Today, another thing has occurred to me, another mechanism that I think weighs heavily on my life and my ADHD spouse's.
I've been thinking a lot how it's possible that she feels so dissatisfied with her/our life so often, when in fact so many good things happen in it. And I think I started to notice a pattern that might be quite revealing.
Before I explain, here's an example. We're going on a trip. She always does lots of planning, trying to put every possible attraction and place to visit in the schedule, and predict every possible scenario. It's exhausting for her and for me as well. Because of that, she always does her packing at the last minute, because she hyperfocuses on planning so much. Then, when we're on the plane or the train, she's still looking for more places to visit. The schedule gets more and more overcrowded. And one important category is restaurants and cuisine, so, for the sake of this story, let's just stick to this subject.
So, they way this usually happens is that she'd spend days on end looking for the best places to eat. She reads countless reviews, compares the numbers of reviews, the stars, ponders if maybe the type of cuisine influences the ratings, or is this the objective score, because maybe people like Hindu cuisine more than French, which would explain whe the Hindu restaurant got more stars, while, in fact the French one could be better, and so on, and so forth. She does this when I'm busy working, disturbing me constantly ("what do you think?"; "but there's one person who thinks it's not that good, what do you think?"; "here' read this review"; "I'll send you the link so that you can read it later"; "which one do you prefer?"; "but maybe it's better when they have a beer garden, or would you rather sit inside?"). She does this when it's time to go through security checks, when we're boarding, when we're checking in to a hotel, making these simple steps very messy and complicated sometimes. But I bear with it, because it often results in a great list of places to visit (even though we have 23 restaurants to visit during a 4-day stay and she still believes it's possible). I just try to be patient, participate when I can, and steer her to the nearest exit when she's buried in her phone at the train station.
She's really happy everytime we go for a meal together, and often is seems like she expects the place and food to blow her mind, like there will be some unimaginable wonders on the plate that we've never seen before. And sometimes there are, indeed. The problem is, her enthusiastic anticipation usually disappears once we step in. And when we sit there, she'll start doing things like answering her phone. "My friend just wants to chit-chat, please let me answer, this will only take a minute", but it usually takes much more, and inevitably leads to her starting a search on her phone because of something the friend briefly mentioned. So now we're hectically browsing for the information on this 17th century Italian composer who had a really interesting life, or doing research on the life cycle of some Australian slug. Another thing that may happens is, she starts talking even before we enter, and focuses so much on it that it never stops. Or starts looking for other places that we should visit as well, because they're supposed to be great too. So, again, the phone, the lists, the stars, the reviews. So the waiter gets ignored a lot, and I'm trying to divide my attention between her chatter and actually pushing this forward, because at some point we MUST eventually place the order (she gets offended if I interrupt her, nevertheless). Then the dishes start coming and I can see she's not even aware THAT she's eating, nevermind WHAT she's eating. I sometimes try to steer her attention gently to that fact ("how do you like your meat? not too spicy"?), sometimes it does the trick, often it doesn't. Sometimes she forgets about the food completely, just keeps chatting over a cold meal.
That's not very satisfying for me. I'd like to be able to share comments about the place, the food, as we eat and afterwards (when I ask her, she says "I must have been distracted, because I don't actually remember the taste"). But it's not what really bothers me.
The hardest thing is that after we leave I can see she didn't really find the pleasure in being there. She didn't because she failed to notice the great design, the great waiter, the great food. Or just hyperfocused on one spoon of pea mush so much she's missed the actual bells and whistles. So the whole experience becomes an easily-forgotten blur in her memory, and soon it's like it never happened. Sometimes she's conscious enough of it to comment: "I've wanted to go there for weeks, but because of that fucking phone call I didn't even taste that famous soup of theirs. We must return there, because I really want to try it." But even her memory of her saying that soon fades away too, it's like so many we-musts that just flicker for a second or two.
And now I'm getting to the point: she's very hungry for those new experiences, but that hunger never actually gets satiated. So the joy of experiencing it never appears. When she has that unique chance to experience it, when she's supposed to, when we're actually there, it's like her brain immediately tells her: ok, been here, done this, what's next. She loses her obsessive interest immediately. She sometimes regains it after we leave. And that, I think leaves her unfulfilled. It's better when she expresses it, because then she can at least say "I'm gonna do it again and next time I'll focus better". But often she is not even aware she's missed it, so she doesn't feel the actual "loss". She just doesn't feel joy when she could. Which, in general, leads to the conclusion we never do things together, that our life is boring, that I don't find enough time to go places, that I don't enjoy time with her. She often expresses these feelings. Which makes me "double-dissatisfied", because I have my own dissatisfaction to deal with, and also deal with hers.
Before the ADHD diagnosis, I used to think she was just so greedy, yes, greedy for experiences it was almost unbearable. I couldn't wrap my head around it. I used to say "Why can't you just enjoy the moment? Why are you complaining we never go swimming, can't you see we're doing something different now? We're having a walk, you wanted to go for a walk, so enjoy the walk, and then we can go to swimming". But when we go swimming, she's unhappy because we never go for walks. And I think now I get it more and more. She actually doesn't experience these positive things, because she's too busy obsessing with other things. Sho it's like she DIDN'T truly go swimming AND DIDN'T truly go for a walk. No wonder she's so down sometimes, because she never achieves the potential level of satisfaction, yet keeps dreaming about it constantly. She builds so much anticipation, but when the time comes to collect her gratification, she fails. Her brain constantly craves for stimulation, and when it get's that chance, it doesn't because it's so busy craving.
Seems like a very hard life, really. Disappointing. If joy was alcohol, it's like you want vodka, you get wine, but you feel like you're drinking diluted beer.
And mine is hard, too, because we don't share the things we should be sharing as a couple. I'm actually doing these things alone, with a distracting and complaining person around, who rarely lets me fully enjoy them.
I don't know, it's just my rambling again. But I thought it might be helpful to some of you.
Thanks, I needed that
BigSurprise, This is a good post. I bet everyone who is reading this can relate on BOTH sides of the "experience the now" table. I can over plan, over-coordinate and forget to enjoy the moment. I can also be feeling the wind in my hair and wonder if people think I am goofy with a pleasurable "moment" or awesomeness of a situation. Your story reminds me to be mindful to put planning and worrying away while being AT the event and also that, "So What if someone thinks I am a flake while I am enjoying myself?"
Thanks. I will remember your post next time I am out and about. It's about balance, right?
Jenne.....Taking From What Has Already Been Said Here....
In reference to what I said in my response to BS.....and even adding that ti what you are saying.....this constant complaining and negativity, and the effects that "sour grapes" attitude has you ( as I know all too well ) is the constant reaffirmation to you....that "your not good enough" That is the message they are sending, even if it's not with that intention, but subconsciously I think it is? Subconsciously, it really is "sour grapes" just the like story said? "Ah...who needs em.....dismissed"
That constant broken record that is always playing in the back ground and the fact is with my wife as I noticed....the better I got, and the more I improved...the more sour she became. Down right hostile at time and then out came all these personal attacks, inuendo and implied......accusations. The accusation that "you're not doing good enough ( for me )......I want more!! Me me me.....I want more!!!"
Which in effect if you are not paying attention to this.....you will give more to them and think you are not good enough? This starts playing right into that perfectionism and trying to hard to please someone who can never be pleased? And as IF.....you really cared?
What I say to that is "Who needs em"" "I do...that's who". And if you don't like it......tough. I don't work for you, know what I mean?
And in the same as what you are saying too. "So what if someone thinks I am a flake or doesn't like what I'm doing? I'm not doing it for you you know? Who appointed you the King Shit judge of the world? It's good enough for me, and you're more full of shit....than you are King of anything else?"LOL And the fact is.....if someone is never satisfied, and they complain with negativity about everything......there you are never going to get any positive approval or positive validation from them ( ever). No matter how good and perfect it is? So why eve try....it will NEVER BE GOOD ENOUGH ( for them ). If you're damned if you do...and damned if you don't....then you might as well enjoy the ride, I always say? And to those who don't like it? Screw em. Take those sour grapes and darken someone elses door with that poor negative attitude. The one that is a very clever way....of getting more out of you....for them and what they want..... not foryourself and what you want? That is, from a a person as Big Surprise clearly defined and spelled out almost exactly...if not exactly to the letter.
Sour Grapes ( and a negative Sour Grapes Attitude to go with it "Debbie Downer" " Eeore" Or however you please to word it? Same difference.....different words?
BigSurprise........Thank You for Sharing This
As I read through what you called ranting is not ranting at all from where I sit. Everything you just described is exactly what I have experienced with my wife right to the letter. But ...that doesn't mean I have not been this way at times but I found that being satiated or feeling truely satified comes from a different means that what you are describing with your partner. I do know what she is doing, and what she is doing is seeking something and never getting it? As is with any kind of addiction....."drug seeking behavior" is simply the behavior of someone constantly seeking their drug..and make sure they never go without. In the real drug sense..and in a metaphoric sense as as well. Whether it be drugs, sex, alcohol or anything people become addicted to...they need the drug to get the feeling they are after...and if they run out of it....they are left without that feeling? The worst thing in the world for a drug addict, would be to run out of the drug and go without? Going without means....not having that feeling?
And that feeling you get...when you first fall in Love....like Leonardo De Capprio on the bow of the Titanic with Kate Winslet and he's yelling out "I'm the King of the World".....he needed nothing more than that? He was at the Top of his mountain and he had climbed all the way there?
As I see it....a true drug addict is not doing it to experience the exihileration, euphoria, the extacy and joy of feelking 'High". A true drug addict is self medicating in order to take away pain and suffering. A momentary relief from the pain and suffering of life I suppose or what ever ails ya.....either way? And as I see it....you can be addicted to either one I suppose as well? Either the feeling of extacy and joy and euphoria......or the one that has to do with "taking away pain" or as a "pain killer".
Ironcially, the ADHD meds that you take....actually do kind of make you a drug addict in a sense....since they replace or add something that is missing in order to help you function at your best. To function and operate using your full potential and without it....you simply can't get there from here? That is kind of an ironic twist.....but in this case....it's not about the drug giving you those others things.....it's about a drug that will give you the ability to reach your full potential and succeed where you have failed due to the limitations that ADHD imposes on you? In this one instance....you can hardly make the same comparison?
And in the same kind of iron way, doing without, leaves you without the ability to do with on your own? There is no working harder in that case and that's why it's so important to get on medication having ADHD ( IMHO )
But when it comes to being truly satisfied and getting there another way....I discovered that way for the first time when I broke the swimming record in High School after nearly 12 years of failing to do so. But it wasn't the record that got me there by any means. I had a box of trophys, medals and ribbons at home and many of them had 1rst place written on them? To see those sitting there that might give you the impression that I had accomplished a great deal....but what I knew, that no one else knew...were those awards and topheys were only a show of me....becoming too good for that level of competition ( the lower B group ) and those awards were merely the indicators that I was at the top of that level....but there still was on more level to go from there which was not good enough..and I was not satisfied with those 1rst place awards for that reason alone? I was not there yet....and I knew it as the one expereincing it and doing it.
And even with the record that I set, and the one after that....really meant nothing...in fact, 4 years later when I took a job as coach for a high school team, I became my former coaches competitor and was at the same district championship with my team now..and my former coach walks by me and says "your record just got broken"..while I was there, I witnessed mh own record being broken 4 years later and when my coach did that and I responded...by simply smiling and shrugged my shoulders with a nod of acknowledgment. The rocord was irrellevant.....in fact, there was no trophy or medal handed out...all I got was my name written on a card.and put on the record board and now, they even took that away, once that record was broken.
The real trophy's from that day, on that day itself....were things that no one can take from me since they belong to me. I own them and they are mine. The real trophy's come from the 12 years of hard work, pain and suffering and the blood sweat and tears to get to that day? The real blood, the real sweat and real tears.....of trying and failing and never getting there? Those other first place trophey's and medals were only makers of the journey. In fact, all those were stolen from me, by someone who 's intention was to hurt me thinking those were very important to me so this was the means to take those from me? What she didn't understand...is what she didn't have herself? What is mine and wht I own, can never be taken from me since they are not "things" you can take from someone?
I will never forget, the moment that I hit the wall on that day. When I popped my head up and looked to the right and left of me and saw no one there? I was alone...the only person there and all the other swimmers in my heat were way back even 1/2 a pool length behind me and there I was....all by my lonesome...sitting at the wall and waiting for my time to appear on the board. And I heard one of the timers who in my lane say to another timer...that I should have been put in the faster heat because my entry time did not show me at the level I just did? Unfortunately...she was mistaken. I was entered at the best time I had swum before and I was right where I should have been? She assumed wrong in that case....based on the time that I had just done?
But at that moment of waiting fro my time to appear on the board....over all the other crowd noise, I heard one voice stand out loud and clear. And that voice yelled out two words only "fifty nine"....which meant I had broken the sound barrier. The magic line of 1 minute...and I had just joined the Minute man club. ( unoffically titled ) That right there, ws the trophy that I keep and earned that day...but you have to understand the second part and who spoke those two words. It was not my coach who yelled those words out, that unmistakable voice belonged to Carolyn Wood and you have to know who Carloyn Wood is...for you to understand the meaning of this for me?
1960 Olympics
At the 1960 U.S. Olympic Trials, Wood finished first in the 100-meter butterfly event and was favored to win the gold medal in the event at the Olympics. At the 1960 Summer Olympics in Rome, however, during the women's 100-meter butterfly finals, she accidentally swallowed water during the turn and did not finish the race. She did win a gold medal as a member of the winning U.S. team in the women's 4×100-meter freestyle relay, together with teammates Joan Spillane, Shirley Stobs and Chris von Saltza. She swam the crucial third leg of the relay, during which she caught up to and passed Australian swimmer Lorraine Crapp and gave a two-foot lead to anchor swimmer von Saltza, who finished the relay in first place to give the Americans the gold medal. The U.S. relay team set a new world record of 4:08.9 in the event final—nine seconds faster than the previous record. Wood also swam for the gold medal-winning U.S. team in the 4×100-meter medley relay, but under the international swimming rules in effect in 1960, she did not receive a medal because she did not swim in the event final. Individually, she competed in the 100-meter freestyle, and finished fourth in the event final with a time of 1:03.4. Wood, at 14 years old, was the youngest member of the 1960 U.S. Olympic team to win a medal.[2][3][4]
Life after swimming
Following the Olympics, Wood returned to her hometown of Portland, Oregon, where she attended Beaverton High School. During one summer, she worked as a lifeguard and was ruled a professional, and was therefore ineligible to swim in college or in subsequent Olympic Games.[2][5] Wood attended the University of Oregon[6] and became an English teacher. She taught at both Beaverton High School and Wilson High School in Portland. She was inducted into the Oregon Sports Hall of Fame in 1992. Wood's autobiography, Tough Girl: An Olympian's Journey, was released in the autumn of 2016.
Previos to her Oympic debut in Rome at age 14, Woods trained and swam with my coach who she now was assitant to during that time and was also my coach leading up to the day. She too had trained under his supevision and dropped an amazing nuber of seconds during that relay swim to go ahead of he competitor and give her team mates a leadinjg edge to victory. As it said....they broke the world record by nine seconds and some of those seconds, belonged to Carohyn Woods.
So, if you can understand the significance...of those two words yelled out by that person...with the same sense of exstacy and excitement in them ( the genuine authentic excitement ) that translated from her own expereince doing the same thing fo the same reason....with me, dropping 4 seconds off my fastest ever swim to date ( the reason why I belonged in that slower heat )....yiou will understand the meaning here and why that is the kind of trophy that you never forget and no one can ever take from you? That is the experience of being truly satisfied and with that...the other validating moment ( yet another trophy ) ...was when I walked up to up to my coach, right after the race and he gives me a pat on the butt and simply said "good job...way to go"
"Good Pig, that'll do" When it''s good enough...then you know what satisfaction is? For me the records and the ribbons are irrelevant...I don't even own them anymore and they are lost forever. What no one can take from me and my real trophy on that day....was knowing the true feeling of what it is to be satisfied...and what it takes to get there. Either you have what it takes or you don't, but Carolyn Wood knew the score. She had what it takes, she's was the real deal right there boy and that, no one can take from you ever. Those words coming from her....were a gift, the one that keeps on giving. You have that forever and it belongs to you. When you own it, no one can take that from you...that you really own. Mine.....takes on a completely different meaning.....than when my wife says those words. I can do nothing for her there.....that is beyond my power to do or help her get there....even if I know how myself?