I have noticed that when the pills my husband is taking for his ADD wear off (when it is about time for another dose) his ADD returns worse than ever. Perhaps, I am now used to the new improved person and what I'm seeing is the way he was previous to taking the pills. It really does seem like his ADD is worse than ever without the pills, but drastically improved while the pills are in effect. Has anyone else noticed this about their spouse?
Wearing off...
I'm not sure what your husband is taking, but as an ADD Husband I take regular Adderall. You definitely don't want to wait until they wear off to take the next round. In my experience the Adderall starts to tail off around hour 4 or 5, not gone, but I begin to notice so I take the next dose. Also... If he is new to the stimulant medication the affects are very dramatic, like taking a wet blanket off your brain. There are a lot of things that we ADDers can see for the first time, like body language, facial expressions, things that need to be done (I never worried about anything until it was blowing up in my face, before Adderall) two years later I still get over-whelmed by the fact that I see so many things that need to be done and know there is no way to get to everything... These things are on your mind when the drug tails off so it may Seem like the ADD is worse, because we are aware of more then the brain starts it's old tricks again and it can feel like double ADD because, like you, we know how much better we are on medication and feel bad when it is gone. I personally don't ever want to go back to that ADD Fog. Sometimes I am working on some code in the afternoon and work past my normal last dosage time, then it will just hit me that WOW I feel all ADD again, it's startles me when I realize it and I immediately take the last dose. Many ADDers like the once a day Extended Release meds, but I like to have the ability to time my peaks based on the day ahead of me. It takes a while to figure out your routine and the stimulants are not a cure, because the ADD is always there waiting for the Adderall to wear off...
Interesting yyz. My dh does
Not at all a Smart A$$ :-)
Good questions... I lived my entire first 43 years of life not understanding this one you quote ""so so tired I cant keep my eyes open because its physically impossible" effect "...
Example #1: I felt this almost everyday driving home from work, (5-6pm) Really?!? I never understood it. #2 Around 7 or 8pm when the evening family routines are in Full Swing and there is no way I can go to sleep. #3 which should be #1, but oh well... at 2 pm I cannot stay awake at work, unless there was a big deadline to meet (Thanks Adrenaline Rush for keeping my career alive) #4 at night during heated discussions of any kind, after the kids are asleep (10pm)
After Adderall I don't experience 1, 2 and 3, but #4 happens long after my last Adderall so I can be a little like my old ADD self then. The ADD does not go away, but is tammed by the Adderall. I frequently ask my wife about my drug altered personality. I'm not nearly the "Laid-back" guy I used to be, but she thinks I react to things that most people would react too. I'll mention to my wife if we are out late when I'm feeling the ADD affects, before she notices as believe me she would say something if she did...
I really do not have those "Big Crashes" anymore... I could if I went to long without meds, I'm sure, but I try not to ever get there.