My husband was diagnosed with ADHD this past year and is currently talking medication which has certainly helped and was a courageous first step. He read some of Driven to Distraction and it brought him to tears. The diagnosis explained so much of his frustration from childhood and now.
We have been living apart for about a year and a half and are both in individual therapy. I have encouraged him to see someone that can specifically help him with his ADHD but I think he is tired of going to therapy. (as am I, so I can certainly understand)
We love each other, however recently my husband stated that sometimes love is not enough and he does not think he can be in a marriage. That he can not be what I want him to be. (a husband, father, partner in life) I am heart broken. There is a disconnect between us we can not get past. You do not often find love like we have, but he seems unwilling to move forward. I don't know what to do anymore. I feel like I am waiting. He feels like he is wasting my time.
I do not want to give up on being with the man I know I was supposed to share my life with.
I’m really sorry to hear
couldn't have said it better
I could not have said this better! Thank you for your advice and input. Your perspective and insight are invaluable.
Melissa Orlov
thank you both
Stay strong
Your words say it all.. You do not often find love like we have I do not want to give up on being with the man I know I was supposed to share my life with. Then don't give up and do your best to stay strong. So many people are quick to walk away, it's refreshing that you love him the way you do.
A year and a half is a long time
a long time
Women with ADD