Hello. I am new to this forum and I am terrified because I think my husband and I are on the verge of splitting. My husband has not been officially diagnosed with ADHD. However, we've had longstanding marital issues due to his inability to manage his anger, and with a lot of research, I'm starting to think this might be the cause. Thankfully, he has also done some research and is in agreement. Besides the difficulty with anger, he is often losing things, disorganized, has trouble with time management, often wakes at night and can't go back to sleep, has trouble processing lots of info when thrown at him all at once, restless in meetings at work, and very distractible. These last items, while present, don't cause any strife for me as a spouse. But, the anger management issues have chipped away at my feelings for him, our future, and left me feeling very, very hopeless and sad. So, while we don't yet have a firm diagnosis, we just started counseling, which, so far, he is very willing to participate in. The problem is, I am not having the reaction I had hoped. I thought that just by starting couple's therapy a few weeks ago I would feel immediate relief and a renewed sense of optimism. But, instead, I can't stop the flood of bad memories from entering my head. I can't stop crying and I've totally disconnected from him in every way because I am SO unbelievably angry and resentful for the 12 years of outbursts I have endured during our marriage. It's like everything I've been stuffing for years is bubbling to the surface and now I can't turn it off. The outbursts have not been every day, or every week, or even every month. They are very unpredictable, but often occur when I say something that he feels criticized about (e.g. "Did you have to yell at me that way?" or "The way you bit our son's head off is not ok!"). So, we fight about how we fight. Which sounds ridiculous. And the "fights" aren't really fights... more him lashing out at me, and me trying to defend myself. This pattern has repeated itself so many times. Almost as many times as I've contemplated leaving him. I long for being able to have a "normal" argument, where 2 people disagree, in a normal tone of voice, and discuss the issues calmly. Not in our home. When I try to communicate to him how upset and resentful I am about his anger, he takes it very personally and says I make him seem like a monster. He just hasn't been on the receiving end of himself behaving like that. So, maybe he'll never understand how disrespected, upset, anxious, and hopeless I feel when he yells at me or one of our children. Or how it feels to have to walk on eggshells all the time. Coupled with a childhood full of adults yelling at each other, terrible parental modeling (from a mother who also likely has ADHD), a father who walked out, and an abusive/alcoholic stepfather, the ability to for him to change after so many years just seems unattainable. And yet I can say with 100% truthfulness that he is such a good person, with a big heart, a love for life, an amazing, hands-on father, and devoted, attentive husband. THAT is the person I married. I just wish I could cut the piece of him out that can't manage his anger. Does any of this sound familiar to anyone? Does this sound like ADHD?? How can we move forward in counseling if I can't make my own anger and resentment go away? Any advice is appreciated.
Most of the things you've listed sounds like attention deficit...I don't have a lot of suggestions; But, since I've dealt with the same Anger and emotions, I will offer what has worked for me...First the one thing you can accomplish is working on yourself; it was super hard for me; but; most women seem to be able to see their own selves better than us men. So I suggest you not engage his anger...you know the old saying "Doing the same old things, expecting different results." It will be difficult, but, the best way to slap him in the face so to speak when he has anger outbursts is a momentary hard disapproving stare, then walk away and say nothing....Let him wallow in his own anger...The moment you say anything you become the target; you become his excuse. If you will do as I say, he will have no where to go but to look inside....
Secondly continue with the counseling; it took us 8.5 months and 11 months of separation for us to move forward....that is what has happened to you....You Love him; but, because of all the baggage and past hurts, you just don't like him...That will come back as you two learn to communicate w/o anger....
I will pray for you both....
Hello Goldilox73,
I concure with the suggestion from C UR Self.
I received a great book suggestion from Melissa Orlov during her Couples Seminar in which I participated several years ago: The Dance of Anger: A Woman's Guide to Changing the Patterns of Intimate Relationships by Harriet Lerner.
One of the best things I found through participating in this forum - I am not alone. I hope you will find that same comfort.
*******I have recently seen a lady looking back at me from the mirror - and I said, "Hello friend. Long time no see!""*******
Thank you both for your reply
Thank you both for your reply. Liz, I am waiting for the Dance of Anger book to be sent to my local library for pick-up. And C Ur Self, thank you for the encouraging words. We had another fight this morning. He yelled at our son last night unnecessarily, and when I tried to tell him how I felt about it this morning, I got the usual.... defensiveness and the comment "I'm just not allowed to be angry, ever!". I realized one of the reasons I can never have a conversation with him is because he talks for the BOTH of us. Literally. Probably a common ADHD trait. And whatever words I do manage to get out are misinterpreted. So, it's just a mess. I feel so hopeless right now. I don't know if we're ever going to get where we need to be as a couple...
Hang in there Goldilox:)
So many people are like him; I've been similar much of my life; good intentions, but, kill the effectiveness of what were trying to deliver; because we struggle to communicate calmly and rationally. Especially, when we are having to admonish our children for poor behavior...So many people struggle with patients which makes parenting difficult...Adhd doesn't do them any favors...
Until he realizes he has to get a handle on his on emotions so people can actually respect and listen to him....This will continue to repeat itself...So please try to not provoke him with things you know he can't handle...You might try approaching him with questions; before engaging him...example: Can we have some calm dialog related to what ever issue it might be...Will you agree to at least listen to me while I share my view with you?...I love you and want us to have constructive communication...I don't want to argue and fight with you....Maybe he will feel more respected and not jump strait into emotional instability and defensiveness....
Just a thought I know it's frustrating:)