Forum topic: Daily Prayer to help ADD and non-ADD alike

The Perfect Love

by Ruth Myers

Dear Lord, I quietly leave in Your hand each concern that could cause me stress today: The things You want me to do and the things You want me to leave unfinished, or even unstarted. The relationships You want me to have and the ones you want to withhold or take away. The joys You will bring in my way, and the trials You will allow or send. The ways You want me to succeed and the ways You may let me fail, or seem to fail. The opportunities You want me to accept and the ones You want me to pass up. The doors You want to open and the ones You want to close. The ways I would like to glorify You and the ways You may use others instead of me. The times You want me to meet peoples' needs actively, and the times You want me to just listen or to stand aside and "merely" pray. The deadlines You want me to meet and the ones You may want me to miss. The results of my labors, great or small, noticed or hidden. The ways I will bless or disappoint other people, and the ways they will bless or disappoint me. The human approvals that You will give, and the disapprovals that will prod me to rest in Your gracious evaluation. I leave it all quietly to You, my God, and depend on You to work in me and in those I love: to nurture and protect, to tear down and build up, to reprove and to guide as it seems best to You, my wise and loving Father. I step out of Your shoes and leave Your responsibilities to You. I let my life drop back behind You, to follow at the pace You prescribe. Help me sense inner tensions quickly and then "leave it all quietly to You." I am Your servant. I'm available to You to fulfill Your purposes, and Yours alone, in Your way and time. In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen.