somewhere you could go...someone you could stay with?
I don't know your husband, so I can't speak for him, nor can I really even speak for my ex BF, since I don't know what's going on in ANYone's head...but I don't think the love is a lie. I firmly believe my BF loved me very much...he sometimes could show that and express that better than anyone I have known. But he has always had trouble with relationships of ANY kind...and as long as his ADHD (or whatever the issue is...I am NO doctor) remains untreated, he will likely not be able to sustain any type of relationship, despite how much he seems to want to on the inside (this goes with his relationship with his children and family members as well).
"But he does know. He just wont make the effort to do anything about it"
Yes...I believe they often DO least on some level...that something is not "right", but they either don't want to make an effort (because of stubbornness, or a lifetime of feeling like they are to blame/wrong, etc) or their brain chemistry due to the ADHD simply won't let them. That's what is so frustrating to me about this brain disorder...the catch-22 of is so sad and frustrating and I don't know yet how to stop wishing I could just make him see...for himself...not for what we had...that's over and probably can't come back...but just for himself...I hurt for him so much right now...
I think you fell in love with
I think you fell in love with the idea of being in love. You were very raw from your first marriage and dived head first into a "marriage" that seemed a bit forced based on his hell in a handbasket behavior on day 2.
If it were me, I would focus on why two marriages have failed and the part that YOU had to play in that! Deal with the emotional areas so that you can move on in a healthy way. :)
snsforever916, thankyou for
snsforever916, thankyou for the reply.
Just a bit of background - my first marriage failed, but not for negative reasons. We both ended things in a very happy, very content and friendly way - even living together and sharing finances to the day he died. He was my best friend, and we talked daily. We both just knew that as far as romantic partners - that just wasnt there for us. So after many years of counseling - we realized there was nothing to fix - we were both awesome the way we were, but just werent a good romantic match. Sure, we had our issues - but funny enough - nothing ever serious. Seriously - it was the perfect marriage outside of having no physical or romantic chemistry. In fact, our counsiler often asked us "are you sure" because we got along so well, loved hanging out, and pretty much agreed on anything. It would have been the perfect fairy tale life had that one bit not been missing. But the reality was - we probably would have stayed forever in our comfortable existence, but I felt like he deserved more (because he was awesome and amazing). We decided to divorce, but did nothing to actually do it. We still lived together (albiet in seperate rooms), still shared everything, still had dinner together and enjoyed eachothers company.
Then current DH comes along after almost 15 years of no contact, and we started dating. He swept me off my feet. I was very clear on my relationship with ex, and that I wasnt planning on altering that etc. Current DH went out of his way, in that ADHD hyperfocus romancing that CLEARLY is a common theme here. For months, I was the center of the universe to him. He was the perfect match for me, always said the right things, wanted to know everything, wanted to talk to me every minute, was happy having 4 hour conversations about NOTHING and never wanted to hang up the phone. So, add that to the mix that this guy was my best friend for years - and talk about magic. So no, I have to disagree - I wasnt in love with the idea of "being in love". I was quite content NOT being "in love" and certainly wasnt looking for it. I wasnt raw from my first marriage - there was nothing to be raw about. Sure, I had some sadness that it ended - but there wasnt negativity - no lies, no betrayals, none of those usual suspects.
So here I am with DH, who from the first time I was up to see him - gave me conflicting signals. By the time he asked me to move up and in with him, he had been lying to me about numerous things (some of them were what I designated as "deal breakers" as we discussed at the start of our relationship). He also ignored me intimately, preferring porn and any other distraction - while lying to me about it. I found it because I had wanted to see an old youtube video of a song he had played me the day before but I could not remember the artist or the song title. So I logged in - and wow. I was shocked. Considering we had a friend conversation just the day before that and I asked him when the last time he used porn was (all friendly discussion - no accusation etc) and he told me it had been so long he really couldnt remember. He lied. Right to my face, and I totally bought it. He then went on in the same voice and same face to say that I was all he wanted, he loved me etc. So I bought it. And the next day - I realized that he had lied to me bold faced and with out shame or indication that there was dishonesty. Shocked me to the core. I broke things off with him - he actually tried to deny it all even though it was RIGHT THERE playing on his computer - I left it up for him. I should also mention that I am in the IT field, specifically relating to internet programming and security. So I knew when and what he looked at after digging when I found that stuff. Not only had he lied, but he was doing it as soon as i was leaving and going to run errands, or even to go take a shower. All why not even wanting to kiss me. These are just small examples of constant behavior mixed in with the "I am sorry's, I dont know whats wrong with me, I am gonna try, I promise to do better, I will read that chapter, I will read that forum, I will do my therapy homework, etc. .
I stayed through that because he begged me. This was before we considered ADHD issues etc. 3 months after that episode, we had worked through everything and he proposed. I said yes, and we decided to have a long engagement. One month after he proposed, my ex was found dead in a horrible accident. Things had been ok between me and DH - we were making progress and healing. Then that catastrophic event happened. And my whole world was destroyed. DH was great for the first two weeks after it. He helped me take care of all the arrangements, he made sure I ate, took showers and helped me with the legalities that followed. And then, one day - he told me that he wanted to be my rock, to be there for me through this storm, and that I was safe with him. I believed him and finally allowed myself to just breathe and let him take care of me. The next day after all that caring speech - he was cold as ice. Just like he used to be. It was a slap in the face to me. I asked what I had done wrong, he said nothing - i was imagining things. Totally dismissive of all my feelings. And then - it was like I was alone. I would try to talk to him, but he wanted to play WoW (World of Warcraft), I would ask him if he would just sit with me and watch a movie - but he didnt want to. It was like I was disgusting to him. About a month after my ex died, and after I had to go back to my home town to drop off his flag (from the ceremony) to have it mounted in a shadow box - I found out that DH was back to the porn stuff. I only stayed because his mother begged me to stay. Because she was having a major, dangerous surgery and felt if I wasnt here and something happened to her, that things would fall apart. I stayed on the condition that he go to counseling - not even couples counseling- but just for him to get through what ever he needed. I foot the bill (he hadnt worked in a year). He also went back to taking pills that he had an addiction too - and hiding it from me - lying AGAIN. And I stuck it out because of my commitment to him, and my promise to his mom. By the time her surgery was done and she recovered (a few weeks later) DH had made progress in counseling and wanted to work on things. So we have slowly tried to do that. he was shortly diagnosed ADHD, and he also suffered lots of trauma in his life. So we started working on it.
I could go on and on here, but the reality has been that we have a crisis, we deal with crisis - I grieve for the lies, the betrayals that never seem to stop - I give him another chance - I dont personalize it, I look at things from the perspective of his ADHD. But the reality is - like so many others here - the cycle just repeats over and over. I think we have made progress because we get through the crisis and he has all the right words, says the right things and will even do things like take his meds and follow through... for a few days. Wash, Rinse, Repeat.
After 5 years of this - I cannot be his enabler anymore. He has a daughter that he doesnt take responsibility for. He has a wife who he generally is friendly to - but ignores and bails anytime there is any sort of problem (death, sickness etc). He is into what he is into - and if you cant give him something that he wants for what he is into - he just plain doesnt care at least not enough to make even the smallest token effort. Says what he thinks you want to hear so that I leave him alone for a little while. I cant do that - I am worth more than that.
So - while I appreciate your comments - I am not in this relationship because I am in love with the "idea of love". And I certainly have spent many years in my own therapy to overcome my own issues (god knows I am not perfect). But I am still here because the man I DO love very much was worth the struggle and efforts I have put in. And now I cant put in any more. I cant help him. My account is empty and the overdraft has been exceeded. He has to choose to help himself, and until he does - I am just enabling him. So I am done. I wish I wasnt, I still love him and always will. I will hurt for a very long time. He wont, he already is past it. He came home all smiles from lunch. Like nothing is wrong. I can barely hold it together.
*** rising from the ashes like a phoenix ***
So sorry...I completely
So sorry...I completely mis-read in to the first post, with moody blinders on! :(
After your further clarification, it makes sense. Sounds a lot like my marriage. I have pulled back so much that we are basically roommates who had children together. I can tell you that before I pulled back and made myself my 100% priority things were bad...real bad. Fighting constantly, asking-pleading with him to change...ugly!
I do know that this mimics the parent/(man)child relationship that I have/had with my husband. The more I asked from him the more he would drop the ball...forget, destroy and overall just fail. If I asked him a question, he would lie so much and even continue to lie after telling him that I deserve the truth even how hurtful it maybe. This is how I discovered that he had two children by two separate women....not just one! Talk about blow to your whole world!
My husband also bails at the first sign of catastrophic life event...however expects me to be by his side for the common cold. I had a "mini stroke" 18 months ago and he just took off from the ER crying to his family about how can he take care of me? Really...this is my life partner and he cannot at least stay in the ER one hour with me. My Dad didn't leave the entire time. He sat and just held the hand that I was able to move as I just wept, wept and wept at how incredibly crappy my marriage was, forget the fact that I couldn't move my entire left side of my body! I recovered and sadly this "mini stroke" could be a precursor to a major one in the future, had I not completely changed my life!
It's a hard decision...stay and see if things change or walk away. It's one I wrestle with every day. However, I know only I can control my actions, emotions and behaviors. So, I have decided to make myself, my health, my faith, my kids, my wealth, my job, my friends/extended family...everything else my priority. If he wants to join the plan I am creating for my be it. If not and he slowly fades out of my perspective, than that's a choice he has made.
So far it's working or at least getting better.
I wish you the very best! Being in a loveless, non-supporting marriage can completely drain us. I've chosen to not let the death of my marriage ruin my entire life. It sucks but I am strong. I deserve to be happy, healthy for myself and my children. The more I chose to focus on what could have been, how he could change and what my life "should be" including him in a starring role...The more depressed, lonely, agitated, disappointed I became. When I took back the control I had given him over my life, things began to change. :) There is hope.
Your last paragraph kind of
Your last paragraph kind of reminded me of Al-Anon. I don't know if you're familiar with it, but it is the part of Alcoholics Anonymous that is for the spouses of alcoholics. My dad was an alcoholic growing up, so I remember lots of meetings where they talked about enabling and the fact that they have to choose to help themselves. I don't know, it's just interesting to me how much of what they say would apply to spouses of ADHD too. much of the same. much of the same. While I understand that there is a very broad spectrum of degrees of ADHD - SO, so much of it is the same. The only way I am able to move on is to realize that THIS is a MENTAL ILLNESS. I am not qualified to deal with this illness without causing harm to myself - even with therapy. I am too tired and exhausted to write my story right now, is here - it is all here - in everyone else's story. The lies, the saying that they love you and care about you & then ignore you, the promises, the blank stares and excuses.....and yes - all of the hyper focusing that sucks you in only for them to lose interest 3 to 6 months later. It is all so sad.....and cruel. So, that is how I do not take it personally any longer - it is a mental illness.
Yep, it really is all the same....
Even after all the 2nd, 3rd, 100th.. Chances, things don't really seem to change much. Oh sure, surface changes.. Maybe chores get done more often, even occasional friendliness that doesn't feel like a response to me asking for any sort of affection. But nothing deeper than that. October is coming fast, and yet not anything is being done to indicate that he wants to save this marriage. I am becoming more convinced by the minute that I am a lifestyle choice, no matter how much he denies it.
Maybe I am cynical but I am feeling like this is less mental illness and more excuses to be selfish and and tolerate narcissism. I see people on here who have severe ADHD issues, but the are taking hold of it because the actually do care. That isn't my scenario.
*** rising from the ashes like a phoenix ***