Forum topic: Lack of compliments and attention- nothing to do with us

No anger here just making an observation. I can get dolled up and get so many compliments from everyone, even other men, married and single, yet my husband says nothing. BUT, he can tell another woman that their hair looks nice or he loves their dress. It's so interesting to observe.

My husband is an artist. He started the hobby of pyrography and is excellent at it. Years ago, he took pictures of many of our female friends that are beautiful and made LARGE pieces of art work of them. I mean it took him months to finish them and they were creative not just a replica of the camera picture but he would have them in an African setting with elephants, or butterflies all around their head, or surrounded by stained glass, etc. Very intricate pieces of work. He even did a tasteful nude of one of our friends, her husband was in the portrait and then he did one of just the wife laying on a couch. So after a while I was upset since he never did one of me or even snapped a picture of me. I am not hard on the eyes I have been told by many. Well, he was displaying his art at an art show and one of our friends, the subject of one of the pieces, was there and it was one of the HUGE pieces of art. It was beautiful. He then gives me a small box, 8 1/2 x 11 and I open it. It's a replica of a picture of me, on our wedding day, in my gown. It was a head shot. I was so visibly disappointed. It was HIS fave pic of me, but so small and simple. There was no creativity and all he had to do was trace the picture onto wood. Nothing like his other creations. And he NEVER did anything else of me. Over the years, I have taken many pictures of myself since its now a selfie world and he has been so impressed with the shots that he says, WOW I HAVE TO BURN THAT, then never does. I feel like I am not any work of art to him. Yet he can see something or someone else and be inspired. Funny, our walls are littered with these works of art and people have asked where my portrait is. My piece is not even displayed. 

Same thing with singing. I love to sing and many compliment me. Most say they didn't know I could sing since he overpowers me with his voice. He can sing but he is very forced and loud and has no real control of his voice. I am not professional but I can keep Karaoke night going. He found out I was going to Karaoke alone since the owner of the restaurant called me the Queen of Karaoke once and then he wanted to go also. He sang over people and me and I already knew that would happen which is why I started going alone. Many compliment him on his voice when in public and he sings over me. 

Funny thing happened today. One of my best friends has a bipolar husband and he text me and sent me his latest you tube video (he plays guitar) and he mentioned that he would love to accompany me while I sing one day. I didn't acknowledge his YT video and said I would think about it. He proceeded to shower me with compliments on my singing. He gives his wife NO attention. I will have no part of that without letting my friend know first. It's a shame that spouses do this. They dote on other people and give nothing to their spouses. 

I am older and wiser now and I know that the lack of attention and compliments is not about me. I get enough from other people and I also am very happy with my looks after 26 years of marriage seeing myself mature and take care of myself. Its just annoying to see that he CAN SEE other women and say "Wow, she is hot, she is beautiful, she  looks great" but not say a word to me. Once in a while maybe but not enough to recall what he said the last time. I have been dolled up for weddings and drop dead gorg and he looks at me like I am a wall. Yet I tell him all the time that he looks handsome and something he has on looks nice even though most days he wears an action hero tshirt and jeans and dresses like a child. 

Very interesting observations. After having an emotional affair in 2013, I realize that I was aching for attention after all those years of not being seen. That man showered me with compliments and also had low esteem. I guess I made him feel good. That is over now and I am much stronger and don't need my husband's validation or approval to know what I am, who I am, that I am a special human and have good relationship skills and people love me. I feel for people who need that attention and have low esteem because it does hurt. I am only happy that I have learned that it's not about me. 

As a wife, it would be nice to "be seen" especially when my husband can "see" other women and compliment them and even get close to women, comfort them, give them advice, give them pet names, he has a habit of taking women under his wing especially if they have children, since he wants to be Superman to these type of people. 

The best thing that has come out of this 26 yr experience with him has been that I have grown up and matured so much. He has stayed behind and is somewhere in the 12-16 yr old mentaility. Yesterday I thought to myself that I never thought I would be the one to hold down a job, but he can't hold a job. I never thought I would leave for work and kiss him goodbye and leave him a to do list and tell him not to stay in bed all day. Then I looked in the mirror and thought: I never thought I would be THIS woman, strong, holding down a great job even though I dropped out of high school, liked by all (my husband has relationship issues) and able to hold the fort down, a good wife, friend and logical one. A woman that can take care of herself if my husband died. I have come a long way. I am proud of who I have become because of all the adjustments I have had to make due to my H's ADHD and other issues. I have survived it, been through a lot of crap, temper tantrums, his job losses every year, wondering how we would make it, illogical behavior and decisions. I am here. God, my family and friends have been my stronghold. 

Don't let the behavior of your significant other make you feel like it's all your fault and that you are insignificant. It takes a strong person to deal with all this mess. If you are reading this...your are special. 


Grrr's picture
It is so heartening to hear someone who KNOWS what it feels like to be un-appreciated and INVISIBLE like me. :).... I wish from time to time that someone would see me; really see me. I still wonder if I will stay with my S.O. I dream of being rid of him and living a "NORMAL" life. Then I get scared and think no one will want someone with so many problems. I hear from so many people "what does she SEE in that guy??" "He is a loser"......I can't even explain it myself. I really can't. I don't know why i go back to him. He has ADHD along with a lot of VERY SPOILED behaviors. He is the baby of the family and this family is esceptionally dysfunctional and all four boys were spoiled beyond belief. Enabling, spoiling, non-responsiblity, just all the wrong things being taught in this family. I feel like I am the only sane one. I thank you for posting. I really needed to hear/read what you wrote. Will anyone ever see me? I hope so. :)

It's really only up to you to examine your heart and see why you go stay with him. If you love him, no one will judge. I know, it's crazy, right?

But do yourself a favor, surround yourself with family and friends that "see" you. Just because one person doesn't "see" you, it doesn't mean you are not there. It means that they have those blinders on their eyes due to the barb wire in their mind. If you can find a group of people that you feel great with, can laugh with and hang out with, some of the pain subsides. There is nothing that can take the place of a spouse's or significant other's love and attention since that is a different type of love, and they got you by buttering you up with that love, but you need an outlet. This will help you get a break. It doesn't mean hanging with people that will bash your S.O. just people you can have fun with and that you can come back home and be a better person all around, maybe even people that know the both of you and can just be your support system. Perhaps things will be bearable then. I know if it weren't for my family and friends, I would have been trapped inside myself and possibly insane or worse. Gets some hobbies, explore things YOU love to do and then do them. Confidence and happiness can make the world look so much better. If you want to change the world, change your views, I have read. And don't kick yourself in the butt if you have a low. Look for the next high. This is a rollercoaster of emotions for us, given a hand we didn't ask for. You are alive, important and you are "seen" and heard. Maybe not by the one you love, just feel compassion instead of anger. Once you see your worth and value, it will all be the other person's loss and not your problem. Do things for other people, this has helped me to take my mind off myself and have that "woe is me" mentality, especially when I can "see" someone else and make them happy. Give it a shot. I hope you have a nice evening. ICU. 

I agree with much of what you point out here, about our view of ourselves...Being comfortable in my own skin is a huge part of my stability & wellness.

It sounds like you are in a good place, considering the circumstances you posted here. That's nice, I am glad for you...It's sad when we become victims because of emotional neediness...Once the reality sets in that there isn't any healthy and intentional show of affection coming our way; on any regular basis anyway...We start falling prey to our minds desire for it....So, we start the Thinking Process :( we ask ourselves questions and start our efforts...How can I, by my efforts, change this?? LOL....So, we wade off into this illusion our mind is entertaining...But after much agony of soul, we finally (hopefully) realize there is no magic button! No magic button to kick start the healthy and normal show of affection that we seek, and are giving hopefully:).

But, like you said...we have to know who we are, we can't afford to make our identity something someone else isn't doing, even though they made a vow to do it....We know who we are, whether they exist in our lives or not, we have to live and breathe and be thankful....

I have a Question for you...I know there are probably many reason's why a spouse will do what you stated here....My question is; have you ever sensed your husband feels like he must compete w/ you? Or does he ever seem intimidated by you?....When I hear stories about someone, or see someone, who is constantly reaching out to others, but, seems to for the most part ignore the needs of the one they are married to...I wonder what in the world is driving this? To me it's a mystery, I would love to hear an answer for....If its not driven by something like fear or intimidation I think it can only be one thing...Absents of love or absents of an ability to fulfill an obligation of love to another person...If this is the case, there has to be dysfunction in there mind, that is rendering them incapable doesn't it?...If it's not that, what else is there?....Something is stopping them from entering any kind of vulnerable state...


Hi C!  It's always so good to read from you. To answer your question, there are times that I feel that my husband is jealous of me and intimidated by me. In fact sometimes he even says he wishes he could be more like me because I am very laid-back and I don't stress out very quickly. He is also very negative and I am positive.  So that really could be one of the issues. One of my good friends said that perhaps in his twisted mind, he holds back attention and even sexual things from me  to get back at me for leaving him last year. I hope she's wrong because that would be really evil but I know he hasn't let that go because he finds it a personal attack instead of thinking about how messed up I had to be to leave. It was only for one month.  One of the things that I have a hard time wrapping my brain around is how loving and kind and generous he can be to some people. There are others that are close to me that find him completely obnoxious and abrasive and not tactful in the least. But he does have some groupies. Most of the time those are single women that have a self-esteem issues and children that love him just because he loves toys and video games.


 The other thing that is interesting is how happy I get when he does give me some attention maybe cuddle with me at night or play a game with me and then of course because we want that to continue we get excited perhaps this is a small change in the right direction and then once again they relapse into their cold Emotionless world.  I like to take myself out of that equation and think that maybe they are going through some personal issue in their own mind and they are stuck within themselves. It is very difficult however when day after day and night after night you flirt and you do such nice things for that person, take care of them when they are sick,  give them a back rub without even asking, run them some hot bath, make them a nice meal, buy them a nice gift, and a reciprocate nothing. Even when you tell them that they don't do these things and that you  feel that it is a one-sided relationship they don't make up for it they just continue as if you said nothing. I know that for me, if I was told by someone that I made them feel like crap I would try to rectify the situation immediately but for them it is very different. They just hold all that inside and say once again I suck and I messed up but yet they don't try to rectify the situation.  I know that the moment I decided to leave my marriage, I didn't know that it would only be for one month, but he had a huge temper tantrum him and I would never have left had he apologized and told me why he had the tantrum and that he was sorry. While we were separated he told me that  saying sorry would have just been a justification of what he had just done and it wouldn't have made any difference because I would not have believed him. But look what it made me do. If only he would have said sorry it would've been so simple and we could've worked on it together but this whole assuming what the other person will think is beyond control. 

 So yes I think sometimes it is jealousy and intimidation because he is not me but that is not my fault. We have been married 26 years and if he were humble he could learn from me. If he were humble he would get help. I have grown to be the way I am and it could've gone either way because I could have  been spiteful and vengeful & Horrible at relationships and learned from him too but I decided not to. There is a part of me that believes that he is on emotional lockdown in certain areas.  He can love with strangers more than his own family and I think it's because we already know what he is like and his flaws and weaknesses and so he can convince new people that he is OK. But it's only a matter time  before they see certain things too. He has even lost touch with his own brothers and his nephew who he has not seen in over 10 years. And when I reminded him to call before they forget about him he doesn't do it.I really have to talk to myself at times when he is isolating himself or when he promises to spend time with me and decides to watch television till two in the morning anyway or like the other day when I  had my lingerie on and was in the bed reading a book and he decided to play on his laptop till all hours of the morning. I tell myself that I am OK and that I will survive and not be destroyed by his choices. I just try to have some type of compassion for someone who hardly ever puts himself in my shoes.  I can't say that he doesn't love me because he tells me almost every day but I can say that he doesn't show it enough to convince me that he would do almost anything for me. After all while we were separated I swore up-and-down that he would chase after me to get me back and he never did. Twisted sense of love and more like feeling abandoned and victimized in their head.


 Who am I to doubt his love for me? Only God knows. I am not in his mind and I certainly do not have this neurological disorder or inability to be logical.  Who knows, maybe he is autistic as well. He only went to one therapy session and there was so much more she had to tell him but he never went back. So we do our best to improve on ourselves.

"It is a better thing to weigh and measure priorities
in the illuminating light of your own mission
than to have your activities formed by the
impressions and expectations of others."
- Mary Anne Radmacher

 And just as an addendum to this huge documentary that I just wrote, today I am not feeling well and have some body aches but I got home from work and he was on his way out. He asked me if I needed anything from him and I said no. He even said that he would stay with me but I told him it was OK because I knew it was a business meeting.I said I would just make some soup and wait for him to get home and that perhaps he could just cuddle with me. He said no problem.  Whether or not he fulfills that is yet to be seen, he might decide to stay out in the living room while I sleep and watch television till all hours of the morning. So who knows? But let me give you the opposite end of the spectrum. One day I was very very sick with the flu and when he got home I was in a hot bath and look like death. He even told me I look horrible. I had a fever and chills and my nose is running everywhere. He asked if there was anything  I needed because he was going to go play pool with a little girl that he is very close to. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Then he told me he would be home in a few hours. After he left I remember crying so much and actually punching my cabinets because I couldn't believe he left me even though I was that sick. and I am not one to beg even though other people might say that I should have told him to stay.

so this is what is very confusing, when I am not too sick he offers to stay with me and when I am very sick he leaves me alone. It is not logical and very difficult to try to understand. And that is the nature of the beast. The changing moment in my life will be when I can learn not to take that personal because then that is when the anger and resentment come in.

Absents of love or absents of an ability to fulfill an obligation of love to another person...If this is the case, there has to be dysfunction in there mind, that is rendering them incapable doesn't it?.

I think based on all you just said, my thought is definitely right...There is no healthy way to attach yourself to that kind of behavior. How can you when you never know what you are going to get? One minute it seems things are close to normal and then the next, it's; ARE YOU KIDDING ME..LOL.....I want comment on what you wrote he said and did when you were in the tub sick...I don't want to talk ugly...Yes I will, but I want talk ugly LOL....Only a few things I can think of could cause a person to have a re-action like he had when you were sick in the tube....Either he has little to no concern about your well being (No Love)...Or, if he truly could not see what his unconcern and lack of empathy was screaming to anyone who heard his comments, then he is void of emotion and is displaying symptoms of Alexithymia....Which makes me right about my comment, (not that I want to be right) there is an inability to meet their obligations of love....Which takes me back to a comment I made several times a couple of years ago....There are just some people who should not marry, it will always be disastrous....They can get by when they are alone...But they are not equipped to be a partner....Not in any kind of healthy respectful way....

I hope he keeps his promise tonight...but, don't stake any emotional attachment to it....Feel better!



Well, we had a nice night...we are both ready for bed. I will say this- he is NOT marriage material, no matter who he is married to, you are so right. I always say to myself how awesome it would be to be his friend, no hard feelings, we could hang out sometimes, but that's it. Ha! He always says ge won't remarry after me but I def would. 

Have a great night C! is very common for men to become inattentive toward their wives after they are married.  This is one reason why sites like, which caters to married men and women looking for affairs,  get so much action.

Maybe you guys ought to check it out? ;) 


Acceptance is the doorway and the key.

When we make our spouse's the object of our love and affection everyday. We can live a glorious unforgettable life full of more romance than all of Hollywood's greatest love stories....It is so sad to see people live out their years, but never truly live....

...but from your posts, C, it did sound like you are dissatisfied in your marriage.  You said he didn't cut it as a marriage partner but would be fine to hang out with as a friend.  Edit:  Oooops, now I see that was notgonnalosemyself's post.  But you said much the same...I may be mixed up here and if you are happy in your marriage, I'm very glad for you.

I had the same thoughts about my ADHD ex, btw.  However, we haven't hung out as friends since we split (way back when my son was 6 y.o.).

Acceptance is the doorway and the key.

Although I can't say that I am happy in my marriage, I do have good moments with him and I would never want to hurt him by going outside the marriage. I believe in God and I know how he feels about that. Pleasing him is most important to me and I know I will be blessed in the end. Maybe at one time I didn't care but I am glad that time in my life is over since I would have hurt more people than just my husband. I would not want that on my conscience. Sometimes the known is better than the unknown. I will water my grass as best as I can instead of looking at everyone elses. :) Life has a way of changing in the blink of an eye for the better and even if HE doesn't change, I sure am. I now compartmentalize my life, God, family, friends, health, work, marriage. I am just going to enjoy my life in every other aspect 100%. Have a blessed day. 

I've read your posts also Delphine, I knew you weren't advocating Adultery....I'm dissatisfied in any of us...(my marriage is definitely no exception) who for what ever reason and there are many, don't find the beauty that God intended for a man and his wife....

I was married for 30 years before I lost my first wife to Breast Cancer....So i know what it can be.....And in the past 8 years w/ my present wife....In those moments where denial and pride are handcuffed, we see what  Love and Grace can produce...and what can be.....



This happens regularly here too.  H asked if he should take off early from work on Tuesday to "help" me because I was starting the prep phase for a colonoscopy yesterday.  WHAT?  I asked him what he thought he could do?  He said , Well I don't know, support you in this?  WHAT?  Take off of work early to support me in drinking some juice?  He has had a colonoscopy to know that all you need to do to prepare is to drink some juice. Then he asked if he could do anything for me yesterday after I was home from having the colonoscopy, I asked what would he do?  He said he could go to the store and buy something I might need.  We had discussed this earlier in the day when I said I would just want to be home and not need anything.  

What he does is OFFERS to help when he knows I don't need or want it.  And it is as though he really DID DO the actions because he OFFERED to do them (even though the offers were off the wall useless and REALLY no offers at all).  This is all so trite and humiliating in its own way to ME!  Like his words and self ego are more valuable to him than my well being and sanity!  Is this a form of gaslighting?  It is a little crazy making to be put in a situation where I seem unappreciative of his offers while his offers are not only empty but maddening!

I find this interesting that someone else notices this about their spouse.  When I ask him to do something specific that IS really needed, he acts like I am a nag.  Sometimes he does a salute and says things like "Yes, sir!" to my requests for help.

H is not able to PARTNER or be on a team or work as part of a committee outside of marriage either.

Anyone else notice that playing on a team and working for the common good is difficult for an ADDer?

Yes, I get the captain salute and "yes sir/maam" and I can't stand it since it makes me feel like I am commanding something when I just need help with something. My husband knows that I can take care of myself and I have for most our marriage and it is true that they ask to help when the task is small and not inconvenient. When I ask for help around the house and he waits until the last minute or forgets or does one out of five things, then he gets frustrated. At times, it takes less energy for me to do it myself and I wonder if that is by design. But either way, I would have to do those things if I were single and so that is how I deal with it. I have been taking a time out when he frustrates me instead of lashing out and it works. I go to the bathroom, breathe and take a hot bath. It's better than telling him off every time I am disappointed. But yes, the 'can I help you with anything?' after I work an 8 hr day and go to the grocery store right after and I get home at 9PM, is hilarious. Then he gets up from his armchair where he was watching tv to help me bring the bags up. Many may say "you have to ask/tell him to help" but it gets tiring to ask someone who is your team mate and feel like a mommy all the time. But, that is the reality. :)

Every situation where one partner is working a job outside the home (should get some help even if not) and still having to do most all the mundane things (work) that it takes to produce a stable home and environment... frustration will always be the workers adversary....You can read these posts until you are blue in the face... But, until a person takes on the convictions and assumes responsibility for putting energy with this knowledge it never changes....

And the truth is, unless change happens (awareness w/ legs) the situations my change but the story is the same.....This is why I say many people who for what ever reason cannot, or will not, honor there Vows, should not take them.....

No adult should have to carry another healthy adult in this life.....Fighting the frustration will be a life long challenge....

AMEN brother! I love that "change: awareness with legs"!

"Anyone else notice that playing on a team and working for the common good is difficult for an ADDer?"

As an ADHDer, I can definitely relate - I SUCK at "playing well with others" and work best when I'm the only one involved. . . . . .as far as working for the common good, all I can offer is that sometimes we don't see the big picture clearly, or if a lot of tasks are involved, aren't able to properly prioritize them so the common good is served properly. . . . or sometimes we're just lazy, I guess . . . .I know that definitely doesn't help but here's this ASHDer's perspective for what it is worth. . . . .

As far as your H offering to help, I don't know your full story, so my views may be skewed, but from what it sounds like, it is a huge thing for your H to even offer help without prompting or "nagging", which I thought would have been a huge leap.  Grant you, the effort may have been completely mis-directed, but just the offer of help is usually a huge leap for us to make. . . whether he was sincere is between him and God. . . . . usually we're so used to being criticized for either doing nothing, the wrong thing, or doing the right thing incorrectly, that we usually grasp at ANYTHING that may seem useful in the hope that it is the right thing - all the while doing it without that o so useful executive function filter which may have told us to do something better.  Kinda like seeing someone who has fallen out of a chair, is bleeding, and has broken bones - the first thing we may say is "It looks like you fell down.  Can I help you get back in the chair?"  Would help up back in the chair be useful - I guess since it may be teh first thing we notice, but not before tending to all of the other immediate needs.

I know this doesn't help fix the situation, but I at least wanted to give you a perspective from our side of the fence.

 I really appreciate your input. It does help to get inside my husbands mind. I will do my best to thank him for offering to help and I will always continue to leave him to do list just in case one day he does them. Even though I don't understand everything it was good to get the other side too

 I really appreciate your input. It does help to get inside my husbands mind. I will do my best to thank him for offering to help and I will always continue to leave them to do list just in case one day he does them. Even though I don't understand everything it was good to get the other side too

 I really appreciate your input. It does help to get inside my husbands mind. I will do my best to thank him for offering to help and I will always continue to leave them to do list just in case one day he does them. Even though I don't understand everything it was good to get the other side too

"I will always continue to leave them to do list just in case one day he does them" - well, he may, but that reminds me of a meme "If he says he'll get the tasks done, he will, so there's no reason to remind him every 6 months."   :)

As far as not understanding everything we do, that's OK, neither do us ADHDers!

That is hilarious! I really wish the best for us- no matter which we are, non ADHD or ADHDer. We all deserve to be happy, loved and understood. Have a blessed day! "Never give up, never surrender!"- Galaxy Quest