Don't wait - turn your relationship around with Feb 17 course

Is Your Marriage in Trouble?

My very popular, eight session ADHD Effect In-Depth Couples' Seminar has helped many couples turn around their relationship. It is given by phone, so anyone may participate. The next session begins February 17th.                        

OVERVIEW: If you or your partner has ADHD, you probably have tried to work on improving your relationship, but may not have been successful. Traditional counseling does not address the effects of ADHD, leaving you frustrated and incredulous that you have gotten to this point and haven't been able to make things better.

This course provides understanding and concrete ideas to help couples rebalance their relationships.

Just a few of the things you'll learn in this seminar:

•    How adult ADHD impacts relationships
•    What constitutes good treatment
•    Managing anger and frustration
•    Communication techniques that work when ADHD is present
•    What science says about finding the joy you've lost

 FEE:  $289 per couple.


Tuesday, Feb. 17, 2015 - Session 1:  Optimizing ADHD Treatment
Tuesday, Feb. 24 - Session 2:  Two Critical Patterns In-depth; Defensiveness and Anger Intro
THURSDAY, Feb. 26 - Session 3:  Anger; Parent/Child Dynamics; Moving to Recovery
Tuesday, Mar. 3 - Session 4:  Communication Strategies That Work
Tuesday, Mar. 10 - Session 5:  'Diagnosing' Fights, and Chore Wars, So You Can Change Direction
(Break - practice strategies together)
Tuesday, Mar. 31 - Session 6:  Difficult to Understand Behaviors in Both Partners and What to Do About Them (Lying, Nagging and more)
(Break to avoid Passover)
Tuesday, April 14 - Session 7:  Finding Joy in Your ADHD-Impacted Relationship; Trust
Tuesday, April 21 - Session 8:  Introduction to Recovering Intimacy and Course Recap

For more information, detailed curriculum of the course, participant comments, and to register, please visit:

If you have questions, please contact me directly at [email protected].