Forum topic: How do you handle anniversaries?

I know that we each have different situations and we're dealing with variations in personality and severity of add, but I would appreciate any comments you can offer.

We had one recently. A decade, followed not long afterward by add spouse's birthday. I always suffer with dread and regret at this time of year, in fact, I can't recall one such event that has actually gone well. Back then, I did not understand what was the problem and I often blamed myself. I only knew that there was too much disparity between his usual behavior and this big show he seemed to want to put on at anniversary time. One year, I remember throwing away the flowers he bought, because they did not jive with his behavior at home, especially his horrible bullying treatment of his step-son. I remember telling him that I don't want gifts from him, but that what would be meaningful to me would be planning something together, for instance. I now understand why that was an impossible dream. I remember emotionally trying to explain to him that thoughtfulness and consistency and security mean soooo much more to me than anything expensive that could be bought. Also, before I separated our finances, he used to charge his last minute extravagances to my card, all the while blissfully ignorant of our resources vs the budget.  In fact...  (!!!!!) ... the cost of his gifts to me declined drastically once our finances were split.

Anyway, this year he came out with a doozy when he presented me - the night before our anniversary - with an expensive piece of electronics and a few words about how he knows how difficult it has been to live with him. I said thank you and that's all. Next day he didn't have to go to work, but he chose to, and no further mention was made of our anniversary. Things have been fairly quiet between us and I have been working hard at not being reactive, at maintaining calm, at apologizing when I don't ask a question in a way that suits him (and he takes it as threatening or stupid). As I know many of you understand, alot of feelings have to get numbed in order to manage this whirlwind environment. I guess because of that I did not feel thrilled at his gift to me, nor did I feel obliged to get him something, nor did I feel encouraged that he might finally have some grasp of the pain it's been here. I've heard it all before and I know better!


So now, several weeks later, he was spoiling for a fight last night, strutting around and barking out orders and puffing himself up into tyrant mode. I told him loudly and firmly that was not going to fly and he stopped.... until he came to bed, where I was reading the Boundaries in Marriage book.
"Reading anything good?"     Sounded innocent enouogh, I thought, so I started to answer and he cut me off with: " Does it say anything in there about anniversaries and birthdays?" And he proceeded to tell me how much his feelings were hurt by the fact that I did not get anything for him for anniversary, even though he gave me my gift the day before!  (O yeah, I had plenty of notice that he had not forgotten, even though he did forget my bday a few months ago).  AND I failed to get him anything for his bday, too!  (this whole time, I am not feeling any genuine emotion from him other than anger, because underneath it all, I think he has such a gigantic sense of entitlement). AND - I stayed calm, I asked questions, I listened, and I apologized. Yay for me. Except I am left once again with the three little words "i hate him". Because I reminded him that I had given him his bday gift the night before (in a sexual way) and he scoffed at that, mocked it and belittled it, as though it was nothing, so that's what I got for opening my heart to the guy and trying to give him something i thought he would value.


I used to get sad about the fact that my DH wouldn't get me anything for our anniversary, but the past several years, I had to let it go. There was one thing I wanted more than anything, and that was a diamond ring. He never gave me an "engagement ring", so it was something I really wanted to have. Every major milestone of years that would go by, and no ring, nothing, when he KNEW that was the one thing I really wanted. When he DID get me something, it would be "electronics" like you said in your post, which I have NO passion for. (but HE LOVES) So, he was really getting the gifts for himself.

     Our 30th anniversary was last year, and he FINALLY said I could pick out a ring. He didn't do it. He told me to go online and choose one. But, by this time, it had no meaning, and I wasn't excited about it at all. That's a terrible thing to say, and I felt bad that I didn't "feel bad" about it, but that's the way it was. For me, it would have been more exciting if he would have taken the time to choose something nice, but he didn't. I chose a ring, and it's okay, but it still didn't have the meaning behind it that it COULD have. On the OTHER HAND, he has expected gifts and cards, and wants people to do REALLY NICE things for him.

He's been disappointed with our daughters because he thinks they should have sent us on a romantic vacation for our anniversary. (I still don't understand this one) He had an uncle (now deceased) that DH respected (who was wealthy) whose children sent on a trip for THEIR anniversary. husband's cousins are 5 adult people who all work, 4 of which are guys, who could AFFORD to send their parents on a vacation. PLUS....his uncle is VERY, VERY different than my husband. First of all, the uncle didn't have severe untreated ADHD, and he was always very generous to his surrounding family. He's threw parties, dinners, family reunions, etc. and was accepting to all people who attended including significant others, boyfriends, girlfriends, neighbors, friends, etc. My husband is NOT this way, but expects to be treated like his uncle was treated.

    There have been times DH has TRIED to be like his uncle, but his hyperactivity is off the charts, and he doesn't realize that people don't LIKE being around him. He makes people "nervous" and feel like they're not wanted, and he can't understand why he doesn't get the same respect and admiration his uncle got.

Anyway, about anniversaries. I stopped hoping for anything and it doesn't hurt any more. But, it's a sad commentary for 31 years of married life. I do wish my husband would be accepting of his ADHD and learn why he does the things he does. I've ordered Melissa's book again, and will give it to him. (hope he reads it) He has only been listening to audio books. I wish the ADHD book was on audio. Anyway, Standing, there's a lot of us "out here" who have had a bunch of disappointing anniversaries, no matter WHAT we've tried to do to make them exciting for our spouses. I guess it's just another symptom of those who won't get help. I wish you better days.


I really hear about your concerns regarding your husband's lack of acceptance of his ADHD.  I can imagine that would be very difficult to live with.  And I know that it isn't easy for those with ADHD to read through a book, particularly if it is not about a topic they are invested in.  So, the good news is that the audiobook version of our latest book is supposed to be out this coming week.  I'm not 100% sure which day, but it will be posted on this site on the home page as soon as it is available to be ordered.  So keep a look out.

My best to you.

Nancie Kohlenberger, LMFT, Marriage Consultant
Co-Author of The Couple's Guide for Thriving with ADHD

Thank you Nancie for the audio book information. I will watch for this, and ABSOLUTELY GET soon as it comes out. The audio book will be the BEST way for my husband to hear and learn about his ADHD. He loves audio books, and has a large supply of them. Also, thank you for your inspiring and awesome posts to all of us. You are an asset to this forum......MANY THANKS.

Hi Dedelight4,

I really appreciate your comment today.  It's very valuable for me to know that my comments can be supportive, as I know it takes great courage to put yourselves out here so honestly as you do.  And I certainly appreciate how amazingly supportive and generous you are with each other.

Thanks for the feedback!

Nancie Kohlenberger, LMFT, Marriage Consultant
Co-Author of The Couple's Guide for Thriving with ADHD

I know what you mean about not hoping for anything. That's where I am now, and he is quite offended at it. Of course, he does not understand that he is reaping what he's sowed.

Do you say or do anything about anniversaries any more? He did hit a nerve with me by saying how hurt he was that I didn't do anything special for such a big occasion. I truly was not trying to hurt his feelings, only taking his cue and not giving it much thought.  To me, it feels like... if he does give me a gift (the sort of thing HE would like), then I have to follow suit AND pretend to be thrilled, even though what I would actually like is never even considered.

I've tried to think through how I will handle the next one (if there is a next one) and all I can think of is - - - he still will not care to ask me what I might like. Once again, it will be all about me walking on eggshells for him.

Thank you for your reply.

My soul has dwelt too long with one who hates peace. Psalm 120:6

"I know what you mean about not hoping for anything. That's where I am now, and he is quite offended at it. Of course, he does not understand that he is reaping what he's sowed."

Hi,'s interesting that our husbands are offended that we aren't "hoping" for things like we used to. And, yes, they are reaping what they sowed. My husband doesn't get this. I'm still not sure how MUCH of this behavior is my husband's ADHD, and how much is poor coping strategies. (or more) I recently told him that I stopped hoping or desiring, or wanting things, because having those kind of expectations and then "not getting the expectations filled" was causing me too much pain. He didn't say anything to that. But, in turn, HE expects many, many different kinds of things, and HIS expectations are often WAY beyond what myself or our daughters are capable of, and some expectations are down right unrealistic. I've tried to meet his expectations, but in order to do the "main ones" he wants, I'd have to be an entirely different person. To this, I asked him why he even wants to stay married to me then, because I'm NOT the person he wants me to be. (again, no real explanation) (Another reason WHY he MUST learn about his ADHD and what it has done to HIM and to US.)(And, that we can work it out TOGETHER, if we both learn and work it)

     I am willing to do whatever it takes to help change what's needed within myself to help this marriage, but he has to do the same. One person can NOT make un-treated ADHD workable in a marriage. And, it just doesn't seem fair to both of us to just keep "accepting the unacceptable" any more. It's a scary thought, but it's not really living, it's just existing.

And, YES, I also have felt falsely "thrilled" by certain gifts and things he's done. I used to show genuine gratitude and love and affection, plus excitement and happiness when our anniversaries would roll around. But, the continual lack of "getting little or nothing" in return has really taken it's toll on me. The MAIN thing DH wants to do is "go out to dinner", which means we have to go to a steak house. (he only eats red meat, a little chicken and maybe fried fish) His eating habits are horrible and  he's very, very picky. No vegetables, very little fruit, bread, butter, cheese pizza, about all he eats. It's terrible trying to pick out a restaurant, because his "allowable foods" are so limited. His mother, brother and sister were all this way....picky, finicky eaters that ate a LOT of sugar and junk food. His mother HATED cooking, and bought packaged and processed food most of the time.   It's almost amusing that he equates eating a steak almost like a "religious experience"  I just can't get THAT excited about eating THAT MUCH MEAT. He eats red meat almost every day, and it's to the point that it's making me nauseated when I smell it.

     I AM very tired of walking on eggshells as well. I'm tired of getting nervous when he walks in the room, or saying something where I get a nasty comment, AND the never ending complaints. He has no clue as to what it's taken to be married to him, and I"m tired of getting blamed for almost everything. For us too, there may not be a next anniversary, if DH doesn't go for the behavioral therapy. Neither of us are living a "happy" married life, and if he wants to stay in denial of his ADHD, that's his choice, but I can't live with "his choice" any longer.

One thing I don't understand about him is how he wants our anniversary to be like HIS big day, instead of OUR big day.( Like, it's more about him than the two of us) Maybe it's just about getting something "new and shiny" again. lol    My husband LOVES to get new stuff all the time, but it gets tossed in the corner just as quickly as it arrives. Sometimes, I've felt like the "tossed" new and shiny item that's been in the corner too long. But, I DO wish better days ahead for all of us. :)

Dedelight, i so enjoy reading you, thanks! I want to respond to this again so much, but it's like - once i start, may write a book!! As a fellow tossed, formerly shiny item, I can sooo relate. More another day, when i have not already posted all over the board. I seem quite yakkety today, for some reason, but quickly running out of steam. Good night!

My soul has dwelt too long with one who hates peace. Psalm 120:6

I was touched by your post and in many ways I can absolutely relate to your experience.  I have only been in this marriage for 4 years and even in that short time have experienced many of the emotions you expressed.  I guess I was blessed with already knowing about ADHD and 2 years into this having a counselor suggest I become familiar with ADHD in adults.  This started me on an intense path, that 6 months later lead to my partner  (we are same sex partners by the this is coming from a women'prospective) accepting the need to be in medication to help treat her ADHD.....for the first time in her 42 years of a painful and destructive life.  Life for her, her son. And our marriage has improved by 60% and although better in many ways I do believe we have a ways to go; as she often times appears under medicated and under treated.  That being said, I also have had to do some major growing and questioning of my beliefs and expectations.  I have had to come to acceptance, through painful experiences and lots of praying that some expressions of romance and unity will not be met in the way society has taught me is the key to happiness.  I have had to readdress and reconsider what my ultimate goal is and all the various ways that can be met.  So she forgets about my birthday and doesn't go the extra mile to make sure nothing gets in the way of being able to make it an amazingly beautiful's just a birthday and I can do something special for myself.  If I put a lot of pressure on her to make it my dream, she will just fail miserably and feel Ofel and I will have these expectations and be disappointed.  Better I love her for what she does do and that she actually tried (even if that means buying me a gift that clearly is something she will enjoy way more then I).    So what she forgets our anniversary......we do go out other times of the year and other times of the year we reflect on our time together.....why put so much pressure on this one specific day.  And what about me?  Why can't I just get those photo albums out a week before our anniversary to start the interest in walking down memory lane and reminiscing together.  I can say on our anniversary morning.....hey baby, can you believe how far we have come in another year together!  I still love you as much as I did when we got married, etc etc.  in other words, I can choose to be who I want to be and celebrate those special times the way I would want her to reciprocate.  She has ADHD, not me!  Her ADHD does not change the person I want to be and the way I want to express love to my partner.  I express that love unconditiinaly....wether she expresses it that way or not.  I can still be me and in so doing, feel the love of my spirit that I didn't sell myself short and that I don't have to walk around with so much resentment and responding in hate or pay back.  This is what I have learned.

I could understand if you are thinking....ha! Wait until you have lived with it for 30+ years. But my question to you is, why have you lived with it for so long? I mean, lots of family and friends have asked me why I don't leave (when times are really tough and sad) and every time I've answered because I love her and am willing to see this through. But I also realized I need to be sure I love the person not the actions! And that, by staying I will need to accept that I am choosing to stay with someone who has a very challenging disorder and so life will probably never fit into what everyone else has. That by choosing to stay, I will need to challenge my beliefs, desires, and wants around what makes for a loving and joyous marriage. And I a. Willing to do that as well as take care of myself! Not wait for HER to do for me what I can do for myself. To know the limitations and not take them so personally...or at least work at it. And if 30+ years later I would still hold the anger and angst you seem to hold towards your DH, that I would leave rather then continue degrading and hurting each other. So, why do you stay? Why do you still expect actions from him you know he will not/ can not come through with? Wh do you put so much expectation into something he clearly, year after year, is incapable of coming through with? Do you still love the person....his core essence, and if not.....why stay? You ask him why he stays with you....but why do you stay with him? And what do you do to meet some of those needs yourself? Do t get me wrong, I understand how beautiful and amazing it is to have that partner who is present and attentive and tuned in. That it feels soooooo loved, wanted, honored and appreciated. But, as spouses of a person with ADHD, are we going to get that I. The same way society says can be expected and is deserved? I use to think it was about me giving in and selling myself short. But lately I have realized it is about my choice to stay and my choice to see if from a different perspective. Because I stay, because in many "different" ways she is amazing! And is a loving partner just for the pure fact she tries!! And if I constently degrade her treat her as she treats me, hold anger, hatred and disappointment against her and stay in a combative stance....then I shouldn't stay at all. I should leave and allow us both the chance at some sort of happiness and peace. What do you want? To continue to live in a marriage filled with such anger and resentment? He probably isn't going to change much. What are you going to do to take care of you? Not to get "back" at him, but to take in the responsibility of your own joy and happiness and to live the person you want to be wether it is reciprocated or not. If you and your daughters dislike him so much, it must be really even harder in him to feel some what lived and safe in his own family and home. If you really, after so many years. Can't just forgive him...then why stay? I work with children with ADHD and they are the children I. The classroom. That disrupt every lesson plan, every transition, require so much more support and in many instances is the child the teacher hopes is absent that day...sad, but true. But I would guess you would never justify a teacher berating a child, holding such hatred and playing mind games or "pay back" to a child. Because the child has a challenge and can't really help the way they interact or understand their world. It is no different in adults! It isn't about giving up and letting adhd run the show.....but it also isn't about punishment for their limitations. It's about finding the middle ground and taking care of yourself also.

I had to really think before I started writing this, because I felt that you were trying to "chastise" me for how I feel after 31 years of living with with my severely ADHD husband. First of all it was almost 25 years before we KNEW about the ADHD, and what exactly was happening to him and US. You have NO CLUE what I have been through with this person, and how much "patience" I've had to have. First of all, as you seemed to accuse me of...I NEVER, EVER was mean to him, or angry to him, or put him down, or called him names.....much like what happens in many other relationships of this sort. So I've never had to STOP doing what many of the "non-ADHD"ers have had to stop doing. I was ALREADY DOING IT.

     I don't walk around the house, or treat  him with resentment, Maybe you think that's an impossibility, but it's not. I read  your other posts, and you talked about being mean or ugly to your spouse and had to relearn things to do. I turned my anger inward, because I was DOUBTING MYSELF, I thought I was going crazy. I spent YEARS trying to learn what was happening between us, and it wasn't until the ADHD, that I found some answers....But.. OUR problem, has been, that my husband has been in serious DENIAL of how bad his ADHD is, and how much damage it had done to me.

We just recently talked about this, and he FINALLY sees for the very FIRST TIME, how bad this has really been. Maybe, because he knows I'm at my total end, and I can't go any further. About 2 years ago, I began stopping doing ANYTHING that would be considered "enabling" and started separating myself. I learned to separate the ADHD from the person of who my husband is. I love my husband very much, and that's why I stayed. I've always TOLD him how much I loved him, even if I didn't hear it back. I watched the "craziness" of seeing him sort of "manic", and then seeing him calmer and the sweet person I knew and sometimes get to see.

Recently, we had a talk about this, and for the very FIRST time, he FINALLY SEES how much the ADHD has affected him and damaged me. The doctor started him on new medications and HE sees the changes in himself, (in just a few days). Am I excited.....sad to I'm not. I'm too damaged, too broken inside as a person with the out of control ADHD, and in TOO MUCH PHYSICAL PAIN to have gotten out. I live with a chronic pain condition, and I almost died 2 years ago. I've been a very different person physically since. I can't do a FRACTION of what I used to do. I am 57 years old, disabled now, no job, can't support myself, no insurance, and live in massive pain every day, on TOP  of ADHD....and you say....why didn't I get out YEARS ago? 

     I told my husband I was ready walk out, and I am. I KNOW what put me here, and I know WHY I chose an ADHD person, in doing my research, and I've learn a LOT more about myself just from reading these posts, as well as counseling. How am I supposed to SUPPORT MYSELF? I have to think of THAT TOO. Please don't lecture me, when you know NOTHING about my life or what put me here.


Also, Hope to Peace, if my husband is truly ready for change now,  which it seems he is, I want to support him in that. What I don't know is...... am I capable to help him through this phase right now? meaning: the harder things in the beginning where he is learning about his own ADHD. I would have GLADLY done that a few years ago, and I had more bodily strength to do that with. Maybe both of us weren't ready yet, I don't know. But, I DO know, I am a physical and emotional wreck and I need time to heal. If a counselor sees something different in me/us, than I will take their advice with gladness.

Dedelight4, I apologize that my post came across judgemental. My intent was to really inquire why someone would stay for so long in a situation that seemed so painful to you; as at times I wonder how long I will stay if there isnt improvement. I was married, before, for 15 years to a man I now believe has ADD and I was miserable and your post sounded much like what I experienced in that marriage and am fighting to not experience in this one. I stayed because of our children (now 18 and 22), but left 6 years ago. Upon leaving I found peace and growth and it is that peace and growth that keeps me able to stay now. You are absolutely right, I do not know your life and the challenges you face outside of the bit being shared here. By no means would I want to cause any more harm to you. I guess I read some things that just sounded so sad and felt horrible for you to be in such a situation where it appeared mind games and pay back where happening and it felt as though it was a very unhappy and painful situation and I looked at myself and wondered if I would stay in such self defeating misery for 30 years. I hole I am wrong and your days are not filled with so much sadness. I hope your health gets better, your counsling can bring you both peace and joy and, if wanted, a new found love and respect for each other. It isn't easy!! I know!! Is your husband on medication? Does he believe he has adhd? I wish you all the best :)

Hope to Peace. Thanks you for what you posted, and I apologize as well. I had a couple of very bad weeks leading up to the night I posted that, and I'm sorry that I came across harshly. My husband has been sick in bed for over 3 weeks now, which is an ETERNITY for his overly hyperactive ADHD. He has also been having me running back and forth getting him things while I am watching my 4 year old granddaughter, AND living in severe back and leg pain, which makes walking such a difficulty.

I wish I could explain in better terms why I've stayed so long. But, the bottom line is that I TRULY do love this man for the person "I know he is inside". The trouble is, I just haven't SEEN that man in quite a long time now. I only get glimpses of him now and then. But, now, after loosing so much of my OWN physical ability, I can't handle any more stress from the chaos and the miscommunication. I"m having another talk with him soon. (I was waiting until he felt a little better)

I have read more of your current posts, and I TOTALLY relate to what you are going through with your significant other. It certainly is not easy and presents many challenges. But, I wish you and yours MUCH BETTER DAYS AHEAD. Thank you so much, and thanks for your posts.

Heidi, you wrote many portions that can be inspirational for all of us. I'm at that stage where I'm detaching and trying to get out of the passage I'm in now... after 20+ years of ADD marriage, I've grown fearful of many things. Fearful of my own choices, fearful of having a strong opinion. I'm angry at the ADD (and dysfunction due to ADD), not the person. But I cannot reach that person more than 50% of the time, because their ADD (or dysfunction) prevents them from meeting halfway. I have an ADHD autistic child and he has my unconditional love. I get it. He is learning social functions but looking at my child and my spouse, they are very much alike. A child and a spouse/life partner are two very different kinds of love and very different kinds of expectations. A spouse needs to allow you a life, not have you clean up all the messes they make in their life.

I know you've been in your marriage for 4 years... 4 years is still a lot but it is just the beginning... I'd say despite what we went through,  the first four years of our marriage were what I'd still consider was our honeymoon phase. It got much worse when we took on more responsibilities with parenting and home ownership... just too much and nothing ever communicated in any essential fashion.

Your resolve may still be the same 4, 14, 24, 34 years from now (just as our resolve is for staying in a frustrating circumstance), yet the sacrifices and damaging effects of negative ADD traits on your psyche will undoubtedly increase over the long term... it just starts taking its toll. One can be unconditional in their love but without reciprocity, it's like getting old together, but never growing together at all... in wisdom, maturity, integrity, spiritually, emotionally or mentally.

My other child said it best when he felt the dysfunctions of ADD (whatever our dysfunctions were) brought the other down, because the ADD doesn't know when to stop for the sake of peace. It could be a primal thing, let the woman (non ADD spouse) run what she needs to run with, don't keep causing her to lose her center, or it will become centered on rage.

How do you separate the add from the person? When it's present every moment, from the sullen morning through the twitching and flopping at night. I had to move to an uncomfortable sleeping spot last night, due to all the constant movement and sound, so not in the brightest frame of mind, but i really don't get it. I understand the theory behind a person Having add vs Being add, but i honestly don't see any little windows of what i'd consider average, normal behavior, so there's no division between the two for me. When he judges me to be too quiet, then he's sullen and mean. When he judges our relationship to be better, or if we've had sex, or if he wants sex, or... God only knows what other internal stimulus... (In other words, when he is "happy" or he wants something), then he flings out so many random, careless comments and blunders that i spend all of my energy Not getting offended or taking it personally. Counselor asked us each this week whether we Want to spend time with the other. Husband answered with a blah yes. I could not respond at all. The question thoroughly boggled my mind. Maybe i don't really love him. Maybe i never did. I don't even know, but somehow that question leads me down a path where i am the bad guy here and he is just an innocent victim of add who can't help the way his brain is wired. But i did not mean to be this way either. I simply failed to be able to singlehandedly create and nourish a whole, healthy relationship out of random bits.

My soul has dwelt too long with one who hates peace. Psalm 120:6

All I know is that it's hard. Every time I bite my tongue at what he perceives as my ungratefulness, that I need to remain silent, I feel I've killed off a little more of myself. But I keep trying. It's the only thing that keeps things from escalating. I have learned to slowly and deliberately separate myself from the accusations. I am not innocent either. One thing sets off the other. So I need to learn how to stop myself by being sensitive to those ADD triggers that go off all the time, whether it's deliberate or not. I know I am also reactive -- conditioned reactive -- to everything he says in the typical loud flustered voice of his -- I have not really known a time where we were communicating normally except in front of third parties or persons of authority.

For instance, he just left the house in a huff. We had just gotten a large appliance and I was wondering if casters could be placed underneath to make moving it easier. This innocuous comment set him off so bad and so enraged that he just flat out said no, it's not going to happen and that's that. So I guess here is an example of being shut down by the ADD spouse. So I muttered, "can't even be happy when happy happens". So this is where he starts getting crazy and says "I did all of this, I busted my ass, you are so ungrateful." The thing is, I'm not sure how much he physically did, since our two neighbors did all the actual moving. So basically, I can't say a word. He was very calm in front of the neighbors but as soon as they left, he literally flipped a switch. 

It's all the other things he puts into motion. Instead of focusing on this new acquisition, he's running off now doing several other things that could have been done earlier, or can wait. And he's angry with me to boot. But I shall not say another word. I won't apologize because it will only fan his flames. I just won't allow anything to escalate again today.

Wow, sorry you had to have that today, getting an angry outburst from just asking a simple question. I get that too. Even though I said earlier that I've learned to separate my husband's ADHD from the person of who he is, still doesn't stop (all) the hurts from the rude and hurtful comments he makes. They still continue to batter away at me, when I'm trying so hard NOT to let them. The comments are just so many, and every day, and there's never getting any relief from them. DH said something the other night that I had to ask him about. We were all sitting around the table doing an art project with our granddaughter, and I started telling him a story about my art teacher in high school. I wasn't complaining...NOT AT ALL....but all of a sudden he blurts out.."Well, why don't you stop complaining, then?". (in a snide and hurtful tone of voice)

There was no call for this comment, no need for it, but he said it anyway, even though it didn't even make sense at the time. I asked him about it later, to which he said he wasn't actually "listening" to me. For the first time, he admitted it was an ADHD moment, and that he really hadn't been paying attention. I don't know what to do with his next statement, which was..."I need help when I do this"...."If you need me to focus on what you are saying, then get my attention and help me FOCUS."  I can do that, but with his LAST comment, I wasn't ASKING him to comment, or even ASKING HIM A QUESTION. I was just telling a story, in which he "interjected" a hurtful, snide comment. So, what do I do with THAT? Point it out? If I pointed out every one, it would be pretty often, and every single day. Is this what we are supposed to do, I wonder? Can he, and when does he have to control some of the statements that seem to just "fly" out of his mouth? Can it be changed at all?   


It's like he thinks you should be gushing all over the place about what a rockstar he is for getting this new appliance into the house, and all you can do is point out that he should have thought to get casters. You and I both know that is not how you meant it, but that is exactly the way my own husband would have interpreted that situation. I don't gush, as a rule, and if he knew me, he'd understand that. But, of course, he does not know me, only some 1 dimensional image of me he carries around in his head of this threat who knows all of his flaws and failings and therefore must be defended against. Every single time i open my mouth, i must be aware of all this. So i keep mum.

My soul has dwelt too long with one who hates peace. Psalm 120:6

We just had our 14 year at the beginning of the month. He planned a meeting that night, which was fine b/c I really didn't want to do anything. But after the meeting, he came home with flowers, dessert, wine, and a movie. I just had no desire to celebrate 14 years that we sort of just stumbled into. I am sure I wasn't as thankful and loving as I should have been, but I was pissed about a ton of money he had just charged to our credit cards. And I was pissed about what he has put our family through, yet how he acts like I should be all lovey and happy that he did something thoughtful. It was nice. ANd I know I should recognize that. But after 14 years of so much crap and pain, it is hard to push the resentful feelings aside.

Thank you for bringing that out, Boilergirl.. about resentful feelings. Seems that I have over-spiritualized my own response to our 10 years of stunbling and stuffed alot of my own resentment. Thought i was being forgiving, but actually was storing it all up inside. I seem to have written my husband out of my heart, or tried to, as a matter of self preservation. A couple of things that came out in our counseling yesterday were: 1) he believes that i took his forgetting of my bday a few months ago as a "gotcha!" ( did i? Not sure) and i take his treatment of me through our marriage as evidence that i am "not enough". Not sure what to do with this new info in order to turn them into insights, but my gut is telling me that, for him, my main purpose in this relationship is to make him feel good about himself. I am powerless to change that.

My soul has dwelt too long with one who hates peace. Psalm 120:6

Not anniversary but something similar:

When add spouse does something that is deemed good -- if it turns out less than ideal, I'm left to clean up the mess. Recently he bought me a very costly gift for my birthday (milestone) -- I was shocked, surprised and then unfortunately disappointed -- so much money for something I couldn't use, and without consulting me. He knew my feelings on this yet he went and did it anyway. So, he turned it around to say I was ungrateful, and now I'm left to clean up the mess of this happy-gone-sour issue. Not only do I have to travel out of town specifically to resolve this, he is now taken to goading me about my selfishness. I think if my spouse is going to spend $$$$ we can't actually spend spontaneously, it needs to be discussed first. He went in asking to be sold something in a set cash amount, and that was what they sold him. It could have been gold-spun cow pat for all it mattered. (sorry about the visual)

People see he bought a nice gift for an ungrateful wife; what they don't see are the dynamics of everything happening surrounding that gesture... on top of that, he went about surprising me by keeping me wondering and second-guessing and really put me in a very precarious state of mind before springing the surprise on me.... it's sort of like that dreaded surprise birthday party.... everyone you love deliberately ignores you the whole day, until you open the door to the surprise... by then you have acquired a lump in your throat so large you barely made it through what is supposed to be cheerful and full of light. It's all the manipulations that are so unnecessary.