Forum topic: Husband trying to act "normal"

I feel very odd about this, and it's very difficult to frame into words, but I feel so frustrated (?) and frightened (?) and empty (!) because my husband seems to be trying very hard to behave like a reasonable individual and - outwardly - appears to be pretty much asymptomatic at this time. This has been only for the past 2 weeks or so. For me, this experience feels like hoveringin the twilight zone, because I know that nothing has really changed and so I guess I am wary of the next big explosion.

For the last year, he has had his own business, which has been more productive than anything he has done in the past. This, at great cost to all things relational. Most recently, his right-hand-man quit, having grown sick of the craziness. Of course, my husband refuses to even try to understand why. I work with him, too... but after dropping myself from the payroll during one of his blow-ups a couple months ago, I refuse to be his employee again. He does not seem to care why. His new right-hand-man keeps encouraging me to go on the payroll once again. I simply say that it is not worth it to me. I will help in the ways that I can help. (I will not be his slave or co-conspirator in pretending like all is well.) The newest Mr. Right Hand has not yet seen the worst of my husband, so I guess he is still fooled. What I have learned is that ADD thinks and feels the same about ALL of us, just keeps it under wraps better with some than others. The man who quit had some serious personal limitations, so it seemed that husband felt very free to dump all over him. The new guy does not need this job and could go elsewhere in a moment, so he gets the kid gloves.

So - once again - nothing has been resolved, only covered over with a thin veneer of pretense. He does not ask about my meeting with the counselor. He does not tell me whether he placed the phone call to schedule his assessment with the psychologist to whom we were referred. He does not ask about these books I am reading or the workbook we could be doing together to begin to tackle this. He is too busy trying to prove that he is okay, that nothing is wrong, that he does not need help.

I am wondering - should I be telling him now that we absolutely must begin reading together and tackling this workbook?  I feel like we have to do something or else this marriage is over. I mean, we have no connection, no intimacy, and just beneath the surface is this brewing storm, in the center of which I am the bad guy who has a problem with him.

It has honestly been such a relief to not have him in a manic frenzy, or a rabid rage, or whatever other kind of acting out might spring to life any moment. I am reluctant to stir that pot. I feel like a coward.

The last time I really tried to have a deep discussion with him, was about the employee who finally quit. I tried to explain that when he offered the guy a piece of his company, he created a bond - an emotional investment - after which he pretty much treated the kid like a dog and dumped on him all the stress and work of trying to fulfill the demands of one of husband's big schemes. It was too much. What he will not admit is that he treated this person differently because he felt that he had him by the short hairs. It was manipulative and calculating and backfired horribly, but he absolutely seems incapable of understanding that. Leaves me with the feeling - why  bother?  He treated my son (his step-son) much the same way, until son grew taller than him and would not stand for it. He did me the same way when I was on his payroll, which is why - now - I am only a free-will helper.

Sorry this is such a blathering mess. I guess mostly what I would like folks' views on is -    should I set a boundary/rule that he and I must begin working on this reading material and workbook together if we are going to continue to live together?  Because if we don't, we are only waiting for the next blow up to finish simmering.  Thank you for any thoughts!



I'm So Exhausted's picture


I have read your post.  It all feels very familiar.  My spouse has always been self-employed.  He started his business 32 years ago, still has the same business, and a few loyal repeat customers.  The work my spouse does is quite excellent.  He is by far one of the best, high quality professionals in his line of construction work.  He is not cheap, but his quality workmanship speaks to the value.  That said, his poor administrative skills keep his business barely surviving. At this very moment, his answering machine message center is blinking "FULL"  That is about 32 messages.  Several days ago, he turned the  machine to the automated voice that says "No one is available to take your call.  Please try again later."   I tried many times over the years to be his secretary and/or administrative assistant.  Too much stress on my end.  There was no room for my ideas, help or assistance - unless it was exactly as he dictated.  Sadly, he knows nothing about accounting, but dictates that, too.

I have watched him over the years go through friends like wildfire.  He quickly attaches himself to someone - (sadly it is almost always someone who uses him) - they get out of him what they want, then something happens, a big argument ensues, and my spouse is once again bemoaning how he has been betrayed - yet again.  

Our 25 year old son became a business partner with his Dad in 2012.   It is not pleasant to watch the disagreements.  I hope my son will decide to back out before they completely destroy their relationship.  That would be very sad, as until a short while ago, they were a Father and Son team that was to be envied.   Being an adult, my spouse can no longer boss our son around.  Thus ended the relationship that was built on, "I am the Dad.  What I say, goes."  

I wish I could fathom why my spouse can allow no one to help him with anything.  If you agree with him on everything, then you get along well.  Any sign of having a good idea of your own  - even over minute things, causes an uproar from him.

I myself am still trying to figure out how to set boundaries.  What I have figured out thus far, is anything already done cannot be adjusted.  However, my boundary is ;When a plan is made that involves me, we will follow through - unless there is major blood loss, fire, disastrous weather,  or lack of breathing.  

EVERY day in our lives is "Fly by the seat of your pants."  Plans are not plans.  They change every minute based on the whims of my spouse's thinking.  There is no routine.  No consistency.  No responsibility for actions that change the planned course of events for the day.  

I do our finances, as both our names are on most all our debt.  I removed myself from the business several different times.  Through the years, I would get a spark of hope as different counselors suggested ways we could make our business partnership work.  My spouse would rebel after a short time.    change seems impossible for him.  Or, if he does agree to try something, it is used as a verbal weapon in many following rants, as in "I tried it, and look what it got me."

Sigh.  My marriage was built on my catering to his moods.  The peacekeeper.  The fixer.  The one who bent and swayed and gave in.  

I keep being encouraged that it can get better.  It just never does.  

*******I have recently seen a lady looking back at me from the mirror - and I said, "Hello friend. Long time no see!""*******

I just returned to the office from my counseling appointment, to finish out the day with "the boss" at work. There is so much in your post to consider, and now is not the time, but I want to immediately thank you for contributing so much to my understanding of this mess.

In re-reading my own post, I had to laugh out loud at my assigning the description to myself of "free will helper". This past week, he has made a joke of that notion. I would like to tell you more about that later!

Also, my impression of his recent calm has been explained by a stray xanax which I found on the floor at home this morning. I don't know where he got them, but explains alot.

Counselor agrees that husband is from another planet and says there is no way he can receive therapy until/unless he seeks evaluation and proper treatment. Since that is out of my hands, I will continue working on mending my own fences and focus on finding joy in small things (naming and claiming that one, on faith, for now.) Till later... I appreciate you more than I can say.

My soul has dwelt too long with one who hates peace. Psalm 120:6

Thanks, I'm So Exhausted, for your posts. I relate to all your posts, and feel like we are living the same lives, practically. Anyway, you said this...."There was no room for my ideas, help or assistance, unless it was exactly like he dictated."   This is my ADHD husband and me. For all 31 years now, our married life has been HIS WAY, or no way. When he comes to me with an idea or to tell me something, he only wants me to AGREE with him. He doesn't want my opinion (even though he ASKED for it) and he doesn't want any input from me if it differs from HIS ideas. It's hurt me so much in the past, because having my opinions and ideas dismissed and invalidated on a regular basis, again erodes one more area of our lives/marriage. I have been so patient all these years, but now I'm at my end. My DH wants my support and love and patience and faithfulness, but when I've gotten next to nothing in return, I've been "used up". There is no one that lifts "me" up, and helps fill "my" love tanks. It's like a bank account where you have a certain amount of money, but if you only make withdrawals without putting any more money INTO the account, eventually you will run out and have nothing left.

I too, am now setting "boundaries". My husband cannot continue to run roughshod over me with his unchecked ADHD. I made an appointment next week with an ADHD behavior specialist and hope my husband learns and "works on" his ADHD. He knows very little (I mean VERY LITTLE) about his ADHD. The psychiatrist who diagnosed him with ADHD and put him on Concerta......ALSO has ADHD.  Even though DH went to this Dr. for about 2 years, he learned NOTHING about what ADHD does to marriages, or to the people who HAVE the condition. His sessions just turned into "gripe" sessions.

     My husband doesn't like the "new" me, but I HAVE to set limits for my own personal sanity. The crazy thing is...............I feel so STUPID MYSELF for letting this go on SO LONG. Why didn't I leave sooner? What the H is wrong with me?...........I'm pretty sure I know the answer to that last question, (sigh), but I AM at my end and can't live this way any longer. I won't physically survive this any longer. This unchecked life has taken my emotional self, my mental self, my spiritual self, and now my physical self. Things HAVE TO CHANGE.

I'm So Exhausted's picture


I know for myself, I did what I knew it was the thing to do.  Now I know what is NOT the thing to do.  

My focus for years was to MAKE MY MARRIAGE WORK.  Bending, swaying, adjusting, making it all work.  Support my spouse.  Stand behind my spouse.  Encourage my spouse. Guard my spouse's heart.    

Now I am so angry and frustrated that what I am understanding from my spouses's response to me and counseling - is that the only way our marriage will work is if I bend, sway, adjust and make it work.  I support him, he lives like his opinion is the only valuable thing in our marriage.  He just said a very disparaging remark.  Something along the line of me needing psychological counseling if I don't understand how good I have it and how good he is to me.  Oiy.   

To say I am no longer willing is an understatement.  


*******I have recently seen a lady looking back at me from the mirror - and I said, "Hello friend. Long time no see!""*******

You're right, I'm So Exhausted..........we are not stupid. I understand TOTALLY what you said about "bending, swaying, adjusting, trying to make it all work, supporting my spouse, encouraging my spouse, guarding my spouse's heart, watching what I say, how I react.................and I have ended up walking on eggshells for 31 years. DH has not seen any of  this, or been appreciative of any of this. All he can see is why I don't have anything left to give him, and that he's felt "unloved" for a while now. He blew me away with that statement, because I haven't felt love from him for over 20 years now. We've had a sexless marriage, which he won't discuss, other than to say "it's not you".

     Personally,  I am done with his lack of knowledge about his ADHD condition. He went on a giant rant today because he misplaced his briefcase, and took it out on the rest of us...........yelling at us, running around the house accusing us of taking it. I found the briefcase on the back porch........where HE put it. Did I get an apology for his ranting and raving? NO, did anyone else? NO.

You know, if he (and maybe some others) keep accusing their family members of negative things that THEY do, wouldn't it eventually change the way they THINK about us? If they talk bad and wrong about us, eventually they will BELIEVE that we are wrong and bad people. When we've done nothing wrong, except live with and try to love them. It's not fair, and they wonder why we get upset and are hurting.

I'm So Exhausted, this is what your husband took away from counseling? That You must bend and sway and adjust to make it work? Does the counselor give him any feedback to that or give you any help with how to respond? Our Christian counselor, who is a licensed, clinical psychologist, has told me that he cannot work with my husband in his current state. Well, neither can I, so thanks a bunch. you know?! I'm sorry that he unleashed another nasty accusation on you. I know that I am about due for one myself, along the same lines, like "I am busting my butt to grow this business for Us and I Would Think that you would support me, but When Was The Last Time you put your hand on my shoulder..." etc, etc Yesterday, he went home claiming chest pains. He calls them spasms and says he does not need to see doc because he knows it is stress and this is something that happens sometimes. There is some clear ADD logic. For all i know, it's xanax interacting with adderall and the 20 cans of soda he consumed, but we can't discuss that. If I refused to get treatment for a possibly life threatening condition, i think he would shrug shoulders and carry on without a thought. I don't have that luxury. I told his manager that I am not returning to the office until he sees a doc.

My soul has dwelt too long with one who hates peace. Psalm 120:6

I'm So Exhausted's picture


Most of the choices I made in my life prior to 1995, before I knew about ADHD, were based on my own understanding and learning.  What I thought the wife in a Christian marriage should be doing.  Of course, I THOUGHT my spouse would be doing his side, what a Christian husband should be doing.

Once I realized how off balance my own behaviors made things, I worked hard to balance it out.  I was met with my spouse's wall of defiance, denial and anger.  It had all seemed to work so well for him, until I gathered more wisdom.  Now that I do NOT bend and sway and give in, he has gotten angrier and angrier (maybe it is some other emotions, however it comes out as anger) and dug his heels in deeper and deeper.

Our previous counselor told us she could not help us until. . .and she gave both of us things to accomplish.  When my spouse came to me a few months ago and said he wanted to try the marriage counseling again, I THOUGHT he had accepted how his unaddressed ADHD was affecting our marriage.  The previous counselor was not currently able to see us, so she suggested the counselor we are now using.

I am disappointed because I do not see my spouse's acceptance.  I see he accepts our marriage is in a bad state.  I see he still thinks he is doing everything he needs to do, and it is I who is expecting too much from him.  I am really starting to think that as long as all these behaviors keep us at the exact same place - he is OK.  I am burned out.  I no longer can choose to live in chaos, feeling like I need to walk around on eggshells so I do not wake the sleeping dragon, who is ready to pounce at the slightest provocation.  

Surely, not a way to continue for me.   And I hate the thought of separating.  That means I give up on our marriage.  That means that I have failed.  That means marriage really is NOT forever.  That means my life's work is dashed to H- E-Double Hockey Sticks.   Our marriage situation is miserable for me.  I need and desire to feel his acceptance, his honor, his need for me, his understanding of his part in our struggle.  I focused so long and hard on MAKING MY MARRIAGE WORK and it has crumbled way beyond what I think can be repaired.  I have had to sort of back away, and rely on the expertise of the counselors, and believe that they can see what I cannot.  

My spouse is a fine man, with a good heart, that is buried beneath layers of anger, unforgiveness, and reliance on the acceptance of others to feel his own self worth. Deep in my heart I do not want to give up on him.  However, the cost to me has taken its toll, and I need to take gentle care of myself.  I started counseling with the hope of balancing out my own feelings that he controls with his anger, and how everything must be his own way.  Now he seems like a big bully.  He says he needs to be assertive.  Something has gone awry and backfired.  

Oiy.  All his anger and frustration at the world, he takes it out on me, our son, and family members who have loved and supported him for years.  He is assertive in the wrong place.  The people who love him the most, who are trying beyond all that is measurable to work with him, and he gets his power by squashing us.  Unreal. And I am unsure what to do with his reliance on the blind acceptance of our daughter.  It was I who taught her by example to bend and sway and be the peacekeeper.  Now, he has taken to her as his support.  Just seems so dysfunctional.  She is 22.  An adult who can make her own choices.  It hurts me to know I taught her, and am having such a hard time undoing the things I got wrong.  So terribly wrong.  

 I am SO tired of sitting in the scapegoat role.  I remove myself from that role, but can it be  without having to remove myself from our marriage?    

*******I have recently seen a lady looking back at me from the mirror - and I said, "Hello friend. Long time no see!""*******

These are the exact conclusions and situations I am going through at the same time.  I was doing as I learned how to be as good as I could - wife and mother.  I had integrity then and I have integrity now.  Only when I am with his entitled, childish and irresponsible self am I not in integrity with myself because I am damned any way I respond or don't respond just because I continue to remain his partner.  I either take (deny, accept, rationalize, enable) his mishandling of stuff or constantly set boundaries (warring and mothering and trying to change/help/guide/schedule him).  

I'm So Exhausted, I'm in the same spot also in regards to my under treated ADHD husband. I believed like you, when you said we were taught to be the loving, giving Christian wives that try to do the best by our husbands, thus doing the "right thing" by ourselves. But, in this life of under treated ADHD, and when the husbands STAY in denial of how their condition affects their wives, the life that we probably COULD have is a life we DON'T have.

I myself, have reached the point where I'm too old, too exhausted and too worn out to live this facade of a marriage any more. Like I said before, we have an appointment next Tuesday with an ADHD specialist, but I can't help but be pessimistic about it's outcome. DH has lived "his way" for so long now, I don't know what it is going to take to break through his denial. I had to emotionally "pull back" from this relationship, in order to be able to see things a little more objectively and be able to look at my life a little more realistically. I also had to give up the "dream" I had of what I believed this marriage "could be". I had to see it for what it WAS.

It does feel like another failure. Plus, I hate the effect it's had on our daughters, and I "let" it happen. It's so hard to forgive myself for that, but I really believed I was doing the "right thing". And so now, at 57 and disabled, I have to pick the pieces up, once again, of a broken life and try to get back on my feet.

I keep typing and erasing, typing and erasing, but the main thing is - you are a survivor and I really pray that you will not settle for thinking of your efforts as wasted.I am pretty confident that God does not allow acts of love to be wasted, even when they're not reciprocated.

As to the harsh treatment of those who have tried the hardest to be supportive ... well, maybe that's a guilty conscience on his part because at some level he knows how sorely HE has failed, or maybe it's a narcissistic lack of respect for those who are viewed as weak, or - speaking for myself here - maybe I have so little (zero) personal identity in his eyes that when my expression of my own personhood defies his view of me as one of his appendages (I am his middle toe, left foot), then I must be punished. I suspect it is all of the above, and it stinks.

Recently I watched my 23 year old daughter handle my husband. She worked for him for a few months after graduating from college. He's always left her be (intimidated by her intelligence, I think) until she was on his payroll. This experience reaffirmed her belief that he is detestable, but she kept her feelings to herself and did a most excellent job for him, all the while being grossly underpaid. One day, he told her to do some scutt-work and she said....  "No."   He was beside himself, but tried to reason with her.  She repeated, "No." and then she added, "I am not going to do Your chores for you."  O. My.   He fired her.  (Next day he apologized and she did return, but only for a few weeks. She had had enough. She hates him.)   So - the moral of that story is - maybe get the Boundaries book for your girl, if she hasn't read it, and I bet she will sort this out for herself, but in the meanwhile... maybe it is not so bad that she keeps the peace with her dad. I know that is hard to take, but the alternative is not pretty.

Can we remove ourselves from the scapegoat role without leaving the marriage?   I do not know, but I think that is up to our husbands. We shall see.

Thank you again, more than words can express, for sharing your heart here. Helps me to recharge for the next go-round, which is sure to come here and in which I refuse to participate.


My soul has dwelt too long with one who hates peace. Psalm 120:6