Forum topic: I need some comforting

Hi, all,

I am so frustrated I am ready to cry. I'm away from home. I've been reminding my husband to do things he promised to handle while I'm away. Today I pulled together a list and ran through it with him. He has not done a single thing that he committed to do during the past few weeks. To top it off, I was expecting a package - a food item that must be frozen. He threw the mail on the kitchen table last night. Later he looked at the package and realized what it was. Then he decided it would be ok to refrigerate it instead of freezing it, and I could freeze it when I get home in a week. He has been procrastinating on planning a business trip. Now he decided to go when I'm home, and during a week when we already had plans.

I'm not seeking advice. I'm venting. I'm so sad and frustrated.



I'm sorry you are feeling this way. Have a cry it's ok. In the future it might be best to adjust your expectations. Sounds harsh I know but but it would make things easier for you. 

I agree with Libby.  This lunacy does not seem extraordinary (insanely frustrating, yes).  I often feel like I'm holding my breath, juggling while crossing a tightrope one-legged expecting a random gut punch (e.g. 'All you had to do was push the 'On' button on the microwave...') from the actions/inactions of my ADHDer wife.  Expectations of rationality are so long lost that they are hard to even remember.  I usually settle for 'At least the house did not burn down today.'  I do understand what you are saying and feel for you.  The hurt is real and continuing, I know.

I'm so sorry, Angie. That's just awful. You feel sad and frustrated because you should feel sad and frustrated. Expecting an adult... your partner... to keep his or her promises (even just some... how about one of them!) is not unreasonable. Being in a relationship where you can rarely or never count on your partner is incredibly sad. I am right there with you. Please know that so many of us here get it. 


Melody said exactly what I was going to say.  I hope you’ve had a good cry or two since you posted. The food issue is especially frustrating.  Assuming this is an average fridge/freezer setup, it  takes exactly as much effort to put the item in the freezer as it does to put it in the fridge.  To put it in the fridge and let you be the one to put it in the freezer later... there’s a major disconnect in logic there.  

And like Melody said, you know we get it. I rarely let myself rely on my husband unless I have no choice. Been burned too many times.  

~ Brin

WIGB....It's a metaphor, for those of us experiencing the dance stopping storms indoors...LOL....Of course you knew that...Ha Ha!
