I2A Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: Is this program for both members of the couple?

A: Our focus is supporting you and your relationship, whether you want to join on your own or with your partner. We have lots of content and expert support to help you achieve your goals and hopes in your relationship, whether you are the partner with or without ADHD and whether you both participate or just one of you does.

Q: Is the price the same whether I join on my own or whether we both join?

A: It is the very same price.  One membership can be used by one person or by both members of the same couple. 

Q: What is the value I’m getting from this membership?

A: We have worked to keep the monthly price as reasonable as possible — and feel great about how much we can offer you for your monthly rate. You’ll have live access to experts multiple times per week, every week, giving you opportunities to discuss your specific questions about your relationship, and to learn directly from the leaders in the ADHD field. Also, we do the research and bring the information to you, so you don’t have to spend the time figuring out what you need to learn and what will help. Basically, for less than the cost of one hour of private coaching or therapy with an ADHD expert, you get a month’s worth of support, learning, accountability and community.

Q:  I’ve done a lot of reading and learning.  Will this be more of that?

A:  This program is meant to help individuals and couples move beyond learning.  Each offering is geared specifically toward what actions you can take, and understanding what issues or problems are keeping you from accomplishing your goals.  Knowledge is important, but we want to help you create and sustain change.  That said, you do have to be willing to do the work.  (And we have accountability, gamification, motivational evaluations and more to help you do it!)

Q: Will I really get personal access to experts?

A: Yes! We believe that the personal conversations we have and community that folks build with us are part of the motivational support we can offer. Plus we really like connecting with you all!

Q: Should I join Intent to Action if I already have a therapist or a coach?

A: Intent to Action is a great supplement to your own therapy or coaching but isn't meant to replace or duplicate therapy, nor is it the same as individual coaching. Our aim is that i2a supports the growth you're working towards on your own and with the support of your therapist or a coach.  In turn, your therapy or coaching may be able to help you make the most of i2a.   

Q: How do I know where to start or what to focus on?

A: When you join, we’ll ask you what you’re here for and how we can help. Then you’ll get a personalized response with recommendations for a good starting roadmap that will include specific workshops to attend, topics you might bring to office hours, and ways to make use of the community forum.  As time goes on, you are welcome to check in with us to ask for guidance at any time.

Q: This looks like a lot of information! What if I get overwhelmed and can’t keep up with it all?

A: This is a great question! We are offering a lot, which means you do have many choices.  If at any time you can't decide what to do first or are feeling overwhelmed, just join one of our office hours or reach out via email and we will be happy to point you in the right direction for you. Also, you can take it at your own pace – recordings will be available for you. 

Q: What might my time in i2a look like?

This is very much a “choose your own adventure” kind of membership. You might have one month where you focus on attending workshops to learn tools specifically to help you finish projects or figuring out your couples’ systems for house chores (finally!). Additionally, you use the community forum and office hours to provide accountability and support for the ways you’re getting stuck or frustrated. 

Then you might have another month where you want to take a deeper dive into a topic such as more effectively managing resentment.  That month you focus on listening to your book for Book Club (on resentment that month), do a workshop with your partner on parent-child dynamics, and talk about the underpinnings of your resentment with an office hours expert. 

You may also have a month where you attend some coworking sessions because that’s really all you have time for, but you’re chipping away at an organizing project that feels hard to start without the coworking structure. 

Finally, the workshops will be recorded so you can access them as you’re ready for that particular topic. We’ll be building our library to make it really easy for you to access what you need, when you need it. 

Q:  I have more questions. Who do I contact?

A:  Glad to be in touch with you – reach out to us at:  i2a@adhdmarriage.com and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. 

Want to learn more?    We are having an on demand information session you can watch here.   

Have questions?

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