Forum topic: Finally Reaching Out

I have lurked for months, coming here to read when I needed to feel like I wasn't alone and also to get perspective. I will often read about the challenges some of you face and think to myself, "I can't post here. Things aren't bad enough and my complaints will be insulting to those who have real issues." I've finally decided to post because I can't hold it in anymore. I have to talk to someone. This will be long and I hope at least one person will be patient enough to read it.

My husband and I are both in our 40s. We have been married for 19 years and have been a couple for 25 years. He has always been a little on the obnoxious side and can be talkative to a fault, but he is exceedingly creative and can be a lot of fun to be around. He has a great sense of humor and used to make me laugh all the time. He has always been a hard worker, to the point of being a workaholic, and while that has helped us achieve success in our life, it has also caused problems. Before we had kids, he would say that if he could just live at the office and never have to come home, he would love it. That was hurtful to me because, even though I worked full time then, I did the bulk of the housework and made sure dinner was ready for us when he got home so that we could spend the evening together, maybe talking or watching TV. He would rush through dinner, barely stopping to talk, and then sit down in front of the TV to play video games. I had two choices. I could sit and silently watch him, because if I spoke or asked a question, he might make a mistake in his game and have to start over, and this would enrage him. My other choice was to leave the room and find something to do by myself. He would play video games until late into the night, past my bedtime, and I got used to going to bed alone. This escalated after we got internet access. We only had one computer back then and it was in a small space, so I couldn't even sit with him and watch anymore. Once we could afford two computers, I got into gaming, too, and tried to play games with him. He would often end up frustrated with my lack of skill and finally told me he'd rather play games without me. This was crushing for me because I really tried to be interested in his stuff and he shut me out anyway. But at least back then he had to go to another room and physically log on to a machine. Now he has a smart phone that he can pull out and check anytime and anywhere all day long. If I try to talk to him or ask a question when he is on his phone, which is almost all the time, he gets angry and says he is busy, but I never know if he is busy with work stuff or just checking Twitter or playing a game.

He has worked his way up in his career and that has meant long hours. It was really difficult when our kids were little. We decided before we had kids that the person who made the least would quit to stay home with the kids, and that turned out to be me, which was and is fine. But, I didn't realize I would so often be home alone with a baby and a small child until 11 or 12 at night. I suffered from post-partum depression, so the isolation and loneliness was very difficult, but he was the only breadwinner so I had to adapt. I got used to being alone and fell into a routine with my children, because even when my husband is home and around, his phone is always in his hand and whatever is on it is the top priority. The first thing he does when he wakes up in the morning is check his phone, and it accompanies him to the breakfast table. When our children ask him questions, he often doesn't respond, and I have to get his attention so he will acknowledge them. If he is asked too many questions, he will get angry and say, "Can I just do this right now?" No matter what we are doing: watching TV, watching a movie, visiting with friends or family, out at a restaurant, wherever, he is on his phone and is not present in whatever activity we are engaging in. We took our kids to the zoo for the first time in over a year a few weeks ago and he spent most of the time on his phone and pushing us to move to the next exhibit because he had seen enough. My mother was with us and I was embarrassed and ashamed of his behavior in front of her.

He was diagnosed with ADHD two years ago after he recognized a lot of behaviors in himself that our ADHD/ODD diagnosed 11 year old displayed and took it upon himself to get tested. I commended that and really thought medication would change everything for the better, but it didn't. Things have actually gotten worse, I think because he now feels he has an excuse for his behavior. What was perceived as a character flaw before is now dismissed as, "Well, my meds have worn off for the day" or "I have ADHD". He always has an excuse for ignoring me, ignoring our kids, ignoring chores and responsibilities around the house, basically ignoring anything that isn't in his wheelhouse: work, games, or Twitter. When I have told him how unhappy I feel about these things, he shrugs and says, "This is how I am." I want to tell him no, this is how you are *now*, because I never would have married you if you were always like this.

Finally, to the recent developments: he had been having a difficult time at his job and it is because the person who runs the company is really incompetent (it's a startup). I understand it is not him, though he does not make it easy for himself because when he is unhappy at a job, he makes everyone pay for it, including co-workers. About 6 months ago, the company cut everyone's pay by 25%, and we really struggled. I have always been in charge of the finances because I am the fiscally responsible one who will get the bills paid on time and keep our budget on track. He began to actively look for another job a few months ago and was initially talking about moving. I was very reluctant to do this because our oldest daughter struggles socially and seemed to be fitting in at school for the first time in years. Then he told me all of the jobs he was looking at were located outside of the US (one was in Sweden) and I told him I couldn't leave the country, that he didn't understand what that would mean: visas for all of us, having to sell all our possessions, giving our pet away, selling our car and house, etc. Things improved some at his job (salary went back up to 100% in February) but we didn't know how long that would last. The last I heard, he had talked to the owner of another startup that was doing very well and had a possible in at that company. Then, about a month ago, at about 11 pm, he asked me if he could tell me something about his job. I told him I was tired and was it something that could wait until the morning. He said yes and that was that. The next morning, over breakfast, he told me he was quitting his job that day to start his own business. That same day. I was stunned. This was something that could wait until the morning?! When I asked that very question, he just said, "Well, I wanted you to get one more good night of sleep."

Over the past few weeks, I have alternated between despair and rage. It is a real effort for me to appear normal in front of our children and I don't know what I am going to do in two weeks when they are home from school for the summer. He has turned our basement into an office and once the kids are home for the summer they are going to expect to be able to hang out and play in the basement like they have always been able to, and it will be difficult to keep them out of there so he can work. Even though he initially told me he'd get an office space, I haven't heard anything more about it from him. Besides, we have barely enough money in our checking account to get us to the end of the month, and about two months worth in savings before we are tapped out, so I'm not sure how we would even afford an office space. Every time I ask him when we are getting paid, he tells me "I'm working on it" and that we have enough money to last us until June, but that's only about 2 weeks away now. When I told him how betrayed I feel because of what he did, he says he did this to help us, as a family, but I still cannot get over not being told about this. I feel blindsided and completely out of control of my own life. He has a partner, whom I have met once, and an investor, but this investor still hasn't committed any real money to the venture and the lawyer he says he has hasn't been responding to his emails and phone calls. I am terrified we will be destitute by summer, and I don't know how someone who can't remember something you told him 10 minutes ago is going to run a successful business. Just last year, he told me that he would never want to own his own business because he wouldn't want to do all the boring stuff like paying taxes and crunching numbers. And now here we are, and I don't know what to do.

I'm not really looking for answers from any of you. None of you can help me solve this mess I'm in. I just don't have anyone else to talk to and I really needed to get all this out. I am miserable and scared and he is behaving like he didn't just turn our lives upside down. I'm sorry this is so long. If you read this far, thank you. Thank you for hearing me.


I'm So Exhausted's picture


Glad you took time to try some dialoging here with us.  I hope you find encouragement.  Sorting out what I can hope to adjust and what I need to decide whether I can live with or not is where my journey  currently is located.

We all have some similarities, but no walk is exactly the same.  Hope you find encouragement to find peace for yourself.

Very truly,




*******I have recently seen a lady looking back at me from the mirror - and I said, "Hello friend. Long time no see!""*******

Thanks for your response. I've read a lot of your journey since I've been lurking here and I wish you well. I hope to find encouragement and peace, too. 


I am half-sick of shadows.

I'm So Exhausted's picture

He spells it out so well!  

"No time hath she to sport and play: 

A charmed web she weaves alway. 

A curse is on her, if she stay 

Her weaving, either night or day, 

       To look down to Camelot. 

She knows not what the curse may be; 

Therefore she weaveth steadily, 

Therefore no other care hath she, 

       The Lady of Shalott. "

Very truly,


*******I have recently seen a lady looking back at me from the mirror - and I said, "Hello friend. Long time no see!""*******

Hi, Shalott, I'm glad you posted.  Glad you're here.  Most of what you wrote was about his ups and downs.  No surprise there.  The two of you have been on a roller coaster.  I wondered how many kids you have, and about your mother living with you.  And even more about you.  

There are plenty of differences, but much that you wrote, the work focus and media obsession, reminds of kinds of things my husband and I've been through.  From my POV, his cellphone obsession nearly broke us up once.  Contributing factors, other people involved.   But I think he and I are past that. 

.  He had  to learn from other people than me...that's the fact, if you're an intimate partner, you likely cant be the one to provide the reference point outside of the situation, to help your spouse see himself and his impact on the kids and you from the outside.  

What really came across, and I felt for it, is your worry and not knowing what to do, as he goes solo withou nthe people skills to do it.  Keep in touch, ok.  Sounds like your daily life is full of taking care of kids, maybe your mom, and home management? 


Thanks for taking the time to read my post and respond. I have two kids, one is neurotypical and the other has ADHD/ODD, which we are managing with therapy and medication. My mom doesn't live with us but she lives very close by so we see each other a lot. She is my only real support but she tends to be very negative when it comes to my marriage. She divorced after 33 years of marriage and she sees a lot of her marriage in mine, though thankfully H isn't *just* like my father. If he was I'd be long gone. As he ages, though, I see similarities that scare and sadden me. All the same, her negativity often makes me feel worse. I love her and she is always there when I need her, but I wish she could offer more comfort and less negativity. I am already well aware of the mess that is my life.

H's cellphone obsession is killing me, and has been for a long time. Even my screen-obsessed tween with ADHD complains about it. But unless he wants to change, and I truly believe he doesn't, we have to deal with it. No amount of complaining, pleading, anger, or tears on my part has changed it. He has the internet and video games at his disposal at any time on a little device that fits in his pocket. It's like crack for his ADHD and we can't compete with it. How can we possibly be more interesting than the entire internet?

I would like H and I to go to counseling but to leave my kids I'd need someone to watch them. They are 12 and almost 7, but the 12 year old is not yet responsible enough to be left in charge for too long. I also worry that her ODD will get the best of her while we are out and she will end up hurting her little sister. I've also considered separate counseling for myself, but I really think if we are going to spend the money, H is the one who should go until we have more funds. The last time I mentioned therapy for him, he said his meds work fine and he doesn't have time to go to therapy. Thanks again for your reply, NowOrNever. 


I am half-sick of shadows.

Your husband has the same type of ADHD as mine - highly focused, driven, doesn't like distractions. Right after we got married he told me, "I don't have time to eat breakfast with you. I don't have time to eat lunch with you, and the only reason I eat dinner with you is out of obligation." I was devastated when he said that. Very similar to your husbands statement about never leaving the office. 

My husband is self employed. He never had a job working for anyone else after college. He insisted on starting his own business. We have had some financial disasters along the way, but have always been able to recover. 

We also have a son that has ADHD/ODD. It has been a long and stressful road for me. My husband and son refuse medication so I've been literally running in circles for 22 years catering to their disorder. I'm mentally, physically, and emotionally exhausted. In the last year, they have both done neurofeedback treatments. This has given improvements, but we are still far from being a normal functioning family. 

We are financially stable at this point and my husbands ADHD is manageable. My 16 year old ADHD/ODD son is the wild card for us right now. We wake up everyday not knowing what drama he will throw at us. 

Im sorry that the only thing I can offer you is an understanding ear. I know what you're going through. I hope that helps a little.


Hi Hopeful Heart,

It helps tremendously knowing someone understands! I spend a lot of time needlessly worrying about how I'm going to get through this alone, and this forum has been a lifesaver.  Talking to other women who don't have the ADHD component in their marriage is frustrating, because they either say "my husband is like that, too" or "don't put up with it". I know they are trying to be nice, but they really have no clue what women like us have to deal with (I know there are wives out there with ADHD, too). I am lucky that H and my daughter are willing to take medication regularly, and I'm sorry to hear that your H and son are unwilling to give it a try. Teens are already moody and unpredictable. Adding ADHD and ODD to that must be incredibly frustrating and difficult for you. Thanks for reading and responding. I'll keep a good thought for you. :)


I am half-sick of shadows.

I'm glad you posted. You will find helpful and caring people here. Your life is NOT too trivial to be here, in fact you have quite a lot on your plate.

     Your husband sounds very much like mine. He did the same things concerning work, where he "worked" morning to night, and rarely gave any time to me or our daughters. (He adopted my two girls from a prior marriage, when they were young) We couldn't have our own children, which turned out to be a blessing in disguise. I can't imagine also having a child with ADHD, along with an undiagnosed/untreated husband.

           My husband was diagnosed about 10 years ago, and we've been married 33 years. He took the medication occasionally when he remembered it, which DID help. But neither of us were taught about ADHD, even though we went to some counseling. My H thinks it's just a focus problem, but it doesn't impact me in any way. The problems have been so vast, it's hard to even list them here. I had to leave recently because it came down to my mental and emotional survival. My health has suffered greatly from my doing too much to compensate for his lack of doing, and the added stress of him pulling away emotionally and not demonstrating love to me in a "marital" or even a "partner  way. But yet he wanted me to keep giving him love and affection with almost nothing reciprocal.  I couldn't keep it up any longer, and was "given out".

     I can now see more of my own part in this chaotic lifestyle, and am on a   journey of self discovery, but it took me too long to get here.  I had to put a stop to the dynamic between us, which took my leaving. (I'm not telling you to do this, it's what I had to do)  but I did want you to know there are MANY of us out here living the life you are explaining.

       I encourage you to keep posting and learn all you can on ADHD, and learning about yourself, even in the chaos. I can sense you feel neglected, and you need help. Me too. Glad you are here.


Thank you so much for this, dede. I got emotional when I read "your life is not too trivial to be here", because I often think I just need to suck it up and just go on the best that I can, but some days (like today) it is really, really hard to do that and I think that if I have to live one more moment with the guilt and isolation I will break. I need to remember that even though I feel very alone there are more people out there like me and I can find them here. I have read a few books about ADHD and done a lot of internet research but it has all focused mainly on children because my oldest has combined type ADHD and ODD. I haven't read much about Adult ADD/ADHD because I (ridiculously) though H would do that for himself. I can't get him to read any of the books about children with ADHD for our daughter's sake, so why would he read about himself, right? To his credit, he has been more helpful around the house since he has been working from home, but I fear that is just a honeymoon stage of a new situation and it will wear off soon. We did get some money but it is just enough to cover bills and not much else, meaning we would not be able to buy groceries or gas or anything else for two weeks until we get paid again, and that is completely unrealistic. I will have to tap into savings again and hope that our finances improve, but the stress of worrying about money and having H home *all* *the* *time* has been unbearable. I have been trying to check in here more often and will need to make a habit of it.  Thank you again for being so welcoming.


I am half-sick of shadows.