ADHD & Marriage News - November 19, 2021
Quote of the Week
“Lonely is when alone feels like a curse. Alone is when being alone is a relished, delicious time with oneself. There is a huge difference.”
- Marissa Nathan Gerson
I remember feeling alone in my relationship, particularly early on. I had expected a continuation of the high-velocity interest that had been part of our dating relationship but, instead, was being almost completely ignored…my husband was too distracted, even as he loved me. As you know by now, we did not at that time know about his ADHD. So that loneliness truly did feel like a curse. It made me feel sad, confused and, eventually, angry.
Then there is a completely different time to be alone – for example, when one or the other of you is on a business trip and both get to pursue whatever they wish to do. That might be pampering oneself, working late into the night, or pulling out the photos you wanted to review but haven’t had time to tackle.
At the end of the trip, you are eager to see each other and catch up…no longer (you hope) alone.
If you feel lonely, speak up about it. Counseling might help strengthen your bonds and remove that ‘curse.’ If you wish to have more time alone to recharge or refocus, speak up about that, as well. It’s healthy to not always be engaged, as long as in the overall you are ‘engaged enough’ to feel satisfied and cared for.
DECEMBER 3 - 5 - First-ever ADHD Couples’ Palooza. ADHD couples have special challenges but help is on the way! Join me and register here. Free and online!
DECEMBER 8 - HOW TO ENGAGE A RESISTANT PARTNER, Improving Your ADHD-Impacted Relationship by ImpactParents. FREE WEBINAR. Attend live or get access to all recordings. Register Here.
Registration for the ADHD Effect 8-session live Couples' Seminar - starting January 19, 2022 - will open Nov. 23!
For those in marriages impacted by ADHD
Adult ADHD can have a huge impact on your relationship. Find great resources for couples impacted by ADHD including free: Online treatment overview; Downloadable chapters of my books; A community forum with other couples facing similar issues; A large number of blog posts on various topics; Referrals. can literally change your life!
Is your relationship in trouble? Consider my highly acclaimed couples' course: ADHD Effect In-Depth Couples' Seminar - This 8-session phone seminar has helped many couples thrive in healthier, happier relationships. The next live session STARTS January 19, 2022.
Support Tele-groups - Be part of a community exploring similar issues, successes and struggles and find new, effective ways to be your best self in your relationship: Non ADHD Partner Support Tele-group and ADHD New Habit Coaching Group.
How to Optimize Treatment for Adult ADHD - go to the home page for a free download about the best ways to manage ADHD.
Question? Contact Melissa.
© 2021 Melissa Orlov