I am not new to this website but new to posting. My significant other is living with just diagnosed ADD. He has believed for some time that he has been living with ADD but the diagnosis has helped him in many ways, and overall he is responding well to treatment. For me though the diagnosis has brought up a lot of family of origin issues. Mainly that my brother is also living with diagnosed ADHD and a lot of the chaos in my relationship mirrors the chaos of my childhood much of it stemming from one child with ADD and the other (me) not living with it. While I am finding a lot of resources out there about raising children with ADHD (no kids at this time) and this website has been great on tips for our relationship I am finding limited (if any) support for siblings or extended family members of people with ADHD. Has anyone else experienced something similar to this or have any suggestions? I have wonderful support in terms of having my own individual counseling in progress etc but am open to any options/experiences that others might have. Thank you in advance.