And if you are, what does it add to your life that you enjoy doing it so much? You may just want to post an answer to the question and ignore the ranting below behind the question. I just spent a week in ADD purgatory (aka w hubby's ADHD family) and I always have to spend a day or two once out of the insanity to process what just happened to me.
Hubby and I ended up talking at dinner on the way home about how all the AD/HDers in his family seem to have a desire to perform in some way which made me wonder if it was ADD related. But as we talked through them........most notably he, his sister, and his mom, it seems to be for different reasons. That is why I am putting the question to the group.
Firstly, with no desire to offend anyone, I am going to share my opinion/bias on this issue. I 'get' doing something you love (though I don't get performing as a worthwhile goal in and of itself I understand that some ppl do). I 'get' educators, and scientists, and religious people, and ppl who want to focus on raising awesome kids, and even activists though I often don't like their methods. I understand wanting to DO something with your life, and to me it is important that what I personally do with my life is important. I don't get ppl who want to sing all day especially with the goal of being admired or ppl who think that pretending to be someone else is cause to celebrate them for some reason.
Basic point is that I get doing what you love while also thinking some ppl have some pretty shallow & self centered 'loves'......but the more I see how famous ppl live, I would think being famous is the inevitable negative that goes along with the positive. For many ppl including one in hubby's family, it seems to be the whole goal. Since both kids have ADD as well as brother and probably mother, we think there is a good chance she has some of it too. I guess she is really skilled (though I have been in the family over a decade without ever hearing her) and all her life she wanted to use this natural talent and parlay it into performance and hopefully fame. Her husband was opposed to her getting this type of attention, so it never went anywhere.
Hubby says with her it is mostly about attention.
Now we come to my MIL. She has a bottomless need for attention, but I am not sure where her skill lies or if she really has one. To her credit she has looked high and low. I don't know of anything she hasn't tried. She seems to think she is a great singer, but I think it sounds forced. She has many mental health issues (diagnosed with bi polar and we are fairly sure she is ADD too) and because of a poor upbringing also has many insecurity/low self esteem issues. Therefore she is one of those ppl who regularly toots her own horn about everything good she's ever gone in her life, and then walks it back in some kind of modesty/false modesty where she says she was probably never really that good. It is extremely painful to hear.
From an outsiders perspective, she is a VERY loyal person. She is religious and takes that seriously. In her mind she'd do anything in the world for her kids or family because she loves them, but in reality she is so self involved that she resents doing anything for anyone who isn't herself, so you are forced to listen to a never ending litany of complaint and horn tooting when she does something for anyone. When someone is in need, she will suck it up and help and then tell anyone who'll listen all about it for YEARS to come.
In a strange kind of irony, she is very grateful to have things done for her and she will express it most sincerely. But she is one of those ppl who is basically a black hole of need for this type of thing, so the more you do the more she wants and eventually gets to expect, and then she wears you out so completely that you just want to run away. We both believe her desire to stand in front of a group is to have some kind of acknowledgement that she is good at something/anything.
Hubby: My husband is a fabulous singer and enjoys things like karaoke but he seems to get really down if he doesn't do as well as he wanted to. He played drums in school and now plays them for fun on the car steering wheel or in Guitar Hero. His performance passion was acting, which I have to admit isn't something I really value. He really only was involved in drama at school and college, though he has said that if we lived closer to the playhouse (is an hour in either direction) and had less busy lives, he's said he'd like to do a play every now and then. I wouldn't mind if he could do that and also work and keep our lives up, but we haven't ever found a way to make it work.
Last night as I was trying to process, I asked him about the performing thing and what kind of outlet it is to him.
I do NOT understand the reply. He says it is a way to get emotions out. I understand that for ppl who are performing something they have written or even identify really strongly with, but otherwise it isn't YOUR emotions. Maybe I don't get this because I have no issues understand how I feel and what I need to do about it to change a negative feeling I am having. I am open (perhaps too much to the other side) about my emotions and find them easy to share--I know many ppl are not that way but naturally we understand the way we are the best. I don't get having emotions well up inside you so much that you have to get them out in some way that looks like not sharing your emotions.......sharing the emotions of your character instead.
I had the experience of being able to share some ideas I'd really really wanted to share with some ppl who needed to hear them this visit, and that made me feel so good and relieved to be able to share it in a way that wouldn't hurt but still get the point across. If I shared what I needed to share with someone else (and I have), it doesn't help me deal with the issue with the person who needs to have it dealt with. I don't get emotions by proxy.
How is pretending emotions you don't have an outlet? He said maybe I do have them, but I have no outlet for them, so I let them out this way. I get that the performance is you, but the words and the story and everything else belong to someone else. How does that liberate you? If you have for example, anger a wife for some comment she made to you, and you get to show anger some how in a performance, how does that address your issue with your wife? You get angry at something else and think somehow you've resolved your own anger? If that is it, it sounds VERY unhealthy to me.
The ppl I feel are really good at acting are ppl who dig into things. Who are students of human nature. Who identify deeply with the motivation of a character and try to be true to that character's emotions.....I can see that you can try to cause those emotions to well up within yourself through study of the material, but that isn't my husband.
He is good at knowing and understanding the emotions of other ppl. He is empathetic, but he doesn't know his own emotions from a baseball most times. His coach/therapist is trying to work with him on understanding the feelings underneath his actions, but it has been a long uphill battle.
So can anyone else help me understand and possibly come to value this type of performance? Or really any type of performance.........I mean I really want to ask ppl, isn't there something important you could be doing with yourself instead?
And as a B part, or maybe a follow up
What is with so many ADD ppl wanting to post song lyrics instead of their own feelings? I see it on any ADD board I have ever visited and I'd like to understand cause seriously it makes me roll my eyes so hard that I am afraid I am going to break something!
I like music....based on what I read, I will say I am MUCH LESS drawn to music than the average ADDer. I could live a life fairly happily without it, and in fact go days without turning on a radio, but I like it (can honestly say there are examples of it that I love) and find some of it really emotionally moving.
I CANNOT 'get' ppl who post things like "I am having a rough day today. The words of this song express it perfectly..." and then they post ALL THE LYRICS to something. I'd much rather read or listen to a person express THEMSELVES than try to have someone else do it for them.
Besides for many of us, lyrics when they are missing the music lose all their power. I can read the lyrics of a song I really like and not even recognize it without the music.
I do at least like slightly better the person who'll post "Having a really rough day. It looks kinda like this in my brain" and they post a you tube link with some chaotic song with included music and video.
Now I will be honest, I seldom click on the you tube link (seriously just EXPRESS YOUR OWN DARN SELF) but if I did, I at least get a real sense of what you are experiencing. When I see song lyrics, I read about 2 lines, roll my eyes, and move on.
Even worse to me (and if you can help me get it please do) is someone who posts a huge story full of pain and looking for direction, and someone in a show of 'support' posts a song lyric back to them........just wow.
I won't read 25 lines of song lyrics to try to understand how you feel based on how someone else felt when they wrote that song, but I will read 100 lines of poorly punctuated heartfelt story with no carriage is a challenge but here is a person in pain who is making a real effort to explain how they got to where they are so that they can hopefully get out. It isn't that I am unwilling to go through the work of trying to help, I just feel like posting lyrics is such a lazy shortcut way to 'express' something.
Am I missing something?
p.s. As a quick edit (HA like I am capable of such a thing) I do get quoting a character from literature or the lyrics of a song in a small sound bite kind of snip. Someone posted a quote from "The Iron Giant" the other day. I recently read a really really poignant quote someone used from "The Prince of Tides" to GO ALONG with and ADD DEPTH to what they were saying about their own situation. They didn't just post the script to the move and say "I feel like this today"
Why do you order pizza?
"What is with so many ADD ppl wanting to post song lyrics instead of their own feelings?"
The snarky, Socratic answer to this is...
"Why do you order a pizza, instead of cooking one yourself? It feels like such a lazy shortcut way to 'cook' something."
Sometimes, we can't do a job properly by ourselves, whether it's baking a loaf of bread from scratch, or changing the oil in our cars, or fixing a leaky sink, or painting a picture. When we know can't do the job well enough on our own, we find a professional to do it for us, whether it's a baker, or an auto mechanic, or a plumber, or a painter.
That's kind of what it's all about.
A lot of ADHDers have trouble expressing their feelings well. You guys all know it by the number of posts and stories here about ADHD spouses who withdraw and won't talk about what going on. I can't count the times I've tried to express what's going on inside me in my own words, only to have them misconstrued... I simply can't find a way to say it that someone else will understand.
Like I said in my other reply, performance is all about invoking an emotion... Songs can be great at that on so many levels: The lyrics, the tempo, the inflections, the chords and the melody all combine to create a complex emotional picture.
When you can't find the right words to express it yourself, sometimes the right song can do it for you.
Now, on another note... I'm not terribly fond of just posting lyrics, either, and especially not out of context. There's so much more to a song than just lyrics, the way the song is sung is sometimes more important than what is sung. I'd posted link to music videos for all the lyrics I posted in that other thread, precisely so people could hear the actual song... But it looks like a lot of the links disappeared.
You really can't appreciate
You really can't appreciate 'performing'...maybe I don't understand what you mean by the general term performing. Seems like you have no appreciation for 'the arts' you not appreciate music, books, drama ? I do not think that Hollywood 'stars' should be valued as much as they seem to be, and maybe that is what you mean..why are some people 'famous' like the Kardashians, who the hell are they anyway..I have no idea, don't watch, don't care.... I do not understand all that, and the 'real TV' shows, like those dating ones...seriously ??? You think you will find a partner in that enviornment.... no i don't get that either. But Real performing (not for the sake of being famous), and doing what you enjoy, yes I understand that, we all enjoy different things...I love dogs, some people love rock climbing, some people love to sing or dance or write
I do appreciate a good play or movie or music....I personally have no talent for that, but my son plays guitar and is just musically gifted, my other is in the drama club and thoroughly enjoys it, its not about being 'famous' some day neither have that goal. Drama club is a group of quirky kids that my son actually 'fits' in with, he gets shunned by the athletes, doesn't fit in with alot of kids, but these kids are very accepting of everyone it seems, and its great for him, I love that he does it, and then at the end they put on a great play. Fun for all. He is actually in a play this weekend, and I can't wait to see all the hard work these kids have done.
Posting lyrics....I assume some people have a very hard time expressing the emotions they feel inside and some songs express what they feel perfectly, not everyone is good with finding the right words. I typically don't read the posts that are lyrics to a song, BUT I can understand WHY they do it.
I think what I don't get is performing for fame/attention
If fame were to come as a byproduct of you doing what you love, I get it that you just take the positive and the negative the way we all have to do it. I do not and will never get doing it with fame as the goal.
I enjoy the arts a lot though I wouldn't consider myself particularly skilled. I can play piano but not great and I am a decent actress as far as high school productions or fun with friends goes. I think painting and writing especially fascinate me because of the way it can self-express or cause ppl to think more deeply on something than they did otherwise. I love a great play but it does seem to me to be a sad way to spend your life for the performers--pretending to be someone else. If that is the main thing they do with their life, of course, not if it is a fun hobby.
I appreciate musicians especially those who write their own music and lyrics--that is expression to me whereas copying or covering someone else's work is less interesting to me. Not that I care if someone else wants to do it...I just am not interested in it.
Now for ppl who are well rounded and do other things, hey using as many of your natural abilities and evening working to develop new ones is awesome. Someone who wants to spend their life doing something to the exclusion of other things like the way you hear ppl talk about their abilities on a competition show "this is all I've wanted since I was 3" just makes me feel sad.
My main point in posting the question is that I wondered if ppl with ADD tend toward some type of performing. Maybe if they tend to feel awkward in some common situations, that performing somehow allows an expression that is difficult to do any other way.
Also I think there is a real danger in ppl just wanting to be famous cause they value that (yes it gives us freak show reality contestants which is terrible) because there are many maladjusted kids out there seeing no other way to make their 'fame' except by shooting up a school or movie theater or something equally horrible. That isn't why I posted the thread, but I think it speaks partly to why I think attention/fame seekers need to get something more important in their lives to give it meaning.
1. I am trying to understand my husband better and why he seems to enjoy performing so much when he calls it an emotional release, and yet as far as I can tell it isn't releasing emotions that he has in the direction he has them.......just out there somewhere so that maybe they are done and he feels liberated? I don't know but it doesn't sound healthy to not deal with your issues with the source of them, if you know what I mean.
2. I am trying to really understand my feelings/possibly adjust them toward ppl (that I am related to by marriage now) who basically seem to be attention seekers.
I guess cause the ppl who like performing in my husband's family are both AD/HD and also poor self-examiners & expressers at times, I wonder what the performing might be doing for them.
I appreciate your last sentence...
I typically don't read the posts that are lyrics to a song, BUT I can understand WHY they do it.
I also don't read it, I think I understand why they do it, but sometimes it really irritates me.
That is the part I need to deal with. Sometimes I can roll my eyes and move along and sometimes I spend a few minutes thinking about how if they would spend the time delving into themselves that they do into other ppl's words, that they probably could express themselves. Why the heck do I even care?
Since I seem to be the trigger for this thread...
"Maybe if they tend to feel awkward in some common situations, that performing somehow allows an expression that is difficult to do any other way..."
I'll elaborate when I get the chance, but... That's it exactly.
Honestly I promise you aren't a trigger
and I am seriously not sure what you even mean. Did you post lyrics somewhere and I didn't notice it? Cause I promise that I didn't know!!! I didn't think anyone had done it here in forever but I saw it on another forum on at least three different threads and since I was already up in arms, I thought I would add the question about that.
I am soooo sorry that someone else feels I targetted them today!!!! I really need to avoid posting when newly home from the in-laws I guess!!!
EDIT--YIKES PB!!! I went searching cause I couldn't figure what you meant and found your thread!! I am sorry. I never read that thread.......maybe I saw 'soundtracks for ADHD mind' and just mentally skipped it and it didn't register, but I think I just haven't been here enough lately to have seen it.
I don't know what to do. I am willing to delete my posts but I think there are responses about lyrics.
Oh, no... That's cool.
Oh, no... That's cool. Don't worry about it at all.
I know you didn't mean it to be mean or insulting, I got a sincere "I just don't get it" vibe from it, and that's okay. Sometimes, we just don't get it. The coincidence is a little bit funny, actually.
No worries. It's actually a rather interesting topic, now that you've brought it up.
(I was also the one who quoted The Iron Giant, by the way... ;) )
basically seem to be
basically seem to be attention seekers.
AH HA...those few words I think are a better description of what you meant from the beginning. Seeking attention and performing are not the same to me. There are many people who are attention seekers that don't have ADD. I think its a self-esteem issue...but that is my personal opinion...
ppl with ADD tend toward some type of performing
I think many ADD people are artistically talented - my mom is an artist, one son a musician, another loves acting ....but NONE of them are attention seekers.
I love a great play but it does seem to me to be a sad way to spend your life for the performers--pretending to be someone else. If that is the main thing they do with their life, of course, not if it is a fun hobby.
If Acting IS what someone Loves to do AND they can make a living at it, and they aren't doing it just to be famous, then I do not see that as sad at all...I think its great. How many people actually LOVE what they do for a living, most of us do what we do simply because it pays the bills. I have a great job, but is it what i love, nope...
Thanks for the response
I see your point, but I guess it just seems sad to me that what you love is to act like you are someone else. But if they aren't sad, you are right it isn't for me to judge.
My husband though doesn't want to be an attention seeker. He isn't like that AT ALL, though I feel like getting attention in a format where he is confortable with his contribution, as opposed to socially where he isn't always comfortable when he is on his own, could have something to do with it.
My husband has ADD, he likes to perform, and he says it is a great emotional release.
For this part of my question (to the non attention seekers LOL)........which I admit was WAY too multi-pronged........was how do you feel emotional resolution if you
1. Arent expressing your own emotions or
2. Are getting to express emotions you also feel but not in the direction of the ppl you feel them about?
I guess it just seems sad to
I guess it just seems sad to me that what you love is to act like you are someone else. But if they aren't sad, you are right it isn't for me to judge.
Last post from me on this.. maybe what they love about acting isn't "pretending to be someone else"... thats not at all what is about for many people, my son loves the entire Process of acting...yes he may be pretending to be someone else but its mostly about being with a group of friends, laughing when someone gets their lines wrong, singing, reading a script, making new friends, and finally putting on the performance and accomplishment of months of work..... if he could get paid for having a grand time performing and not stuck in a boring job that wont keep his attention, then so be it.
Can't answer # 1 & 2
OK, I lied, THIS is my last
OK, I lied, THIS is my last post, LOL ...I was thinking of performing being sad....think of it this way... I bet those performers (actors, ballet dancers, musicians, etc) who do what they love and get paid for it, think of it as sad that many people - thousands of people make a living sitting at a desk all day head down in front of a computer, thinking in 'computer language'... how emotionally rewarding is that ?
I like to perform too...
I am creative and it feels good to express that!
I won't speak for everyone with ADHD- but for me... I am emotional. I carry an intense range of emotions around on a daily basis. It feels awesome to let them come out in a healthy way- acting, singing, comedy, speeches, whatever... It provides catharsis... It's better when it's my own thoughts... that's why I've recently been doing stand-up comedy... but it's still pretty good to have it come out as a character... those emotions are in my emotional palette and I'm getting to use them... It feels good. Like a runner's high for people who are into performance arts...
I'm thinking the constant need for approval and validation and being seen and heard is what is truly annoying you- rather than the performance itself... but some people just don't value the arts as much as other people.
I love performing... BUT I also love watching others perform... ultimately I like participating and sharing...
We live in a very button-down, strait-laced world... and it feels good to march with the others who aren't quite as conventional as the 'norm'.
That's my answer at least...
but- I work full time as a lawyer- comedy or any other performance type things are just hobbies to help me feel alive and creative. :)
Phew! There's a lot here..., I'm going chunk up my answers into a bunch of separate posts. I hope you don't mind. Let's start with the title question...
"If you have ADD, are you also really interested in performing in some way? And if you are, what does it add to your life that you enjoy doing it so much?"
The short answer is: "Yes. Lots." But let me give you some background...
When I was in grade school, I was short, scrawny, an unrepentant nerd and an interminable geek. I had no talent for sports. I was shy and not very popular. I had a handful of friends not so terribly different from me. I didn't get picked on a lot, but often enough.
I started playing trumpet in 5th grade -- my parents made all of us at least try an instrument as soon as the school offered lessons -- but it wasn't until high school that I really started getting into the rest.
My next eldest sister was a bit of a social butterfly... She was popular, involved with everything and pretty good at everything. I marveled at the effortless way she could interact other people, and the way she deliver a speech or perform a scene in front of a crowd with utter confidence. I myself was growing tired of being so shy, especially around large groups, and so I decided to face my fears and toss in using my sister as a role model of sorts. I discovered not only that I was reasonably good at performing, but I also enjoyed it.
I branched out with my trumpet playing... I cross-trained on baritones and tubas and other brass instruments, and I joined the jazz band and the pep band and the marching band, as well. I joined the choir, and the madrigal ensemble. I competed with the speech team, won quite a few trophies and medals, and advanced to the regional competitions most years. I performed in at least two or three plays and musicals every year... the children's plays and the musicals were always my favorites... And was awarded our school's "All-Star Drama Award" my senior year, even though I'd never played a starring role in any of the plays I was in. I was even a photographer for the school yearbook -- taking photos with my Dad's old OM-1 camera and developing them my self in the school's dark room.
College was more of the same... Concert band, jazz band, pep band (we got paid for that!), concert choir, a barbershop quartet (more paid gigs!), plays and musicals, and photography as well.
Once in college, one of my performing arts friends asked me why I was a science major, instead of an arts major... I was pretty good, but could be great, if I focused on it. I told her, "If I ever wanted to play music or sing or act for a loving, I'd have to start taking it seriously... and then it wouldn't be fun anymore."
After college, a lot of those hobbies fell by the wayside... There just wasn't the time, the money or the opportunity anymore. (Oh! What I wouldn't give to sing barbershop again! Or to act in a truly melodramatic children's play.)
At any rate, there are a lot of things it added to my life...
Confidence! There is nothing that will build your confidence quite so much as getting on stage, despite the nervousness and stage-fright, delivering a truly good performance, and having the audience respond in kind. It gives you a profound sense of accomplishment and pride.
Creativity... Let's face it, true creativity and originality is hard to come by. Just take a look at the movies coming out of Hollywood, written by people who are ostensibly paid to be creative and original. Right. Performing arts allow you a different sort of creativity... The choice of what material to perform and how to perform it in of itself is a creative process. Two different people delivering the same line line in a play can invoke very different reactions from the audience based simply on their gestures, expressions and intonation... And likewise for musical pieces. I've never been a terribly original thinker. My talents always ran towards MacGyver-ism, taking things other people made and making them better or combining them into something new and different. Performance allowed me to be artistically creative, without needing to be uniquely original.
Emotional Expression... Normally, expression in performing arts is not really about getting my own personal, specific emotions out, or about displaying emotion to a particular person... though sometimes it can, if the intent to send that message. It's about just emotion in general. Raw feeling in a very cathartic way. The whole point of any performance is to get your audience to collectively experience a particular emotion. It's a hard thing to do, because on one level your audience knows it's not real and you must be just convincing enough to make them forget that it's not just a play or a concert or a speech or a movie. One surefire way to do that is to find a way to feel those emotions yourself and pour them into your performance. For those of us who normally have a difficult time expressing how we feel, to be able to unabashedly display any strong emotion and to have an entire theater respond to it is a hugely powerful experience. It's like pressure-washing your soul.
Friends and Expanded Social Circles... In the space of a semester in high school, the number of friends I had quadrupled, easily. And my new friends touched every high school demographic you can think of. What's more, I felt less like an oddball outsider. I was a part of all these groups, and felt like I belonged there. Even the performances themselves contributed to that feeling... the joy of hitting a perfect chord in choir, or the perfectly timed rhythm in band, or a perfectly delivered scene in a play. It's the sublime satisfaction of being a part of a team of people working together in concert to produce something beautiful.
Oof... I'm running out of steam... More later.
Great topic!!!
Aspen, I have to tell you your "Part B" tyrade about people posting lyrics was so funny I read it out loud to my DH! I laughed so hard I f*ckin' peed!!!!
I have FB friends who post lyrics -and not just a line or two - the whole song... and it makes me cringe, too. Not that I can't ever identify with any song or lyrics therein.... just... I dunno....
The whole attention thing. Hm... Very strange.
I am a professional singer/performer turned part-time teacher/full time mom. I love music, love singing.... There is so much about the life of a musician that I love: Friends who I work with who are really talented or, people I've never met before, and have gigs with and for that hour or whatever onstage, we're totally grooving... I love rehearsing, practicing... I love the music part. But, there is a lot that I DON'T like about performing. days/months away from family. Working with annoying people (much like you describe!) Crappy hotels/crappy air travel. Trouble with any instruments I might be taking with me (airline losing or damaging them). Jet lag, crappy directors who (before my hair started going grey) would suddenly get the brilliant idea that my character should be naked in this or that scene... But the worst? Stage fright. Anxiety. panic. Most of the time, when I'm onstage, some nice other woman takes over my body and does the show for me. When this happens, I love singing. For me, it's a physical thing I think. A musical thing. not really an emotional release. I can portray emotions and be convincing as a character, but do not then take on those emotions. When the anxiety hits though - and there are different triggers - I feel like i'm going to die. Literally, like... I'm going to f*cking drop dead on the stage, the silicone 'chicken filet' falling out of my bra and landing with an emphatic 'SPLAT!'
After a show, I just want to go get something to eat and a beer with my friends - if I know anybody in the production. If not, I jsut want to get back to my hotel room, or home, and watch crappy TV with a beer. I get anxious when people come backstage to talk to me. Audience members are always really sweet and genuinely interested in whatever I have to say, but I get so anxious, I don't know why. Maybe I'm afraid they'll ask me something I don't know the answer to, or... I dunno what. Although I can fake being gregarious, and do my best to make people like me & laugh, I am terrible at 'schmoozing' and 'networking' or any USEFUL socializing and therefore I'm REALLY TERRIBLE at self promotion. I lack the 'LOOK-AT-ME! LOOK-AT-ME! LOOK-AT-ME!' that is sort of required for a career in in the performing arts. Maybe I'm intimidated by the performers around me? or just irritated? Traveling with competitive, irritating people is something that can trigger panic in me. Another trigger is if someone on the gig is famous. I feel like there has been a huge mistake and I don't belong there with them.
For years I was told, "You'd be such a star if you just marketed yourself better/got an agent/released a video" etc.... I never got my ass in gear and I always figured that it was because I just didn't really want to do it (my mom always says, "Well... 'People vote with their feet.'") So I believed that I just really didn't want to do it, and that's the reason I hadn't built a busy career performing and kept branching out into other aspects. (teaching, nonprofit administration/production). I got tired just thinking about all the hoops singers have to jump through to hustle for gigs and I just suck at it. I'm not deluded: I know I'm not great, but I believe I'm a good singer/actor. I've had golden experiences and opportunities that I wasted because I didn't even recognize them, or completely screwed up because I said/did something completely stupid. I've always lacked the complete confidence, tenacity and the sheer willpower necessary to get anywhere. I just don't know if it was ADHD in my way or maybe I'll never have it or want it. (or, it's just because i'm 42 and having a midlife crisis).
maybe Pbartender said it best when asked why he didn't major in performing arts: "If I ever wanted to play music or sing or act for a living, I'd have to start taking it seriously... and then it wouldn't be fun anymore."
and so... here I am, a sometimes performer, thrown in with professional monsters 2-3 times a year. It scares me to death, but when I don't do it, I miss it. Although I've noticed that the anxiety is significantly less since my diagnosis.
But anyway - my focus these days is to try to get some kind of full-time 'real' job so that we are not financially ruined!