Feeling Down? Get Happy with this Video
A long time friend just sent me this Pharrell Williams Happy video to cheer me up. Loved it! Why not take a few minutes to bring a smile to your face (and bop around the room a bit)?
A long time friend just sent me this Pharrell Williams Happy video to cheer me up. Loved it! Why not take a few minutes to bring a smile to your face (and bop around the room a bit)?
As part of ADHD Awareness Week I’m writing a daily series about what partners say they love about their spouse with ADHD. These are collected from participants in my current couples class, from those at this site, and from my own experience. I hope you’ll join the conversation, or at least spend some time this week showing appreciation for the things you enjoy. (We spend too much time thinking about the things we don’t enjoy!) So, here’s “love letter” #1…
We received this question from a reader:
"How can an ADHD affected spouse get a job and hold it to earn a living if he cannot find his keys/wallet/cellphone etc? How can a spouse NOT be tired out by repeated same scenarios of disorder and chaos repeatedly discussed and never changing?"
These are questions that cut to the heart of the long-term ADHD relationship. I would like to address the non-ADHD spouse first, then circle back to the ADHD spouse.