Information from The ADHD Effect In-Depth Couples Seminar
“Effect Size” is a number used in research to measure the effectiveness of a given medication or treatment. An effect size of 1.0 is considered a “robust therapeutic response.” The higher the effect size, the more impact a give treatment has on managing ADHD symptoms.
Effect Sizes from Various Research Studies
Stimulants in optimized dose trials: effect size = 2.2 (trials in which doctors determined the most effective dose for that particular research subject)
Alpha agonists: 1.3
Vyvanse: 1.28
Stimulants in blind clinical trials: 0.95 (trials where dose was standardized)
Mydayis: .67 - 1.1 (dep. on dose)
Aerobic exercise: .56 - .84 (depending upon which symptom you are addressing)
Fish oil: 0.59 (at 3,000 mg in research with children)
Strattera: 0.44
Wellbutin: .34
Fiengold diet (kids): 0.29 (INCA study results higher, but likely incorrect, see diet study referenced in online treatment guide for more details)
Zoloft: 0.25 (for ADHD only)
Remove artificial colors from diet (kids): 0.21