Coming Up...
I want to remind readers of three events coming up.
I want to remind readers of three events coming up.
We got so much feedback about our new professional education course for marriage therapists - "This looks like a FABULOUS course, but I can't make it to Boston!" - that we have changed the format to be a phone seminar!
Earlier this month, Melissa appeared on the Steve Katsos Show to talk about her book, The ADHD Effect on Marriage. Click HERE to watch the interview.
Check your local public television station to see if they are showing this terrific Canadian film about ADHD during December and January.
If you’re at this site, chances are that you are looking for all the help you can get to improve your ADHD-affected relationship. A great resource for this is my upcoming couples seminar which STARTS JANUARY 4th – only a few short weeks away! If you are like those who took the course this fall, in seven calls you are likely to see surprising improvements in your relationship. At a minimum, you’ll have a far deeper understanding of the issues that you face and some of your options for dealing with them.
Dr. Ned Hallowell and I have both been asked by the editors of Psychology Today to join their ranks of bloggers. Today I created my first post there, titled "ADHD Isn't Just for Kids - Adults Feel Big Impact in Marriage." It's an overview to introduce readers to the basics of why one should be paying attention to adult ADHD. For those of you who have "curious minds," take a peek at the wide variety of offerings at the Psychology Today site home page - some very interesting ideas explored there.
I was interviewed last week on public radio about ADHD and its impact on marriage. You can listen to the interview at this link. It's about 12 minutes long - click on the "listen" button to the right of the picture. Enjoy!
Dr. Hallowell and Dr. Oz did a terrific job introducing people to the idea that ADHD might be affecting their marriage. Watch this video, take the short quiz it includes, and see how you and your partner stack up. Go to this link.
This Thursday, Sept. 16, Dr. Hallowell will be on the Dr. Oz show talking about ADHD and how it impacts marriages. Hope you get to see it! To find out what time this show airs in your area, please go to this link!
A gentle reminder to those of you out there who are considering signing up for my upcoming seminar for couples interested in improving their marriage - the seminar starts this coming Monday, Sept. 13th. It's going to be an outstanding, positive, informative experience for both partners and will help you open doors you didn't even know were there. The program runs 7 consecutive Mondays from 7:30-8:30 eastern time, by phone. For more information, go to this link.