My husband has fairly severe ADHD. He is also high intelligence, so he was able to compensate for a long time. Once job and family etc. etc. came along things became complex. He was not diagnosed until he was an adult. He is a pastor. His parishoners, especially in leadership have no understanding of ADHD, though we have tried to explain. There is no attempt to learn, only criticism. If I can work with my husband so can they. I feel so defensive. He is often tired, or occasionally will forget something. He runs late. He has quirks, like doodling etc. There is a lot of hostility toward him because he is different. This really hurts me. I feel so defensive of him and angry because people come to me as if I can "fix" it. "It" doesn't need fixing! It is just a different situation. I am studying to become a therapist as a result of living with and ADHD husband and child. I think there is A LOT of room for understanding and certainly flexibility. This seems like a no-win situation. It really makes him feel defective. YUCK.