Forum topic: distortion, to make ADHD person look better and spouse look worse

My husband, who has ADHD and other issues, lives with and is caregiver for his parents.  He has been doing so most of the time since September 2011.  The arrangement was supposed to be temporary; he said he would look for a permanent, good-paying job while at his parents' home.  He never has.  (I think he agreed to the arrangement so that he'd have a socially admirable reason for not looking for work and for being away from me.)  During most of this time, even though our relationship was and continues to be rocky, I've tried to offer my husband moral support as far as the caregiving goes.  His dad is a hard guy to live with and get along with; his mother has dementia and her condition has worsened.  I understand much about the physical and psychological difficulties of the situation.  My husband barely talks to his siblings, not because they don't like each other (they do like each other) but because he and his family sweep a lot under the rug.  I have felt an obligation to provide moral support despite our marriage falling apart and despite the fact that the caregiving job has contributed to the destruction of our marriage.

Last week, one of my husband's brothers visited him and their parents from out of state.  He did so, in large part, because I sent him an email commenting on how difficult the situation has become.  I thought my husband would appreciate having another family member there for a little while.

This weekend, after the brother's return to his home, I was curious to find out his impressions of the situation.  I communicated with my sister-in-law.  Among the things she told me is that she and her husband (the brother) have the impression that my husband wants to spend time with me but doesn't because he is unwelcome in our home.  They have this impression because my husband said this to his brother.  This statement is partly false, partly distortion, and partly incomplete.  I'm very upset.  My sister-in-law and brother-in-law are the only members of my husband's family who have taken the time to communicate with me in the past few years, and now I feel as though my husband has purposely tried to turn them against me, by misrepresenting to them the reasons for him not being here.  Yes, we have marital problems.  No, I'm not the person who encouraged my husband to bury himself in this job.  Yes, I'm the person who has tried very hard to get him to come see our daughters when they're home.  Yes, I'm the person who initiates communication with my husband; he never calls and never emails when he is at his parents' home (24/7, 350 days per year).  

I feel ashamed, humiliated, and sick.  Any tips for making myself feel better?  


File for divorce and then who cares what the in-laws think!

We have no control over what they'll say about us to other people. But give it time, and other people will come to realize how unreliable their version of events is!

I just feel bad because I like my husband's siblings, and have gotten along pretty well with this brother-in-law and sister-in-law and saw them as allies in the "what to do about mom and dad" challenge.  I told my sister-in-law that I didn't want to make things awkward for them by thrusting them into the middle of my relationship and so I won't talk to them anymore about my husband or the parents-in-law.  

I haven't filed for a divorce yet but plan to do so later this year.

My H is an alcoholic.   Over the years, he's had little contact with his siblings.  When he went to visit a brother, the family was shocked to learn that H is an angry alcoholic, which H promptly blamed on me.   They, of course, naive about everything, just believed him.   They convinced him to stay with them and seek rehab.  So, he was there for 3 months....going to rehab a few days a week, but mostly living in their home.

Of course, I was very upset to learn that H's family blamed me for his alcoholism and anger.


My sister is a therapist.   She told me just to "sit tight" and that the truth would prevail over time.   It didn't take too long for H to "show his true colors" yelling at them over insignificant things.   He quickly showed them how lazy he could be.  His brother had asked him to help rake leaves the next Saturday, and H chose to sleep in instead...refusing to get up when his brother attempted to wake him for help.   When his brother made nice dinners, H would be preoccupied with his hobbies and be late to the dinner table....making people wait and eat a cold dinner.    


The truth does come out.   

I hear you. I hate when the family is collateral damage and you lose people who you enjoy because of a relationship not working out.

Good for you for being ready to file!