I don't miss him.I don't feel for intimacy with him.I don't even want to be next to him.I have resentment for him.I don't want to be around him.I am keeping strong.So far,I am doing other things to keep my mind off him,like watch movies,make healthy meals,play with my cats,clean the house and work in some extra hours (spend time with my kids)much more....I have been doing great.Also, I have been trying to sell my car to buy a more updated one,and renovate a portion of my house,I am keeping busy..Trying to stay focused and not be distracted....
He is not good for me,he is very bad for me,he would keep me down in life and I am not going to give up my (WHOLE) life for a man that acts like a 12 year old all year long, 365 days a year, and not be willing to make change.."I loved him",,,,he has lost a very good good woman,,,,I don't know if he would ever be able to find a woman who was willing to give up everything for his attention for that long and also neglecting her own self....YES! I neglected myself for him because I saw that he needed plenty of attention,but,what I didn't know was that he would need that all the time.I was willing to help and be there for him,but I know that will never work if he does not want to change and make it work for HIM first and then" I will fall in" just naturally.
I am sorry that I had to end things with him like this, but it's for the sake of my own sanity,I was losing myself for a while and I had to find back myself before it was too late.....
I'm so sorry. :( Do you
I'm so sorry. :( Do you have a support system near by? Friends? Family?
Oh ....yes..
Yes I do indeed,I have my Mother and my kids,I am doing pretty fine since we are apart,but he has this crazy way of manipulating me and this time it just would not work,I am not even feeling to be next to him,yesterday he called me telling me he is sick,that he can't come out of bed,I went and gave him breakfast,lunch and then went home,but later down in the afternoon he called me for dinner,trying to get my attention,I went but I never stayed across for 10 min long,I left,I am not going to do that again,I only did that because I still do care for him as a friend,but nothing else,I hope he finds someone else soon,so he can leave me alone...