I know it is common that ADHD individuals are rude. Is a lack of politeness (usage of the magic words please, thank you, and you're welcome, separate from this?
My soon to be ADHD ex husband has never used the "magic words". For instance, he came over this evening to drop something off for our son. When I thanked him, he was looking right at me so I know he heard me. However he completely ignored me. Yesterday, he got my car unstuck and of course, I got no response whom I express my gratitude. Not only is this rude and unprofessional, but my son is now doing the same thing. Anyone else experience this?
We definitely have the same
We definitely have the same problem here! But not only does he rarely use the "polite words", he gets very snippy when he doesn't get them from others. He was on a rant yesterday about me not thanking him enough for things he had done. I'm usually pretty good about thanking people for things and I can't think of many things he has acknowledged that I have done very the past crazy holiday week (and I have done a ton this week). Once I mentioned this, he made it a point to thank me more and I did the same for him, but this is a problem in general. He won't do a thing for our 3 year old son unless our son uses the polite words, yet he barks things at my son without ever using them. I once mentioned to him that we'd teach our son best by leading through example, but I don't think he realizes that he never uses them. He has a big problem with impatience and I think having to use extra words goes along with it. My son often forgets to use the words, but he is 3, so I think it's still an age thing. I have no solution but am curious if someone else has found one.