My husband's dose of adderall was increased in May, along with a few other new drugs, for anxiety, blood pressure, etc. This past week we brought home my 4 1/2 year old nephew, for good ( my parents have been raising him, my sister is a drug addict, and we are taking him in, forever :) ). Anyway we drove from NY to NC earlier last week, about 20 mins from home, an argument insued - typical of our daily lives the past 2 months - and he "ignited" calling me every name imaginable beginning with " f'in C-NT!!!!", etc...poured water over my head in the car; threatened to kick me out of car, call 911, drove erratically on highway, all in front of and with my 4 year old nephew present in the car!. Kept telling him to stop, he was scaring him...just got more aggressive. The night just got worse, became physical when I attempted to video him with my phone because he threatened to pee in my car (just juvenille). He attacked me in order to get my phone, tried to lock me out of the house. He ran to my nephews room, and again tried to get my phone, in front of him, and i put up a fight. needless to say, he took it, and i didn't see it again til 10 the next morning. he refused to let my nephew call my parents that night. Since then, 7 days ago, he acts like it never happened,...gave me an orchid with no apology or words,...makes "digs" in front of nephew, but the 1 time i did, called me out,....and has the nerve to accuse me of not "being sweet" and always talking with a tone, whether I really am or not. Seriously?! I'm so over this ADHD bullshit, and mental anguish. Not what I envisioned when I pictured us as a family, not to mention trying for 1 of our own (last chance at my age - 40). So torn & conflicted!! Could this really be the medication?!?! NEVER gotten physical before,...but temper, yes! But nothing like this!!!
The Carnal Mind....
His emotional instability isn't uncommon, the way you're responding and venting is normal under the circumstances also...
I suggest you don't live a life of illusion and keep being disappointed...You get what you see with us people; if a person has no convictions to be a responsible adult they want be. ....Don't let his living of life steal your focus and dominate your thoughts....Know who you are and move away from his instability, find peace and sanity for yourself. It sounds like you're plate is very full...We should always deal with our own hearts, the one we can do something about...You like me have found out there is a Dear price to pay when we engage chaos, enable and mother an adult.
Peace be with you...
It is child abuse for your nephew to witness this...
You must be firm with your partner that this can't happen again and that he must see a therapist. If he starts that again, leave with the child. Don't announce what you're doing (leaving) or (recording) him.
When a woman says, "I'm going to call the police," then the man forces the phone away (or breaks her phone). You don't announce it...just quietly do it.
I would get him out of the house until he's seeing a qualified therapist.
this nephew is already traumatized, don't add to it by exposing him to this man.