I don’t know. I don't know what I should do anymore. Many of the things my husband has done I am still trying to figure out if they belong to his personality or his ADD.
For instance, my husband has lied about BIG things like spending money allocated to his bills (more than once), to lying about teeny tiny things like cleaning the bathroom and doing laundry during the day.
Also, he’s a man with a worthless word (meaning, he’ll say I’m not drinking tonight, or I’m going to clean the bathroom right now, I’m going to read about this that and the other and almost NEVER does/follow through). It’s hard to take him at his word because 1. He’s never held himself accountable for his words and 2. Sometimes seems like he’ll say ANYTHING…..
And that sentence above is a good segue into my next point in which is that he doesn’t know himself enough to stand firm on something he believes in, which in turn makes him argue in circles….NOTHING is more frustrating than pointing out to your spouse that he is currently arguing the side you are on, when we only started arguing because he stood firmly on the other side. He continually asks for support, but how do I support him when I don’t even know where he stands? It’s so confusing.
Also stemming from above, he can’t be direct about ANYTHING! For instance this conversation transpired one day on the way home in the car:
Husband: so I thought about it, aaaand I don’t want to have kids with my sperm
Me: ooook???? How did you come to that conclusion
Husband: well I spoke with so and so and basically he regrets having kids because they face the problems he faced as a kid and it’s horrible blah blah blah blah blah
Me: ok well then I agree…..
Husband: I KNEW YOU DIDN’T want to have kids with me! I knew it, thanks for making me feel like a piece of sh!t……………..
This type of set up and conversation happens on a regular basis: the trap n’ bait type conversation…..so very frustrating! Then to top it off, he goes back on his word after that. “I always wanted kids, it’s you that doesn’t!”
He comes across as LAZY! If it’s cleaning then he doesn’t want to do it, in fact, if my husband doesn’t want to do something he will come up with the most ridiculous excuses including: I asked him to stop at the pharmacy for something a while back when he went out to get smokes and gas (the gas station and the pharmacy are literally across the street from each other!!) he came back without whatever it was that I asked for and told me that he didn’t want to waste gas starting the car twice so he didn’t go to the pharmacy….and he was serious, like it was a logical explanation and was upset I didn’t accept that as a valid response.
When we first moved in together we set out a list of chores for the both of us, and he’s not gone ONE week without accomplishing everything on his chore list, NOT ONE WEEK! Furthermore, the weight and responsibility of the house and our daughter's wellbeing lies squarely on me, despite trying to guilt me into giving him more responsibility. He constantly asked for more responsibility re: us, the house, our daughter but then I ask him about the things he’s responsible for (even outside the chores) and he’s not taken care of any of them…..
Also, the minute I feel put out/hurt/angry etc he’s defensive and can’t connect to what I’m saying. Like if I’m hurt by how he handled the situation/something he doesn’t understand.
I’m at a point now where I want to walk away. I’m tired of making an effort and having him continue to point out flaws in them. I’m tired of coming home to a disaster because his intent was to clean up the minute before I got home and he forgot. I’m tired of him saying what he feels like, knowing full well that it’s hurtful only to apologize about it later. I’m tired of the childishness behaviour. I’m tired of taking the brunt of everything! Picked on, despite my efforts, his laziness, his excuses, his lies, his self-entitlement and right now, his self-righteousness.
He’s burnt his bridge with a few of my family members, promising to do them some carpentry work and never did, he’s burned his bridges with a few of my friends because when he stole $600 from the family pot with only my income to support us both, I broke down in tears asking them for help on what I should do about the bills that were going to bounce, my parents no longer have patience for him, they don’t trust him, agree with his actions, and they certainly don’t respect him….
So I wonder, is it really worth it to move on….. he’s ruined his relationship with so many people I’m close to, I’d hate to think it would remain as such for ever, will I ever have a clean house where both partners contribute, someone who will listen to my feelings and address them, someone who can admit to his faults and work at trying to improve them…..will I ever have an adult as a partner, and not a child? Cause I’m not sure how much more I can handle……
Dear Dweeb, I relate to every single word
The only way your situation can change is if he is willing to seek help/treatment and then to follow through with that treatment to learn new behaviors.
When I reached that stage of exhaustion and hopelessness that it sounds like you're describing, I told my husband that he must get a full evaluation and treatment or I would separate from him. He got the evaluation, but not the treatment, because he decided it wasn't so bad to be diagnosed npd. I beg to differ.
Anyhow, if you are going to draw a boundary to insist that he get off the pot, you do have to be prepared to follow through yourself, in the event that he drops the ball. It's not easy, by any means, but sometimes I think you just gotta call a person's bluff. Just my two cents.
My soul has dwelt too long with one who hates peace. Psalm 120:6
Thank you Standing....
Thank you for your post. I realized roughly 2 months ago that the boundaries I laid out couldn't be imaginary. That's when decided to fully commit to the idea of working on our relationship should he seek treatment. Reluctantly he agreed to go. His appt is this Thursday.
As this appt grew nearer he grew more resentful and bitter. Angry and depressed. His view on counseling is that it's for the weak. Yesterday all that anger and resentment came out. He's leaving. He's asked for a divorce. He doesn't think he loves our daughter and I enough to stay. He's been her only father since we started dating when she was 2 weeks old.
He just isn't willing to face his issues. Nor is he willing to face our issues. The scariness starts now as all the debt is in my name. I'm sad for my daughter. She's so innocent.
I dont know what to think.
Maybe he'll still go to appointment
I am so sorry, Dweeb, I know how this has felt for me and it is simply a miserable experience. You and I can only imagine how terrified he may be of facing his issues. For years, I allowed my own empathy for my husband to stand in the way of requiring accountability. Same thing happened here. The closer he got to his evaluation appointment, the nastier his behavior, but he did follow through. It was afterward, when we had the diagnosis of npd and he refused to pursue necessary changes in meds, ongoing individual counseling, that he claimed to want divorce.
I continue to pray for some miraculous awakening, but - with npd, at least - it truly is a mental illness, the very nature of which prohibits such introspection. For me, now it's a matter of toeing the line I drew and that is a lonely, unrewarding task.
About your little girl... I have to say that I do wish I had found my voice about this mess 2 years in to our marriage, instead of 10 1/2. My kids (his step-children) encourage me that it's come better late, than never, but there's no denying the sorry impact he had on their lives and emotional development. I believe that your daughter needs to experience you as the strong, loving, whole woman that you are, committed to truth and honesty in relationship, and not barely enduring in some warp of magical thinking and childish interactions. I am so sorry for your struggles and pain, and wish you only the very best support and encouragement through this difficult time. Hugs!
My soul has dwelt too long with one who hates peace. Psalm 120:6
Hang on Standing
Thank you for your support. I'm so desperate for it.
My husband asked me to cancel his appt. he told me he'd rather not deal with anymore feelings than he has to at this point. So sadly he will not be attending.
I'm so sorry you are experiencing feelings similar to mine at this time. It truly is a miserable, lonely, unrewarding feeling (and task). This moment it is also a daunting one. However, our empathy becomes the enabler which in turn is a vicious circle. My husband is willing to be accountable, but isn't willing to change it. I held on this long under the naïve notion that no one, who can admit their faults can not want to better/fix it. Surely he must know that he can't continue to spend every dime he makes before the creditors come? But unfortunately that isn't the case. He admits that's who he is and before I pointed out that it was wrong he was happy living that way. And now that I force him to the conforms of responsibility, he's miserable.
Thank you so much for sharing about my little daughter and your kids. I agree whole heartedly that it's better now, and at her age than later when she's older. I'm just upset on her behalf that he finds it so easy to turn his back on her. I suppose it's bittersweet, as I think it's for the best, but I wonder how it's so easy. He is her father, and he's willing to turn his back so easily without putting any effort in. Your kids have a good mom! (: it's insightful to tell you better late than never. It's true in both our situations.
Im truly thankful for this group. Every person has so much insight that I usually cry while reading posts. So much heartache. I hope I never have to face it again.
Before I go, one thing I'm truly bitter for is that he has bad credit. And all the debt is in my name. He'll owe roughly $13000 to me. And the bank likely won't consider giving him a loan. So apart from having to be separated a year, prior to divorcing (law in Ontario, Canada) I still have to put up with him until he pays me back. And with his money management, will be forever.
Take care,
unstable acts and comments....
You know when the irresponsible can't play their game anymore, when they are forced into accountability they look to strike back out of bitter desperation...I wouldn't put to much stock in what he is saying right now...If he is in love w/you and his child...Later, he will have plenty of pain and regret...Even if his pride never lets him admit it to you...
So sorry you are under such stress dweeb....
I would guess based on this post that your husband seems to be suffering from very low self-esteem...His inability to follow through as so created in him a disconnect from reality (thus the lies and unfilled promises) He knows you have no respect for him because of it, so he continually makes you the target for his blame...I think he needs counseling.
I do not know if he is a believer are not, but, God is a deliver....I can truly say I know what you are dealing with in many ways...So I will just pray for you, and have great hope for you and your husband, no matter if its together or apart...
Good insight
Thanks for your post. I agree with it completely.
I also believe he needs counseling. His first appt was to be this Thursday. I doubt he'll go. Yesterday he decided to get a divorce.
I'm sure this is for the best but I'm numb. Thank you for your prayers.