Forum topic: Reaching the end of my rope..husband in denial

I've been married to an ADHD man for 2 years, together for 5. We have a toddler together and my older son from a previous relationship. At first I was too busy working full time, going to school full time, and being a parent to really notice his..odd behavior. When we first moved in together, things were great. We planned to get married. Then I started to see how bad what he called his 'anxiety' was- he constantly rearranged his kitchen cupboards, refrigerator, all of his stuff in the attic and garage and carport. My desk during finals. He refused to allow me to make changes to his home where he has lived for 5 years before meeting me. I lived with dark green walls and ceilings in my home for 2 years before he agreed to let me paint ONE ROOM. He is employed now at a great company (construction) but prior to that he was chronically unemployed. He figured being on the out of work list at the Union hall gave him free reign to hang out at home and play video games all day. When the unemployment  ran out, I had to take out more student loans to pay bills, bc he absolutely refused to go get ANY job to pay our bills and our accounts were going to be negative. Like it wasn't even a real problem to him at all. I was dumbfounded.

In addition to flat out ignoring me and my emotional needs on a daily basis, every single 'fun' trip (which I always always plan) we have taken as a family has been a total nightmare full of silent treatment, snapping at me/children,and  nasty tirades about nothing or why what I said or did is wrong.  He regularly demeans me and my opinions, so every thing in our lives is a battle for him.. I take care of 100% of our children's needs and 90% of my husband's. I do it all while putting up with continued ridiculousness. Only he can turn a discussion about my recently failing health (STRESS!!!) into a tirade about how I make the house a cave in the middle of the day (during my toddler's nap time, while he is usually at work) and that its more logical to keep the windows open. I asked, do you want me to do that just when you're home, or should I keep the blinds open when you are at work too? Everyday? "Well I don't care. I'm just saying!'

I tell my son to take a shower, or go outside, or watch tv, or do homework, and my husband 90% of the time will immediately blurt out that our son doesn't need to or shouldn't.  He insults me regularly, in front of people, disrespects my parenting decisions in front of our children, his regular everyday mood is grumpy (unless around friends or his family!), he always has a scowl, and  his famous words after going on a rant about whatever- 'well I don't care. I'm just saying.'  Really feel like banging my head into a wall when I hear that one! I recently got a disgusted look and a nasty comment when I decided to bring a couple jugs of water on a 6 hour road trip and three day hotel stay with our toddler at his friend's wedding. 'What's all this water for? I don't understand why you brought so much? You didn't think we would have WATER to drink here!?' In front of his friend. Argued and challenged with me at the wedding reception table when I took away a grape-sized piece of greasy sausage that he had given our 16 month old. The kicker is his tantrums and body language. Everything about him just screams this is a miserable angry man. He has a negative energy that follows him around. Comes in the house after work, first thing he does is snap 'Why's he watching tv!? It's nice outside!' Um because I'm and adult and his parent who is responsible for him and I made that decision?!

The tipping point for me was when he got a DUI a couple years back. We had a big fight while I was pregnant, he decided to leave to go get drunk and got pulled over on the way home from the bar. He actually said to me, ' the DUI was YOUR fault!' He is 31 years old. Blaming his pregnant, anxiety ridden wife for his DUI. At this point I began looking for a way out, or at least a magical cure. I knew about his childhood ADHD diagnosis but still thought maybe he just had anxiety, since he as always so restless. I insisted he go get anxiety meds. He gave me excuses for the next year, finally got Prozac, took a dozen pills over a month or so and decided he didn't like them, they didn't work, he was fine. I was the one being the nagging bitch. Why couldn't I just 'calm down?'  

We went to counseling, the misery continued. Refused all suggestions of medications. Spent sessions making chore lists and discussing responsibilities and division of labor at home; he did some of his chores, partway, when he felt like it. Bathrooms and kitchen floors went filthy for weeks, dogs neve got walked. Asked him to go on a family camping trip this summer, since we had just got a big tent and we didn't go last year bc the baby was too little. He said he wanted to go to a remote location 4 hours away. I asked if maybe this first trip with the toddler we could go up the hill to a place closer and more familiar. He got angry, completely shut me down, said 'well I'm not going there! It's my place or we aren't going anywhere!', and we never went camping. My 8 year old son recently told me he was sad bc we never went camping and I broke down crying. How have I let this angry, miserable human being run my life into the ground?? My birthday this year was spent crying bc my husband had not only made zero plans for my birthday, but decided to get into a huge fight with me when I asked him to please stop doing laundry because laundry was my chore and he would move loads around and leave clean clothes out and basically just make a huge pain and mess up my work flow. Completely losing it because 'I used a tone' and 'he couldn't do anything right' and so he started to sulk and storm around. Oh and yes he likes to throw furniture and break brooms and punch holes in walls when he is really pissed.. This is all happening just three weeks after I had taken the kids and went to my aunts, declaring I was done. Well having no job, no income, and two children in someone else's house ended up being too stressful and I came back 5 days later. We had talked on the phone and he said he wanted us home, but I couldn't really hear it coming from his heart. Like he just knew his life would fall apart without me to take care of everything. So I came back to more of the same, but worse. Continued counseling. I would throw out rotten food from the fridge, he would open the trash can, retrieve the spoiled food, and insist it was 'fine!'

After the long road trip to the wedding and dealing with his outrageously childish rude behavior towards me all weekend, after a summer of hell, after years of hell, I've finally realized  that this isn't just normal marital conflict. I began to read more about ADHD and came across this blog and others, and I cried with relief. I realized that our counselor sensed my husband's incredible stubborn, defensive nature, and has been trying to treat his ADHD the whole time without naming it. Suggestions like fish oil, exercise, etc. I have lost a ton of weight from the stress and am now 15 pounds underweight. I asked if I could buy some new pants since none fit, and my husband snapped at me to not spend a lot of money on them unless I was PLANNING on staying this skinny. Actually no, I plan on getting you out of my life and getting happy and healthy again! I have regular painful headaches and mysterious bruises totally covering my legs. My doctor says its stress.

I finally explained to him last week that I am no longer working on a marriage where he refuses to accept the role his ADHD symptoms have played in the demise of our relationship. Get on meds, get help, or I am getting a job, moving out, taking the children and divorcing him. I'm still young. I don't need to be disrespected and talked down to every day of my life. There's zero happiness, fun, or intimacy between us. We fought about it of course, but the next day I was shocked to learn he had made an appointment to see the psychiatrist . He was prescribed Wellbutrin a few days ago to treat the ADHD but hasn't actually taken a pill yet. I'm hoping for a miracle but trying to stay realistic. He keeps saying he wants to stay together but I'm not sure what his motives are. I told him if we didn't have children I would have been gone a long time ago. Which is very true. I've been trapped for a long time. I'm ready to put my daughter in daycare and go get a job. At least I have a graduate degree and am about to start a good career to support my children on my own. Maybe that scares him too, he knows I don't really 'need' him to survive. He said he would read a book The ADHD Effect with me nightly, which we did tonight for the first time. I cried while reading the experience of the spouse with non-ADHD. I'm not sure how committed he is to change. I feel like he's doing this to shut me up and he still doesn't accept the role ADHD plays in our marriage problems. I can't sleep and have been on the couch every night away from him. He continues to focus on what I have done in this relationship, which I have repeatedly owned up to and promised to work on. Still waiting for him to own up to anything . Not sure what will happen. Part of me is already so done I don't care what kind of help he gets. Another part still loves him deep down. Can this much pain be overcome??


Cherry - your post really broke my heart.  So much of that is so familiar to me (with out the angry outbursts though).  From reading your story, it seems maybe there is more going on than just ADHD, though it does seem that ADHD is usually present with ANOTHER issue.  Maybe its that ADHD tendencies are aggravated by other issues going on, or that ADHD aggravate other issues - but there usually seems to be other "issues" going on that make things more difficult (at least thats my impression from being on this forum - maybe more successful ADHD folks dont have additional problems going on so we dont see them here?).  Pure conjecture on my part, but honestly - it sounds like there is more going on for your husband than just plain old ADHD.


As for overcoming the pain... I just dont know.  I wish I could tell you its possible, and I really DO think that it is - but it does require your ADHD spouse to own their issues and take the steps needed to manage them so they no longer harm the ones they love.  It can be very hard to determine how genuine someone is in there intentions.  I am in a similar situation where I am walking away from my 5 year marriage (7 years together),  I am confident I could get past the hurt he has caused me if he were genuinely ready to make the changes and take the steps in his life that would lead to a healthy, loving, romantic marriage.  My husband is polite to me and doesnt have the angry outbursts yours has though.  My marriage has just suffered from intense neglect and outright denial of any sort of affection.  No violent anger issues at all.  However, I HAVE been dealing with the problems of not doing their part for the household, not following through with the commitments made about handling things, and chronic forgetfullness added to intense procrastination and general laziness.  My husband prefers video games to real people and real relationships (not just with me either, this is a man who rather do WoW raids than walk his daughter home from school, or do homework with her etc). 


Recently I thought maybe he was starting to pull out of that stupid WoW high (that dammed movie came out and he literally was like a moth to light, and all he did was chain smoke and watch WoW videos on youtube since i will NOT allow that game in my home) - the logs were showing fewer and fewer of those videos, but still - occasionally they pass through.  (I monitor my network pretty closely).  Tells me that he really isn't in control, as much as he would like to think he is.  No one can say they are in control when they give up their family for video games - its laughable.


Anyhow - I could probably get past the multitude of hurt if I thought for a minute he was genuine.  But the things that to *me* would indicate genuine desire to stay married and work on things have not happened.  Sure he is polite - because he wants to stay until HE wants to leave - not because he wants to be with me.  Sure, he will offer to do things and actually started doing his share of the work around the house - but that has everything to do with him wanting to be able to stay here until some time he has predetermined in his head that he wants to leave - when he thinks he has the money he wants to make a comfortable transition for himself.  My feelings be dammed.  he doesnt care about that part of it - he doesnt care about what he leaves behind.  Because he cares about himself only and what impacts him  - which I do not.  If I *did* count and *did* matter - there are things that would be happening that would show me that.  Like putting his ring back on to show he is having faith in our marriage.  Those rings are a symbol of our life together and he put them aside long time ago. 


Maybe you need to really think long and hard about what would indicate to you a genuine commitment from him - small things that would show you that he is serious.  Just keep in mind, this would be the start of his journey and there will be alot of mistakes and alot of backsliding as he learns how to manage things.  Maybe see how he keeps up with his therapy and if he is faithful on his medication?  Maybe work with him on how to set up reminders on how to take his meds, or create a calendar etc until he can get the hang of managing things on his own?


I wish I could just hug you - the hurt you talk about permeates my life in so many ways.  Its horrible. :-(  Especially since the love we feel for our husbands knows no bounds.  I love mine with every part of me - and I am ready to do what it takes to make a good marriage.  But I am not willing to be treated like I have been anymore.  It is no longer acceptable to me to be treated as an afterthought, or a lifestyle choice or a wallet.  Its no longer OK to me for him to take the best from me and offer me crumbs.  I want to be with someone who loves me - not looking for perfection, but I am looking for someone who can at least treat me with respect and who wont run away as soon as things get rough.  My husband has issues way above and beyond the ADHD - but he isnt ready to face them and I am OK with that.  I could literally wait as long as needed for him to be ready.  But the reality is - he doesnt want to be committed to me, even though he made me promise to be committed to him.  He doesnt believe people should be held to their word - his word is only as good as his mood.  He is the quinticential "Sunny Day Friend"-  he is great to have around when things are good, but as soon as anything requires any sort of backbone - he is no where to be found.  He has left me multiple times and threatened me with divorce - so I am letting him leave and wont fight him anymore.  He can walk right on out the door and I will shut it behind him.


As for what you can do for yourself - all I can recommend is to turn all this love and focus you have put on your husband onto yourself.  Take care of your needs, plan your days with out worrying about what he will do and say.  If you feel like you are in any sort of danger, I would encourage you to get professional help and dont put yourself in any situation that causes risk to yourself and your children.  Learn to detach with love, and make sure that should you need to make an exit you have what you need to do it securely and safely.  Have a plan.  Its what I have done.  While I am in a situation that I own my home and have a good career, and no children with him - it makes it much easier on me.  I cannot imagine how hard this much be to deal with having small children involved.


THings that I have started was to forget worrying about him and his health and worrying about mine.  I changed my eating back to how I rather live (much healthier) and I have started exersizing and making plans with out him.  We have a shared hobby - and I have started figuring out how to do it on my own, building my relationships with others in that hobby and well - really outside my hobby too.  I have road trips planned for next year, I have started working on my own hobby "kits", and I have most of all - learned to imagine my life with out Him.  Which is the hardest part and still hurts immensely.  But I console myself with anger (sounds crazy I know).  My anger that I never matter to him, that I never did matter to him and that after he does walk out my door - he will not even think about me again.  I know this for a fact - one of the times he left me he flat our said he never even thought about me at all.  He just shuts it all out.  Not that there has been much of that I guess.


Anyway - so sorry to ramble.  I just hope you know you are not alone.  I hope that he is genuine.  I hope that he takes his meds and DOES his therapy (not just go to it but do the work).  I hope that he finds it in himself to make changes before he losses everything.  I still sometimes hope that my husband will too.  If he ever puts his ring back on I might put stock in that hope.  Until then, I am working on how to tell him that he needs to leave on MY terms on MY timeline and not his.

*** rising from the ashes like a phoenix ***

(He continues to focus on what I have done in this relationship, which I have repeatedly owned up to and promised to work on. Still waiting for him to own up to anything)

I have great empathy for you..,,This statement of reality you made, and I copied and highlighted is why nothing changes and fighting continues.....Its denial, he will never own his part until and if something breaks him....I'm not sure how many success stories there are where denial is constant, but, I would guess very few move out that mind-set, (even if it was in their power to recognize it and do it) it helps them to feel good about themselves...It's completely who they are. He is also abusing you and the children and disrespected you terribly.

Your fighting with him, instead of doing your best to ignore him, isn't helping anything....People in denial love for you to challenge them so they can exonerate themselves by using blame. His behavior is the same as a large sign on his forehead that say's I'M NOT FIT TO BE IN A RELATIONSHIP, I'M A VICTIM, AND IT WILL ALWAYS BE YOUR FAULT.  The sooner you accept it, and understand like you posted, everything will escalate with him...He will never own anything, until, and if he has a life change...That change will never come by engaging him in Anger, but, it will destroy you and scare the babies....

Think about it?


C - I know your words were meant for Cherry - but dang if they dont apply to me so well!


This phrase:  "His behavior is the same as a large sign on his forehead that say's I'M NOT FIT TO BE IN A RELATIONSHIP, I'M A VICTIM, AND IT WILL ALWAYS BE YOUR FAULT." especially applies.  My husband is extremely passive aggressive in his blame versus the outright anger that Cherry's husband expresses.  My husband says he feels controlled - and yet cannot name anything I am doing to cause this, and will instead say its all him.  Which is fine and dandy - except he really DOES blame me - or he would be working on why he feels that way WITH me instead of running away from our marriage.  He has punished me for 7 years with an underlying threat of "if I am not happy and in a good mood, I am gonna leave"... which to me screams victim.  Its only been in the past 9 months that I have come to realize all of this.  And to think - I almost FORGOT in the weird comfortable state we reached in the past couple of months.


My husbands life will never change either.  Not until he stands on his own two feet instead of sponging off others - which is EXACTLY what he is going to do.  Its clockwork, textbook for him to go running to his friends, and they will take him in, and he will be there, and he will NEVER EVER learn how to be a grown man, on his own.  They will be fine to his face and talk shit about him behind his back like they do the other guy living there.  He will no doubt be clean in the public areas, and his room will soon smell of garbage from him never throwing things away, and he will be "that" guy who you dont want to stand close to because everything about him reeks of cigarette smoke.  Last night, he took our little dog out (which is one of the really good things about him - his love for the dogs, if only he had that care for the people in his life!!!) and when he brought him back, poor dog reeked of cigarette smoke.  My dog already has some odor problems from mouth rot, and general issues where he falls down in stuff all the time (we do our best to keep him clean, but its a balance of stressors) - add that stale cigarette smell and I wanted to gag.  Husband is as blind to that reek as he is to how his behavior affects everyone else.  he wants to be judged by his intentions and not his actions.  Wouldn't that be nice if the world worked that way.  It doesnt.  And his actions are selfish, self centered, etc.  He is not a good father, he is not a good husband, hell he IS a good friend as long as it doesn't require true closeness.  He will be the first one to volunteer to help someone out - but dont expect any real connection with him. 


All I ever wanted was him, a real connection with him.  Nothing else in the world mattered.  Not his rank in his hobby, not his job, not his income - nothing.  All I cared about was his heart, and his soul.

*** rising from the ashes like a phoenix ***

( He has punished me for 7 years with an underlying threat of "if I am not happy and in a good mood, I am gonna leave"... which to me screams victim.) 

Yes it does!... I have read your posts for months, it is obvious this whole process (his reality) of coldness and lack of commitment to his vows and his wife has been a stressor of great proportions for you...I can imagine it's been painful to feel stuck in limbo, I'm sure it's been hard on your heart...I can tell how bad you wish it was different. And I respect you for that strong attitude of love...

Love yourself:) Care for you;)....Allow his actions to be his own, don't identify with them at all, it is in no way who you are....Just breathe, and know that you are loved!

I'm praying for you...


So sorry your going thru this..   Denial is difficult.  That's great that you are working towards a career to take care of the family!!  One step closer!!  I think I'm getting anxiety from mine..  My spouse is in denial even thou he was diagnosed!!   He refuses to acknowledge it and when I bring up the topic he walk away.. The Dr gave him some medication and for 3 weeks he was more patient, enjoyed conversation, no more being angry, etc...  I was totally comfortable and content.  Then he stopped what was prescribed..  Now I don't know what to do..