Forum topic: Webinar on job hunting and ADHD



I know a really stressful part of a relationship/marriage is work stability and keeping a job. My having ADHD and going from job to job to job in a really short amount of time is really stressful for me, and its definitely a source of stress for my partner for a lot of reasons. He gets upset because he wants me to be stable and have reliable money coming in, but its hard to keep a job for a long period of time, and it gets really nervewracking Having and keeping a job with ADHD is a scary prospect. I've been looking for jobs recently and I came across this release about a free webinar that's being given by this guy Michael Laskoff, a CEO of his own company, who has ADD and who's had a simillarly hard time keeping jobs and dealing with work and job hunting. This might be a really good useful thing to sit in on about job hunting and whatnot, and he's even taking questions at the end. I'll post the release information. Hope this helps!




While Attention Deficit Disorder has been known to cause complications and frustrations in the work environment, it doesn’t have to be the end of hopes and dreams for success.

Just ask Michael Laskoff, who overcame ADHD to graduate Harvard Business School and take a successful leap into the career world.

Laskoff, author of Landing On the Right Side of Your Ass: A Survival Guide for the Recently Unemployed, has capitalized on a mix of unpleasant experiences to land jobs with more satisfaction, increased responsibility and better compensation.

He’ll reference those experiences and other job search tips during an hour-long Webinar for the Attention Deficit Disorder Association starting at 9 p.m. EST April 28 via ADDA members simply log in online to view his 45-minute presentation, followed by a 15-minute question and answer session.
Laskoff knows firsthand what it takes to battle the business world and come out on top.
“You’ll find you’re going to make more mistakes than other people. You have to deal with it,” he said. “You’ll also be extraordinarily good at one thing where other people may not be at all.”

Among his resume entries is co-founding The Branded Asset Management Group, which helps large marketers utilize their profit potential in existing brands. He also worked in senior marketing and strategy for Bertlesmann, McKinsey & Co., CompUSA and several early commerce businesses.

Laskoff is now the CEO of his own company, AbilTo, which uses videoconference to offer evidence-based therapy to people battling prevalent, treatable behavioral disorders – such as ADHD, panic disorder, and postpartum depression.

He has maintained frequent blogs on Huffington Post, an online column for BusinessWeek and regular appearances on National Public Radio. For more information on Laskoff and his company, visit

The ADDA is the world’s leading adult ADHD organization, which specializes in providing information, resources and networking opportunities to people with AD/HD and their families.

More information, including how to become an ADDA member, can be found on the association’s Web site: