Exercise Lessens ADHD and Depression Symptoms
Exercise has been proven to be great treatment for ADHD as well as for depression. Recent research adds information about why and how.
Exercise has been proven to be great treatment for ADHD as well as for depression. Recent research adds information about why and how.
John Ratey, author of Spark!, has just posted a wonderful new website that explains the science behind why it's so good for people with ADHD (and also people without) to exercise. He explains in detailed but understandable language how exercise's impact on the brain helps with ADHD, stress, anxiety, depression, addiction, age-related memory loss and more.
There are two new resources that I want to make you aware of. One is a new book by Nancy Ratey that provides a really interesting and useful approach to finally changing the ADHD behaviors that have seem so entrenched. The other is an upcoming conference about ADHD, sponsored by ADDA.
Doctor John Ratey, author of A User's Guide to the Brain and co-author of Delivered from Distration has come out with a GREAT new book on how exercise affects your brain - Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain tells you in easy-to-read prose how exercise improves your focus (ADDers take note!), beats stress, improves your mood, improves your memory and more. In fact, the right kinds of exercise actually GROWS more brain connections. Not sure about keeping that New Year's resolution? Read this book!