Why is so difficult to convince people with ADHD that they have a problem and get them to seek help? It's astounding to me that after everything we've been through together, my husband still goes on the attack when I try to discuss help for him. He's called me names, said hurtful things about my family and me, blamed his misbehavior on me... Over the years, his ADHD has gotten worse, and yet I've stayed with him 20 years. I understand defensiveness, but my husband is not a stupid man. Why can't he see all the evidence and realize how much fuller his life would be and how much better he'd feel if he could just commit to treatment? I'm exhausted thinking about the rest of my life and what more could happen to us. I don't want to live this way anymore. I just want safety and comfort for me and my kids. I think at this point I just want a peaceful divorce, but I know it would devastate the kids and I know my husband wouldn't allow it to be peaceful.
That's deep
Wow. It definitely sounds like he has ADHD but I think the homosexual stuff that is going on is something altogether different. It sounds like he is "on the down low". Something I suspected of my Ex for a long time during our 2 year separation. I wrote it off after he admitted to having ADHD back in the Spring of 2009 after our daughter was diagnosed but I still revisit those thoughts because it is something I felt throughout the marriage but never had solid proof. I think these are 2 separate issues. Every ADHD man does not need homosexual sex for extra stimulation. Sounds like he is living a double life. Hang in there. It is not easy with kids. I have 2 girls myself which I am raising on my own now. God does not place more on you than you can handle even though it does not seem that way sometimes.