Forum topic: a new year's decision

So I made a decision: DH and I have been seeing a marriage counselor since the dawn of time and we each want different things--he has hope that things will get better, I want to figure out how to deal with the reality we find ourselves in.  We don't fight, I am paying down our debt, DH helps with the kids, makes dinner when he works from home, the news is not all bad.  What's bad is there is virtually no emotional connection.  There has not been anything physical in 18 months.  We don't go out, either by ourselves or with other couples.  There is no romance, no tenderness, nothing to distinguish us from platonic roommates, so that is what I think we should get used to.  Everything that makes a marriage a satisfying relationship has dropped away in the past 5 years, slowly but surely.  So, at our first therapy appointment in January I said that: let's just figure out how to live like roommates.  I cannot come in here every week and act like there is hope for more when there is not, it's a waste of time and money.  I feel much more free the past two weeks.  I don't have to worry about everything I say or do being misconstrued and I find myself actually being kinder to him, like how I would treat a friend.  For 21 years, there has been bizarre behavior, unclear communication, other women, secrets and lies, sketchy financial stuff, a 6-month separation, a military deployment, PTSD from the war, periods of unemployment--all this is him and I have to hold me and my two boys together in the middle of the hurricane that is this ADHD man that I am stuck with.  So you know what?  I am closing down the parts of me that can get hurt by him or confused by him or let down by him or misunderstood by him.  My actual feelings for him are not enough to make this marriage satisfying--how much I love him isn't even a consideration any more and over time I find I don't love him like a husband, but like a friend that I feel bad for.  I regret all the wasted years.  I regret that I didn't choose a more stable person for a husband and father of my kids.  I regret that our finances got so messy thanks to many periods of unemployment and bad decisions that we have no money to send our oldest to college.  I regret that at age 46, my only desire is to be left alone.  I regret that the soft parts of me have been forced out, that there is no fun, no romance, and frankly not much to look forward to.  BUT...I am starting to let that go because all of that only hurts me--DH has no idea and likely wouldn't know how to respond even if he did.  So we will live like polite roommates for the next two and a half years and then see where we are.  So much has been sucked out of me I don't know if it will ever come back.  Add to the marriage a 17 year old who OD'd last year and spent 8 weeks in rehab and a 15 year old with Asperger's.  Not a lot of extra brain power to make big life changing decisions!  

So I feel good that I was honest in therapy--I cannot continue to hope this will change.  I have nothing left to give and so how could it possibly get better.  I am making my life sound much more bleak than I mean it to--I LOVE my job and my kids are on decent paths finally but they are still a lot of work.  I have lots of friends that I do things with.  I feel better being realistic, not pretending.  Sad maybe, but that will pass.


Dvance, I am sorry that things have come to this, and at the same time I am glad that you found a way to find some peace.  What I got from your post is that it seems everything hinges on you and your efforts to keep things going and alive between you and your husband.  I think its a GOOD thing that you are letting that go.  If he could not over the course of time make the efforts to work on your marriage and work with you to find joy  - then I think you are right to stop.  Why on earth should you be expected to carry the load of 2 people while your husband just 'hangs on for the ride'.  I am in a very similar situation, and like you - have decided to stop.  I have been working now to close down those same parts in myself.  I am 41, and am tired of it too.  I am tired of all the lies and all the talk and no action.  All the game playing.  I am living my life for me now, making plans for myself.  I do find that I still get caught up in the "we" but I try very hard to nip that in the bud so to speak.  I still love my husband dearly, but I have accepted that he will not be part of my life anymore very soon by HIS choice.  He says he cant be a good husband, and he is right - he doesn't have what it takes.  I believe him.  I do want love in my life, I want passion and hope for adventure and fun, and he isnt interested.  He doesnt see my worth, he doesnt want the same things.  He lied when he said he did for what ever reason. 


I do still wear my ring though he hasn't for over a year.  I wear it because I promised to, and I  - unlike him - keep my promises, I keep my commitments.  And when our marriage is over, and the divorce is final - this ring will come off and probably become a down payment on a cello.   It makes me sad, but I am less sad the more time goes by and the more I can see how little he actually cares.  Oh I think he cares some, but not enough.  And I am worth more than that.  So are you.


I am glad you were honest in therapy - honesty is truly the only way to happiness.  Honesty with one's self being the first step.  I also have nothing left to give.  I do, like you, choose to act from love (because I DO love him) but I no longer make him a focus.  He will do what ever he does, because in the end, he alone will be the one to face the consiquences.  I am not in the picture anymore. 

*** rising from the ashes like a phoenix ***

Well...what can I say? You brought me to tears. You said what just occurred for me this weekend. My H however, does not agree with it. But my H has long not agreed with a whole lot on my end of the marriage expectation ( there's that foul word). I " emotional connection. You have described our life to a T. There is no marriage to "work" on. I could so get along with him BUT NOT as a spouse. I ask myself....what the H was "wrong" with me that this non emotion was not seen by ME? I realize somewhat that much of our issues have been not so much what he did.....but what he didn't do. I am empty and.......I have become like order to communicate....which is flat and not interested. In other words keep my emotions of any kind in check....".just the facts ma'am".  And he appears to do better with me like this.  Well guess what? This is not me. There is no doubt for me that my H is simply not capable of emotions....happy or sad. I am sorry that he is that way.....not his fault....anymore than the adhd is. But  NOT facing and dealing with it? It is HIS responsibility in this marriage to DO THAT. He chooses not to.....he no longer chooses for me. I will no longer "go with him" which perpetrates that we are a "couple" (especially to him). I am not a convenience.

I too, feel right in my decision. I actually do enjoy alot about my H.......but what we have is more of a casual friendship.....though he does not see that. At the end of most of our discussions it usually goes to ME having a problem. I will now agree......and am addressing it and big surprise for is not this marriage. I am moving on with life.....dare I "get happy?"

Thanks dvance for putting it in words.....your timing was beautiful.


Dearest Zapp... Just wanted to give you a virtual hug.  Seems many of us are in similar places on our path.... <3   

*** rising from the ashes like a phoenix ***