Hi everyone: Don't know where to start but I'll do my best to keep the backstory short. I'm non-ADHD spouse in 7th year of marriage. I married him for all the wrong reasons. The co-dependant, low self esteem part of my fell in love with the the over the top 2 year courtship never stopping once to think that anything was wrong. Yes, he played some video games. Yes, he had trouble keeping things organized but I was there to help him with all of that and the level of adoration, commitment, love, sex, romance that I got in return seemed like a great payoff. Got married, got pregnant within weeks (I was 38) and had a baby all in one year. He literally shut down on our honeymoon. He slept for most of the first two days and pouted the next 3. I had no clue what was happening. He has been in shut down mode ever sense. Was diagnosed with ADHD and depression our 3rd year in. He took his pills and thought all was great because he could focus better. I would nag, rant, rave, beg, plead for him to spend time with me and do family things but he was into his video game (World of Warcraft) and addicted to porn, etc. We have sex about twice a year now...if that. 3 years ago this Valentines day, I had had enough. I told him that I wanted out and moved out, with my daughter, to my parents. He went into a tail spin, ended up in a psych unit and then when he came out, found a new love interest and started having an affair. All the time, my 3 year old was MISERABLE. My mother was telling me that I was making the wrong move and I listened to my child cry for her father every night. It was three months of hell. Finally, I decided I had to go back, by then he wanted out to be with this woman and started divorce proceedings. We pulled it out of the fire and we've been on cruise control ever sense. We were going regularly to see an ADHD coach together (me to additional private sessions). Things started to feel better. Not a lot had changed but it helped me understand what was going on. He stopped wanting to go about 9 months ago and we've been in a steady decline ever sense. I've stayed in this marriage to provide one world for my child. It's very, very low conflict in that we don't fight, bicker, argue...EVER. The house is calm. I thought calm was all that was needed. I thought I could make up for the rest of the attention she wasnt' getting from him. Two days ago my daughter actually said to him "Don't yell at me, you're always playing THE GAME, what do you care". His answer was "I'm not always on the game". She emphatically said "YES, YOU ARE". Truth is, if he's not playing the game from the time he gets home 3pm until 10pm at night, he's obsessing over building RC cars. All of this happens downstairs completely away from us. Most days I don't even get a hello when I come home from work. Yesterday, on the way to a playdate, my daughter asked why I was driving and not Daddy and I told he was at work and I joked and said "Hey, what am I chopped liver?". She said, "No, no momma. It's just that you're ALWAYS with me. I just get disappointed that I don't see Daddy." She paused and said "Ya know, it's like you guys are divorced. You just live in the same house and aren't mad at each other". I was speachless. THIS is what I've been teaching her. This is what my mom taught me. Well, it ends with me. I won't do this anymore. I'm worth more and so is my daugther. I mentioned it to my husband and he had no comments. I prompted him for one and he said "Well, she's 6, what does she know". And with that....I"M DONE. I have a lot of work dto do between now and leaving but I'm starting the work right now. I'll be going to a CODA meeting next week, I'm going to get to a therapist to only work on myself (don't working on him or marriage issues). The bottom line is that I know he's here, that he would prefer to stay married, he holds a job, and he fully admitts he has ADHD and takes meds and all....but it's not enough. He says he sees how it affects us but he's just simply unable or unwilling to put in the work it would take to make this better. I acknowlege that 50% of this is me also. I'm codependant to the core, I am addicted to food (i go to OA meetings to deal with that), I have self esteem issues and I'm a horrible speller (sorry, moment of levity). I take 100% accountability for my 50%. I deserve someone who takes accountability for there "stuff" too. My daughter doesn't deserve to have a dad in the house that isn't present. I used to think that just being here was good enough but now I see that we are doing more damage than good. I'm going to set up a meeting with out ADHD coach/marriage counselor to talk about the end. If he chooses to step up, great. But as it stands right now, I'm going to make my life with him or without him. This is about me and my daughter. Nothing has been about me in a very, very long time. I just have to stay on the path to get help for my issues. If I don't, I will be stuck in this patteren forever and my daughter will marry a man just like this....JUST LIKE I MARRIED A MAN JUST LIKE MY DAD. Like I said, it ends with me. One thing that I do need advice on....how do I stop doing all the things I used to do for him. If i don't do the money/bills, he will ruin us. Even with me in control, he manage to spend $650 on RC car parts this month. He spent his bonus at work instead of giving it to the household account like he said. So, unless I want to lose the house and car, I have to do that for him. So do I only buy enough groceries for Victoria and I? Do I just not cook for him or do his laundry or remind him he has to refill his pills, or to set his alarm to get up in the morning. Or that he hasn't eaten cuz he's been on the game for 12 hours? Is THAT the type of stuff that I'm supposed to detach from?
Thanks for listening!!! Sorry it was so long. Gina B
You need to cut the apron
You need to cut the apron strings. Do not live in the same house, close every account that has both your names on them, do not do ANYTHING for him. If he is ever going to change, he needs to make that decision. He may need to hit rock bottom. Chances are he will simply find another codependent woman to pick up where you left off. Show your daughter what a strong woman looks like. Stop enabling him, no matter how hard it is. Good luck, I know it's not easy.
While I pretty much agree with Waterfall, I just want to ask...what medication is he taking, and has it EVER done him any good? He may need something as simple as a dosage adjustment or a different medication all together.
This is a good question. It
This is a good question. It can take a long time and many trips to the doctors office to get the right medication/dose. My ADHD husband has had trouble with the follow through and the follow ups required to get the right medication, so he just gave up. How do you get someone who can't focus to focus on getting the right medication? That said, at a certain point you have to stop taking care of a person who refuses to take care of themselves. ADHDers are exhausting!
First of all, I'm so sorry to hear about your situation. Marriage, family, children, home life are the most important things (in my view) and it's devastating when it's not working out. A little back ground on me, I unknowingly married a severe ADHDer (he was just diagnosed 7 months ago). We have been reading Melissa's book, we are both taking the relationship course she offers, we are both in individual counseling, and in marriage counseling, he wants to change (but is having trouble with the follow through), and overall we both want to stay together. I am VERY lucky in that he recognizes some of the impact his symptoms have on our relationship, and truly wants to change.
I want to commend you on something no one may have said to you yet, and that is that you've made the best decisions you could AT THE TIME with the information you had within the situation. In Melissa's book and course, she talks about how you need to give yourself kudos for doing what you thought was best at the time, and not beating yourself up later thinking you could have/should have done something differently. This concept has been a TREMENDOUS help for my outlook on my own situation. I KNOW I made the best decisions I could at the time - I mean how many of us in the middle of a tough situation say, "Hhhhmmm, I think I will make the WRONG decision now...." ? So please give that little gift to yourself, and know that you did the best you could.
Something else that struck me about your post was the fact that your mother mentioned that you were making the Wrong Decision when you left him the first time. I don't know the details of your family of origin life, and I stand by my kudos to you regarding making the best decision you could at the time - and at the same time, I just want to caution you about taking/acting on other family members advice in the future. I caution you because I see this a lot in these dynamics regarding ADHD. I see that the extended family are often totally unaware of how the ADHD impacted couple really ARE together. Often they are getting the "We're fine" from both of you, and often at the same time, the ADHDer is telling the family, "She's mean, she's always harping me to do this, that and the other, if she would just be nice to me, we'd be doing better, etc." So, often the moms/dads/mothers-in-law/fathers-in-law see a VERY skewed picture of what's going on. Unless you are telling them, they don't see the severe impact his symptoms are having on you and your family. They're not seeing the resentment about things left undone, or the amount of time you're ignored, or the sadness of feeling like the video games mean more to him than you and your daughter, etc. I could go on and on. Often times our mothers are saying "You need to stay and try to work it out for the benefit of the family, and staying together is always the best thing, especially for the children" or something to that effect. However, I think if they saw the REAL picture, they would not be saying that.
I am the kind of person that will never give advice either way about a situation that you're asking for help on, because ultimately you need to be the one to make the decision. It only gets confusing when you're told "Leave him, shut down the bank accounts, ignore him, etc" then the next minute someone else says "Stay with him, try to work it out, etc." It seems from your post that you've already decided to divorce him, and you're asking for help on how to Not Do Things For Him. All I can offer is that giving up control is one of the most important things that we (as nonADHD spouses) can do - whether or not you stay together.
The concept of really giving up control is a VERY difficult one, that most of us on this site struggle with, but are trying SO hard to do, and some of us have had success. Living for yourself, only controlling what YOU do, making YOURSELF happy, will give you the most peace and relief you will probably ever find in this situation. I say this because I have done it - not perfectly, but I'm about 95% there. Once you've completely given up Control, the little details like who does the groceries, the cooking, reminding him about the pills, etc will fall into place on it's own. I know it's a hard thing to visualize, and I'm sorry I can't explain it any better than that. However, you will KNOW when it starts happening. Once you have truly LET GO of Control, you will see how easy it is to make those decisions in the moment - i.e. "Right now I would be reminding him to set his alarm, but since I've let go of Control, I'm simply not going to say anything." Then you couple that with something nice you do for yourself and your daughter - i.e. go get a fat-free coffee for you, hot chocolate for her - then take a walk in the park. Or go play a game together, or go see a movie, etc. It doesn't sound like you have trouble spending time with your daughter, but my point is once you start trying to give up Control, it is essential that you positively reward yourself for doing so.
Congratulations on taking control of what you can - yourself. Going to counseling, OA meetings, CODA, etc. Taking responsibility for yourself is the biggest key. Now, like I said above, if you could just work that concept into NOT doing things for him by starting with a small step (like the alarm clock thing) you will start to see that it just gets easier.
Please keep us posted on your progress.
Thank you all...
Appointment with ADHD coach set. Last attempt....
I think you make great points
I think you make great points and that you do so respectfully. That said, the letter is kind of long. Can you shorten it?
This is as honest as I can be.....