Hello everyone! I recently started to research ADHD as my husband was diagnosed a couple of years ago and I feel that he is under treated. Our eight year marriage had been on a steady decline and I realize we are both contributing to this, however, I had no idea the impact ADHD was having on us until doing tons of research recently. I feel like I could have written, myself, so many books, & comments I've read from ADHD spouses. To be honest, prior to reading all of this information, I was wondering if I was completely losing my mind and I have been dealing with overwhelming amounts of stress and anxiety.
A little back story - My husband and I have been married for eight years, together for eleven. We have a wonderful five year old daughter. I wouldn't trade her for anything, no matter what, but the decline in our marriage happened immediately after having her. Currently, I am a full time business owner, wife & mother. After having our daughter, he expected me to take our daughter to work with me, since I have some flexibility as a business, owner, and he did not want to contribute to pay for daycare.. it is expensive. I did this for the first 5 years of her life, prior to school starting. I managed, somehow to keep the business alive while watching a child at the same time. I repeatedly tried to discuss daycare options telling him I was drowning. He would completely ignore my request for conversation or completely lash out... going straight to "f you" "get the f out of here" and screaming in my face. All "what I feel" should be normal discussions (bills, future plans, child care, even potential fun like vacations) are reacted to in this manner, so I am basically afraid to talk to him about anything and have definitely isolated myself from him out of fear. Aside from child care & running a full time business, I do all cooking, must keep every detail of our lives in order or it just won't happen. If I do ask him to contribute something, such as mowing the lawn, which I've even tried being extremely mindful of how I ask, I am normally, however not each time, met with complete defiance and a crazy, back and forth ensues. I feel like these tasks are just things that need to get done and I don't understand the energy wasted on fighting over them. I work a lot and a lot of weekends in my busy season. I will be gone for 10 hours sometimes, on a Saturday, and I can come home to absolutely nothing I requested him to do being done. He will often come up with unrealistic excuses as to why they weren't accomplished. He will watch TV all day with our daughter, to add pain to nothing getting done, and it could be eighty degrees and sunny that day.
I just feel so overwhelmed, exhausted, frustrated and basically like I have to handle everything. On top of this, a few years ago, he borrowed money from his retirement account, thinking I wouldn't find out, but I handle our taxes. I had to pay the taxes on this money for him. I'm always scared. So frightened that I can't trust him, that our futures are not secure. He always tells me he is going to accomplish things and to do things that he never does. Then gets infuriated when I try to encourage him or even try to make plans for our future. When we first met, we had a very fun relationship. He told me all these dreams he had and I was starting a business at the time of my own, so the future seemed bright! My business has grown, and he never did anything he said he was going to do and I guess I have a lot of resentment over broken promises, what I feel is so much resting on my shoulders. To make it worse, he does not recognize what I'm experiencing at all... What so ever. He thinks I'm completely over - reacting. This has been making me question my sanity. He seems to think that doing all child care, while working full time and taking care of our house / cooking, should be completely manageable. If anything he is scornful to me and calls me an "f'ing b*tch" when I bring up my unhappiness, etc.
I was ready to leave, however, hesitant because of our daughter, but now I'm wondering if all of this is just really under treated ADHD?? He completely ignores me when I even try to bring up his ADHD. When he was first diagnosed, a couple of years ago, he brought it up so quickly, kind of brushed it off, and to be honest, at the time, I didn't think too much of it! Until I started to dig. We have cyclical, repetitive issues that just never get resolution. I had to take some action.
Thanks so much for listening. I'm feeling very sad & alone and it's so helpful to read about people I can relate to. Any advice is most welcome!
Is he under any ADHD treatment at all?
You don't mention any actual treatment your husband is pursuing for his ADHD. Was he diagnosed by a psychiatrist who specializes in ADHD? Is he currently taking medication? Does he currently see a therapist that specializes in ADHD (and preferably focuses of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy)? Have you reviewed Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria (RSD) discussions on this site? (Also check Woodson).
Thank you Will It Get Better! He is in medication but I don’t notice a difference, between n my interactions with him. He is not seeing a therapist and has not undergone any behavioral coaching, etc. I will check out your recommendations.. thanks again!
I didn't see much of a difference when my husband started taking medication. It was helping him focus on work (which is where his focus was anyway) and not at home. He even stopped taking his meds on the weekend. His therapist pointed out that his family was only seeing his bad behavior and suggested he start taking his meds on the weekend. I would know more, but he's been out of work for three years, so I really can't say for sure if that is still the case.
Dagmar - medication
Thanks for this info! Yes, I am not noticing a difference at all, if anything, things seem worse to me. I'm not sure how he does at his job. Honestly, and this is sad for me to admit, I can't really ask him about anything without extreme defensiveness. If I ask how his day was, he'll say "why do you want to know?" almost like I'm accusing him of something when all I'm doing is legitimately making conversation and asking how his day was. So I've kind of given up on asking about things. He did lose a job, a few years back, mysteriously, and never discussed what happened with me. Kind of blamed the company. I believe he's OK at work, on the meds, now, but honestly, I wouldn't know for sure! Thanks for sharing!
This happened to me too.
Yes! After we had kids, I guess I started not being able to deal with his ADHD. So he thought I was judging him all the time. He was working to support us, so why would I ask for anything else from him? I was drowning. I would stay up until 1 am cleaning every night while he went out or obsessed over something in the basement, then I'd wake up and find three beer cans and a dirty popcorn bowl lined up on the counter. I'd say "can you please just put these in the recycling?" or "can you just eat the popcorn out of the bag?" and he would lose it. Then he lost his job and it was still bad for a while. He was nicer, but one day I said "I need help, I feel like since I'm only working part-time that you haven't picked up the slack for helping around the house, but I'm working two part-time jobs." He lost it again because he "felt judged." I guess that's a defense mechanism, as well as not communicating. My husband often refuses to tell me things "until it's all settled." Well, he never finishes anything, so it's never settled. I honestly think that's why he lost his job. He won't give updates.
I'm still figuring out what to do. Right now I'm just too exhausted to fight. I told him that we need to see a marriage counselor ASAP over the communication thing.
I'm sad to say, but you're probably going to get a lot of confirmation on this site that things can improve, but they will never actually be good.
This sounds all too familiar
This sounds all too familiar and I'm sorry you are feeling so exhausted. I completely understand that feeling. Thanks for sharing!
Ok, I just read a tiny bit about this very quickly, and yes, this is definitely worth exploring and sounds very familiar to me, sadly. Thanks again!
(He would completely ignore
(He would completely ignore my request for conversation or completely lash out... going straight to "f you" "get the f out of here" and screaming in my face. All "what I feel" should be normal discussions (bills, future plans, child care, even potential fun like vacations) are reacted to in this manner, so I am basically afraid to talk to him about anything and have definitely isolated myself from him out of fear. Aside from child care & running a full time business, I do all cooking, must keep every detail of our lives in order or it just won't happen. If I do ask him to contribute something, such as mowing the lawn, which I've even tried being extremely mindful of how I ask, I am normally, however not each time, met with complete defiance and a crazy, back and forth ensues.)
This isn't adhd, and unless there is something you're not telling us, that has made him hate you....Then, my only comment is why in the world would anyone stay in such an unhealthy relationship, and subject themselves to that kind of abuse? Love isn't a reason to allow abuse...And that kind of disposition and language is the last thing a child needs to be around....
I second your response, C
Too many people with ADHD are having behaviors attributed to them that are not true.
I am so tired of hearing " but I love him". And when children are involved in situations such as Klem described .....OMG!
If Klem could only hear the collective cry of readers ( Get Out Now!)
Thanks to all and "C ur self
Thanks to all and "C ur self" and "zapp10" for your recent comments.
Did I do anything to make him hate me? I'm not sure. His, what seems like uncontrollable anger, seems to come on when he is defensive, which seems to be quite often. This behavior happens as an attack on me when I ask about things, so maybe my regular prompting him to do things has made him hate me. I honestly don't know.
As for the ADHD. Again, I am very new to learning about it and I'm not assuming that his swearing and rage is necessarily attributed to the ADHD (which he is diagnosed with), I've just read that impulse control can sometimes be an issue. I'm not educated enough in ADHD to know if this has happened to others or not. It seems from what I'm reading from you, these kind of outbursts are not to be expected and may be anger management issues, or something else, on his part, combined with a complete disrespect for me.
Once I started to think more about his ADHD, I thought maybe it would be good to explore all avenues, prior to dissolving our marriage. Also, just leaving a situation is not always as simple as it seems. There are preparation steps that I've initiated but that need to continue. This is where I'm at right now. Trying to figure out if things could be helped with behavioral therapy, or if this just isn't even an option for us. In the past, he himself, has blamed some of his atrocious behavior on ADHD, so I'm trying to understand it and decipher what is ADHD and what is separate, such as anger control problems, or what ever else maybe be going on.
Nobody plans to end up in a situation where they are being yelled at & disrespected in such a way or to have their children even near such a marriage. It's a very confusing & sad situation. It was also something that developed over time, and after our child was born. It was shocking & I honestly couldn't believe I was finding myself in such a situation. I'd think to myself... how did I get here? and if he had said this before marriage, during an argument, I would have definitely ended it and would have never married him.
I appreciate your comments. Thanks again!
I understand klem...
In my own life, I was taught good things....Love for God, love for others, respect for all, to work, marriage is forever....These are "good things"...But, as I've grown and dealt with my own fleshliness...My own mental make up, my own baggage...I come to realize most of the good things were, and are, beyond me...Because the fact that I would fight, and argue w/ my wife (get in the ditch with her and even start it, pointing out her lack of concern and effort) showed that I had no power with in me to do these good things...I was no different!...You may say, well you were right!...And yes in many things I was...But, when I take up the sword of hard and ugly words, and tones (anger), then my being right, became worthless.....
I had to change,...For me, it has taken Jesus, It has taken not pressing her to be or think like me...It has taken, walking away from disrespect and looking to the one who can cause me to see, and count my blessings..The only one who can daily give me a peaceful life of thankfulness...No matter what my spouse makes important, no matter what she pursues....
If she changes on any consistent bases, it want be my example, or even my love that does it....If it is, it want last...But, if real repentance, real lasting change (new priorities) happens in a heart and mind, it comes from something greater!
Just see your self, don't excuse yourself because of his sin aimed at you! (We can't make what isn't ours, ours, we have enough of our issues, without trying what is impossible)....But, you must protect your children....I will be praying for you, and your husband...
I would reiterate reviewing Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria (RSD)
Klem, I would reiterate reviewing Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria (RSD). When a ADHDer has comorbid RSD the ADHDer can perceive they are being 'attacked' by the most mundane interaction and respond with wildly disproportionate anger ('rage' really). The perceived attack becomes the overriding issue (and the original question re ADHD symptomatic behavior is completely ignored). In retrospect I have dealt with this my entire twenty five year marriage though my wife's ADHD was not diagnosed until about 27 months ago. My wife also has comorbid ODD (Oppositional Defiant Disorder) so anything she perceives as being disrespectful or defiant to her launches her into RSD rages. These conditions can be treated but they have to be accepted as 'real' by the ADHDer first. Sadly, in my case, her 'denial' still reigns and while she does take medication for ADHD she has adopted no other ADHD management techniques and our family life suffers as a result.
What is the treatment for RSD
What is the treatment for RSD?
'There are two possible medication solutions for RSD.'
See https://www.additudemag.com/rejection-sensitive-dysphoria-how-to-treat-i... (link is external)
'There are two possible medication solutions for RSD.
The simplest is to prescribe the alpha agonists guanfacine and clonidine together....
The second treatment is prescribing monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOI) off-label. This has traditionally been the treatment of choice for RSD among experienced clinicians.'
Thank you for the RSD information
Thank you for the information regarding RSD. Not that this excuses abusive language, but it definitely may explain it! I’ve been reading up on it and it sounds like this could be a factor! Now, a problem must be acknowledged in order to be worked on... we’ll see! I’m sorry to hear about the denial in your situation. Thanks again!
Hi Klem,
Hi Klem,
I'm a sex educator and coach who teaches about sexuality and relationships, and I've also had ADHD my whole life. Whether your partner's ADHD is playing a role in his behavior isn't relevant given some of the information you shared. "I am basically afraid to talk to him about anything and have definitely isolated myself from him out of fear" make it sound like a very unhealthy and dangerous relationship and maybe one you should consider removing yourself from or at least speak to a trusted friend or family member or therapist about.
ADHD does not make you act like an unhelpful jerk who hoists responsibility on your partner and makes them feel unsure of their safety—that's just a bad partner. You deserve to feel safe and happy. If your marriage is something you're not ready to give up on I recommend trying couples therapy.