My husband is very tight with money ever since I knew him but, I never knew he would  bring that sort of energy around me..I am a very hard working woman for as long as I could remember, and I raised two kids on my own with a little help from my parents but as soon as my alcoholic dad left my mother for a next woman, I have been raising them on my own since then..I am financially stable at the time but I assume that if you are married to someone they would help you out financially especially a ma n? RIGHT OR WRONG?

I am no fool and my ADHD husband thinks in his head that he is not to give me money or help me financially because my two kids is not his.NO NO NO!!!! I have had it with his silly excuses and  forget all that, I have my kids covered but he would not even give me money for me.I am a woman and all women like a little pampering in the salon,shopping,etc and to look good for their man and their selves..I met him with no job and nothing not even a car and I took care of him for 5 months and when he started making alot of money and got financially secured he moved  out my house with alot of silly complains he left me and my kids to fend for our selves and never even helped me back when I sometimes need it..One example,yesterday I had to pay for something that he enjoys too, and I asked him If he is going to help me pay for it and he said no! I am done with helping him now,I never expected him to treat me so bad and after all I did for him I realize that  this man has no heart for me, then why I must stay with him further more,I say now that his rope is coming to an end with me I can't deal with his mood swings,womanizing,constant complaints,ADHD,no more I am fed up...