I found this wonderful website while trying to do some research on ADD/ADHD, and have finally summoned the courage to post. I've been with my boyfriend for 1.5 years. He has diagnosed ADD, and is on medication. Typically, he is one of the most caring, kind hearted people I've ever met. He dotes on me, is attentive and tries hard to keep his ADD under control. He tries his hardest to listen and pay attention to me. He is very loving and patient. In almost all areas, he's the best man I could have hoped for. However, despite all of his wonderful qualities, I am at the brink of ending things. There are times when he becomes a completely different person. I can almost visibly see him change from his usual kind hearted person, into some sort of monster. It usually happens when I express to him that I'm frustrated or upset about something. It seems that at the slightest whiff of conflict brewing, he turns into this monster. He will instantly get a snide, condescending and rude attitude. He become aggressive and combative. Nowadays, he starts namecalling as well. He turns completely irrational and quite honestly frightens me when he gets like this.
A perfect example: the other day was my birthday, and we had plans to go out for the day. We live in separate apartments right now, and I woke up on my birthday expecting a phone call or something from him...but he didn't contact me until about 2 pm. So all day, I sat by myself, which upset me a bit. I hated being lonely on my birthday. To be fair, we had done things to celebrate my birthday in the days prior, but I was still sad to be alone for most of the day on my birthday.. When he finally came to get me, I expressed to him that I was sad because I'd been alone on my birthday. He immediately turned into a monster. He began screaming at me, telling me I'm ungrateful and if I was so ungrateful, I could spend my birthday alone. He whipped the car into a U-turn (on a very busy 4 lane road), turned the radio up to maximum volume, and continued to scream at me and tell me how I ruined everything and I was the reason he was yelling. When I tried to turn the volume down (the car was shaking it was so loud), he hit and twisted my arm and screamed at me to never touch his things. I started crying at this point, and he continued to yell at me and tell me that I ruin everything, all the while driving 60 mph on a 40 mph speed limit road, and texting on his phone. I begged him to slow down and stop looking at his phone, but he refused. The only thing that gets him out of these moods is when I'm reduced to sobbing and telling him how sorry I am and how much I love him....even if I have nothing to be sorry for, he still screams at me until I apologize. After I do this, he will eventually calm down and tell me how glad he is that I realized that I'm wrong and mean. Then, a couple days later, he will realize how awful he was, and will be extremely repentant. He then goes back to being the normal, sweet man that I love. He will dote on me and tell me how sorry he is and will be nothing but kind.
I'm at a loss here. I love him so much, and if it weren't for these outbursts, things would be close to perfect. But these episodes are making my life hell. I feel hopeless and confused and lost. I feel like the only way to keep him from becoming a monster is to never tell him when I'm upset or frustrated. It kills me to have to put my own emotional wellbeing aside in order to keep him from screaming at me even more, but I've learned that if I just hold in all my sadness and frustration, it minimizes the outbursts from him. I'm just not sure that I'm willing to live a life where I'm not allowed to be upset. He really is trying to get better; that's what has kept me with him. He goes to therapy every week and is trying different things to get better, but nothing seems to be working. I'm just lost, and could use any words of advice/support/encouragement that anyone has. I'm sorry for such a long post...there's 1.5 years of frustration and confusion pouring out all at once.
I want to say run for the
I want to say run for the hills and don't look back. But, please think about a life spent with this man where you can never express that you are upset or hurt. I'm asking you to do something I didn't, really think about what a life with this man will be like, what kind of father he will be. Think years ahead into the future. Think about how he will support you emotionally when something terrible happens- a loved one dies, you get sick, your child gets sick or worse. You said he frightens you, this will not change. It could get worse. What will happen if you have kids. I know, believe me, I know how hard it is to end a relationship, but don't move in with him or even marry him until you really think about this. Once you move in together and especially if you end up getting married it is even more difficult to end the relationship.
I wish I had some words of encouragement for you. It sounds like you really do love him and my heart hurts for you. Please just think really hard about this, maybe seek counseling yourself, or talk to a family member, or someone you trust.
Why would you want to spend
Why would you want to spend one more moment with a person who yells at you for having feelings? Would you be friends with a person like that? I would hope not. This will not get better. It will not magically change. You cannot love him out of this terrible habit. You cannot live your whole life never being able to express anything unpleasant. That is not how life works. How would you feel if he yelled at one of your kids that way? How would you feel if he grabbed/hit/twisted the arm of one of your kids? That sounds pretty close to abuse. What's to love about a person for whom you have to put aside your own emotional well being to keep from being screamed at? That is not a person to build a life with.
Leave. I am living proof
Leave. I am living proof that it only gets worse....much worse.
I am another vote for
Leave. Please leave. His behavior will only get worse.
Oh, honey...
You're experiencing the escalated version of what I go through with my partner. His is just emotional punishment by shutting out, withholding, hostile body language, sometimes yelling, name calling, or screaming at me to leave. If I ever mention any hurt at all that comes from him, it's time for instant shut down, stonewalling, rage, accusations of treating him poorly, etc. Until I 100% back down and apologize. Like you, I then turn to bottling things up. But when things do eventually come out (because they have to), the explosion from him is 10x worse.
My heart hurts so much for you. But I think I must agree with the other posters here that you need to step cautiously and consider your own safety as paramount here.
I understand completely how heartwarming and fulfilling 90% of your relationship is. I, too, stay for that 90%. But your partner has crossed the ultimate line in demonstrating a willingness to compromise your safety. You can't afford to take that risk. What if he had crashed that car? What if that rage manifests itself in something like pushing or shoving? Men are so much physically stronger than us, and they don't realize that they could literally snap a woman's neck, just with a shove, in one split second of uncontrolled anger.
Please think carefully about your personal safety. I know what your heart wants, and that is a magic answer that will ensure that he will stop behaving this way so that you can justify staying with him. That answer doesn't exist. I'm glad you are not cohabitating. Please think very carefully about whether he is dedicated and committed to therapy and change.
Much love,
- (sometimes) desperate ADHD partner
Soon, you'll find that you can't RESPECT HIM.....
I can almost visibly see him change from his usual kind hearted person, into some sort of monster. It usually happens when I express to him that I'm frustrated or upset about something. It seems that at the slightest whiff of conflict brewing, he turns into this monster. He will instantly get a snide, condescending and rude attitude. He become aggressive and combative. Nowadays, he starts namecalling as well. He turns completely irrational and quite honestly frightens me when he gets like this.
We keep seeing posts where women will say that their partners treat them horribly, but they stay because they "love him."
Well, do you RESPECT HIM?
It is very hard for me to respect my H, largely because of some behaviors that you've described also apply to him. I can't respect someone who acts like that. I just can't. They're not "respectable."
He whipped the car into a U-turn (on a very busy 4 lane road), turned the radio up to maximum volume, and continued to scream at me and tell me how I ruined everything and I was the reason he was yelling. When I tried to turn the volume down (the car was shaking it was so loud), he hit and twisted my arm and screamed at me to never touch his things. I started crying at this point, and he continued to yell at me and tell me that I ruin everything, all the while driving 60 mph on a 40 mph speed limit road, and texting on his phone. I begged him to slow down and stop looking at his phone, but he refused. The only thing that gets him out of these moods is when I'm reduced to sobbing and telling him how sorry I am and how much I love him....even if I have nothing to be sorry for, he still screams at me until I apologize. After I do this, he will eventually calm down and tell me how glad he is that I realized that I'm wrong and mean
None of this is respectable. This isn't a person worthy of your respect.