Forum topic: One outburst too many..

I don’t do a lot of posting here.  But, I’m pretty sure my marriage is coming to an end.  H is a really good guy.  Very attentive, loving partner and hands-on Dad.  But, his unpredictable angry outbursts have just about killed our relationship.  I’ve done all the research.  I know it’s flooding.  I know he never intends to lash out verbally at me or the kids.  I know it’s a neurological process that keeps him from filtering his emotions when he’s triggered.      

Does all of that matter?  Nope.  Because he hasn’t taken control of it.  And because we often have long periods of him NOT lashing out, it falls off his radar and he doesn’t think about it.  Until it happens again and I bring it back to his attention for the 4000th time.  So, it happened again.  Wasn’t the biggest outburst, but just kind of my last straw.  I did what I’m best at.  Retreating.  Ignoring.  Giving the silent treatment and moving into another bedroom.  When he gave me the indication he could talk (which is rare because talking to him is IMPOSSIBLE most of the time), I said I thought we should separate.  He asked me to hold off.  To let him try meds, this time for the long haul...not just at work or when he wants to get something done.  And he’s amenable to therapy.  He says he wants to change.  That his DIY self is frustrated because you can’t watch a YouTube video and DIY yourself out of ADHD.  He says he will get on board with a new psychiatrist who specializes in this, and he did reach out to one (although it took over a week).  But he showed me his email to the MD and said he has to start checking in with me so I feel part of the process.

SO, here’s my question.  I’m married to this man for 15 years.  We have 2 kids and we do love each other dearly.  We did not know ADHD was affecting our marriage until last year when he was first diagnosed.  We’ve never EXPERIENCED being married while he receives both meds and therapy.  I’m not sure what that relationship even looks like!  I hate ultimatums because if he’s doing things due to threat of separation, then he may resent me.  With all his past reluctance and procrastination to seek help, and my own seething anger about how I’ve been treated, do I give him this last chance to show me he wants to really DO THIS and make some lasting changes?  I’m so EXHAUSTED from it all that I fear I’m making decisions because of non-ADHD spousal fatigue (which should be in the DSM-5 in my opinion).  Thoughts???


If you agree to try a bit longer make it clear to him that you must see improvement and let him handle the rest. Set a firm date in your head and let him show you how committed he is to changing.   Don't get involved in making the appointments or picking up his meds.  Make him completely responsible for himself, the ball is in court.  Make it clear that his commitment to change is what stands between him and divorce. If he truly doesn't want to separate he needs perform not just talk about changing.    Stick to your timeline.  If he doesn't follow through or lets things slowly slide away, it would be time for the big conversation. 


My wife and I need something stronger than meds and therapy...We need more than a love that makes us faithful....We need a Spirit change (heart change), we need our minds renewed daily....We need a full time mirror...And his name is Jesus....

I hope the best for you and your husband...I have empathy for you for living on pin's and needles (wondering when the next blow up is coming)....And I have great empathy for him, not being able to control his emotions toward those he loves the most....I think I agree w/ adhd32....Based on your post, he is willing to look at himself, and has agreed to get help...That is something I and many here don't have...(just blame and denial)...

I will pray for your family
