I am just wondering if ADHD is now reaching epidemic proportions, or is it that it's being diagnosed more now? I know that those of us here, are in ADHD affected relationships, and that makes us more aware of it, but this seems to be a growing issue.
Is there also any information as to WHY there are so many folks with this?
Maybe a combo of recognition
Maybe a combo of recognition as an actual condition and maybe a broad diagnosis/self diagnosis ? Its not something traceable to a chemical/brain condition yet from what I know (though I could be wrong as things change CONSTANTLY), but I also think that these days mental conditions are being utilized as excuses for bad behavior more and more often.
I do think these conditions exist - but I think that the maturing of a very spoiled generation who were not forced to learn better behavior (or suffer REAL consiquences) has also increased people who act out in ADHD defined ways.
Probably many reasons contributing - but for sure I do see an increase in it over the years since my husband was diagnosed.
*** rising from the ashes like a phoenix ***
About the whole traceability
About the whole traceability thing... This link might be useful.
Oh wow - thanks Saira! This
Oh wow - thanks Saira! This is a treasure trove of info!
*** rising from the ashes like a phoenix ***
You're welcome. I think some
You're welcome. I think some of those clips came from this playlist.
Um... If I recall it's more
Um... If I recall it's more that it's being diagnosed more. There was a period of time where they thought that ADHD went away in adulthood or that women/girls never got it. That was untrue. ADHD doesn't distinguish between gender, but the environment does also effect somewhat how it manifests itself. Girls are usually better at hiding the hyperactivity by daydreaming or show it in different ways. Also, for most people, childhood ADHD continues on into adulthood, but the hyperactivity is better hidden.
Um, think this mentions some statistics, but I'm not sure how helpful this might be to you.