Adventures with ADHD: Chakra Rock Down the Hatch
Living with ADHD can be full of surprises and humor. This story of one adventure with ADHD, and written by a reader from Michigan, will make you smile.
Living with ADHD can be full of surprises and humor. This story of one adventure with ADHD, and written by a reader from Michigan, will make you smile.
About 50 percent of adults with ADHD suffer from an anxiety disorder. Here's the story of how Katie came to grips with hers.
Katie, a 30-year-old journalist, has ADHD and her husband does not. In her first blog for ADHD and Marriage, she talks about life before and after receiving her diagnosis at 29 years old, and the moment she realized her marriage could be saved.
ADHD is highly heritable, which means you may well have children with ADHD. As they age, how to support them becomes less clear, as parents need to let go of the organizing support they provided their ADHD child when younger, and embrace something new. Here are tips for parents of adult children who wish to keep their relationships strong.
The study of mindfulness is showing promise for improving the lives of couples impacted by ADHD, and has already been shown to relieve stress and physical pain.
Adults with ADHD often suffer from co-existing conditions that can make their lives – and the lives of their partners – even more complicated. Here is a list of seven of the most common conditions that ride along with ADHD and information about why it's important to understand if you have any of them.
For many adults with ADHD the gap between wanting to do something and actually completing that thing can be huge...and heartbreaking.
A woman with ADHD talks about the shame and remorse she feels about her childhood ADHD.
A woman shares her concerns surrounding her husband's diagnosis and subsequent behavior. Here is some advice.