Forum topic: ADD and a failing marriage

I just joined this site and boy am I glad I did! My husband and I have been married almost 2 years and have been together for 6. I always new that he had ADD and it was never really an issue. When he and I first started dating, he was on his medication for it and he was everything I wanted in a person, (fun, sweet, family oriented, responsible, caring.. the list goes on). One day he stopped taking his medication and just changed, became lazy, irresponsible, never wanted to be around his family, was doing bad in school, making bad decisions. I contributed it to his age (17), and that he was going through a rebellious stage. He and I were young, I didn't like it, but we didn't have any responsibilities so I never really new the impact it would have. I ended up getting pregnant and that's when I new that it wasn't just his age, because not even having a child would make him motivated to do the right thing and be responsible. Well, one day I had enough of basically being a single parent! He wouldn't work, made crappy decisions, and was not taking on the responsibilities a father should, young or not. I left him and he decided to do what's right and joined the Marine Corps. He and I got married, we were 20 years old and I thought "this was it! he was finally going to grow up and do what's right by his family!" And he did, for a while. He was doing what he had to do because he was forced to but I knew if given the opportunity, he would go back to his old ways. I did everything around the house, and getting him to take out the trash or unload the dishwasher was a chore in itself. I would nag him which would just bother us both because he thought it was annoying and I thought why can't a grown man just take the trash out when I do everything else! Well the military ended, and we moved back home and I was scared to death that things would go back to him being unmotivated, lazy, and making horrible decisions without taking in to account how it would make me feel. Well, they did go back. He would be out all night with his friends hanging out, not waking up for work, not answering the phone, barely spending any time with his daughter. And I would get angry and say "You are married! You are not a teenager anymore, you have responsibilities, and me being your wife you have to take into consideration how the things you are doing makes me feel!" And he would say "you're right, I will try to be around more" but the next day he was doing the same thing. He would tell me he knew and would do things differently but wouldn't follow through, and he would never stop and think how it was hurting me. So here we are, separated because he got sick of hearing me nagging and fighting with him about it, and me sick of actually dealing with it. And the other day, he posted an article on his facebook about "20 things to remember when you love someone with ADD." I read the article and it described him and our situation to a t. I always new that he was ADD, but I had no idea that it was possibly a contributing factor to his behavior. I thought that he was just lazy and didn't want to grow up. Now that I have read a bit about it, I feel like I understand him more and want to find ways to fight through this with him. I want to better handle these situations and I want to better understand my husband, because I thought he just didn't care. I know in the end, he makes his own decisions and he can't blame all of his bad choices on having ADD, but I want us to find ways to help each other thrive and be the best that we can be. So my question his, how do I handle him?!


I suggest if your not already, take your daughter and find a nice Church family for support...You and her both need love and support and the gospel.....Secondly, I would be very patient with him, but, what ever you do, don't enable bad behavior or mother him...ADD or a fast mind, is a definite problem for the suffer's of it...But, you have to calmly let him be responsible for his own life...My wife could not hold a job without meds. (adderall)...She fights it everyday...rushing to work etc..etc...But, I've learned to just focus on our love and realize our marriage might not look like everyone else...

Do not create a bunch of expectations for him, based on how easy things can be for you...He has got to be allowed to manage his daily life his way...without being criticized weather you stay together or not...It's the only way for peace for any of us!

Many Adders' struggle to go to sleep, and struggle to here a clock and get up...So in all these behaviors, let him own his...He will find a way...They all do...If you mother him, expectations for getting him up...You will sorely regret it...When you enable you just put a target on your enablement is not love...So, Patient's, understanding...But, remember, just like him watching your behaviors...They are yours....And his is his....He will have step up and do the work...See a doctor, and meds if needed...He's got to be the man....Good luck Magsssmae!

Magsssmae's picture

C Ur Self, thanks so much for the sound advice. One of our biggest problems is that I do not trust that he will make the right decisions, because he has shown me over and over and over that if I do not step in, he won't. Like if I don't push him to wake up in the morning (which he HATES by the way and has caused many fights), he will be late for work and possibly lose his job. I know he is a grown up and he has to deal with the consequences on his own, but when it's things like that, things that could potentially hurt our family, it's almost impossible for me to keep my mouth shut and let it go because I have a 3 year old to think about. I know the awesome person that I married and I know what he is capable of and it just frustrates me to no end that he is like this. I love him to death but I cannot do it alone, regardless if he has ADD or not, he needs to make the effort to cope and learn how to deal with this or he will end up losing his family. I do not want to feel like I am married to a teenager and am wondering all night where my husband is while I am at home with my daughter. I know that the nagging is pushing him away and my chasing him only makes him run faster away, but I just don't know what to do. He is stubborn as a mule and smart as a whip so getting him to take meds may be a tough one.

So really it's not about him...its about you...

Do you know how many children grow up nervous wrecks cause Mommy and Daddy were so immature and self-absorbed they were to busy fighting for their rights that they never learned how to provide a loving, peaceful environment for there children to grow and thrive in?

I encourage you to live your life like he doesn't exist. If he picks up and comes along side you as a husband and Father well then great...

But the reality of life is it will have to be his decison...And take it from someone who has been extremely bitter in the past wanting and trying to force a relationship, or trying to force someone to see what a destructive life they were living...It's just an Illision. We control no one!

So...Just get up each day and live a life of thankfulness...Love your sweet daughter...Don't let others control your happiness...Sounds like you much to be thankful for.

Magsssmae's picture

Part of it is about me because we are in a marriage, it takes two. By no means am I a perfect person ad I'm aware that I can be selfish and handle things immaturely. As far as my daughter is concerned, I do nothing but assure that he and I love her unconditionally. We do not have screaming matches in front of her (we actually never have screaming matches at all). I guess it really boils down to, all I can really do is focus on me and how I can better myself for my loved ones. At the end of the day, ADD or not people need to walk their own paths and find their place. I cannot force my husband to want to walk the same path as me no matter how hard I try and no matter how much I want it. It has to come from him. It just frustrating to know that the person you want and need is in there, so close but somehow is distracted by everything else and doesn't focus in what's really important.

The only way I can impact my wife, me children, anyone really for good...Is to love them unconditionally, and be that good example of responsiblity...Tha't it...That's reality...And it takes Jesus saving me from me for this to happen....Blessings....