Forum topic: Angry, lost, scared and abused

I don't know where to go anymore.  16 years of putting up with my husband. 16 years of the same patterns of arguments every hour every day every week. 16 years of the lying, deny, distort, deflect. 16 years of the "I never said that", "If I did than it's your fault", "what my INTENTION was was more important than what I actually did/said".  16 years of not listening to a conversation or pretending to listen only to devastate me later by saying "ha, I wasn't even paying attention to that conversation we were having".  After 16 years of chopping my head off (verbally) and throwing me to the ground (verbally) or punching me in the face (verbally) because I DARE say that he had done something to hurt me.... After 3  years of our young sons saying "Mommie, why does papa never do what he says?" "Why does papa keep changing his mind" "I don't know what to do because papa is confusing".  After two months of reading these forums in tears, after one month of my husband on meds now the "KING" of his ADD (heh was diagnosed as in the top 5% and perhaps totally "off the charts" on adult ADD by his psychiatrist"), after 16 years of no social life because if my husband and I go out in public, he blabs out random sh*t which inevitably is negative for me and makes him look good (but is random and not true).  After 16 years of being afraid to tell him anything about me, my life or my emotions because in some random burst of ADDness all of my personal business will be told to everyone all the time.  After 16 years of absolutely NO emotional support because he can't follow a conversation or if he does, when I refer to it later, he has no recollection of it. After four 2 hour long abusive sessions after he hurt me twice (and then as usual manipulates himself into the victim position....


This afternoon, after 16 years, I found myself running out of the house dropping to my knees, tears streaming down my face, and praying to God to help me, to show me a sign to tell me what to do.  I don't know what to do anymore.  After his daughter died 2 years ago, I thought he would wake up. 3 weeks before she died I had a premonition and told him that our marriage was so bad because of his behaviors, that I was about ready to divorce him. I also told him that day that if his daughter died, I our marriage would not survive as he and all of his crises and issues had dominated EVERY ASPECT of my life for 14 years and the death of his daughter would make that domination complete.  I will NOT go into therapy with this man, as this is HIS problem and I have definitely  decided that he and his ussues will no longer dominate MY life.  it is not a relationship problem.  We are NOT in this together.  He was nuts before I met him (as his first wife) and he will always remain nuts.  It is just a matter of how much I let his craziness dominate my life.


Now, here we are two years later.  I get angry everytime I read advice about the non-ADHD partner's complicity in the "loop".  This "expert has apparently never ran into my husband.  it is not his ADHD, it his his EXTREME narcissism  and selfishness that is destructive.  I have to say that the advice given to non-adhd spouses often seems to me very condescending, as if they have to save their marriages at all costs.  That is not true.  No woman should try to make a marriage work for financial reasons or because of the kids.  (we both have 7 figs in the bank (separate accounts because even when we married, I didn't want him to have access to my funds).  You demean women by convincing them that it is a good thing to make these crazy marriages work.  Screw the marriage and take care of yourself.  Would you give the same lame advice to women who were physically abused by their spouses? "Go to counseling, make it work, it's also your fault, too".....  Marriage counseling in this case would be just another way for my husbands whacko jacko issues to dominate MY life.  Yes, we all have issues, but mine are none of his business and his are none of mine.


I am staying married for the following main reasons:  no one outside of the marriage has any clue what this sociopath is like...he has spent all of his energy on keeping up this image and uses that in fights all of the time ("no one else thinks I have a problem"). When I point out to him that he has no friends and his family lives on the other side of the ocean.  The reputation damage I would have by leaving him would be far greater than any emotional damage I would have by just staying "married" but going my own way and isolating him and his behavior.  Also, he is 16 years older than me and will hopefully die sooner.  I also will NOT leave him and give him the energy and reason to go pouting to the world that he is again the "victim" (as he did with his first wife after driving her to drink with his insane behavior").  I look at him every day and see a person I despise and hate, but I will not give him the pleasure of playing vicgtim to the world....


Sorry for the long post, but today was my breaking point and the advice given on this forum about "how to make your marriage works" I just find really demeaning, too simple and actually sounds like some evangelical "marriage is a scared institution" bs.

Sorry, but it has been a long 16 years.


I'm So Exhausted's picture


Where I am at after 29 years of marriage is to look at myself.  Deciding almost daily if I want to be in the same room as my ADHD spouse's unkind behavior.  He gets into a panic mode about 'something' and then will take out all that frustration on me.

I hopped on this forum while my spouse is upstairs taking a shower.  He is in a snit about how this - Father's Day - is HIS day.  I walked away from some disparaging remark he made, so now he is mad - at THAT LOOK I gave him.  I gave no look, no response, nothing.  I refuse to argue with him.  He wants to pick a fight.  I do not want to participate.  

He is mad because he claims he clearly stated that we WOULD NOT be attending early church service today because of some reason - who know's what.  

I did not hear him say that.  I came down ready to leave for church, and reminded him that early service started in 5 minutes.  That set off his tirade.  

So I am debating just leaving him a note to wish him Happy Father's Day and  to thank him for our two beautiful adult children, and then getting in the truck to  go spend the day with my Dad.  

What I really have come to despise is the unpredictableness of this situation.  Who knows what will set him off.   I say something.  I don't say something.  I walk away.  He sees some 'look' in my face.  I am not going to be his dumping ground for all his unfinished emotional crap.  

P.S.  He came down from the shower, still angry - or just overwrought and frustrated, which sure looks and feels like anger -  and went on and on in an an angry posture about how if I would just admit it was me who didn't hear what he said everything would be just fine.  And , now with how he feels, he does not want to go to church at all.

I so desire to get to the point of - "Where did the communication go wrong?" versus  his desire to be a right fighter.  He is right.  I am wrong.  As soon as I can agree to that point, everything will be just fine.  Sigh.  I really just cannot do that anymore.  I agree something is amiss.  But it is surely not something that has to be pinned on anyone.  

So, my intent on responding to your post was - what will it take for YOU to be happy today?  Will it be choose to not participate in an invitation to an argument?  Will it be go visit someone/someplace where there is peace and joy?  Will it be walk away from a person who is so sad an unhappy his disposition sets the stage for the whole group?  I HATE to see my spouse in such a place, but I know it is not me who puts him there - as much as his desperation wants to pin that on me.  My hope is that he will have to look inside himself to find what sets him off, rather than having me around to use as his scapegoat.

I cannot control him - but I can put myself in a place to enjoy Father's Day :) 



*******I have recently seen a lady looking back at me from the mirror - and I said, "Hello friend. Long time no see!""*******

I forgot it was Father's Day!  I stopped giving him birthday cards, xmas cards, etc. years ago.  He doesn't even notice....LOL

How have you lived like this for 29 years?

I guess I self-protected from day 1 with my husband, since I am fiercely independent and have never considered us a "unit", just two people who decided to live certain aspects of their life together.  It is when he crosses the line that it gets to me.  Yesterday he crossed the line 500 times!  I have actually said many times over the years "I'm not your wife, I'm just married to you". lol

Wow. That is excellent.  That says perfectly how I feel!  I keep trying to describe the feeling with 1000 words, but you hit the nail on the head!

I had to laugh...My husband is not sad or unhappy.  He is clueless to his situation even after his diagnosis. He doesn't remember any negative feelings (ones he feels or the ones he causes) after a couple of hours.

Believe it or not, despite my post, I am in a much, much better place than I was a year or two ago and it is actually getting better each day.  Basically I just blot him completely out of my life.  My husband is not the ADD type that can't do chores, he is excellent with chores and with the kids school stuff, etc.  He just simply is a "half a person"as someone said on this forum.  He misses a human gene and does not understand the emotional trauma he inflicts when he acts as I described earlier in my first post.  Yesterday got to me because I had enough of his "I'm taking my meds I'm SOOO much better" when in reality he is just hyped up from the meds.

I know exactly what it will take me to be happy and I am now, in the past 6 months having more happy days than bad (yesterday was an  I just decided that he will stay in his own little crazyland without me.  I put serious borders around my emotional and personal life to protect myself from his randomness.  I told him the limits of his "value brainwashing" of the kids.  (I have to explain that.  His mother was EXTREMELY ADHD as he is and she gave all of the children a value system to protect her from backlash.  I.e. if you talk randomly and no one can follow what you are saying, you are a genious, if someone pulls together strings of unconnected thoughts and ramble on for hours it is rude to ask them to clarify or to interrupt them, you only need to listen to 2 words of what someone says and then you can stop listening and go in your own mind and think about something else...this means you are smart, and so on...).  I told him he was NOT allowed to pass these "values" on to our children.

Basically I just cordoned off those sensitive areas of my life that a woman needs to be happy.  I rebuilt my network of friends male and female, so that I have people in my life that I can share my thoughts, feelings with without the daily disappointment of "oh, I wasn't listening to anything you said", "oh, I don't remember you telling me anything about that" or the worst, taking two words of what I say and extrapolating a whole nother story and getting angry when I tell him I have no idea where he got that from.

I bought a horse, I travel with my friends and I just keep him out of my personal space and it works excellently for me and the kids.  I just decided that giving my kids a stable home was far more important than being any type of wife to my husband . And #1 on that list was making mhyself strong.  I don't need him financially so that makes this all easier.  He is allowed to stay in the house as my husband as long as he doesn't cross the line thinking that he's better before his actual behaviors change.  That happened yesterday and I was really ready to call the police on him..   lol

As long as he stays in his box it works, but when he comes over the line with the whole "we are really in love but working on our relationship" crap and then behaves like I posted earlier, that is when we have problems.

I read your post thinking, how many times over  the last 25 years have I felt this same way? I don't know if this insanity comes from her head or her heart! As a spouse of a female ADDer I am lost and confused and hurt and pissed and ................. (you get the gist) We have four kids that are just as confused as I am and yet my wife I believe is the loneliest of us all. She suffers from depression, anxiety and a myriad of thoughts that I can't even come close to helping her with. I understand your pain, and I won't tell you that you don't have a right to it. I hope that you find peace and love!

I just wanted to say thanks for posting.  It so helps to know we are all not alone.  I am one of those married 28+ years and finally going through with the divorce.  Husband has been out of the house 4 yrs and the insanity still doesn't stop.  How does a parent not telephone for MONTHS their 23 yr old who seriously struggles with ADD and serious depression?!  The only communication is a once in awhile text.  I will NEVER understand this behavior!!  Everyday I just wish the pain of this would go away but it doesn't.  It changes you forever!