Guys, I need a pep talk. My unmedicated ADHD husband was fired from his third job in 6 years on December 29. We have yet to receive any unemployment despite the state saying it's coming and receiving many letters to that affect. To his credit he has taken many side jobs and we are not in too bad a shape financially, but we will be if the unemployment does not come through. He has had two interviews with a good company and it sounds like they may make an offer early next week. The problem is I don't want to get my hopes up because I only hear his side of the story and we all know how unreliable an ADHD narrative can be. We also have to move out of our apartment because it sold and the new owners are not renewing leases. We have until September, so no great rush, but I love our place-we have been here 8 years and there would be no reason to move if not for the sale. DH found a house for rent in our budget. 3 car garage, full basement with a workshop. He wants to go look at it. I do not want a house. At all. Our kids are 16 and 18 and they have never lived in a house. If we were going that route, we should have done it when they were little and could play in a back yard. Little late now with the older one going to college in the fall. All I can see is the garage and the basement filled with his crap. As it is I pay $180 a month for a storage locker that I know is packed with his stuff. But this way I don't have to look at it. The space around our two cars in our garage in the building is also loaded with his crap, which is embarrassing. When we move that will not happen again. If he gets this new job, it includes travel, which he has done before, but in an apartment. I don't want to be alone in a house. We have always lived in busy urban-ish areas with lots to walk to. I can easily come home from work on a Friday and not drive again until Monday to go back to work. I love that. This house isn't by anything walkable. Also, he and the 16 year old are going to Peru for 10 days in March. This trip was paid for with his bonus way last year, so the money part is not an issue. What is an issue is I specifically wanted him to schedule it over the child's spring break so he wouldn't miss school. He's not the greatest student, he needs to be in school. But no, DH has him missing four days of school. Who do you think is going to make sure his teachers know and he gets his missed work done? That would be me. The oldest child is 18, graduated last year, is taking a gap year. He is supposed to be working full time. So far that has not happened. His friends are talking about taking a 10 day road trip. Rather than DH telling him flat out no, he tells him-get more details, we'll discuss it. How about NO. This child owes me $300 for car insurance. He has no business taking a 10 day road trip anywhere with anyone. All of these things are on my mind. I feel like I am the only sane person in my house. Nobody thinks clearly. Both DH and the oldest son (also ADHD) think they are all cute and quirky. Example: I am missing two bowls from our daily dishware. They were in the 18 year old's car. He was running late (big shock) and took bowls of cereal in the car with him. WHO DOES THIS? You don't take glass bowls in the car. He does this with coffee mugs too despite the fact that we have like 10 travel mugs in the house. And he laughs and thinks is funny. Being scattered and disorganized and having weird behaviors is not cute. It's exhausting to live with, exhausting to try to put some order or structure in place. I am in a crummy place right now. I can usually keep myself mentally separate and pretty steady, but lately all of this chaos and uncertainty are getting to me. I am overeating at night like crazy and waking up feeling like crap. I had a major back surgery in December and have 15 pounds to lose now that I can move pain free. I should be walking and swimming but have no motivation at all.
I know all of you know how I feel. I do not think my stuff is any worse than anyone else's. I am just venting and whining. The mood will pass, I know. Sometimes it all seems like SO. MUCH. EFFORT. just to keep things moving even the least bit smoothly, you know? Like I am paddling furiously and just barely keeping my head above water.
Say something helpful...
Say no to the house. It will
Say no to the house. It will be a daily annoyance to you. It doesn't suit your needs. Your husband will be travelling. Who will be doing yard work and shoveling snow??
No child will be scarred for life for being denied a road trip when money is tight.
Your child is 16. HE is responsible for his missed work. Don't do it. I know you want to, but it's a lesson he needs to learn before going to college. I just took a road trip to a college game to watch my son play. I road with a friend of mine whose son also plays on the team. We compared notes about their old high school friends. So, so many of them, who parents carried the burdens in high school DID NOT MAKE IT THROUGH THE FIRST SEMESTER and are now back home. Tell them both that it is their trip, they chose the dates, and it is their collective responsibility to make up the school work and stick to it.
Your stress might diminish if you are not carrying so much of everyone's burdens. Moving alone is enough. Moving is an excellent time to get rid of stuff. Tell your son that if he wants to go on the road trip, he can start listing all of the junk for sale in order to pay for it or don't go. Two birds, one stone.
There's nothing wrong with asserting your needs in regard to the housing situation or making a child earn a privilege.
If you are recovering from surgery, others in the house should be helping YOU.
The "get more details" thing - SMH - been there, done that, it's crappy behavior. It puts you in the bad guy hat. It makes a child have hope rather than have a realistic view of the situation.
Thank you very much. I kind
Thank you very much. I kind of took myself in hand today and made a few announcements. First, the older child was told there was no road trip happening. Period. The 16 year old was told that from now until June there will be no video games Monday through Friday and he must get Bs in all of his classes. I haven't talked about the trip yet. There is no way on God's green earth that DH will let his teachers know he is going to be gone and stay on him to get his work done. I hear you about doing too much--I teach in a very affluent area and many off my students are SO overparented, I don't want to fall into that. The 16 year old is an Asperger's guy, so he isn't good at speaking to adults or planning ahead. I will just have to do some of it. The house I am saying no to. I will go look at it and hope that DH arrives at that conclusion himself because that will go much better, but bottom line-no house. Man I sound like a little wuss who cannot stand up for herself. I just get really tired of being the only voice of reason, the only adult saying NO to things, even to things the other "adult" wants.
I went to 9am mass this morning, met two friends for brunch, then later in the day met another friend for pie, I got all of my lesson plans and grading done today and I am off tomorrow. Meeting another friend for early dinner downtown (we live in Evanston, just outside of Chicago). So that was all good too.
Do any of you feel older than your actual age? I am 47 and I feel so old and boring. I cannot recall the last time I just had fun. Understand that I love my job and my students are a riot (6th and 8th graders). I love my colleagues and my principal. I have friends that I do things with. DH and I don't fight, we don't talk about much of anything and we certainly don't have any fun. I am over thinking he and I will do anything together, but I am spending a lot of time thinking about how I can start to have more fun. What does that look like when you are 47 with a 16 year old who needs more managing than a regular 16 year old and an 18 year old with incredibly poor judgment and less common sense, a husband who never wants to be the bad guy EVER. Thoughts on this?
Thanks for the feedback everyone
Validating you.
I'm here to validate your feelings and needs. So often we are told to "just" look on the bright side or to "just" be happy because it could be worse and things like that.. we are expected to suck it up and carry on ...and to that I say BAH. Yea sure.. it can always be worse.. but your struggle is valid too and it is ok for you to say that you are angry or hurt or lost or afraid.
It IS hard. It IS effort. It IS painful and uncertain and stressful and exhausting and frustrating. Bad behavior is NOT funny or cute or quirky. You have a right to be heard and to have your feelings taken into consideration. You have a right to love and support. You have a right to heal your body and otherwise spend time taking care of yourself and your spirit. You have a right to say I want this.. or I don't want that.
I hear you and support you.
Thank you very much for the
Thank you very much for the kind words. Read my longer comment above. I put my foot down about a few things and did many things for myself today and will again tomorrow so I feel a little bit better. Being married to an ADHD person is so freaking exhausting. I know you all know this, not like that is new information.
Thanks for the support.
I don't know if my comment
I don't know if my comment will be helpful, but I will say that I totally understand your frustration and other feelings. I, too, recommend against buying a house. It sounds like a bad idea for many reasons.
Hi dvance....
I have always felt connected to you and your situation.... I think it's partly because I am so much like you....Many of us are cast into unhealthy life situations and circumstances that we would not choose....Trying to find a a happy place for ourselves under these circumstances is very difficult....I found in my life I must place boundaries on myself to help me deal (not deal) with other adults who want to drag me into THEIR crap....So in the name of love (it's not love when we carry another adult) and against my better judgment I've found myself doing it again and again....
It's OK to say NO....I can't afford to place guilt on myself w/ family members who continue to run head long into unwise living....I've had to get those monkey's off of my back...And if they want to blame me for not baling them out, or allowing myself to be USED by them to support their unwise thinking and decisions...Then so be it....
Have a blessed day...
Small update: DH has been out
Small update: DH has been out of work since December 29 and yesterday got a job that pays about $30,000 more than the last job plus a yearly bonus. Phew. Oldest child is not talking about the road trip any more. Youngest child is picking up his school performance. Do I think this will last until the end of time?? Of course not, but I'll take it while it's here. The house we looked at that I was all worried about was AWFUL so I didn't have to say anything--DH didn't even walk around the whole house before he nixed it. Phew again. I feel better. We all work so hard to keep things steady in the face of the chaos that is living with an ADHD person-it's exhausting.
This is great news. Thanks
This is great news. Thanks for sharing it! Enjoy the relief while you can, and who knows, maybe it will last for awhile.