So, I got duped by hyperfocus husband. My own husband said "I feel like I tricked you". I don't know if I'll ever get over that betrayal. All I know is that my real husband has qualities that I don't even like to be around. I can't be around miserable, negative people. They drag me down without having to say a word. He won't change. He won't change. He will never change. He's not like me. He has no reason to be the way he is, he just is. He has so much to be happy about, but he is just him. Negative and thinks the world owes him. I can't change him. His son can't change him.
I had this crazy idea in my head that he could change for his son. I don't know why I harbored this hope. Well, I'm a hopeful, glass half full type person. I exude positivity. I am literally happy just to be alive. I am always laughing. I am forever looking for solutions. I am movable. I always try to change myself for the better. I really listen to other people. If I have a question, I find the answer myself or ask an expert. I just could not grasp that my husband won't try to better himself. It's a hard pill to swallow.
But I can't change my husband. He is the exact opposite of me. I can't make him like me. I have to get that through my head. It is SO HARD. I have been on a mission to change myself again, but darn it, I still catch myself trying to help him help himself. He doesn't want to help himself. He wants other people to do all the work for him. This is so hard for me to deal with. I would love to get through a week without saying "look it up for it", but my only other option is to do the work for him. I REFUSE! Geez, how hard is it to just pick up your dang phone and use its computer when you already know how to do it? I'm willing to bet his bike payment is late every month, but it's not in my name, so I don't care. He still hasn't found a storage unit, but the truck was paid by his parents and the stuff being moved is his too, so he can keep THAT responsibility. He is so irresponsible.
I'm never going to get more out of my husband. What I see is what I get. I married him and had his child. Now I have to learn how to live with the consequences. Someone has to learn, and it won't be him. This is just so sad to me. Sad on so many levels. I truly believe he has the potential to be so much better. At times, he is more like me, but it is always short lived. Stubborn. What I needed from a partner was there during hyperfocus.
He won't get help. He won't eat right. He won't exercise. He is an alcoholic. He ones since they are $8/pack here. He never takes out his disposable contact lenses. Never! His snores shake the walls and he's been educated on the consequences, same with everything else on this list. He works hard, but makes sure everyone knows he does. He's a martyr.
Every problem he has is someone else's fault. When pressed, he told me Sunday that he's only unhappy around me. That I suck the happiness from him. Me, who has bent over backwards for him since day one. Me, who works harder than him at everything (hmm, maybe that's it!). Me, who moved 20 hrs north so he could be with his son......again. I got stuck living with him for a bit, at his parents. It has its perks for sure, but this is definitely not what I had in mind. He is the only real negative of it. He just doesn't GET things and it drives me right up the wall. I remember when it was his job that sucked the happiness out of him, and I still had to suffer for it. He expects people and things to provide all of his happiness. I have suggested therapy to get him past this, but he'd never go. He's not the problem. Just like his snoring wasn't the problem even after I refused to sleep with him anymore. Other people are always the problem.
On a positive note, I found a fulfilling job with easy advancement. I landed the job on my 5th day living in this city. It doesn't pay enough now, but it will improve when I train up. I also have a great, cheap live in nanny in my mother in law. I love their whole extended family. This is a wonderful place to live. I just don't like my husband LOL. He's the source of my endless frustration. He just can't/won't improve himself. It's same issue/different day EVERY day! Every single day! If I want to get along with him, I can't have expectations. He won't give his son's bath on time and he might not brush his teeth.
This man appreciates nothing. He never has and he never will. He's selfish and will not self reflect. I have learned this lesson over and over. Might as well get that through my head and make the best of it. We have been getting along great the past two days because I have been very conscious. I start sentences with gentle, sincere statements like "I'm not trying to be rude, but....." and apologizing profusely so as not to hurt tender feelings. But he keeps trying to invade my personal space and I have to keep pushing him out. It hurts his feelings, but GET A CLUE. Stay away from my room. Stop coming in here to bring your son or be with your son. Spend time with him without me!! I need my space. If you don't like having your happiness sucked out, then stay away from the harpy! ;p He tries to be nice. He really does. But an hour ago, he came in my room and interrupted me to ask an inane question about my new fish. "Does the light bother you?" Me: "Huh? What light?" I had to explain the fish light was off because fish rest too. It's bedtime for them. I just learned this last night because I research things instead of just doing whatever the heck I want or bugging another fish ignorant person to research it for me. This is what I was thinking and I'm sure it's what he heard, but I simply said, "google it. I did". His perceptions are definitely off, so I really need to tip-toe around him unless I want to feel his negative energy. He wasn't hearing our son right the other night, so I finally just said, "hey, he's saying he wants your mom". My husband screamed out in frustration at me....for freaking helping. He said it was my tone. Walking on eggshells. I guess we both do it. I tell you it really sucks having to stifle myself all day. I have to do it at work AND at home. I have a fairly strong personality. At least now I have freedom to go out alone. I didn't have that as a "single" mom down south. I don't even have house bills for the time being. His momma cooks or orders dinner five nights a week! And I won't have to face my first horrendous winter alone. We get more snow than any other city! Omg, I'm from the deep south! Wish me luck!!
Anyway, I definitely don't want my son to be like his dad. I don't want a miserable, negative son who relies on other people for everything, including happiness. I'll do my best to prevent it. That is all I can do because his dad will not change. He just won't. He is what he is (unless hyperfocused lol).
I can keep changing me though. I'll keep the most important boundaries and let the little (super annoying) stuff go. I'll stop trying to help because that ish falls on deaf, ADD ears, while simultaneously causing resentment from both sides. I told my husband I was going to try keeping my mouth shut and distancing myself so that we can get along, but I reminded him that when I tried that in Texas, he followed me around picking fights. Well, he is already invading my room, so it looks like history repeating. I'm not sure he gets (harboring hope?) that we are through and been through for almost two years. He's had two yeas to improve....and nothing has. At least he's still working. At least he wants his son. At least he's a nice alcoholic. At least he controls his anger 99.9% of the time, but the miserable moping still takes a toll on me emotionally. I need to work on that.
Ah, good luck to us. All of us.
Oh my gosh, this is so hard!!
Oh my gosh, this is so hard!! Just this morning, instead of just being nice and keeping it simple when he forgot about Tuesday's conversation regarding one of my planned dinners, I overreacted. I planned it for Thurs, but my husband thought Wed was better and I agreed. But then his mom and uncle re-suggested Thurs over dinner and I thought we all decided on Thurs again. You see, we are leaving for a 20 hr drive on Thurs night. Husband thought eating chili beans might not be a good idea LOL, and I agreed. Instead of being nice and calm, I was all "you don't remember?!". I have got to stop!!!!!
i just apologized via text. Can't live with him if I'm not the one changing.
I hold out an olive branch
I hold out an olive branch and get back negativity. But that's okay. His reply back was that he's trying to accept the way I am and get used to it. But I replied back that I'm trying to change it, so perhaps we'll meet in the middle;) Positivity! There is no doubt that I need to change. I can do this. Yes, like him, I'm trying to accept his ways and get used to it, BUT, I am also slowly changing myself to make it easier on us both. I can do it. I can keep my mouth shut with less important people, so I can do it with him. The thing is, I don't want to accept less from him. That's why it is harder to deal with it from him than when I deal with it from people who are less important to my life.
Sent to him now
I'm harder on you because you matter. I'm being rude, but it's in a F'd up attempt to change you. I can't change you and don't need to. I can change the way I interact with you. Just bear with me and be ready for apologies until I get a handle on it.
I guess I'll be using this thread to work through this;)
It's the curse!
Most women wouldn't even get married, if they truly realized the curse that come's with a husband...Most all women can tell you curse number one Labor Pain's in child birth...But, very few know the second...Because if they did, about half way through one of their beat my husband up tirade's because I can't control him and/or change him to my satisfaction...they would stop...start either laughing or crying and just say to themselves...It's the curse...:-) You can read them in Genesis...Chapter 3 vs 16.....
Labor pain was nothing in
Labor pain was nothing in comparison to the pain of living with my husband. Seriously. I knew the labor pain would end, and I knew that the "reward" would be my child. The pain of living with my husband will end, if ever, only with divorce. (This is my opinion, based on my short labors, high tolerance for physical pain, and being dumped on for many, many years by my husband.)
Well then, how does that
Well then, how does that explain your marriage? Lol;)
yeah, the big joke is that getting married is just adopting a man-child, but as you know, it can work both ways.
You will desire your husband, but he will rule over u...
Be nice the head of the house mean's different things in different homes...Living with your wife in and understanding manner, my mean you get your hands dirty running vacuum cleaners, scrubbing toilets and floors..Are it does in this one ;)
I guess y'all though I was kidding about the curse...How many went and read it?
c ur self, I respect your
c ur self, I respect your right to have religious beliefs, but I don't share your beliefs.
I'm not religious, just a child, But, I respect your honesty, and your right to not believe;)
Same here!! I spent all of my
Same here!! I spent all of my childhood studying the Bible, so I am very familiar with it.
I appreciate your humor. I
I appreciate your humor. I really do.
Now I get it. It did strike me funny when I saw the other version. I only ever heard "your desire will be FOR your husband", not "your desire will be to control your husband".
I hate the sexism of the Bible though. Hate it through and through. I resent that my father openly viewed me through Old Testament eyes.
I believe in equality. If I were like most women, I'd probably still be happily married. But I want more from a partner. I don't want to fit a role that regards me as less than a man. No man shall rule over me.
To be fair, I just researched again. The verse can be taken as both partners want to control the other. Before the sin, neither was to rule the other. They were created to be equal partners. The curse is what we know as "the war of the sexes". Ignorance is what caused the genuine inequality found in our history books and even today.
Some times people falsely present things, sadly even Jesus....By no mean's is the wife not be honored by the husband...Loved...and his life given for her.
My mil mentioned telling me
My mil mentioned telling me something yesterday. I don't think she did, but I simply said, "I must not have been listening good enough". Lol. This might be easier than I thought. I already do this with people I don't know or care for.
Awhile back, a girl at karaoke sang an incredible "What's up" by 4 non blondes. I told her she did great, and her drunk self said, "I didn't sing that". I just said OK and she laughed!! Sometimes it's just not worth the fight.
This is my life too, except
This is my life too, except my spouse is not an alcoholic. But he is so negative and miserable and everything else you said. I was just thinking today, is there any hope? He won't change, he did for a few months when he was hyperfocused on his therapy. But therapy is hard work and hard to sustain in the best of situations. His therapist wasn't very good and decided to get a new one, which I agreed was a good idea. Of course, he has not followed through with that yet. Now he is back to not believing me when I point out to him that he is yelling or that he sounds angry (like his psychiatrist said to do), He says he "forgot" like that should be OK-"I have ADHD so you can't expect me to remember". Well you have to try. I try so hard not to let his negativity affect our kids and try to tell him how this is affecting his relationship with the kids, he doesn't care. The kids fight all day long, are so disrespectful to each other, rude, always jumping to the worst conclusions, etc. They will grow up to be just like him. I try so hard to not let that happen, but it seems I am the only one that cares. He won't change, even for his kids. I feel like giving up-let our kids grow up to be miserable people the have anger problems and no friends. Why should I care, he doesn't? And when he is older and the kids are on their own and don't want to talk to him anymore or come around, who's fault will that be? But they are my kids and I want the best for them. Experts say a daughter will look for a man to marry that is like her father (whether good or bad), that is a very scary thought for me. I kind of went off on a tangent, sorry. Your story is so much like mine and others I'm sure.
I want to encourage you to continue to love and correct your children...and teach them respect, regardless what Dad is doing...I know it's hard, and seems unfair...But, you are being a good example for your husband, in tough circumstances...I want to commend you for it....
I've thought many time If someone unbeknown to us...Printed out about 4 months of all the heart felt posts we've put on this site and gave them to our spouses to read....Would it have an impact into the reality of our experience's living with them? Sadly in most cases I think it would just be more excuses,denial, and blame.
But I am thankful, your children have you. I also bet your husband, deep down know's how luck he his it to!...even though he struggles to show it at times...
I bought a new book, it came in the mail today...It's called FAST MINDS....How to thrive if you have ADHD or think you do...I'm going to read it, and accidently leave it laying around :)
Lol, c ur self. Good luck!
Lol, c ur self. Good luck!
Thank you c ur self, for the
Thank you c ur self, for the words of encouragement. I know you are a Christian from your posts, I am too. I know the Bible says I can win over his heart with my gentle ways (or something like that), sometimes my ways are not so gentle! but at least with the kids I try very hard. It's also very hard that they don't have a good role model in their dad. I pray for them a lot too. Thanks for the book title, I might have to get that too. Don't know if he'll read it but you never know.
(sometimes my ways are not so gentle!) :-)...Mine either!...the truth will set us free!...we're a family, we need to speak truth and encouragement to each other...It means so very much to know their are those who care for you and pray for you even though you have never met.
I had lunch with my daughter the other day, she is 32 and has a 6 year old boy and a 2 year old girl...She diagnosed herself back in her twenties and was tested for adhd...They told her she had mild to moderate adhd...She and I are a lot a like ;)...She told me during lunch..."Daddy you have adhd, she said we all think so...we all probably means, by wife, and my other daughter...I told her baby I do not have adhd, if I did, I would know....I thought about this on my hour drive back to the house...And, to be honest I have no idea, if I have adhd or not...But, I see it as mute point...If I never use it has a reason to excuse myself for irresponsibility, hurting others, laziness or any pour character traits I may want excuse myself of. Blessings Panda!
" Experts say a daughter
" Experts say a daughter will look for a man to marry that is like her father (whether good or bad), that is a very scary thought for me."
This was true in our lives. Both our daughters dated (and married) abusive, controlling guys/men. The teen and early 20 something years were terrible to watch. It was heart wrenching to see them date nasty, controlling guys who took advantage of them, and even abused them. But, these guys acted very much like their (out of control) ADHD father, who himself, was angry, resentful, unapproachable, selfish, etc. and who said nasty, hurtful comments to them the entire time they were growing up. What did he expect? But, he would NOT accept the fact that he might have played a part in who the girls chose as boyfriends. He would always curse and say..."Why the hell do they chose such rotten guys?" (in more colorful language) I tried at times to show him the similarities between his own behavior and the behavior in the boyfriends. Forget it. He wouldn't accept it for a second. "I'M NOT LIKE THAT"....."I DON'T DO THOSE THINGS".
The similarities were, being angry, resentful, saying hurtful and nasty things, controlling their behavior, not listening to them, shouting at them instead of gently talking or being loving. Sorry to say, he WASN'T the type of Daddy that was a good example of what a "good" man should be. To where being with Daddy is a "safe" place, and being in his arms is comforting, and knowing that Daddy will always be there for them, and having Godly standards, knowing that their Daddy loves them REGARDLESS. The girls didn't KNOW this growing up, and it was heartbreaking to watch. I blame myself for letting this happen to them. Even though I know God put my husband and I together, (I know that I know) he didn't make the "choices" he could and should have made, to help us grow in God and grow as a family. The undiagnosed and untreated ADHD went on for too many years, (plus, I think there are other things going on), and his focus only staying on HIMSELF most of that time, with poor decisions, constant chaos, a whirlwind life with NO rest, caused a LOT of damage. I have asked my daughters for forgiveness, and they have forgiven me AND him, but they now keep him at arms length because he STILL is able to hurt them if they let it, so they have their boundaries where he's concerned.
Thank you for sharing. This
Thank you for sharing. This is exactly what I see for my daughter. This is what happened to me because I did not have a loving, caring dad (he doesn't have ADHD either). I made some very bad mistakes. I thought I choose someone different when I started dating my husband and that the cycle will be broken. I knew about his anger before we married but trained myself to not take it personally (he was never physically abusive). I never once thought what kind of dad he would be. That was my mistake. I talk to my daughter a lot about what kind of man to choose for a mate and I point out to her when I see someone modeling that behavior (it's not her dad though). My husband is like yours, he does not see it. Even with his sisters, he does not see that they did not have a good relationship with their dad and the same thing is happening with him and his daughter. It's sad that your daughters have to have boundaries with their dad but I'm glad that they do, maybe the cycle will stop with them. Thanks again for sharing and going down that painful road.
This scares me so badly...I
This scares me so badly...I can already see my son trying so hard to get daddy's attention (trying to tear it away from the TV, iPad or cell phone - it's the saddest thing). And now my almost year old daughter is trying to get his attention too by doing things she knows make him laugh (little noises she makes, trying to take the phone out of his hand!). I do not want his angry, impatient, indifferent and sometimes selfish behaviours to affect their development. It is one of the hardest decisions I am trying to make right now - do I stay with him so I can hopefully dilute his affect on them, or leave in the hopes that he either gets the help he so desperately needs? But the worst case scenario scares me the most - that I leave, he still doesn't get help and he gets joint custody and they end up being with him on their own, without me, for long periods of time.
That is my fear too. My
That is my fear too. My husband just does not pay attention to the kids, to the point I am sometimes worried about their safety.
Yep! My fear too. He has put
Yep! My fear too. He has put our son in mortal danger twice. He left a hand saw plugged in and layng on the floor, for days. When confronted, he unplugged it but left it there:/ Our child was going through a unplug/plug back in stage, so DUH!!! When our rescue dog (a pit mix--strong jaws) showed horrible food aggression towards our son, we agreed to never EVER prepare dog food around the dogs, they'd stay outside. Common sense stuff here! Well, a few days later, I found him mixing dry AND WET food with the dogs and our toddler underfoot. Then he got mad AT ME for freaking out!!! I later rehomed the poor dog. Last week, he wanted to take our child to a public fair, ALONE. I said, hell no, you'll get distracted and lose him or some predator will distract you on purpose and take him. The predator thing got through to him because I snapped and went into gory detail about what a predator might do to him. People, there are some messed up nuts out there!! I'm on the offense!!
No, he has proven unworthy of my trust in pretty much all areas. I can ignore everything but that which pertains to my child's safety and well being.
Go off on a tangent all you
Go off on a tangent all you want. I see myself in so many posters here. Having this forum is great therapy for me.
I am just hoping our child will share my positivity. I'll sure try to instill that. I sure understand your frustration though!
Well, it's working. We had to
Well, it's working. We had to be in a car together for 18 hours, then had to work together for at least 24 hours to get our furniture moved into a rental truck. We actually bonded over a common enemy, his Uncle haha. That guy was not a team player. At one point though, my husband thought it a good idea to leave some of our throw away stuff in the back and the rest inside the fence in the front. I called him Mr Good Enough and told him he should strive for Mr Better Idea or Mr Best Idea. If he'd just ask himself "is there a better way?", he'd seriously improve himself. This is my biggest reason for nagging him. I want better!!! You can't leave stuff for the landlord to throw away. That's what almost got us sued at the last rental. I thought I was off that lease, but the landlord included me in his $4,000 complaint even though I moved out months prior. Luckily, I sat down and wrote a ten page rebuttal that caused THAT landlord to back off.
I was rough on him once after we got back because two thoughtless, careless things he did helped cause our son to get hurt. I reminded him about Mr Good Enough. I asked him to stop thinking he is perfect the way he is and just start asking himself "is there a better way to do this?" before making decisions. Our son's life depends on it! Even his dad said, "you just don't think, do you?"
I actually was pretty rude to my husband yesterday morning. He went out of his way to help me, but managed to mess some minor thing up. He didn't know, but I treated him like he did. I noticed a difference between us and it's a big one. If someone accuses me of something, I first sincerely apologize, then I investigate to see if I was really at fault. But my husband first denies and then immediately excuses/explains why it's not his fault. He has to be convinced it was his fault, but since he's angry, he's not really listening. Anyway, I apologized to him repeatedly and it all passed quickly.
Here's to more of genuinely biting my tongue. My husband is who he is. He'll probably always be Mr Good Enough. I just need my son to get old enough to survive it. Old enough to call me and alert me to hare brained ideas.
Hi Lauren07 (It's about "Self" for many of us;)
I've often wondered about this type thinking...My wife calls me the rule follower...I tell her no it's not that...It's respect, a person who has no respect for others don't mind breaking the rules...When life gets to be all about us...When our minds are so self-absorbed with what's good (easy and less work) for me...Then simple laws, signs...and just doing the right things can easily be cast aside with little to no convictions...
You are so right.
You are so right.
I called him Mr Good Enough
"Mr Good Enough"...........lauren07, I really chuckled when I read this one. I've heard the phrase "That's good enough", since the day we got married 31 years ago. It doesn't matter what it is..........or what job, project, mowing the lawn, husband only does it "good enough". I've learned to live with it, but boy, it took it's toll on me for a very long time.
If he put some groceries away, he'd put half of them away, and say.."That's good enough". If he did some dishes, he would do half and then say, "that's good enough". If he was building something, he'd do it until he got bored and then say..."that's good enough". always....just..."good enough". It was a problem for me because then I had to FINISH the REST of........."the good enough" thing he started, which added to whatever else I was doing and compounded even more work for me. But, now physically I CAN'T do the workload I used to do, and now the things STAY...."Just good enough". I always kept our house and yard well kept, clean and orderly, but now they look like doo-doo. It's just the way it is now, and it's frustrating to say the least.
My husband also never is at fault for anything. He just WON'T accept responsibility for things he's "messed up", but he WILL blame the first person who's around, which is usually me. I told him I'm not accepting the blame anymore, because it just got to be totally ridiculous. He'd start yelling about not finding his hairbrush in the bathroom, and yelling "Where did you put it?".........."Where is it?".........Where did YOU take it?"......"Why do you DO this to me?". Then I'd walk up to the bathroom countertop, pick up the brush (which was right there on the counter) and stick it in his hand. It was in front of him the entire time. He just DIDN'T LOOK.........but.......then he would say........"Why did you put it there?"....."Why did you HIDE it on me?". SEE, couldn't win for loosing, so I told him I wasn't going to take the blame anymore for this kind of nonsense.
I DO hope things work out okay for your son and you. Blessings to you all.
Haha;) His "good enough" is
Haha;) His "good enough" is implied and obvious. He won't take blame for a darn thing either, at first. Usually, he'll come around if the fault is made perfectly clear. He won't look for things either. He left our son in the tub to go upstairs and get his pajamas and special towel. Our son fell out of the tub and got hurt in those few minutes. Not his fault really, but the pajamas and towel were already downstairs and a foot from his face LOL. And I had specifically asked him to make sure our child didn't get out and climb the FILTHY carpeted steps whilst clean and naked. He could've asked me for his things and/or specifically told our son NOT to get out of the tub while he went upstairs. Our boy is old enough to spend a few unsupervised minutes in the tub, just clarifying. But overall, I don't trust my husband with our son's safety.
He has a very hard time with listening (and reading) comprehension. This morning I literally showed him something downstairs that was covering a vent and he talked about a vent upstairs. I said, No, THIS vent, and he mentioned something else. Oh my god, the third time I explained finally sunk in. Then I noticed his new liquor jug, Capt Tom's spiced rum. I said, "oh, is that a cheap version of Capt Morgan? He says, I don't know, it tastes the same. Lord a mercy, the simple answer was "yes and $17 cheaper". I can not get simple answers ever. He automatically assumes that what I said was wrong, then corrects it in a roundabout way and ends up saying exactly what I said in the first place. Maddening.
Dedelight and Lauren - our
Dedelight and Lauren - our husbands are so similar it's scary. My husband's good enough is if he takes the full bag out of the kitchen garbage (which he rarely does), he will not put in a new bag because he feels he has done his part. Then, when I have to throw something away (like in many cases a dirty diaper), there is no bag and I am stuck trying to put in a new bag with one hand while holding what was intended for the garbage in the other. I just don't understand this. Yet, he will spend a long time studying an information chart for a video game. I also feel like he will try to get away with the bare minimum to keep me happy-ish (which is basically not suggesting couples counseling or walking around like an exhausted, angry zombie) - he will "step up his game" as he calls it, if I am at my breaking point and then when I seem better, he starts doing less and less. I hate that I have to explode, get sick or start falling apart from exhaustion for him to do what he really should be doing anyway. I hate that I have to ask him to do things as if he is my teenage child. So frustrated.
Hi Ladies...Same stuff here...:)
Hi ladies...My wife does the same as your husbands...She also lives in half circles much of the time...dishes half done, groceries half put up, rarely finishes anything...I have a question for y'all...I usually come along behind her a lot of the time and finish up...Mostly out of survival to keep the house half decent...Am I an enabler, by finishing her half done chores? It is just the way she lives, stuff everywhere...Her side of the bed is a death trap...I got up and went in to make my coffee a couple of days ago, and saw a note on the counter she had left for me....It had a smiley face and said "The dishes are all done"...She had loaded the dishwasher, and this time she even put the soap in and cut it on, she was proud of herself...Something else she does, that I would like to break her from is, she will make a plan and assume I'm going to do all the dirty work...Ex...Holiday's, she's all into having the kids around, cooking all these stuff...Which sounded good to me, and I have fell for it to many times :( When your back is killing you from being on your feet cleaning Christmas isn't much fun...But, I'm learning my lesson. Last night she text me about adopting an international student...So, i told her you work 8 days and or off 6...When you are off, your reality is to run the roads visiting family and friends, hitting the stores and hosting or visiting grand kids...I told her we're goer's not the settled home bodies who cook regularly...Also, I asked her if we do this are you going to do half the work preparing the house and meals for our guests....Her answer which I new was coming "Your better at that stuff, I will do the communicating and entertaining" I said No...I'm getting better...:)
c ur self - I've always
c ur self - I've always wondered if I'm enabling my husband too when I finish something that is half finished. But I find the alternative - to not do it and to have it bother me and make me somewhat passive aggressive in my attempts to get him to finish it - isn't much better. So I guess there's a happy medium - finish the chores that are going to bother you, maybe don't finish the ones you can live with if they never get finished? And putting your foot down when she sets you up in a situation that will require more work for you is definitely the way to go! I feel like a parent when I have to squash my husband's grandiose plans to buy another house, another cottage, another car...but I know in the end I'm going to end up doing most of the work to get these things done and I've got enough on my plate as it is. Setting boundaries and sticking to them is definitely the key to survival here!
I like your name:)...some of the names seem to tell a story about where the poster is emotionally at the time :)...Sometimes the desperation runs off the breaks my heart to see people that seems to have lost hope:(...Thank you for your feedback and affirmation;)...About your comment concerning the alternative to not cleaning the left over messes up. I agree totally...In the early years of our marriages, I got bitter, because I attributed every chaotic thing she did or didn't do to intentionally...I had never new anyone, I couldn't talk to and rationalize with about life issues. My first wife was a meek person, with OCD. I tried to help her around the house also. But, she would clean and do the responsible things that had to be done. With my wife's add, (not the mild variety) it is better, if I just not think so much and just work around her as best I can to keep things as orderly as possible...I don't throw to much away in front of her...I can pick up and old sack or something and stick it in the garbage and on a good day she may be say thanks, I couldn't have done that...Ona bad day, you would have thought I just through a grand baby in the trash;). Yep, I agree totally Boundaries are a must...Some people may think boundaries will hinder there closeness...Just the opposite with my wife...If you can limit the chaos, you can focus more on your love and relationship...
Yep, ICANSEE, all that
Yep, ICANSEE, all that describes mine as well. Every dang sentence! I couldn't take it anymore.
Ha!! Mine put dinner up last
Ha!! Mine put dinner up last night (BECAUSE I asked). I was washing the dishes. He had to ask me if he should use a strainer. It was obviously a good idea. Anyway, after he uses the strainer, he sets it by the sink BY ME, FILLED with food. I said, "you can throw that out". How sad is it that he needs step by step instructions to strain chicken out of used broth?
Lauren - I don't know if your
Lauren - I don't know if your ex is similar to my husband, but one time when I asked him to make grilled cheese (our son practically lives on it) he claimed he couldn't, but then when the alternative was something even less appealing to him (probably changing a diaper) he was suddenly able to make grilled cheese. He told me "Sometimes I say I can't do something when I just don't want to do it" to explain his sudden ability to make grilled cheese. Now, I can see there are so many things he claims he can't do, that I'm pretty sure he just doesn't want to do. Maybe that would explain your strainer situation? Doesn't make it any better though. Actually, if anything, ever since he admitted this to me a few months ago, I feel even angrier at times. And there's no getting him to remember that he ever said this - now he sticks to the story that if he can't do something, it's because he just can't.
Not sure if mine does that.
Not sure if mine does that. Mine just seems to need affirmation and reassurance from me, his second mom. He says he doesn't trust his own judgment. Clearly, because things like straining chicken out of a broth is serious business LOL. It just killed me that ONCE AGAIN he did half a job. He strained the chicken, but sat the full strainer beside ME while I was doing the dishes. He tried to make emptying the debris out of the strainer my job and probably only because he's so thoughtless. I can tolerate him for our child's sake, but I could never be in love with someone like this. I care about myself too much to put up with it.
It is impossible to
It is impossible to comfortably co-parent with this man. He is unable to think before acting, even if it puts lives in danger. He is so unaware of his actions. Thank god he can hold down a job because he can't do anything else. He fancies himself an experienced mechanic and a car detailer, but I won't let him touch my car. The last one ended up with a cross-threaded oil filter and his two attempts at simply washing the windows were absolute failures. WASHING THE WINDOWS!!!
Yesterday evening, he took his toddler fishing ALONE AND WITHOUT A LIFE JACKET!!! For god's sake! That is one of the strictest house rules. He didn't even think he did wrong until I POINTED IT OUT!!! I'm so angry!!!! This is the third time THAT I KNOW OF that he's put our kid's life in danger.
This morning I'm sitting at the kitchen table and he comes OUT of the bathroom to brush his teeth and stare at me. Talk about uncomfortable! I grabbed my stuff and went back to my room.
There are many reasons I enjoy living here, but he is DEFINTELY a reason that I hate it.
He blames me for making him
He blames me for making him feel bad all the time, but OMG, I can't keep my mouth shut through every stupid thing he does. If he can't learn not to do it at least he can learn it's a bad thing to do!!! I can't let stupidity go on without at least pointing out how stupid and dangerous it is!
Once my son is old enough to keep himself alive, maybe we'll both get some peace.
And what is with the
And what is with the inability to answer simple questions? I just need a yes or no, not everything that happened in between. I asked him if our son had dinner. Instead of yes or no, he starts describing what he ate that afternoon. Then he got mad at me for insisting on a simple yes/no answer. Maddening. Daily madness!!
Lauren, all of these things
Lauren, all of these things you've written this morning are typical behaviors in our home. The poor judgment (placing others into harm's way and more), the silent, blank staring (often when i am trying to watch a program), and the inability to give a straightforward, accurate response. I get the impression that these are all examples of poor executive function that cannot be fixed. The only way to get temporary improvement is by taking add meds, and then, when the effects of those diminish, we're back to square one. I understand your pain... Your fear... and your disgust with him. We did not have children together, so I never had to deal with safety issues involving an infant/toddler... But I just don't see how you can stand the current living arrangement, unless there are some really non-negotiable rules in place concerning things like life jackets. Violating those rules would have to bring on some pretty heavy consequences to Him, but better that than to your baby!
My soul has dwelt too long with one who hates peace. Psalm 120:6
What consequence could I
What consequence could I possibly impose? Isn't the possibilty of death enough?! If I tell him "no taking him swiming alone and also never without a life jacket" and he violates that, what do I do?!? Move back to FL? Move to NC where I have minimal family? I like living for free now with live in sitters. It's a nice break. I know what you're saying though. I mentioned it to his mother this morning. She was pretty disgusted too, especially since their camp at THAT LAKE is stocked with kid life jackets. I told her, well, you have to always remind him of these things. I was being bitchy, but she agreed and took part of the blame.
Learning issues?
Lauren07, A few of the things you've mentioned over the months have made me wonder whether your husband has some type of learning or other developmental disability in addition to his ADHD. Has that ever been investigated or suspected? It is not unknown for ADHD to be accompanied by learning problems, which I suppose isn't a surprise since ADHD occurs during brain development and does affect parts of the brain involved in other cognitive processes. Is it possible that his family has been the type to cover things over so that some behavioral problems were not addressed when he was very young? Some of the anecdotes seem like they may not be ADHD.
You're probably right, but
You're probably right, but what good is it when they won't admit there's a problem? Even when their problem puts the people they most love in mortal danger.
And it is not just learning,
And it is not just learning, it is THINKING. He doesn't think AT ALL. This is the THIRD TIME, that I know of, he's put his child in obvious mortal danger. He's also very unmindful about important things crucial to his son's development. I AM ANGRY. This is my child!!!
I'm sorry, Lauren
My soul has dwelt too long with one who hates peace. Psalm 120:6
I hear you. I really do. I
I hear you. I really do. I also like the city and my job. I really don't want to try and make it alone again, but I have a feeling THAT is exactly what I'll HAVE to do before long. I've only been here a month, and as usual, my husband hasn't improved a bit.
I am going to keep close text tabs on my son's whereabouts from now on. Yesterday, he was supposed to be with his grandparents and cousin, not out at the lake with his scatterbrained father. At least I told his Momma. She worries like I do.
A toddler recently drowned in my FL city. I sent my ex the link. The child was alone with his idiot grandfather. This man took off the life jacket, cleaned the sand out, then HANDED IT BACK to a 4 YEAR OLD expected the child to put it on himself?!? Dumb grandpa then takes off in the boat without watching where the baby was and the baby fell out. Dumb grandpa didn't even realize til later. Dumb grandpa has since changed his story to make himself sound better. I would NEVER forgive the man. I hope the parents had no idea that leaving their child in his care was a bad idea. Man, this story keeps tears in my throat:/
But you know what? He's his
But you know what? He's his dad and all of his relatives are HERE. My son needs to be here. His dad will get him a couple times a year ALONE anyway. I don't really have as much choice as I think.
I know it is not easy. I try
My soul has dwelt too long with one who hates peace. Psalm 120:6
I really appreciate all of
I really appreciate all of your help. I'm going to send him a text shortly, strongly advising him what I expect. He knows already, but here we go again trying to make it friggin stick.
He likes to say "why can't
He likes to say "why can't you leave the past behind?" Why?! Because the past crap is still happening. He just does not get it! Nothing is his fault! His old therapist let him blame me. If he's getting therapy now, I'm sure it's the same thing. Poor, poor me, my wife is a nag that makes me feel like I can't do anything right. What he's not saying is the fact that he literally can NOT get anything right. It is truly sad. He needs help. Even his parents are commenting on his alcoholism. Liquor every night after work and on weekends?!
I left our past behind because WHO CARES?, but our kid's life is worth being a heinous, harpy, NAG!!
"Today is the first day of the rest of your life"
My husband used to tell me that his therapist encouraged him to leave the past behind and focus on today and the future, because one can't change the past. I would say, "Fine. So what are you going to do today that will be different from what you've done in the past?" Husband's response: Silence.
good one, Rosered
My soul has dwelt too long with one who hates peace. Psalm 120:6
I believe at least my mother
I believe at least my mother in law will.
EXACTLY my point too!!!
EXACTLY my point too!!!
You think you have tears...Try being grandfather...
You don't have to worry...He will never forgive himself....
I feel far sorrier for the
I feel far more sorry for the parents. The grandfather backtracked on his story to make it sound less his fault.
Tragic and heartbreaking for sure...
Tragic and heartbreaking for sure...
Interplay between personality and ADHD
Standing, risk-taking and tuning out are not exclusive to ADHD, ie people with ADHD may exhibit those behaviors (depending on type and severity of ADHD) but they are not sufficient to be diagnostic. Your partner's neurochemistry is specific to him and so is his personality. It's hard to be prescriptive about how a particular person will react to medication. Statistics apply to populations not to individuals so I would be very hesitant about predicting how any particular person will react to treatment. A skilled psychiatrist will also probably be far better at judging what improvements are possible and how to achieve them than a run-of-the-mill doctor who does not specialize in ADHD in adults. I get the impression from my reading around that there are many inadequately-treated people with ADHD out there who never do receive optimal treatment. It can make a world of difference to the outcome.
My soul has dwelt too long with one who hates peace. Psalm 120:6
Big hugs, Lauren. I am
Big hugs, Lauren. I am dealing with something similar but not quite as serious. My biggest fear if I left my husband, would be that he might have time with the kids alone and I worry for their safety. It wouldn't be him putting them in harms way deliberately (I can't see him forgetting a lifejacket for example), but he can get so preoccupied with the TV and iPad that he wouldn't notice if say, our 11 month old who is teething up a storm, put something that was a choking hazard in her mouth or if our 3 year old decided to climb something he shouldn't. In my husband's case though, it's almost like he knows he can't handle watching the kids and so basically refuses to do it. And I am exhausted. My parents do live relatively nearby, but they are getting fed up with him pretty doing whatever he wants and expecting me (sometimes with their help) to pick up the slack. So I can see how nice it would be to stay with your inlaws and get their assistance...but would they be willing to put their foot down and keep him from having time with your son alone? And is that something you want to enforce? Because that might be the best solution (he still gets to spend time with his son, but is always "supervised" by one of his parents). It makes me so sad to read about couples who are working to fix things like not spending enough quality time together...and I think, that's the least of my problems right now...I just want someone who can help me raise my two kids in a peaceful, safe way (the other thing that I think keeps him from spending time with the kids is he has no patience for long meals, crying or whining, reading to children, or pretty much anything that comes with being a parent).
I have that fear either way.
I have that fear either way. It's awful!! Mine has been a terrible family man, which is, of course, the opposite of what I was promised during the courting:/
So, yesterday after work, he
So, yesterday after work, he made the obvious mistake of innocently asking me if I was mad at him. So, I let him have it. I went on and on and on (because once never sticks) about WHY it is DANGEROUS not to put a life jacket on a non swimmer. I reminded him about the first thing I did at the pool party on Sat. The pool was empty, so I pulled the ladder up to prevent kids/anyone getting in. This doof gets an attitude and says "I never said that was a bad idea!!" Are we even on the same planet? I was citing an example of a good idea, for PETE'S SAKE!
Once he decided it was his turn to get angry, I walked away. He then storms outside and repeatedly punches his truck. His Mom came to his rescue, but his Uncle was on my side 100%. I feel sure his Mom was too. After he calms down, he goes to his friend's house.....his friend is currently ruining his marriage worse than most of the ones on here. Yeah, go get some advice from the father of two who would rather be single.
This morning, he didn't even speak to me.
So, yeah, nothing, not even putting his child in danger once again, is his fault.
The man needs help. If only for his depression and alcoholism. If he'd admit he's not responsible too, we'd get along much better.
Going on and on
Hi, Lauren,
Around here, my going on and on, even about a pleasant topic, is a sure fire ticket to a failure to be understood.
My husband will invariably latch on to one phrase of my monologue, turn it inside out, and completely miss my point. And that is when I can see he is trying to listen!
I think that we are best off sharing our feelings here, in counseling, and with a trusted friend. But when it comes to addressing a serious issue like the one you face - must put those feelinga into a box and simply address the problem. Your husband can't or won't, doesn't change anything. That leaves you to make a plan. How about signing the two of you up for a parenting class together? I think they are free. Then you just tell him, hey, this is what we are doing. That would be a start to breaking away from your old patterns and it would also bring a new sort of accountability into the picture. What do you think of that?
My soul has dwelt too long with one who hates peace. Psalm 120:6
Whether I go on or tell him
Whether I go on or tell him once, it will go unremembered.
Parenting classes don't teach common sense or fix memory issues. I'll keep it in mind though.
My parents have been
My parents have been suggesting for a while that I try to get my husband into parenting classes too. But whenever I mention it, or an article I've found on dealing with some issue one of our children is dealing with, he feels he knows it all already. A common line of his is, "Just try it my way for two weeks" and some of the things he's wanted to try (like punishing our son for potty accidents - after our doctor said that's a huge mistake) would do some serious psychological damage if we tried them for even a day, not even looking ahead to 2 weeks, so I put my foot down and there's major conflict. This weekend he started taunting my son in the car as we were leaving a mall he likes because he was not cooperating. My son was having a tantrum, just needed some quiet time and my husband was saying, "Bye bye mall, no we're definitely not going back there, say goodbye to the mall," etc., making things 20 times worse and when I quietly asked my husband to stop he got so angry at me because we needed to be a "united front". How can I be a united front with something that's clearly not in the best interest of my child? I realize these examples are nothing like not putting a lifejacket on a child, but my gosh, how can an adult just never take responsibility for anything, feel they know it all even though they never read a single parenting related article.
Luckily, mine will take my
Luckily, mine will take my immediate suggestions as gold while I am around or as long as he remembers. I am like his substitute mother in many ways. Ew;p But he also does really childish, obviously stupid things concerning our child. Our child likes to say "you make me sad, mad, cry, etc". Well, one day I hear my husband saying "I make you sad, couch make you sad" etc OVER AND OVER AND OVER, like 15 times in a row. I had to go in and POLITELY tell him that's ENOUGH! It just seems like he has major mental damage most of the time. I came to this site whilst googling "husband has dementia" and "husband is getting dumber".
My soul has dwelt too long with one who hates peace. Psalm 120:6
blamed for not having his back
"I was blamed repeatedly for not having his back, for not presenting a united front. I just kept telling him that i refuse to pretend like he makes sense or that he is justified in ever treating people this way. "
I have been blamed most all of our marriage for the very SAME THING. My husband is always telling me "You don't stand with me". But, most of the time when he expects me to do this, it's over issues that make no type of common sense to me. He thinks SO DIFFERENTLY and reasons things out in different ways that I often have to have him explain IN DETAIL what is really meant. I've had to stand up for our girls ENDLESS times, and have to "be in the middle" between them and him. It's STILL a never ending battle, even though they are grown.
The thing that frustrates me the most is that when he is "disappointed" about something that happens with them, it's usually due to EXPECTATIONS he has of them, and if they don't FILL his expectations, he gets mad, and thinks they aren't doing "the right things". But, from everything I've read, we are the ones expected to NOT have expectations from the ones with ADHD. I want to SCREAM that to him, and say "STOP HAVING EXPECTATIONS OF THE REST OF US THEN", and you won't get so angry and disappointed in us. The ability for him to deal with relationship issues is certainly HARD for him no matter how I try to explain it. He doesn't want to believe me. I had a few conversations about this with him recently, and he IS trying harder to be kinder and gentler with me, which I GREATLY appreciate. Another day in the life.
dedelight, I'm glad he's trying harder
Kinder and Gentler is definitely a two-way street. I have never nagged, but I have often shut down in the face of my husband's behavior. I am trying not to do that any longer. It doesn't change the screwy thinking processes, but does make both of us more receptive to hearing the others' view. I've pretty much given up on him understanding my view (and vice versa, I imagine), but at least we don't have to fight about it.
Unfortunately, the best we've been able to accomplish where it comes to relationship with others, like at work, is that he steps aside and allows someone else to be the go-between with employees. That way, he can be blunt or rude or totally off-base and someone else can fine tune the message and deliver it in an un-provocative manner. Between the two of us - - - mostly silence. I don't see how there can ever be a real meeting of minds. It's so tough.
My soul has dwelt too long with one who hates peace. Psalm 120:6
I understand,
and that is why somebody else must say it. Maybe he needs a different voice/person with whom he doesn't enter that auto-shut-down mode.
My soul has dwelt too long with one who hates peace. Psalm 120:6
Someone who shuts down
Someone who shuts down concerning his child's safety and welfare isn't someone I want anything to do with. I feel like I married a small child. Nothing gets through unless there are consequences. They hate you for it at first, but then love you for it. I ruined my life in a way by having a child with this boy. At least he has a good mother.
safety issues
This is an important thread. When my husband and I were dating, (didn't know he had ADHD) I was acutely aware that he WASN'T aware of his immediate surroundings. I used to call it "tunnel vision". He seemed to only see things like he was looking through a paper towel tube. But, this proved to be hazardous to my health at different times because even while we were dating, he shut my hand in the car door TWICE. It broke fingers both times, and being a pianist, it was rough. He felt bad about it, but not TOO bad. I get scared to death with our young granddaughter living here, because he is always SLAMMING DOORS. I had to put signs on the doors saying "Thank you for not slamming the door" with a happy face. He DIDN'T SEE THE SIGNS, and slammed the doors. Our granddaughter walks right behind him, and I worry he's going to slam her fingers in the house doors. (scares me something awful) So, I'm always shouting "WATCH FOR FINGERS"........."WATCH THE DOORS'. And he STILL slams the door, even though she's right there, and he tells me "I'm watching her". NO.....he really ISN'T watching her HANDS.
I am proud of the fact that over the years I've taught him to more appreciate his surroundings such as the sky, clouds, grass, trees, flowers,etc...things he never even CONSIDERED growing up. He's learned a lot more with having our granddaughter here, that he didn't realize when OUR girls were small, but there still is a long way to go. It's just stressful and loads of responsibility to be the main one ALWAYS on the lookout for danger.
I support you all
I've just been reading what you all have written here about your need to protect your children and grandchildren when your ADHD partners seem oblivious to the situations that can prove dangerous to the children, both past and present. I really get how you have all had to go above and beyond what anyone should expect from one person in order to take care that your children don't come to any harm when ADHD symptoms are creating distraction, forgetfulness, etc. on the parts of your husbands. You all have been, and are, amazing. I really get how challenging it can be, at times, to be in the role of what seems like a double parent, which, of course, you should not have to play. But when ADHD is undermanaged, I truly hear how you feel you have no choice. What you do are often thankless jobs. Well, I just want to say "thanks," for being who you are, for caring as much as you do, for managing all that you manage, for making the hard choices, for doing your best under some very difficult circumstances. I acknowledge you all, and I am glad you have each other for support. Know that I recognize how dedicated to your families you all are, and that I truly appreciate all of your efforts in keeping your families' lives safe and functioning.
My best to all of you.
Nancie Kohlenberger, LMFT, Marriage Consultant
Co-Author of The Couple's Guide for Thriving with ADHD
Thank you Nancie
Thank you Nancie for the kind and supportive comments/post. It really meant A LOT to hear a thank you, since it's something I RARELY hear. (extremely rare) So, when someone DOES say it, it means a great deal. And to YOU.....a heartfelt THANK all the insightful and encouraging posts, with the occasional post telling us to do some self reflection. It's all needed and ALL GOOD. Thank you SO VERY MUCH. :)
Thank you for writing this
Thank you for writing this Nancie. I've got tears in my eyes just reading it, because I think this was something I needed so badly, just to hear a "thanks" from someone right now. I just feel like I'm doing everything wrong all the time - my parents (particularly my dad) aren't happy when they feel my husband is "getting away" with some of his behaviour, my husband is angry at me a lot since I have to put my foot down so often with decisions he tries to make related to the kids that are not in their best interest and my 3 year old is a whining mess right now. I know we all need counselling, I can't force an unwilling adult to go to counselling and I'm just doing the best I can until I can make the big decision. So thank you for your thanks - much needed right now:)
He's like dealing with an
He's like dealing with an alien. There is no having normal conversations. Nothing is heard properly. He can't handle simple, daily parenting tasks.
How sad and hopeless this is.
If I am to live here, I have to give up any and all normal expectations.
I prepared our kid's
I prepared our kid's breakfast and asked him to feed him while I shower. I get out and find him eating in the living room. That's fine, but where's his drink? Breakfast is sticky oatmeal with granola. Breakfast is always oj or milk. Well, after being told, dad made him a nice glass of water.
Alien that needs step by step instructions for life:(
This followed by forgetting
This followed by forgetting to take him potty, resulting in pee on the floor, clothes, shoes, etc. He sends my pee covered child upstairs (carpeted) to tell me he's done bad by peeing. I send him back down for his dad to clean him up. Nope. Dad yells for me to do it, then runs off to (I guess) clean the floor.
I cried in the bathroom. I shut down. He comes in asking what he's done now. I tell him I'm hanging by a thread and to please just leave me alone.
Us living together is a big part of the problem. If left alone, he'd figure out how to do it himself without asking a grown-up for help. The other big part is his lack of attentiveness. It could get his son killed, kidnapped, abused....
I'm scared.
Seriously people, he can't
Seriously people, he can't even wipe his kid's dirty butt. I thought "maybe I should remind him to wipe his butt good", but then thought well, duh, he should be able to at least do that. No, when I took him potty again, his undies were stained and his butt was not thoroughly wiped AT ALL! Oh, it's no big deal to him.
He doesn't deserve me living here so that he can be near his kid. He doesn't deserve it at all. I'm saving my money......again.