Couples' Seminar with Melissa Orlov - The ADHD Effect In-Depth

Find the relationship you've been longing for!

This is Melissa Orlov's premier seminar that has changed the lives of many, many couples impacted by ADHD.
It provides hope, information and the tools you need to move towards a HAPPIER, HEALTHIER & THRIVING RELATIONSHIP.

The ADHD Effect Couples' Seminar with Melissa Orlov:

(Note: Mental health professionals save $50 at checkout - no coupon code necessary)

➤ REGISTER NOW for the Live Spring 2025 Seminar
Starts March 18th / 9 Sessions / (Mostly) Wednesdays, 7:30pm - 9:15pm EASTERN

REGISTER NOW for the Self-Study Seminar!
Start anytime / Move at your own pace / Includes materials & recordings from the Fall '24 live seminar

      *If you wish to be notified about future live seminars, please add your name to the seminar notification list.

What you both need to know - now!

Melissa Orlov, the leading expert in ADHD relationships, and senior consultant, Ashley Paradise help partners improve their lives together.

  • Learn how to trust again
  • Get out of destructive patterns such as parent/child dynamics and the chore wars
  • Become closer than you have been in a long time, and find the joy and intimacy you miss
  • Let go of your anger and frustration
  • Move from “correcting problems” to “enjoying each other
  • Navigate and optimize ADHD treatments
  • Tap into hope for your relationship
  • Cope with having a partner who is not yet in control of their anger
  • Improve your communication skills

No matter where you are in the world, you can take this seminar

  • "This course gave my husband and me the breakthrough we so desperately needed."
  • "Thank you again for such a life-changing seminar. It was the best and most effective money and time we ever spent."
  • "Your class has brought a bright ray of hope to our marriage."
  • "We are in the best place we have ever been as a couple - and without your course we would never have managed that - in fact, without your course we wouldn't have managed to stay together...."

     To read more participant comments, go to the bottom of this page.

Dates & curriculum:

(If you wish to be notified about future live seminars, please add your name to the seminar notification list.)

Seminar Overview:  All sessions are 7:30 - 9:15 pm Eastern Time

*TUESDAY, March 18 - Session 1: Optimizing ADHD treatment; Understanding the differences between you
Wed, March 26 - Session 2: Three important patterns in your relationship
Wed, April 2 - Session 3: Boundaries that move you away from parent-child dynamics; Moving past anger and denial
Wed, April 9 - Session 4: Dealing with strong emotions in ADHD-impacted relationships
Wed, April 16 - Session 5: The healing process; Communication strategies that work
Wed, April 23 - Session 6: Getting away from fights and chore wars; Bonus video: Getting organized with ADHD–the emotional issues plus what works 
Wed, April 30 - Session 7: Difficult to understand behaviors:  The skinny on lying, affairs, pornography, and more
Wed, May 7 - Session 8: Rebuilding trust; the science of finding joy in your ADHD-impacted relationship; next steps
Wed, May 14 - Session 9: More science of finding joy; conflict intimacy; next steps

*These dates are subject to change.

- For a more detailed curriculumgo to this page.
- Recordings will be accessible after each live lesson in case you miss any.
- NOTE: If you're not available for most of these live lessons, you can register today for the self-study seminar option: access the material now and start at your own pace!


Each Zoom session consists of a one hour lecture plus a 45 minute live Q&A.  Each session is recorded, so if you have a conflict, or need to drop off and finish later you can do so.  There is also optional homework and reading.  Finally, Melissa and Ashley provide opportunities to ask all of your questions, both live and in written form.  Their objective is to get you the information you need to succeed.

Join us, couples & professionals:

  • Adults with ADHD and their non-ADHD partners
  • Couples with two ADHD partners
  • Couples with a partner who suspects they have ADHD but have yet to be diagnosed
  • Adults of any age, gender and sexual orientation...married or committed to each other
  • Mental health professionals who want to learn more about ADHD and relationships

Registration includes:

For the LIVE seminar ($299):

  • 9 regular sessions of a live lecture and live Q&A - 18 hours of live content by Zoom, answering your specific questions
  • Access to recordings of the live lectures and live Q&As from this session
  • 2 BONUS pre-recorded video lessons: Medications overview; Better organization with ADHD
  • Optional homework and readings*

For the SELF-STUDY seminar ($289):

  • 9 sessions – video recordings of recent live seminar lessons and previously recorded Q&As
  • 2 BONUS pre-recorded video lessons: Medications overview; Better organization with ADHD
  • Optional homework and readings*

*The textbook, The ADHD Effect on Marriage by Melissa Orlov, is not included.


Melissa Orlov is one of the foremost authorities on this topic, and is known for her practical approach - providing both insight from her many years of experience and specific strategies that work. She wants you to focus on what worksAshley Paradise and Rachel Ban are senior consultants with the ADHD & Marriage consulting group who have been helping couples impacted by ADHD learn to thrive for many years.

With this seminar, Melissa has surprised many couples who had lost hope...but then learned specific skills they needed to improve their lives together. Learn more about Melissa Orlov, Ashley Paradise and Rachel Ban.


Register today for The ADHD Effect Couples' Seminar!

(Note: Mental health professionals save $50 at checkout - no coupon code necessary)

➤ REGISTER NOW for the Live Spring 2025 Seminar
Starts March 18th / 9 Sessions / (Mostly) Wednesdays, 7:30pm - 9:15pm EASTERN

➤ REGISTER NOW for the Self-Study Seminar!
Start anytime / Move at your own pace / Includes materials & recordings from the Fall '24 live seminar

      If you wish to be notified about future live seminars, please add your name to the seminar notification list.

Refund Policies:
Live Seminar: 100% refunds for the live seminar up to the third session of the seminar.
Self-Study Seminar: Refunds are not offered for the self-study seminar.


Couples share how this course helped them:

"My how our lives have changed!  I credit you and this course with helping us to focus on what needed to be done and then helping us to get started! We have done a lot of work since and it has paid off handsomely."

"I'm finding the sessions are saving my marriage and want to thank you."

"The great news is that we are still together and SO much happier. Your seminar was a huge help. More helpful than thousands of dollars of previous individual and couples therapy!!"

"It was so reassuring to hear couples from all over the world talk about the exact same problems as we were facing (and also very funny to hear our own issues in lots of different accents!)"

"I just wanted to add to the chorus of THANK YOUs for offering your book, and seminar, and all of the resources you share on ADHD and relationships. I’m a newly diagnosed (2021) ADHD adult, and 12 years into my second marriage, your book and course have quite literally been a life saver. (A marriage saver and a family saver.) Not only have they given us a chance to survive, we are learning to thrive. And we are only through the 5th session of the course! I wouldn’t believe how much could change in such a short period of time if I wasn’t actually living through it."

"Thank you for your seminar...our marriage has so changed after 38 years…..the very first Christmas where I’ve been relaxed and peaceful. Truly miraculous!"

"It was a great class which really gave us the knowledge to understand the underlining dynamics of our marriage and helped us gain some footing to change our lives in a BIG way. Thank you!"

"Brilliant, spot on, a volume of practical strategies and concepts, many “ahh” moments. I had several “epiphanies“, connecting the dots.  Melissa has a true gift. Like a successful coach, she makes me aware of my unproductive behaviors, erroneous thinking and practiced negative habits.  Her nonjudgmental personality and humor created a safe place for me to be open and honest. Her compassion compelled me to be eager and hopeful in pursuit of being my best me."

“Couples struggling with ADHD will greatly benefit from taking this course. ...What could be better than sitting in the comfort of your own home and discovering a way to shift the destructive patterns that have consumed the marriage that you once dreamed of?"

"We have just followed your couples session and it is a lifesaver for us! Other therapies never worked and now I understand why."

"We took your class in 2019; it was one of the best things we have ever done for ourselves!"

“This course has been great. Better than any therapy session we've had. It was filled with practical information and the approach was right on. My husband and I are moving forward. I also loved being able to do the course from the privacy of my own home...NO babysitters needed and pjs too!”

“I would recommend this course to any couple who is struggling with ADHD.... Reading the book and attending the seminars has helped my spouse and I more than any other type of therapy.... I can say now that my marriage is on solid ground, the best ever, and it is due to our hard work and the help of this book/seminar.”

"You give us hope we can get this right someday!"

"Thank you SO much!  (After only two sessions this is) already some of the best material we've experienced, and we spent thousands  in 10 years of therapy together. Your targeted approach is so appreciated with obvious concrete examples of what we can do to create change."

"Your course was and has been a most transformative event and positive rescue of my relationship...a big, sincere, "thank you!"  Your positive, non-judgmental, and non-condescending voice was a huge difference from the other sources of council we sought." 

"We both think you are the most knowledgeable person we have met on ADHD, and that you have the best skills to articulate that knowledge."

"My husband and I love your course so much. We've learned so much, and think listening to your candor and kind responses to all of these couples is really incredible."

"We have started going through the whole course again and I cannot believe how much really good stuff is in there and how much value I have received in going through it again..."

"I am the ADHD partner (and) I am not a novice to self-help and professional modalities. Your course is the best thing I have ever encountered for actual hands on non-judgmental tools for understanding, saving, and renewing relationship with ADHD. Your presentation is superb."

"You will always remind me of Proverbs 27:6 – “Faithful are the wounds of a friend, But deceitful are the kisses of an enemy.”  You commendably hit hard and trust/respect people to take it constructively."

"We started looking in 2009 for assistance with the ADHD and couldn't find anyone.  Seven years later we found you.   The seminar has been life-changing for us and we are grateful."

"Thank you so much for sharing your indispensable wisdom. You understand what we’ve been dealing with in a way no counselor, pastor or friend has been able to simply because they just don’t get it. Your words of wisdom are so profound to me and so applicable to what we deal with."

"Just want to say thanks…you have heard this before I’m sure. We learned more from you in 1 session than all the others in ongoing [$$$] therapy.  You have crossed our paths at a very necessary time in our lives."

"Your class had life-changing effects on our marriage.  Thank you!"

"This is a very well planned and compassionate course.  It is a gift to the world!"

"Your ADD Effect on Marriage course is fabulous and I look forward to the Intimacy one next!"

“This course offers precise, compassionate tools to create a marriage that is based on mutual trust and respect... Melissa speaks from her own experience and I am most grateful that she has taken the time to share this experience with us. I can honestly say that she has saved our marriage.”

"I have really gotten a lot out of this seminar and I'm very glad I enrolled."

"Just a note to say we're still thriving several months after your class!  :-)"

"I just wanted to say that during your classes my mouth is gaping open for a lot of it! Such incredible information...!"

"I’m learning so much from your seminar. You do a fantastic job and are so thorough and non-judgemental to both sides. You are using your story and your gifts in a mighty way by giving so many people the hope they need to persevere through the very hard times."

"It is remarkable that (after your seminar) our marriage situation changed from 'the worst' to 'the best' in only 8 months! We will continue our effort to improve, but I can say confidently that our marriage is “happily staying”...Oh, before I forget. Last, but not a least, yes, our sex life that was equivalent to something like a 80 year old couple got better as well (^0^).  Thank you..."

"I've really "taken the bull by the horns" to try to beat this ADHD thing and know I can only work on myself.  Thank you for empowering me when I hadn't felt empowered for a very long time!" (ADHD participant)

"Your class is a big help and I'm so grateful I stumbled upon you and your book. What you do matters to so many people. Thanks for the impact you've had on my marriage. You're ability to make both spouses comfortable is a gift."

"Thank you for the wonderful course.  There are not enough words to express my gratitude." (husband with ADHD)

“The course made me feel lucky that we were taking action before our marriage further deteriorated. It was very helpful to break through to core issues and get both of us to understand that we both had valid reasons to change. The course was a lot to take in but organized well. I think we are left with many tools and tricks that we will use and revisit.”

"What I'm most excited about is that I have my best friend back again!  Thank you!"

"I just wanted to say thank you for all that you have taught me about how to be a good spouse, ADHD or not.  My husband and I have worked hours on the homework, our communication skills, and for the first time in our married lives, I feel we are working as a couple.  Yesterday we celebrated 29 years since we fell in love, but now I feel that the love we have recommitted to since starting your course is true, mature, lasting, 'til death do us part kind of love; I feel empowered that we can make it through anything as a couple, whereas in the past, we made it through things as separate units.  And for this Valentine's Day my husband is actually taking me dancing - who knew?!"

"This course helped my husband and me tremendously. For the first time we didn't feel that either one of us was to blame. That allowed us to finally let go of some anger and start working on getting better. Without this first step I don't think improvement would be possible. 

We found out that there were so many couples that were just like us. I can't tell you how good it feels to know that we are just normal people having a normal reaction to a difficult situation.  We have made more progress in this seminar than we have in 2 years of couples therapy."

"I just wanted to share with you that my husband and I, who were separated, are starting to turn our marriage around...I definitely feel your book and workshop were a turning point.  We wouldn't be reconnecting without them..."

"We wanted to follow up with you and tell you we are doing amazingly well - we sold our house more quickly than expected and have moved. We put lots of your techniques from your online class and book to work successfully while cleaning and moving 24 years of stuff - a job which would be stressful under the best of circumstances. We continue to be excited about our "new and improved" relationship.  Thank you again.  I really feel as though you helped us save our marriage."

"As a couple, we highly recommend Melissa's course and book. Both are excellent in terms of creating a safe environment for a couple to begin to work on the issues that are eroding their marriage. The course and book are the only resources that we've found that place equal emphasis on both partner's roles -- turning the spotlight away from just your partner's problems to where it belongs -- working on one's own role in the partnership first, which strengthens you for the teamwork which is required to truly tackle the challenges ahead. My ADHD husband finally felt like his concerns in our marriage were addressed, and he could get beyond any denial. As a non-ADHD spouse, I knew Melissa had a first-hand understanding of my concerns, and she showed compassion. We both liked the fact that she wasn't going to let anyone shirk their responsibilities to the marriage -- but she gets you moving in a positive direction by suggesting constructive ways to begin excavating a relationship that may be buried deep -- by layers of damaging patterns of interactions and unproductive coping strategies."

"This course helped my husband and I tremendously. We were at the end point and looking for any last bit of hope/faith to figure out what was happening to us. Having the connection to a person (Melissa) who knows exactly what you are living through is extremely helpful. The biggest help was really understanding you are not alone and that it is not the NON-ADHD persons responsibility. If anything the ADHD person learns that it is OK to take responsibility for his/her ADHD and owns it. By the same token it is the responsibility of the NON-ADHD person to let go - free fall if you will - from trying to control everything to controlling your own self, behaviors, responses, etc. By the time you are reading this book and taking this course, you have come through a lot and are at a very volatile stage in your relationship. Melissa's discussions really help you understand that and realize that you do have a choice about many things in your relationship. It's whether you choose to make the changes or not that really will float you both to the top together and come out strong. I feel that my husband and I were able to do this. We are certainly not proficient yet, but we are now on the right path to continue our journey in life together. This book and Melissa's course have helped us in ways we could never have imagined BUT THANKFULLY FOUND IN TIME!!!"

"I felt this course was a guidepost each week. Sometimes I really feel lost in the dark with dealing with my spouse's untreated ADHD and this course was a way to navigate through some of the difficult-to-talk-about details."

"You have given us hope and a direction.  I am forever grateful to your wisdom, and ability to even handedly deliver your message.  My ADHD husband has felt like the bad guy for so long but you managed to get him to sit still and look at himself without judgment.  That’s pretty amazing!!!"

"As an ADHD spouse, reading a book alone may not be enough. This course was a good compliment to Melissa's message. If you are seeking out this type of information and question its real life application, this course really is the 1st step beyond the book to truly resolving these hard issues."

"Melissa is very good at addressing both spouses and their issues and offers practical and easy to implement ideas that really do turn things around during the Seminar. The question and answer time at the end of each session helps a lot also. I highly recommend this course for any couples who are struggling in an ADHD marriage relationship. Thank you so much, Melissa, for your time and effort to help others."

"Your course literally saved our marriage. It has turned it around and given us new tools and perspectives that no marriage counselor has been able to give to us. It is still tough but in a manageable sense. I have finally stopped being co-dependent and parenting and my personal life is much more fulfilling and less stressed. Our kids will now not have to be kids of divorced parents as I was truly at my wits end when I found your site. Thank you!"

"This seminar has been a true God send. It's been the only thing that has actually allowed each of us to see the others' point of view in an unbiased way. If you've been struggling in your Adhd impacted marriage or partnership, this seminar will clarify a lot about the dynamics of how you got to where you are in your relationship, as well as the tools to make it better and how to continue growing and enjoying your marriage."

"THANK YOU!!!!!"

"My husband and I have been married for 29 years much of it filled with miscommunication, disappointment and anger. I found and read Melissa's book, The ADHD Effect on Marriage. I could not believe how closely it mirrored our own situation. My husband also read it and embraced the ideas of treatment, exercise and diet. We signed up for the class and have been working through the homework assignments which are at times, painful but ultimately cathartic. What a transformative experience! For the first time in 30 years, I have a sense of hope about our relationship. My husband is trying to be more attentive, present and reliable. I have attempted to stop nagging and parenting him. I am also seeing a therapist in an effort to let the past be. We are actually having fun together as a couple and as a family. I never thought that this would be possible and cannot thank Melissa enough for her wisdom, intelligence and objective stance toward couples coping with ADD."

"I think your work is profound and life changing. Here we are, a family practice MD and a Masters of Counseling, and we were royally stuck. 26 years together and these new tools and information are extremely helpful. We are learning to be better human beings in all realms. These tools are helpful in all relationships. We are 40 year LGBT rights activists, and your books and teleconferences and homework assignments help us in this important realm too..."

"Outstanding!! ...Melissa was very prompt and always answered our questions in a highly professional and sensitive manner..."

"Your emotional intelligence, patience, and the way you handle the questions before, during, and after your presentation are really nothing short of amazing. Thank you for helping improve our lives...!"

"This has been a critical class for us. We've both gained so much and knowing that we aren't the only ones, really makes things better. We are still working on the homework and that's ok...and its been invaluable. We'd be happy to re-take this class once a year! Soooo glad we have the recordings to review..."

"Melissa's seminar was exactly what we needed after my partner received his ADHD diagnosis. She seemed to be speaking directly to us and to our 30 year struggle as a couple. We had no idea that many other couples struggle with the same challenges and we were skeptical that we could learn to rise about the anger, disappointment and frustration that we experienced with each other. We have come so far in understanding each other through this seminar and we both are hopeful for the future thanks to Melissa's tremendously helpful class."