Forum topic: 34 Years And I’m At The End; Death Sounds Better

Our 34th Wedding Anniversary is coming up in a week. We have a total of six (now adult) children. Three of them are our birth children together. Two of those were diagnosed with ADHD before age four. I already had two children from another birth father. Neither had any signs of ADHD. New husband in 1984, new DNA, and three birth children with him. Never having heard of ADHD I could not understand why I was unable to meet my children’s needs. I could not understand why my new husband had suddenly dropped his interest and attention for me. He had been SO attentive to my every need. Within less than a year he had almost no interest in me except for sex. I had been a great mom to my first two birth children then, I had children with a new birth father, and I became instantly incapable of understanding their behavior or thought process. Even when they were diagnosed and put on meds I didn’t understand what had happened to my once attentive husband. 

I kept myself up - I kept the house up - I kept the kids up - I kept the bills up - I kept the lawn up - I kept the garage clean - I did all the birthdays and Christmas and wrappings all the gifts and doing all the decorations and the cooking for the kids. He was rarely home. Unless he had lost his job. Then I made bread for the kids to eat, I went to our church for food, I supported him in his efforts to get new jobs and held my breath that he would keep them. He had plenty of education. When he did have a job I took care of the kids alone from 5:30am to 11:00pm. And as odd as this sounds I was just happy he had a job. As I tried to juggle all these responsibilities, I became depressed. No doctor had put it together that my new husband and our new birth children had their ADHD had the same DNA. He was undiagnosed and remained undiagnosed until 2014. I was on Prozac and every other med you could imagine just to cover for the ADHD levels in our family.

He became the CEO of a company for the last 15 years. He lied about his salary, our 401k, our taxes, his job, our retirement, etc.. He was edged out of this company and went to work for another company where, after two months, he quit without telling me. He lied and told my he was fired. We’ve been unemployed for a year now. He’s 63 and age discrimination is rampant. I’m on disability. He’s still parses his words (to fool himself into thinking he’s not lying). He says he tries to think of us as a partnership but he doesn’t. I’m still on a ‘need-to-know basis’; much like a roommate. My opinion means nothing. I should be used to that but I’m not.

I finally found a counselor who has been a great coach for both of us...Too little too late. If I had just found him earlier. Now we’re looking at selling our house and retiring in our daughter’s basement bedroom. Taking care of her tree small boys for our keep. Just the way I wanted to spend my golden years. I already have PTSD from raising my own ADHD children. I am convinced he will never respect me. I want to go a divorce mediation. I told him that a few days ago and he didn’t even flinch, didn’t care enough to even comment. Death sounds easier to face that the death of the dreams of 34 years of marriage. 




Well done!

I'm so sorry that your husband hasn't had the heart or mind to SEE and appreciate the wonderful gift he had, and still has in you, all these years....His loss!....What ever you choose to do with your life going forward, I wish you much peace and happiness!

We are all loved more than we can ever know....



My heart breaks for you. I wish I could offer you some sage advice to help you with your situation. The only thing that I can offer you is empathy because I completely understand almost every sentence that you wrote and I know how much it hurts and I know how much damage it does. 


@Resigned2B:  I am feeling your pain.  As I write this, I am sitting in a motel lobby about a mile from my home feeling wrecked and sick and hopeless and utterly despairing.  Things are so bad at  home, that I literally cannot stand the thought  of walking around the house with him acting like nothing is happening, other than me being a "drama queen" and overreacting to all his 100 types of emotional neglect and verbal abuse.  But, on the other hand, I also would find death preferable to the death of the dreams I have had for my marriage for 21 years.   When I said "until death do us part" 21 years ago, I  meant it, but at the time I had no idea how much pain and suffering that soul commitment would wrench from me over the years, how depleted and exhausted and hopeless I would end up feeling every time I look at him and know he has no clue how I feel and has no intention of doing anything differently.  His ADHD makes him deaf, dumb, and blind.  For being one of the most brilliant men I have ever known, he is an emotional idiot.  I have held  on through thick and thin, while he goes off and does  his own thing, ignores my needs, forgets my birthday EVERY DAMNED YEAR,  gives  money and hotel points and time, energy, and attention to our grown children and tells me we're too broke to go out for  a weekend together or  he's too busy to come home when I  need him.  The only thing that has ever penetrated his ADHD fog is our children, and for that I am grateful.  Thank God they never fell off his radar and for years I stayed madly in love with him just for that alone.  Even after I dropped off his radar completely and hard, like things always do with ADHD'ers when they aren't the latest shiny fun toy anymore, I still felt butterflies when I looked at him because his dedication to our children was unwavering.  Now that they are grown (2 of them anyway), I am realizing what a fool I was.  They have their own lives and he slipped away from me years ago and has  his exciting and prosperous career, his gazillion hobbies (which consume him), his athletics, etc.  and I have........bitterness and anxiety and heartache and Netflix.  This is not  how I thought our middle years together would look--being roomates who have almost no connection at all.  Who can't have a conversation without screaming fights, so we just settle into not talking at all to keep the peace.  I don't know why I didn't leave years ago, or he didn't, but I do   know that all I ever wanted was t his marriage for the rest of my life, even during the hard times.  I have only gone to a motel once in our marriage, and that was 19 years ago when I was pregnant with our son.  I am not sure what I am doing here now ( I don't even have a change of clothes or a nightgown), but I do know I can't walk around the house one more night while he sulks because I am angry and never spends even one minute trying to connect with me to find out that behind the anger is a huge, huge hurt, a hurt only he can help heal by reaching out to me and making an effort to fix this huge wound in our bond.  Since I know he won't, and he was already getting pissy when I left to get gas, I just couldn't stand to go back there.  I could not make myself pull in the driveway of my own house where I may as well not even exist for all that I matter to him.  I feel like I have wasted my life on someone who will never prioritize me, never cherish me, never care about starting over and making things right.  Anyway, I am rambling and for that I apologize.  Your post just hit me so hard.  The despair.  The hopelessness.  The sense of having wasted a life, but still not wanting the marriage to have been for nothing.  God bless you.  I hope you find peace and the love you deserve.   


Resigned2B's picture


I am so sorry.

No one deserves this. I am right in the middle of my divorce after 34 years and five kids and I still don’t get how he could so casually take care of everyone else except us. We would still have all his ADHD issues but his financial infidelity killed all the trust. We made between $250K-$300K a year and he squandered every dime and lied to me straight faced.

Now he’s nearly 64 and I face a court battle with him being unemployed for a year without even consulting me as his marital partner when he quit his job. Every decision he made was on his own and in his own prefabricated fantasy. He built walls to keep me out for fear of criticism. Well duh. When you’re off spending willy-nilly expect criticism. And when the truth finally comes out expect your partner to feel betrayed. 

I went through all those years of being ignored and yet I thought we could make it up in our retirement. What a laugh. There is no retirement. All unbeknownst to me until recently.

He is famous for saying, “Decisions create destiny.” The unfortunate part is that HIS decisions created MY destiny. He stole my life and my future, too. And to be honest, I just don’t get it. I am educated, funny, and beautiful. I never let myself go and used to be a model. The truth is he would have done this to ANYONE and WILL do this to wife number three, IF there is another wife.

i hear you and I feel for you. Take care of yourself and make sure you are protected!


Thank you, Resigned2B.  I deeply appreciate your concern.  With the sunrise comes new hope and my little trip for the night and all the next day was the jolt we needed to make a game plan.  We are going to take Melissa's counseling sessions and also attend a Catholic communication retreat for "last ditch effort" marriage saving called Retrouville.  The time for being taken for granted, poor communication, blaming, name-calling, constant aggravation/frustration/rage is over.  It's time to fix it or kill it.  I am thankful that my DH has a very strong desire for the former and was desperate and distraught when I disappeared for the night and the next day.  Our talk when I showed back up was heartfelt and humble.  Now I just need to keep his attention long enough to make this marriage fixing happen before he is off in his ADHD fog again and forgets that being a husband means being available.   We shall see......


I wish all the best to your educated, smart, beautiful and compassionate self and want to thank you sincerely for reaching out to share your story.  


I had felt like you for years.  Every word.  I have gone to a motel more than once...just to get away from my frustrations with H. Looking back, those were my most sane times and it helped to feel a sense of freedom and action....for a short time. After a lifetime of struggle with my marriage, I have now come to a place where I am looking at myself and my circumstances and not at H as much anymore. I had my own disorder - ATTENTION DISPLACED DISORDER, trying so hard to make something work that was never going to work. Not letting myself notice the reality of my situation...suppressing the fact that this was never going to get better between H and me. I don't believe I did a lot "wrong".  I believe I tried above and beyond the call of dutiful wife.  Now, as I look back at my life and read the words of many of us spouses here on this board, I am shellshocked to realize that I put up with WAY too much from H for the majority of my life.  In the name of love and commitment, it was me who permitted myself to die a silent pitiful death.  I am more and more realizing what I must do now for me.

What do I want now that my role of mommy and homemaker and income earner and life structurer for everyone else is done?  What do I want now that my dream of happy marriage is absolutely out of my control in this relationship? It is up to me to do what I didn't allow myself (or didn't have other resources, or didn't realize) to do all those years.  Figure out what I want going forward and write down the steps to get there.  Then with gratitude and goal setting, change my own brain cells to put one foot in front of the other and take the difficult steps to make my own life OK.

What do I want?  Why do I want it? Why do I want that?  Keep asking why until I get down to the crux of what I REALLY want.  Maybe there are a few things I want and need that I was not allowing for myself.  It is not too late.  It just will take will power (which I gave up when I said "I do") and new focus.  

When I am angry and resentful, I appear to friends and family and to myself to be worse than anything that H has done or said. I become the complainer. The unsatisfied, irritable, frustrated, anxious, pitiful prisoner of my own lack of action and commitment to my own self.  I have been so afraid of being selfish and unloving that I lost myself.  I have certainly not been selfish and unloving but my heart and love was directed at an impossible target.  Like my love and toil was put out in the wind and it blew away...never received or acknowledged....just.... poof.  All my toil did not get me where I wanted to go - a loving, stable, happy marriage and shared life.

New gratitudes.  New goals. I am still alive.  I can still have goals. I am working on them now.  Not on a better relationship with H.


 @ jennalelemone: "New gratitude.  New goals"-- I wish you the best in your journey toward yourself.  I am also making promises to myself to work on things that can be fixed, such as my codependence.  Setting boundaries.  Releasing the simmering rage when unrealistic expectations are not met.  Just this week, I started attending a group called "Celebrate Recovery", and I am hopeful that this will be a springboard to growth and change.  If you haven't heard of it, it is a 12 step program for people with "hurts, habits, and hangups" that have held them down--not addiction focused like NA, AA, or Al Anon.  For me, that is definitely codependency and pathological self-sacrifice.  It is Christ-based, so if you are not religious, it may not be your cup of tea, but otherwise, it might be worth exploring as a tool for growth toward a happier, healthier future.  To quote my ADHD spouse: "If you do what you did, then you get what you got". We both know that--it is getting out of that rut that is so hard.  It sounds like you are on the edge of something new and powerful though, and my prayers are with you for strength and resolve. 
