Forum topic: Not coping

I feel really hopeless and tired. We have been married for 8 years where we had our fights, on and off days, bad times, really bad times, good times. We have a 6-year-old daughter who has been diagnosed with ADHD and ODD. And I cannot cope with that. Things between my husband and I are not as it should be either. We can’t communicate, it either escalates to a fight with screaming and swearing, or turns into a blame game. Both of us so by no means do I claim to be innocent. I am no innocent bystander but my husband sure knows how to push my buttons. I am rambling, let me try and organise my thoughts. My husband comes from a very abusive family; he’s been abused (not sexually) from a very young age to late in his twenties when he finally stood up to his father. His father, an alcoholic hit his mother as well as his late grandmother, but his mother (who is a compulsive liar and co-dependent according to the psychologist) chooses to deny it ever happened and would rather bad mouth her son than own up to the abuse she allowed to happen. My husband had ADHD. Therefore, when we got married it was a huge learning curve. I’ve quickly realised (and I think seeing that he learned nothing of respect and how to treat a wife in his own home this is probably why) that he has no respect for me. I knew that before we got married (his family situation, but he was so wonderful to me, so caring and full of love) so it was really my own fault. During our first years of marriage he never helped around the house, were never interested in building a future, working out a spending budget etc. and when I got irritated when I had to do everything he would swear at me and call me names. It escalated to violence where we would shove, poke and hit each other. He once stuck a fork in my face when he was arguing with me about something. We had a disagreement when I was pregnant where he pushed me over the couch and smacked me with a heavy-duty torch. I say again, we are both to blame. He would provoke me until I wanted to kill him I his sleep (as a figure of speech) I rarely felt cared for. He would sit on the couch while I drag heavy wet towels to the washing line to hang and not lift a finger. I did the garden work; he did not lift a finger. His work was hard and stressful enough says he. When our daughter was born my mom came to help and is still helping with her. However, the fights continued and he would talk to me as if I am trash in front of my mom. When my mom eventually had enough of his disrespect, she told him it should stop so he chased us both out of the house. The difficulties continued and when my mom had enough she moved to her family and I had to put our daughter in a crèche as we both work fulltime. This is where I first realised there is a problem, as my little girl would listen to no one, would attach hit, spit, claw etc. everyone and anyone. She would have temper tantrums at the crèche and in the shops. So I took her out of the crèche and my mom came back to help again. This was probably a mistake (my mom coming back and removing her from the social context). When she turned 5, we sent her to grade 0 – within the first week the school called us in and informed us that my child is disrupting the class, is disrespectful towards her teacher and bullying her classmates. My employer wouldn’t let me have time of at work to go to school every time so my mom had to stand in for which I am grateful. My husband was never available being too busy with his job and can never get time off. However, when he wants to go to the bank to change his contact number then he can get off very quickly just not when I need help with the important stuff. We (and by we, I mean my mom and I) went to a child psychologist and a paediatric to do the necessary test and my girl was diagnosed with a very severe case of ADHD and ODD. We started the prescribed medicine. So far, none of the meds worked for her as they either give her terrible headaches, turns her into a “zombie” or give her heart palpitations and she throws up. We have tried 3 levels of Ritalin and 2 of Concerta. In addition, my mom does not want her to take the meds and would talk in front of her of how bad it is so now my girl is convinced she will die if she drinks her meds and I am not sure anymore if her symptoms are imaginary out of fear or real. When we take her back to the paediatric, he just prescribes a different dose of the med. Same story. My husband did not bother to come to one of the sessions so he does not realise how bad it is. He spends minimum time with her (due to his working hours) and he cannot be bothered to read the info I find on how this affects me as a mom, us as a family and most importantly our girl and what we could and should try to curb the negative effects. I cannot force it on my own. She also is starting talking just like we would to each other when we fought as we make the horrible mistake to fight in front of her. So my child has no problem telling me to f-off you b*&^ The worst part is when she gets her angry bouts as a result of the ODD – she hits me and scratches me and even tried to stab me (albeit with a pen but still she’s not thinking clearly when she acts like this) and choke me. I am scared that once she goes into her fit of rage and she had maybe scissors in her hand or a knife it might not end well. My mom thinks I am crazy for fearing this. She also attacks my mom. Our daughter does not accept the word no and when things does not go her way she goes crazy and I have the blue and blacks and scratch marks to show for it. Sometimes it’s easier to just say yes an avoid the drama. My mom and husband does not realise how severe this problem is. It is as if they thing oh well time will sort it out. I said to my mom that according to some of the mom’s stories I heard and read it will not get better and I am scared that we are raising a monster. My mom responded that I am a b*&^ for saying that and she hates me because I am putting down my daughter. As my mom is looking after our girl during the day, when I bring up our girl’s problems and that it’s getting worse not better my mom takes it as a personal insult and then accuses me of breaking down my daughter when I attempt to discipline her. Which I am not I am trying to face the reality of what she has. We do not have a medical aid so I cannot afford all or the best help in the world but we can try little things like diet etc. Again no support from my husband with this. I refuse to go to the shops with my daughter as she acts out very much and when I try to discipline her she will attack me in public. My husband calls me lazy for that. I currently have 4 jobs to make ends meet but I get sweared at when I ask him to help so I can work. He will accuse me blindly of stuff that is so far from the truth just so he can get out of taking responsibility for anything but his job. One of my jobs is in the academic field where I have to do research and write which I cannot do with a child that interrupts me every 10 seconds and nags until she gets her way (of goes into a rage). Then I will get to a stage where I cannot take this anymore and I’ll snap at my girl. Which makes me a bad mother and it is unfair towards her. Moreover, it’s not her fault. I just cannot cope alone or seemingly alone. One of the things that the psychologist said was that every caretaker in our daughter’s life should talk out of one mouth (mom dad gran) but currently its three mouths. My husband has got his own issues and complains all the time is angry all the time and aggressive. He swears and shouts at both our daughter and me. After the school incident, we started home-schooling so that we could test the medicine and see what we can do to help. My husband was pro this home schooling and promised how we’ll all help to pull this off. My mom and I got stuck with it. He doesn’t help with the lessons and couldn’t be bother to help me with the registration. It’s still not done because I don’t have enough time to get to everything. I have given up on my studies and I despise both my husband and my daughter for that and that makes me an even worse person and mother. My husband could not be bothered to fix anything in the house. The paint and plaster is falling off the walls he just pulls up his shoulders and say I will not fix it. We do not share a room anymore and we have not been intimate for more than a year. My daughter actually needs full time supervision, as we cannot leave her for 5 minutes to play or do something especially when she is off her meds. I just cannot take this situation anymore. When I said to my husband I hate being a parent because I don’t get any support and everything, all the responsibility is left to me he told met to f-off and go live with my family he will raise his child. Which is a joke, as he cannot currently be bothered with anything let alone coping with an ADHD/ODD child. Our money never lasts through the month as he spends and spends and spends on sweets and cold drinks and take away. I do not stop it either because I am tired of fighting an unwinnable fight. I used to complain and warn about this and opposed his spending ways but he would either sulk or swear so I just gave up and gave in let him spend I’ll just take on another job. I ask him please come sit so we can look at and discuss the budget so we can save and get a medical aid and a car. Nope not interested at all. It is never the right time. He’s also never interested in discussing the situation with our daughter or what alternative remedies we can implement to make things better. He will also say nasty things about me to our daughter and he always denies everything he says / does. Tonight when I put my foot down and said NOW you are going to bed its past your bedtime he told her that my voice makes him sick. She’s sitting here as I type refusing to go to bed and puts up a whole scene when I take her to bed which then angers my husband as he is working tomorrow. I do not know what to do or how to do it or what the right thing is. I’m just so exhausted. My husband and child disrespect me and swear at me. I am a horrible mother for not coping. My husband shows me no affection and is always ready with an insult or complaint or talking down at me like I’m a piece of trash. And I love my baby girl so much I wish I could take it all away from her.


(comment edited out by M. Orlov)  Note from M. Orlov - I have deleted this entire comment due to its tone, subject heading, and lack of sensitivity to the poster.  Perhaps I have misread your intentions, C, but what you wrote seemed on the page to be exceptionally aggressive and hurtful (you say 'shocking')  Yes, I know, there is lots of hurtful stuff here...but this particular comment was brought to my attention...

When your daughter is being exposed to her father's verbally and emotionally abusive ways (towards you or her), then that is very damaging to your daughter.  She needs to be protected from that, either by you (by removing her from this situation) or sadly by authorities.

Experts are now insisting that the damage to a child who witnesses or experiences verbal and emotional abuse is very extensive, and it literally changes the child.

I wish I had protected my children even more than I did.  I would whisk them away in my car whenever H started being horrible to me. H wasn't terrible to them very often, but when he's start, we'd leave.  He was awful to me much more frequently (maybe once a month), and we'd leave.   I couldn't subject them to his irrational and raging ways.  

So, I think that cu-ur-self meant that as the healthy parent, you need to protect your daughter and if you won't, then she should be removed from the home where she's being damaged. 

I know that these things are shocking. I remember the first time I heard similar words from a therapist.   

When she gets 18 how do you think she will view you and your husband?

How do you think she will view marriage between a man and women if what she is living through and witnessing now is all she ever knows?

I meant to shock you with my comment...Your daughter's only hope is that someone shocks her Mother (and Father) into doing something different...Something to bring real change into the home of her innocent life that deserves a loving peaceful existence.

No one can force you and your husband to go get help. But we all need wisdom and sound advice spoken to us from time to time....I don't know about you, I just don't want to look back on my life with all these regrets and pain because I failed the one's I loved because I was so blind to see my motivations was my Pride and Selfishness. Because I spent my life making excuses for my own actions, and refusing sound advice.

Jesus was and is the answer for me...I think if you seek him, you'll see:)

My heart bleeds for these family's and the children who can't do anything about it....Again, I do apologize for the insensitive nature of my comment and do pray that you can find healing for the struggles your family is currently going through.


Has the subject of developmental dyspraxia ever come up? The description of your daughter fighting you in public brings up what I've read about this disorder and how it can sometimes go hand-in-hand with ADHD.  People with dyspraxia have a hard time translating what they hear, taste feel or see into appropriate responsive actions. The input wires are all crossed. As a result, some dyspraxics can be highly excitable to the point of aggression, or over the top emotional and defiant to simple requests. They seem oppositional but there's something more going on to explain their reluctance to follow directions or engage with other people. Does this sound familiar? There are therapies that do work. Sorry if I'm overstepping, but maybe this info can help --> click here

Hello - what you are describing is abusive behavior.  You say "not physical abuse" yet you also describe that he stuck a fork in your face and pushed you over when you were pregnant.  You should start to think very carefully not about 'wishing' you could take your daughter away from all of this (as well as help her better) but actually taking her away from all of it.  She has diagnosable emotional issues herself - it is, therefore, even more important that she be raised in a stable, caring environment so she gets the best shot at a good life and learning good coping strategies.

Furthermore, you yourself deserve better than what you are getting.  Though you say you knew there were issues before the relationship started, that does not mean that you must forever live the consequences of your early optimism.  You might have been able to handle your husband and his issues, but to handle both husband and daughter with no help sounds as if it is overwhelming.

You are NOT a horrible mother for not coping with all of this!  You are struggling to do your best in an intensely difficult situation that is completely new to you, and that no one has yet been able to help you with aside from your mother (and thank goodness for her support!)  The more energy you spend on beating yourself up (which is destructive to you), the less energy you will have to put against figuring out how to cope with the problems you face.  Here are some specific suggestions for you:

  • stop beating yourself up.  Spend your energy on trying to stay sane (self care), and trying to find solutions for you and your daughter.  This is hard work, and you are likely to be emotionally exhausted by it...that would be normal
  • at the moment, stop pursuing your husband.  He has clearly demonstrated that he is not at all interested in engaging more than he has already done, and your pursuit is likely making his resentment and anger worse.  Accept that you and your mom are the primary source of help here.  Aside from the financial assistance he seems to be providing, assume (for the time being) that his other interactions with you are basically negative, not positive.
  • get a second opinion on how to treat your daughter, medically.  Medicine is one thing, but behavioral training is also likely to be appropriate.  And your description sounds as if your doctor isn't proactive enough...maybe not even having a comprehensive diagnosis
  • assume that your husband isn't just angry, but also diagnosable.  This is likely genetic, as well as learned behavior.
  • investigate ways to get you and your daughter out of this situation permanently.  What you describe is a tinder box waiting to explode and your best chance of survival, if you can deal with the financial aspects, will be something radically different from your current situation.  I'm just trying to imagine what happens when she's a teen if things stay like this, and the picture just isn't looking great for either of you.
  • Learn all you can about ADHD in children and adults.  If you want info about how ADHD impacts your relationship with your husband, try The ADHD Effect on Marriage.  But understand that there is more going on here than garden variety ADHD...ADHD does not induce abusive behavior

Good luck with this - you have a community of people here who would like to support you.