My ADHD partner J and I knew each other briefly through a mutual group of friends for 3 years. I was with someone else at the time. We crossed paths again 5 months ago; I was now single. Turns out, J has kept an eye on me all these years. It was deep unconditional love, something neither one of us has felt before, we were inseparable.
J and I pretty much lived together traveling through the country for work. We had this all figured out. No secrets about the past, clarified expectations, open communication and future plans.
2 months in, I went overseas for 2 weeks to see my family and then permanently moved to one city for work. Still inseparable, we’d text each other all day and speak for hours on the phone. It seemed the distance was getting to him more and more though.
The plan was for him to restructure his work so he could spend more time with me. In the meantime, we had a lot of chances to spend time together and me traveling to the other side of the country to see him. But he needed time alone to focus on work, which I understood. The more time went past, the more it seemed he was getting worse, mentally.
His life lost structure and on top of that he had a lot of bad news from his family. J also doesn’t like talking about the challenges he is facing. He is a very masculine and strong person. But now he was showing “weaknesses”.
We never fought. I am extremely understanding and leave it up to him to open up.
In the last 3 months, I’ve only seen him twice. Once for a day, he was extremely edgy, frustrated and short fused. I was hurt. Before he left, he apologized for his behavior, told me he loved me and left again to the other side of the country. Everything was back to normal.
A month later I went to visit him for a long weekend at his home on the other side of the country. We were both so excited. A day in, I seemed out of place, like he didn’t want me there. He picked fights with me out of nowhere, for no reason. I don’t buy into fights, but went quiet and told him I was treating on eggshells. Oh boy I had no idea what I triggered in him.
At this point I knew of his ADHD, but didn’t know too much about it. We spent two days on edge until I asked him if he wanted me to leave. He said he didn’t. The last night he was very attached to me and hugged me all night. I left to go back home the next day.
Again, we were great. Texting each other all day and talking for hours on the phone. But I knew things were getting worse with him. He was falling into this never ending whole of depression. I didn’t know what to do, as I can’t force a conversation on him and didn’t feel like I could share my thoughts with him. Conversations got shorter. I knew he needed time. I sent him a long message sharing my support and thoughts with him.
He knows I love him for who he is and that I don’t want to change him. I never understood why he kept asking me that question ‘Who do you want me to be?’ over the past months. Until now, learning about ADHD and reading all the books I can get my hands on.
I told J that I am reading books about it and he said “I should read it too”, very positive.
On a Saturday night, he told me some terrible family news. Something he kept from me for 2 months, which explains his depression and behavior. Hearing it helped me understand a bit more.
He was very quiet on the Sunday and obviously very depressed. I felt so helpless as I knew I couldn’t do anything to help him. I left him to watch his motor sport on TV, which I knew is something he is looking forward to. We said we loved each other and said goodnight.
After that I hadn’t heard from him for 3 days, which is out of character. I was so worried. He then texts me saying that he is struggling and needs some time to himself to sort his life out and wished me a good week. I responded that I respect his space and am glad to hear from him.
One week later, I heard nothing. I texted and said ‘Hi’, hoping for a response. Nothing.
Two weeks later I sent him a photo of a beautiful beach and said ‘Thinking of you”. No response.
Now three weeks later, I heard from a mutual friend that he is working as usual, which I expected. It makes it awkward now, as we’ll be in the same city in a weeks time and I have to pretend things are normal somehow to protect J. But I don’t know if I’ll see him.
He seems to have me “his distraction” cut out of his life so he can fix his work.
I tried to call him and left him a message, just saying ‘Hey, just calling to see how you are. Would love to hear from you. Miss you.’ Again, nothing.
I don’t know what to make of it. I can’t confront him. I’d love to fly and see him, but he hates surprises. I feel so helpless. I am hurt, it’s so painful.
If he had explained to me he needs 2-4 weeks out to sort his life out, I would have understood. But he went into this silence without warning and I don’t know when he’ll come out of it.
My closest friends know he disappeared, but I can’t tell them why. They obviously don’t understand, which makes it much harder for me. I actually do understand him, but I need the communication. At least checking in with a text message every now and then to let me know that he needs more time. But I’ve heard absolutely nothing. I can’t take this anymore, it hurts so much.
I would love to hear from someone with ADHD or an ADHD partner that went through this before. What can I expect? How long will this take? What should I do?
Why would you need to pretend that everything is normal? I dont know about you but if I cant be my genuine self in a relationship and have to adapt to the other person too much that I lose myself I have to wonder is it worth it.
I recommend reading the 'art of loving' by Erich Fromm
Howzit? Hyterical37?
I haven't heard from you for a while in respect to making any appearances here? In what I was just saying to JayZ? I wanted to say Thank You...again....for being there for me when I really needed it? It made a difference....just so you know?
Lost in the Past
I have to say that I can relate to some of the things you said about your partner but mainly the depression and the things you said in conjunction with or coinciding with it? My own made up word for ths is "Hermiting"...which is another way to describe agoraphobia of sorts....but as a condition of something else that's happened in my life that I need to grieve over? It is this grieving process or external circumstances that cause this in me...and depression for me always tied to something? It use to be....I had no idea what was happening to me or why I felt this way...but the end result was for me to take the pone off the hook ( metaphorically speaking ) and withdraw and try to recover as best I can? I get almost paralyzed from could get that bad....but as of late...I understand this better and can actually tell people what my needs are and why I get this way but in the what you said....and this "terrible family news".....I'm thinking it has to do with that...more than anything else?
The goods news for me at I always snap back out of it when I feel like I am ready to join the world again.....but to say this has anything to do with you....I'm thinking from the sound of it....that it doesn't? Just my take from what I know of myself....but I know that leaves you helpless to do anything about it? That might tell you the why and what you can expect..but how long is anyones guess?
I can say one thing that would mean a lot from anyone who just to be there..and know you are there waiting...when it comes time to re-join the world again....and possibly give me something to look forward too? Feeling lost without a paddle or any means to really do anything about it means..,.you are not looking forward to anything...with no motivation to get there?
If you are his THERE....and he knows you are.....that might speed up the process and give him renewed hope for the future? If you can see this as someone giving up..and feeling lost and alone without anyone who cares......then I might keep sending those emails and and messages....even if he doesn't respond? I'm do it for him and not fore self...and without any guarantees for anything in return? Just knowing that you are not alone...and there is someone out there who is waiting and being there that all I would need to recover and look forward to the future?
Look at it like giving a gift...with no strings attached...and no expectations of anything for yourself as you say that the Love you un-conditonal? That would be my definition of un-conditonal Love....if you can recognize a person who needs it now....more than any other time since they are struggling? The struggle has nothing to do with has to do with his past? If you keep reminding him there is something out there to look forward might turn him around...and start facing in the other direction? Your the future...not his past?
You aksed what you should do? You're doing it already....just keep doing it? There are no guarantee of anything on your account...but there is that possibility if you believe in him and yourself in the mean time....since you aren't getting the part of this that you need......yet?
In my mind....that is what...un-conditonal all about? It's about giving....not receiving....know what I mean? You yourself have nothing to lose here for yourself...and he has everything to gain and more...if you can see yourself as the carrot that he needs to pull him through? I would expect to see from him if this works...and completely motivated...and changed man once that happens? If it happens....but you need to have faith in order for it to work? But you won't ever know....if you don't try and that much is a fact I would count on?