Hello, I'm very sorry If I'm not going to be very clear -I"m disabled and it's 5.00 A.M here in Arkansas. I'm typing this after another terrible fight with my ADD husband who is snoring right now peacefully in a separate room after calling me insane, blaming all of his and his family problems on me and my disease, and threatening yet another time to cut off my medication and not pay for my basic needs, all this over a screaming fight that he started in the middle of a Walmart today for absolutely petty reason. Precisely because of me trying to swap one type of razors for a cheaper one -I thought it would make him happier. He screamed at me as I stood there with my cane, toothless (I'm 38 but lost my teeth due to this disease and have no dentures because we are poor), begging him to stop yelling and embarrassing me.
This night, he broke into another fight after watching 7 hours of TV (I should have known better). I asked him to please, not yell at me. I cried as he stood over me screaming terrible things, insulting me, lunging at me, calling me insane, that I should be "locked up", that I'm the one with problems. He followed me room to room as I asked him to please stop. He teased me about my disease, saying that I never need his help getting off the floor when he isn't there (?), and ask him to help me up when he is home, and it annoys him and "I must be faking that I'm in pain". I actually kept calm for a long time before I couldn't take it anymore. I was shaking at this point. He continued screaming, waking his parents, and I told him that I don't love him anymore. I never said this before. It cause a terrible rage, he tried to take away my checking card, told me I'm not his wife any longer, followed me everywhere, slammed doors, cursed, told me again that he will not buy my thyroid medication anymore ( I have no thyroid gland and he knows it will actually kill me, he often blackmails me with it), I refused to talk to him and just cried, and he eventually went to another room and passed out. He knows he is ill with ADD, he has been diagnosed, he was a poster child in his time first diagnosed with it in his state, but he refuses treatment, he lies to therapists when given a chance to see one, skips appointments, denies his symptoms.I 'm I close to being suicidal right now with him.
We have been married for over 6 years now, and when we met I was already ill and gradually became worse. i have a rare form of thyroid resistance disorder. Over time I lost a lot of my hair, and all my teeth, I swell, I walk usually with a cane, I'm very weak and can't concentrate or work any longer. I'm generally giggly person, though, regardless of all of this. I love music and art, used to be a professional artist. Despite my illness, my husband fell in love with me and I with him, and we got married. We had an absolutely incredible "honeymoon" stage that this website talks about...he focused on me like crazy, I never seen anything like this before. He told me he had ADD and severe dyslexia since he was a kid, but only said that it affects his attention and reading ability. My husband was an absolute knight in shiny armour, and still sometimes is like this-chivalrous, sweet, and kind. And then the focus was gone.
There are still good moments. In good moments we play videogames together, play with our dog, and discuss pretty convoluted subjects. I even read him books, because it's very hard for him, do his paperwork for him, designed his resumes and helped in whatever ways I can but of course he helps us a lot more. He sorta provides for us -for my medications-unfortunately barely, his Mom and Dad provide most of our food, but he works a lot. And I do still love him. But there are terrible sides to him that I cannot forgive or deal with. It gets so bad that I want to leave, never to see him again, but I have nowhere to go (we are extremely poor, live with his parents in semi rural area, I have no income of my own) and he buys all my medication that costs almost all his paycheck and works two jobs (he had no work for two years but now he works , after a lot of tears and pushing and shoving, he simply refused to look for a job and I basically got him one-one local church member felt bad for me and gave him a job, and his Dad hired him for another. They both pay minimum wage. He does work very hard. Sadly, he blames how hard it is on me every time we have any argument.
We always had it hard-sometimes we had no place to live, lived in hostels, now we live with his Mom and Dad. After the "honeymoon" stage he became more and more explosive-if we had an argument, he would scream and then started lunging at me; after lunging came grabbing me, throwing me around, he never hit me but crushed me with his body, body slammed me, wrung my arms, it was terrible. It was real abuse. I didn't understand what is happening. When we moved, he had an episode like this and his parents heard. I told his parents about it. He went berserk, screaming obscenities at me, but his parents intervened and forced him to take anger management classes. He did,. He also sort of apologized, but I dont believe he actually felt it deep inside because sometimes, during a fight, he would get too close to me and growl and shake fists at me, and if I ask him not to go back to that terrible time he says that there was my fault in that, too. I know I'm not a saint, but I never, ever laid hands on my husband and don't believe I deserve abuse, either. .
Please understand that for me it was either this, or the street. I have no family of my own. At all. No close friends. I'm an immigrant, too; and we recently moved to this state as well.
He stopped laying hands on me thank God, and for two years we have not had a physical incident. But something snapped, and the figths, the verbal terrifying fights became worse. They start out of nowhere, although often TV is the culprit-and there is no way to stop him from doing nothing but watching it when he is home for his brief weekends. He does work late hours, and no, he doesn't have anyone on the side, his father literally picks him up from work, or his boss drives him home. We actually moved because I'm very ill, and needed a specialist, so my husband promised me that his family will love me and that they will help. His Mom and Dad do help us a lot, even buy us food, his Dad drives us if we need a ride. Unfortunately when he turned to his extended family for help-aunts and uncles, even sisters-they stopped talking to him, some even pretended that he never called them. His older sister even sent us an unpleasant letter-she was upset at him for not taking the usual interest in her since he got married to the "sick woman". It put extra stress on us.It was apparently unexpected as he helped them before. Specialist didn't happen. Bone graft and dentures didn't either.
These fights. During these fights he would blame me for the world's problems, tell me that I'm stupid, crazy, lazy, that I'm a wh*re living with him only for medication, actually scares me into tears by screaming that tI'm insane, that I ruined his relationship with his family, tries to throw me out of the house that is not his, threatens to leave me without a cent, mimicks me and repeats after me what I say, ,mocks my voice, tells me that I don't bring anything to our family (I still help around his parents' house, take care of his bedridden Mom when his Dad goes on work trips, still cook a few times a week, and take 99% care of our dog- walk him, even train him) , that I'm a freeloader, useless, and threatens to cut off my medication completely. When I break down and cry he never consoles me.He denies every insult, every word of his and twists my words all the time. He gaslights non stop if you know what it means, crazymakes and provokes and then teases. If he gives me any money of my own he actually gets angry, very angry if I actually use it, and buy something for myself-a game or a book or a sweater, anything; the only things he buys is massive amounts of cigarettes. We have no connection, no intimate moments, and the only time he makes eye contact with me is when the TV and computer is off, and when he is not standing in the hallway watchign his parents' TV in another room. I"m not kidding. If I distract him from TV or the computer, he explodes and says things that I can't believe a person that loves me (and he says it a lot) can. He always blames his actions on me, an if he ever apologizes, he always takes apologies back next fight like a kid. If I protest his treatment of me like today, saying that I want to be treated humanely, he just tells me that next time he "won't help me, or won't go with me to the store, or will not buy me medication". He fights dirlty, and even proud of it. He will tell me out of nowhere that my estranged parents don't love me, bring up past hurts or anything that is not for him to even talk about. For no reason. To "win" the fight. As if it's about winning.
The most terrible thing is that he would not talk to me for a few days after this fight, as if I was at fault. And then he would come home, call me " baby" and would try to share his workday details. And if I react in any manner but chippy, he will go into a rage and it all will start again. It's a vicious circle.
I dont know how I found Melissa's website, I was desperate and googled it somehow and I read and cried, cried my eys out for days because this was us, and then I bought her book.
It took me many monhts to convince him to even look at it. He promised to seek help, and then I found out that he lied. He fought me over it, and called me names and insulted me. I was in tears. He would even curse at me and then suddenly call me "baby" when his father will walk through the room. It was a nightmare. He eventually softened up and promised again, even searched out names of ADD specialists. I later again found out that he never called them, and this time he found an excuse that they are far away and probably too busy/too expensive. . We've gone through a lot of promises and lies. He ended up finding a doctor who agreed to see him once a month on a sliding scale. Even then, he skipped appointments and yelled/lunged at me when I asked him to at least call and tell them he isn't coming. I managed to read part of Melissa's book aloud to my husband. He seemed to like the reading part, but teh fights started again right the moment the book was closed.Communication exercizes were futile- he will get defensive, I will get confused and scared that the conversation is always circling to how "bad" I was, and we will have to stop. They consisted of him saying that I'm being too demanding when I ask him to help me, disabled woman, minimally around the house or at least sit down and look at me once after work when he has hours on end for television.
His doctor, that he sees once a month and maybe, is not helping. Everyone esle is either elsewhere or costs money we don't have. We cannot afford a seminar.
I know this is long, and I apologize terribly. I'm thankful to anyone,who even tries to read it. But please, if anyone has any hope or help, please let me know. I'm very ill, at my wits end, and have nowhere to go-and this will take me to my grave if there is no hope and no treatment for him. I think we both need extensive therapy than we of course cannot afford. If there is any hope at all, too. Please help.
{{{ hugs }}}
{{{ hugs }}}
so sorry to hear this.
Your H does NOT just have ADHD. He has an Axis II Personality Disorder. What you've described is extremely familiar.
Do you have any family?
Thank you so much for
Thank you so much for answering but what is it? I never heard of it. He has gone to his doctor now that he sees once a month, they are supposed to do some tests again (just physical stuff another doctor already checked, my husband smokes but was pronounced healthy as a horse) and that will not happen until a month from now still. How do you know this, do you know someone with something like that...?
Thank you so much;
P.S. No, my family are two narcissists that divorced many years ago and turned away from me the minute I became disabled. They will not help me. :-(
Here is a list of some more
Here is a list of some more commonly diagnosed Axis II disorders.
Antisocial Personality Disorder
Avoidant Personality Disorder
Borderline Personality Disorder
Dependent Personality Disorder
Histrionic Personality Disorder
Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder
Paranoid Personality Disorder
Personality Disorder Not Otherwise Specified
Schizoid Personality Disorder
Schizotypal Personality Disorder
Go to the link and read about Narcissistic PD and Borderline PD. Your H is either one of those two or one of the others listed.
I don't know
I doubt he is in any way narcissistic.... I am unfortunate to know real narcissists, and it's not that similar. My husband cares very little about his appearance or clothes. Borderline...I dont know. I really think he needs to be tested for all of this, but how? He does not hurt himself in any way on purpose. But the mood changes and sudden love to hate and back to love switching, and aggression are making me sick. He says everything that comes to his mind, and if I tell him "this is VERY cruel, please don't say that" he will be genuinely surprised. He was snappy and aggressive all week after this episode, and as usual bounced back. Now he gets angry that I'm upset and not willing to engage in small talk with him. If I try to explain, why I am upset with him, he just waves me away, walks out of the room, or tells me to "shut up"-and accused me of starting a fight! It's all in description for ADD. I guess they really love to fight. He invents his own reality where things he says and things other people say are either slightly, or majorly different from the truth. I'm losing my mind. Is aggression like this a part of ADD? I'm not a saint, I can yell and cry and nag, which I'm not proud of, but I don't just go berserk at people like this, with snarling and lunging, at a drop of a hat-it doesn't even cross my mind and doesn't happen among anyone I know. If he doesn't really pursue treatment, does this mean he never will get better? His parents talked to him and insisted that he goes and gets treated, but he finds every excuse not to. They also have no idea about true nature of this behaviour, he is very courteous and even abnormally sweet to me in public. He works a lot, but I don't think it gives him the right to ignore his illness.
At my wits end with all of this.
That is not the definition of NPD
My husband cares very little about his appearance or clothes.
Please read the symptoms of NPD, and also the ones for Borderline PD.
Hello-thank you once again
Hello-thank you once again and I hope you are doing okay!. It's been a long time, I know. I just wanted to mention that I looked through description again and was able to compare some patterns. He might be Borderline. He changes moods several times a day, and goes from extreme love for me, (like all of a sudden will start giving me a backrub or babytalk to me, which after an angry outburst simply renders me speechless), to pretty much hatred towards me-like today, screaming that he will divorce me, not alllow me to buy my medication simply because I told him I don't want to be talked to rudely). He's been visiting a doctor who agreed to see him. Unfortunately. the doctor said that his old diagnosis of ADD is not recorded anywhere and they will have to re-diagnose him. So for the last three months he was going to this doctor and assembling blocks and doing Rorsharchs (spelling?) and other psychological tests. It's taking forever, and there s no therapy, just testing. I had to help him do part of his testing (600 questions questionnaire) at home because he can't really read with his severe dyslexia. It's really offensive and painful to work with him all day helping him read or write, and even to record and remembers things he forgets all the time, only to get this explosion at the end of the night where he would tell me how I "don't know what work is" and how he will withhold my medication. And constant lies, lies, lies and crazymaking. Even lies on the test as I'm reading it to him out loud, and as I write down his answers....
Even lies on the test as I'm reading it to him out loud, and as
<<<Even lies on the test as I'm reading it to him out loud, and as I write down his answers....>>>
it is so frustrating when a spouse is not honest on those tests or with therapists..
sometimes those long questionnaires ask enough questions to detect lies.. That said, if I were filling in his answers while I was reading them to him, I would ignore lies and color in the correct answer.
Hello, yes, I thought about
Hello, yes, I thought about this. But I can't force myself to do it. Unfortunately everything with the therapist fell through. He was switched to a department chair guy, they kept telling him that mental health clinic grant still covered therapy, he did a bunch of tests -no results were given to him at all, and last Friday we were slapped with a $600 bill because they screwed up somehow. We are low income and don't have such money, so therapy is over. Considering how insanely hard it was to make him go here, he will never try to find another therapist. Of course, it's a nightmare at the house right now because there is zero treatment. Lying, yelling, accusations, insults. Today he ran out of cigarettes, and out of money, so it's downright abuse tonight. Thank god I'm too sick to care most of the time:-(.