Full Agenda with Learning Objectives
All sessions are from 8:15-9:45pm EST.
By phone, with full presentation materials
Session 1 - 1.5 hours
What Does ADHD Look Like in Your Practice? An Introduction to ADHD in Relationships
Melissa Orlov
Pre-reading: 4 case studies
Homework – The ADHD Effect on Marriage pp. 1-117
Session learning objectives – participants should be able to:
- Identify the obvious and subtle indications that a couple may have ADHD impacting their relationship
- Anticipate and respond to common reactions in both partners when the subject of ADHD is introduced into the conversation
- Identify the 12 behavioral patterns that ADHD introduces into relationships
- Identify the top ADHD-related issues for any given couple
MONDAY, APRIL 30, 2012
Session 2 – 1.5 hours
What Couples Therapists Need to Know about the Research on ADHD
Couples Therapy Best Practices When ADHD is a Factor
Kevin Murphy
Homework – selection from ADHD in Adults: What the Science Says
Robin and Payson – The Impact of ADHD on Marriage – 4pp
Session learning objectives – participants should be able to:
- Apply the most current research available on adult ADHD to their marital counseling
- Discuss important research statistics with ADHD patients, and select appropriate additional resources when needed
- Identify and apply best practices for counseling couples in which one or both spouses has ADHD
Session 3 – 1.75 hours
Placing Your Couples into the Three Stages of Recovery
Helping Couples Deal with Anger, Frustration, Denial, Hopelessness and Shame
Melissa Orlov
Homework – The ADHD Effect on Marriage pp 118-164
Session learning objectives - participants should be able to:
- Describe the three stages of recovery, and the specific treatment implications of being in each stage
- Place any client into the proper stage of recovery, and begin appropriate counseling based upon that placement
- Utilize specific techniques for helping clients diminishing anger, frustration, denial, hopelessness and shame
TUESDAY, MAY 15 (Date to be confirmed)
Session 4 – 1.5 hours
Diagnosis, Medication and Treatment of ADHD
The Pitfalls and Pinnacles in a Marriage with ADHD
Dr. Ned Hallowell
Sue Hallowell, LICSW
Homework: Delivered from Distraction – pp. 28-58, 115 – 126, 205-259
Session learning objectives - participants should be able to:
- Describe the latest information about how ADHD is diagnosed and be able to provide clients with specific advice about getting a proper diagnosis
- Select specific resources for detailed information about ADHD treatments
- List the medicinal options for treating ADHD and be able to effectively help clients develop the right questions to ask their doctor about treatment
- Identify and anticipate the most likely pitfalls their couples will encounter, as well as specific steps for helping their couples avoid those pitfalls
Session 5 – 1.5 hours
Taking it To Your Practice: The Delicate Balance
Tools for Therapist and Couple Use
Melissa Orlov
Homework – The ADHD Effect on Marriage, pp 165-227
Session learning objectives - participants should be able to:
- Utilize at least three specific strategies for helping their couples move beyond their mistrust of each other’s past interactions
- Be able to explain and to effectively train couples to use: verbal and physical cues; learning conversations; “tabled” decision making; de-escalation techniques; external structures; chore tracking worksheets; validation tracking worksheets; boundary development charts; memory tools and more
Session 6 – 1.5 hours
Major Issues Recapped
Your Questions
Session learning objectives - participants should be able to:
- Identify, talk knowledgeably about, and respond to the major issues that couples impacted by ADHD face
- Discuss their own cases and create specific work plans for helping couples move forward
Optional - 1.0 hour
Your Cases Considered
Melissa Orlov
Bring your cases to discuss with Melissa Orlov, or just listen in