Forum topic: A never ending cycle of infidelity, is it ADD/ADHD?


This might get long so I apologize. Trying to keep it short and give the facts but there's tons. 

My DH and I have been married just over 4 years, together for almost 6 with a little break before marriage. Everything seemed great at first when we dated, he was so intensely passionate and loving. Very attentive and caring.... till a year and a half in, after never having a single fight he cheated on me and left me high and dry. 2 months later he said he realized it was a mistake and came back and we got married 5 months later. We each have children from our prior marriages and now have a 3 year old together. When our son was 5 months old he began the emotional affair again with the same woman he had cheated on me with before and continued it for almost 2 years with me knowing the whole time, only this time he didn't leave but he kept blaming it on little things that I did that bothered him horribly. I put a lot of effort into not doing those things anymore and now every issue he has ever brought up to me (always after a cheating episode) I have resolved. 

I have also had issues with him going on Craigslist and emailing with people about disgusting sex acts, often men, but as far as I know he doesn't act on them (except once that I know of before we were married). I have found evidence of this all through his first marriage and apparently even within the first 2 months of us dating. It's extremely hurtful and he knows it is but he still does it. Any time I go out of town for business or family (things are great beforehand) or we get into a fight and he decides to go stay in a motel this is what he does. Sometimes he does it sitting right on the couch with me when absolutely nothing is going on. We have sex regularly so I know it's not a lack of attention there. And every time he comes back swearing he does it because he's so unhappy with me, he doesn't care about me or how I feel, and that he feels I force him to stay. Then when things calm down we have fun and times are good and then he does it again with seemingly no trigger. It's happened at least 40-50 times now where he has these episodes. 

When things are good, they are good. And sometimes we can go a month or 2 without these issues. But they always happen again. I know he was diagnosed at 14 with ADD. I am loyal, honest, caring, ambitious, faithful, I don't do drugs, I try to communicate which is always met with anger. I work hard to meet his needs that he says he has but he says I'm needy in wanting him to just text me during the day to say hi which takes 30 seconds, yet he could spend hours chatting with someone else.  He seems very lax in responsibility with his 2 teenage daughters, never enforcing rules or consequences, yet somehow I'm a bad parent and always have something against them when I try to teach them something. But apparently everything I do with my own daughter is wrong. Everything is a double standard. 

He runs and plays the victim about how hard his life is every time he does this too. But I honestly believe what's really going on is that he is having impulses that he doesn't know how to control and he's trying to justify them by convincing himself and anyone who will listen that he's got it so hard. I have asked him why he cheats and he will say he doesn't know why once things are more calmed down but in the moment he's always blaming me saying it's because I get frustrated too easily when I lose something for example. He can't see the fact that he's been cheating long before we ever got together and also long before he ever even had a chance to see these "flaws" in me. It started even with us back when things were still new. I think he has low self esteem and is trying to get validation and then to save himself the shame, he's coming up with reasons why he has to leave me. 

If he wants to go do something, I don't complain anymore. If he says he will be back in an hour and comes back 5 hours later I don't complain at all. He usually doesn't get home until after an hour from when he gets off work, I don't call and ask where he is. I ask very little of him, but really miss the times when I actually felt secure, loved and appreciated. He says I am needy for needing those things. 

Needless to say it's all very hurtful and I don't know what else to do. He has never really taken full responsibility he always claims it's something I did to drive him to do it like the frustration I sometimes experience, never big things like sex, trust, or big marital responsibilities, I want to keep my family together, but he's so convinced that I'm his problem, he doesn't even see his actions for what they really are. He's finally said he's getting counseling but of course doesn't want to even be with me when he does it. Says he mostly needs therapy from dealing with me yet once again his biggest complaints are about how I get frustrated, and how I have tried to instill boundaries for his kids to help them (which I have detached from that 6 months ago). 

I should add he's also very financially irresponsible, has extreme communication issues (even his mother says that), is very forgetful, procrastinates, and has a history of job hopping. 

Does it sound like ADD or ADHD could be the root problem? If so, how do I get him to realize it or even look into it with counseling? How do I get him to make sure that he's focusing on the right things in counseling (himself and his habits, figuring out why, making sure he gives the full story). How do I get him to realize that will be a lot more helpful than trying to spend his time focusing on supposedly how to deal with his wife? I would like to explore marriage counseling after a few months of his own therapy, and I realize I can't control him. But there's more than just him and I at stake here and I think things could be good if he could learn about the issues within himself that cause him to feel the need to cheat, and how to control those impulses or redirect them. I'm searching for answers in the hopes maybe he will be more willing to explore them if he has direction. How can I encourage him to make sure he really digs deep into himself and accepts responsibility for his own actions? Will a therapist be able to see through it? It's so confusing when he goes from loving to hating me in a matter of minutes each time he gets caught. And the worse his transgressions the meaner he gets. 

Any ideas and insights are welcome. I want my family as well as we can be. I'm trying to stand by my husband but it's hard when he's trying so hard to blame me for his issues that existed long before me. If you made it here, thanks for reading and please offer any suggestions or advice. 


I read your post - and wow.... what a rough situation you are in.  I am so sorry that things are what they are for you.


For me personally  - any infidelity is an immediate and PERMANENT deal breaker.  Any of those actions would have sent him right out of my life, but I know that everyone feels differently about things. 


I will say this - ADD/ADHD will not "cause" infidelity. It can make temptation harder to resist if that is what the focus is, and the whole "new and exciting" aspect of things.  But from what I understand - it is NOT a root cause.


So, I am going to say something that might be a bit controversial, but please understand this is based on *MY* worldview, *MY* personal experience (if you click on my screen name you can see my posts to get more background and details).  But to me - he is acting out in a way that makes me wonder if he experienced childhood sexual abuse.  Sounds alot like many men and women who go through that, and end up having compulsions and urges based on an inner shame and guilt.  ADHD can enhance those compulsions and make things VERY hard to manage.   Someone who has gone through that will have very specialized needs, and may not even be willing to face these things.


I think you most definitely need profesional help here, regardless of what the root cause turns out to be - but going to a neutral, professional therapist to begin unwinding all this would be the first step in my opinion.  And then go from there, as there is WAY to much going on here to be dealt with, with out some help.


I would also encourage you to understand that while you might love him very much (and I understand this BELIEVE ME I DO) you need to protect yourself.  No root cause is a valid excuse for this treatment of you, and from the sounds of it - its escalating and getting worse and worse.  You might want to consider removing yourself from the situation until you can get real help with this.  Above all, to protect yourself from his "meanness" and to protect yourself from any consiquence of his infidelity.   


It is my opinion that you are in what seems like an emotionally and sexually abusive situation.  Please, please please get help.  Even for just yourself if he is unwilling. 



*** rising from the ashes like a phoenix ***

My opinion (or my personal world view as you say ) is based almost exclusively on my experience as well.  What  "they" say (who ever right? lol )...."experience is the best teacher."

Relating your experiences and sharing stories that are personal I've found is the best way to see inside a person as the story teller of their own story.....whether in the third person or not (as with any story teller or writer/author of a book or novel...fiction or non fiction ) allows to you feel as if you are there so you can imagine what it must be like to be that person in the story.

While I can enjoy a very good fictional story or novel by an excellent imaginative and creative writer.....nothing hits home more for me than to hear real life stories of any kind since they are not scripted ( a fantasy/fiction created inside another persons head ) and are actual "accounts" of the they were.  Truth...IS stranger than fiction.  I agree with this statement 100%.  It troubles me when someone cannot tell their story or there are pieces missing.  It doesn't allow me to hear them and put myself in their story so I can imagine what it must have been like for them. the moment, compassion and empathy, reading verbal cues and being a good listener is important to hear them in the moment and connect with them which is actually....the process of creating your story in the NOW (all good and long as the story you create is a positive one while in the moment right?)

But when a person doesn't have the preceding part of their story (of their past to share with me)...or is withholding (doesn't want to talk about it) has holes in their story.....or is leaving  that part and keeping it from you.....this I find hard to deal with and is suspect all by itself?  The immediate question I ask is "WHY?"....that's only natural isn't it?

  And if you press for more information and to hear more stories to include their experiences to gain this kind of insight to them....they react hostility or like your trying to pry as if it's "none of your business."

My reaction to that with that attitude to go along with it from my intimate partner is "the Hell if it isn't".  Especially when the holes that seem to be missing....are the ones that are biting you on the ass and you have no idea or concept as to "WHY...that IS?"

It's one thing to not need to know everything about what your spouse or partner is doing (that "WHY" question you might have)  It's another thing entirely when the part of that "WHY" is harming you and you are suffering because it yourself. 

I call Bullshit on that personally...especially when "dark secrets of the past"  seem to be those same missing  parts of their stories that they are afraid to share of tell..... are the very ones causing you harm and this is very disturbing all by itself.  No memory of them is even worse IMHO and even more cause for concern?

I'm not talking about undiagnosed ADHD or some health problem that a person is not aware of.  I'm talking about that persons "experiences"...since....those "experiences" are the ones that taught them to be the way they are....simply put.

I Love...the hear and tell stories (if you hadn't figured that out yet LOL ) and I have nothing really to hide.  There are some isolated incidences in my life....that I would prefer to keep private and are mostly the worst cases that I'm not too proud of....but those are isolated and few and far between....they are not recurring themes in my life and they are not being re-enacted again today and certainly not in the relationship with my wife aside from the few times that I have really lost my temper and acted in ways I'm ashamed of.  But this is not everyday....every other day.....every week....or even every month.  It the total time I've been with my wife....I can count the number of times that I have acted out in anger to a level that I am ashamed of and those very moments were the ones that brought me here to this forum looking for answers in association with having ADHD.  As I found out...that was an associated reason (not an excuse) that helped explain this better to me...for the very purpose of understanding it so I would not keep doing it and prevent that from happening.....and I don't have a problem telling that part of my story either since....I have no intention of ever doing these things again as long as I can help it.  For that matter.....there was no intention before....even though I did it anyway which I am not proud of and I feel badly and remorseful for that happening in the first place no matter how legitimate the reason for my anger was.  I still hold to the Buck Stops here and will give it best effort in making sure my emotional liability will be kept under tight control for the sake of anyone else.  That's the point.  Me losing my temper and acting like a jerk....doesn't hurt me directly in the moment does it?  I don't want to hurt anyone....that's why I need to control my anger and I don't lash out and pay people back for hurting me even if they did.  Revenge and pay back is not part of my only going behavior and I don't feel the need to punish those who offend me or even hurt me accidently either.  I can tell the difference....I can tell when it's intentional or not most of the time?  I can tell from how it feels and when it's directed at me...or indirectly associated to me by circumstance or just plain ignorance?

I can tell and it's not that hard to figure out you know?  But there is a more insidious kind of attack that is not so unintentional in my mind and that's actually the one you're not always aware of and that is most harmful because of it's secretive underhanded way of going about it.  That in itself is more "covert" and "secretive" since that "WHY" part again .....seems to be the culprit behind it that the person themselves seems to be hiding from you so they won't actually get caught for hurting you red handed....face to face.  As I've called it...."chicken shit"....since this is not just passive aggressive behavior we're talking about.  Usually...passive aggressive behavior is acted out without the other persons knowledge or awareness and the point of doing to not let the person you are angry with know?  That's a very indirect and very discrete form of aggression which I will also say is underhanded....but not so much in terms  as cowardly....taking the 911 terrorists attack as akin to something that is no longer passive aggressive anymore.  That's the kind of "chicken shit" I'm talking about since it is an overt attack that is directed on an innocent by stander as an acting out of some ones own personal rage against others....whether it's against you by simply being in the same room with them or has nothing to do with you...but you are the victim or recipient....either way?

I hope that makes sense as I said it....and trying to show the difference in what I see personally...between passive aggressive behavior....and something else?  It's that something else that scares me.....overt aggression or even passive aggression at least you can put a name on and identify as I'm getting from you and the context of how you were describing something that you and I....are both expressing that is in a category....."all by itself".

As I interpreted you and heard what you said....this was what came to my mind myself especially in terms of "experiences" and story telling and why they "can be"  so significant to you if some of the story is missing?

And thing personal feelings about this I see it,  Comedy and Tragedy go hand in hand in real life drama as well as in theater.  Both are part of good story telling and much can be learned in humor as well. I am suspect when someone cannot laugh at things easily and see the humor in most anything even if it's not that funny.  All it is a different perspective on the same event...looking at it from a different point of view.  Lack of
"humor" in my equally troubling as a lack of tragedy in the story tellers story.  Not being able to show outwardly sign of both in another persons story is very suspect to me.  I can see the humor in almost doesn't mean I think it's "funny"....necessarily?  If you understand it as being a human experience and having a balance of the two.  No just as tragedy that is not disclosed or barely mentioned?  Why not talk about it....if it's not currently happening?  And if what is currently happening in your story right now with that person and they're not coping to it......well????????????????

  That's not normal human behavior and it stands out in my mind?  And that really is a problem as I want to hear more and the other person is not willing to share both in my mind?  Like I said....if it's effecting me negatively.....I have a right to now if that person is my intimate partner that I live with and this is harming me or damaging me in some way because of it?  I know what hurts me or causes me harm.........that not rocket science either...know what I mean?

On the lighter side again and with a little more levity (that I am more well known for....:) and with no disrespect to anyone or trying to minimize the impact of what I just said... a really good case in point that just popped into my head is a comedian I Love named Mitch Hedberg.  His personal story is a tragedy and why many haven't even heard of him before.  He died very young when he was just starting to become better known from a dark personal life that involved Heroin addiction (the related cause of his early death).  Knowing this in context as you hear him can hear his personal story within his humor and it's equally telling IMHO.

The joke that actually popped into my head was related to what I'm saying in a humorous way......

 "I think blurry.....and that's's not the photographers fault.  Bigfoot IS blurry...and that's extra scary to me...because there's a large out of focus monster roaming the country side." lol

which is followed in his routine by....

"One time a guy hands me a picture and says..."here's a picture of me when I was younger".....(replying)...Every picture of you is when you were younger????" lol

I hope you can see the humor and the tragedy here as I am applying it to the picture we see of a person and their story?  When an experience is so far out of the norm that any person experiences....their story is not going to be a complete one and will be missing the most important parts as you hear it IMHO?

Mitch Hedberg link: (link is external)

This is not an ADHD caused behavior and is not on the list of symptoms that I'm aware of in my own personal experience of having ADHD at the very least?



I went back and read you're story.  What caught my attention was the post you made a couple of years ago entitled....Trying Something Different One Last Time......

In it you wrote.....

So, I posted earlier this week that I decided to end my relationship with my DH of almost 3 years because of his lack of effort to maintain and work on his own condition.  His ADHD has made life very painful for both of us, and I finally cracked.  It has become a choice of spend time with my mother in another state because she has stage 4 cancer that isn't getting any better, or stay with my DH and work on our relationship.  I have been on this treadmill for 2 years since his diagnosis but he still wont even take his meds.  Here are the details if you want background:

The past few days have been brutal.  On one hand, there is some relief that I can now move forward and not have this hurt anymore, on the other hand - I love my DH very much.  And I hate to see him go down like this.  He is spiraling into deep depression.  He told me he hated himself, that he always had.  He went to get his hair cut by my friend and she called me when he left and told me that she was worried for him, that he seemed like a zombie.  That he was lost and seemed empty like a shell.  Between that, his admission that he hates himself and then his care free, chipper attitude, I have been very confused about all this.  He has shut down - that much I can see.

I haven't slept much, reading everything I can in this forum. 

What I want to say is for you specifically.  In context to NOW and what you just wrote...I can what the problem is going back to when you wrote this post 2 years ago.  Hate.  That's where the contempt comes from directed at you.  It may be his hatred of himself, but it came from the same hatred and contempt imposed onto him by the people who abused him.  And so on it goes.......

This is still the problem today with your H I guarantee it.  He was injected with it by those perpetrators and he is still suffering at their hands today and carrying it forward.  I am clear on this in terms of my wife as well.  I have been clear on this for quite a while now but I have been approaching this problem from a different perspective.....actually....a more proactive one for myself only in preparation ahead of time for what I see might happen in the future.  I cannot know what will happen so I can't assume unless I give my wife the chance.  As you said in this post....."the ball in in his court."

As I'm saying to you now on your are now.....what I am now.....I'm not where you were back then. But before I tried that One Last Time Something New.......I needed to be ready and prepare myself for what might come in advance before I "Tried It."

As I'm saying this too you....the "bomb" I dropped on my wife as I see actually a test for both of us.  I had to be willing to step ....all  the way back...and take myself and what I wanted completely out of the picture.  I had to be strengthened, reinforced, made immune and completely disconnected to my wife in terms of "needing anything" from her during this test period.  The connection is the means by which any input what so ever into my wife's issues was here way of using me to escape it.  No where to run and hide when you have no where else to go.  That goes along with the hatred she feels for herself..that she expels or gets extended onto me through our connection and anything I want or need from her. It's within the connection that the damage to me occurs.  The closer I get to here...the more she pushes me away.  I can empathize and be compassionate till the cows come home...and that will do nothing but fuel this hatred and shame she feels deep inside and the more she will expel it onto me each time.  She can't foist that into me....if I don't allow her to but not allowing her what steps up her efforts to get rid it.  If she cannot see where this comes from and why....and she cannot get rid of it some how or blame someone for the way she feels about herself.....she will be left with having to deal with it alone with no other outlet or means to get rid of it.  As she still sees things.....her hatred is towards something outside of herself....she cannot see her own hatred of herself but she feels it everyday.  Either she gets rid of it onto herself....or she gets rid of it onto others...there is no other way if she can't do it for herself by herself with no other conduit available to her.  She is running from it and trying to escape it....and this part is clear to me.....but I'll be damned if I'm going to be the conduit for it and I'm not taking that sitting down or lightly.

You are the Phoenix Stacey.  Katie Perry's song you include saying to "rise" are inspirations to you.....stand up and be counted and do that for yourself.

I have said before...that I am a stand up guy.  This is what I meant by that.  I'm already up....I have never hated myself for very long if ever that happened.  No matter what happened in my lifetime of trauma....I have a way to get back up...and stand up again each time when ever I needed to.  I have a lifetime of experience in standing up and I have countless experiences with this before in my lifetime.  Fear is the only thing standing in your way...I know this like the back of my hand. 

I believe in second chances and giving a person a second chance.  What they do with it...will be their test of fire.  This is not something you can do for another person.

And I read your post and now see you here now....I did recognize in context...where I am and this is where I am.  I am ready and I standing up already and have risen to the occasion.  This is not a form of manipulation as I am saying this to you.  This is all about me and my own self protection from hatred.  If my wife can't turn and face her demons and stop chasing the dragons tail....I can't be with her and that's that.  That's her fight...not mine.  I dropped the bomb and now it's up to her.  I in essence...chose the time I was ready to deal with the fallout...but before I did....I had to be ready and already standing before I did in preparation for what I see as a possibility.  I had to be ready to completely separate myself from her (not physically ) and endure the exorcism and see where that takes her.  But as long as she can use our connection as a conduit for escape...she'll never do it on her own.  Not at this time in her life after this long a time.  What I've had to do and be ready to immune and stand alone for a while and just let it happen on it's own.  The only thing that I can feed into it as I random acts of kindness and nothing else.  If I'm upset, angry or hurt or want anything in return from her at during this time....I will be the reason why she can use that as an excuse...just likes she's done with everything else as long as that avenue is open.  That means...closing off that avenue and making sure I'm not giving her any legitimate reason for using me to get rid of her own self loathing.

Back to the story of the Samurai and the Old man on the bridge.........( the Power of Qi )...( once more the story for you Stacey....

As it was said.....A Samurai, has the Devine right of life and death given to him by the divine emperor at his disposal any time of his choosing at will....without question.  And so....a Samurai was crossing a one way foot bridge and moving towards an old man who also making his way already coming from the other side of of the bridge and then met in the middle with only room for one to pass.  It was in the Samurai's right to dispatch the old my who stood in the way of his progress as he felt if necessary.  Since there was only one solution here and the Samurai's path was impeded....he prepared to dispatch the old man and continue forward across the bridge an put his hand on his sword when the old man dropped to his knees and removed his Tea kit from his satchel.  The Samurai paused and watched while the old man prepared his tea with his head down never looking up at the Samunrai even once during this process full knowing his fate but continued on with the process.  The old man continued with preparing the his tea ...drank it and and then returned the makings to his satchel while acting as if the Samurai was not even there or his life was even at stake.  The Samurai could feel the power of the old mans Qi and could feel it so strongly it impressed upon him so greatly...that he gained the respect for the old mans power and he took his hand off his sword and allowed him to pass unharmed.

Stacey....this was the story told to me years ago in the Karate class I took back then by our teacher (sensai? ) who was teaching us how to harness the power of our Qi.  As it is also described in the book The Art of Sun Tzu (written thousands of years ago ) that the last thing you do at the exhaustion of every other options is to actually turn and fight a physical fight as the last and only recourse you have.  It's the last option when left with no other choice.

As I have personally interpreted this and tried to apply it to I've said...."I'll let you know when the horse is dead"....meaning....when all other options have failed will be when I quit and give up hope.

But as I'm applying the story of the Samuria and the old don't give up from your own weakness and exhaustion in desperation and hopelessness.  You do it when you are standing at full strength as a choice...not from failure.  Drawing your own power and rising to the occasion like your doing which I commend you for it.

Your comments to me about being happy to see that I didn't immediately see failure and hopelessness as you see in your H....comes from that fact that I do not hate myself...and actually care enough about myself for that to have never really happened with me....despite the times I fall down and feel hopeless and disrepair.

As far as I see this in terms of myself and your H.....the problem is actually getting back up when you fall.  That's where you draw the power of your Qi and stand up again each time that happens. 

It's a getting up problem....not a falling down one as I'm saying this to you. 

You are always going to fall down and you can't prevent that from happening no matter what.  Shit happens.  You can't prevent that....but you can get back up when you fall and stand up each time.

And I'm not about to help my wife stand up or use me to do that for her as I'm seeing this for the same reason.  She's a big girl and can stand up on her own (no matter how much she hates me for not doing that for her) but I can be there just the same and encourage her and still show her the postives things I have to offer but I already know from experience...she's not going to be giving me much in return for a while at least.

That;s her test of fire....I'm just creating the opportunity for her but I can't do it for her.  But I'm not leaving the bridge until she has a chance to show me what she will do with it.  Anything I want until I decide the horse is temporary off the table for at least until I can see what she will do with it now that I've dropped the bomb and am ready for what ever happens.

My time spent here for the most making sure and being prepared and being ready for anything while standing strong at the same time.  Not out of exhaustion, despair and hopelessness....but drawing on my own power to get me through it and remain up and standing upright.  Until I decide that horse is dead....not her.

As far as I can see it....this is the only way to know for sure?  The one thing I won't live with hatred of any kind.  I'm seen that face one too many times before but I'm not using that to make my any decisions based on my wife.  I'm giving her the chance to show me what's she got.  If she doesn't have doesn't take anything from me.

Know what I mean Jelly Bean? :)




J - I knew I liked you LOL.


Your story of the Samurai - believe it or not I am very familiar with it! :-)  I own several copies of "The Art of War" along with the Book of 5 Rings and others that are similar.  And yep  - you are very right.  SOmetimes you have to put your own things aside to see "whats what".  Give the partner a chance to show what they got. 


As you can tell from my many years of being on this forum (digging up the old posts LOL - I do it too all the time) - this has been a very long battle and I have really put in the time and work for this, and always seem to come back to the same place on the road, pretty sure I am traveling on a round-a-bout at this point.  


As for hate - yes, I agree, so much of this boils right down to that very thing.  My H ADHD battles are just part of his war - the much larger enemy being the hate  - as you said  - injected into him as a child, flavoring his existance, and defining him in his own mind.  He seems  to see himself through *their* eyes, *their* filters.  He only sees the bad, never the good IN him.  And the things he sees as good - are really not, and are actually quite harmful to him.  Those coping mechanisms that allowed him to totally disconnect from reality, and to put in a world that only a small boy could understand.  The problem is, he never reconnected, never learned to build up those abilities that most of us take for granted to be functional, emotionally viable adults.  His world view is so twisted, and he really does have that "Magical Thinking" (magical thinking in the terms of THERAPY - not witchcraft LOL) issue where he really believes he can "think" his way out of things.   That doesnt work.  Its a part of the process, but its not ALL of the process.


All of us have voices that tell us - dont try that, you will fail, or  - they wont ever love you, you are too ugly  - and so on.  Most of understand that those voices self doubt and self hatred, voices that do NOT do us good.  H believes that those voices are his protectors, that they are the ones that are for "real".  Those voices are the ones controlling him - all the while telling him that he isnt in control unless he obeys them.  Its so clear, and obvious to those of us around him.  Me, his mother, our therapist.  But he is so deep he cannot see it and he is so utterly convinced that he is right - he refuses to even consider a different way and if he starts to - his negative voices, those ghosts of his tormenters are the ones who tell him he is broken and "cant". 


And you are absolutely right - Where I can give him the weapons he needs to fight those monsters, and I can stand by his side and help him get back up when he falls down - I cannot stand up to them FOR him - he has to choose to do it.  And for that, he has to become uncomfortable, he has to deal with his fears and his own prejudices against himself.  he has to take a stand and NOT let those voices dictate to him his life.  An uncomfortable part in this will be him having to let go of this inside to use as a crutch and excuse.  He uses what happen to him to excuse to me and himself his own bad behaviors that he has no control over.  To him - its something he will have to give up as a source of blame once he slays them.  And the thought of being truly emotionally responsible to himself and those around him I am SURE terrifies him.  He has never had to do it - not even for his own child. 


But - just because he hasnt doesnt mean he CANT - and there in lies the crux of it.  If he cannot believe in himself and see in himself what we all see in him - it wont matter, and he will forever be chained to the people who abused him.  All while thinking they are the ones protecting him and letting him be "in control".  Warped  - totally and completely.



*** rising from the ashes like a phoenix ***

"I think blurry.....and that's's not the photographers fault.  Bigfoot IS blurry...and that's extra scary to me...because there's a large out of focus monster roaming the country side."

Thanks Stacey for your vote of confidence.  Yep....gotta know your audience and who you're talk'in too.

In my wife's case (now I have a better picture )  Bigfoot's name was Mickey.(as in the drunken derelict who the unseen player that my wife is not connecting to her mother in the same way I am )

Mickey Mouse more like it.  That's my new name for him.  I know he had a story too....but right now as I see him......he's me sometimes in my wife's PTSD eyes.  That's who the bandit is in our marriage and Mickey Mouse has got to go!!!  From what little I've heard.....I do not even remotely resemble Mickey Mouse in any shape of form but am guilty only by association.  Bingo

If I had half a mind...and the opportunity.....I'd be apt to throw the Art of War out the window and just go straight to the punch line....if you get my drift! LOL  (just kidding) Mickey Mouse had a story too....just not the one Walt Disney cam up with....that would be magical thinking if I do believe:) lol