ADHD & Marriage News - April 1, 2020
Quote of the Week
“We don’t receive wisdom; we must discover it for ourselves after a journey that no one can take for us or spare us.”
-Marcel Proust
Share Your Journey
I think of my work as a catalyst for couples as they take their own marital journeys. My opinion being that what my husband and I went through was completely average for couples impacted by ADHD and by laying our learning bare we can hope to speed up that journey for others in a similar position.
But you still have to go through it, with your own discoveries. And with your own approaches to solving your own issues. I can suggest, for example, that putting aside some of my fears and baggage about my sex life (admittedly complicated after some affairs) and just deciding to enjoy myself again worked well for me. I was able to set aside my fears until they could be healed over time by my more positive experiences. But not everyone will be able to do that…or want to.
I invite you all to share your own experiences, journeys and questions with me and others at our website forum or through contacting me directly. This is a journey we have all made and you don’t have to make it alone.
Starting April 6th - My Noon Non-ADHD Partner Support Group has availability. 7 sessions. The next sessions after April will begin in the fall of 2020.
For those in marriages impacted by ADHD
Adult ADHD can have a huge impact on your relationship. can literally change your life! Find great resources for couples impacted by ADHD including free: Online treatment overview; Downloadable chapters of my books; A community forum with other couples facing similar issues; A large number of blog posts on various topics; Referrals.
Is your relationship in trouble? Consider my highly acclaimed couples' course: ADHD Effect In-Depth Couples' Seminar - This 8-session phone seminar has helped many couples thrive in healthier, happier relationships. The next live session starts Fall 2020.
Support Tele-groups - Be part of a community exploring similar issues; learn from each other's successes and struggles; and find new, more effective ways to be your best self in your relationship: Non ADHD Partner Support Tele-group and ADHD New Habit Coaching Group.
How to Optimize Treatment for Adult ADHD - go to the home page for a free download about the best ways to manage ADHD.
Question? Contact Melissa.
© 2020 Melissa Orlov