Previously, we have found evidence of our daughter not taking her medications, including pills lying around the house. Today, my wife told me that she has not be taking them for months. She usually puts it in her mouth, takes a drink, and shows up her empty mouth. It seems she has somehow managed to avoid swallowing them.
Have you talked to your
Have you talked to your daughter's doctor about this?
Skipping meds
It may be time to have a conversation - friendly, respectful, non-judgmental - with your daughter about why she is choosing not to take the medications. She may tell you about shame or stigma, she may say that they make her feel bad or she doesn't like the side effects. She may tell you she doesn't think ADHD is important or that the idea that you think it's important to take meds suggests you don't love her. It may be that she doesn't like that particular med, but is willing to try others.
It is her body, and as she is demonstrating, if she doesn't wish to take the meds she won't. So best to ask and listen, and see what her responses suggest in terms of next steps. There are non-medicinal ways to manage ADHD (see my free treatment ebook on the home page for ideas) though they are harder to implement without meds for most people.
You may also wish to offer your daughter the opportunity to work with a coach or school resource person for help with ways to succeed in school...or perhaps a therapist if she is really struggling and needs someone to talk with. If she indicates that she thinks there is a larger family issue, it may make sense to listen to her perspecttive and consider family counseling or coaching.
Great advice Melissa.
Great advice Melissa.
I don't know where the following fits in the forums, but I was reminded of something I'm trying to learn. Sex, love, romance and relationship addictions are all too real and my unique combination of each one of them constantly pushes me into compulsions to find "an other"; an other who isn't the one I love now and to whom I vowed my unconditional commitment.
I read a line from the SLAA "Big Book" that rang/rings so true for me, "I can change the cast, but I can't change the script." It really doesn't matter who she is. Until I recognize and let go of the insanity of repeating the same "play" over and over, no one can be my true partner. Why? Because she doesn't exist. She can't exist. She's a mirage.
For me, there is only one ultimate source of love and until he empties my diseased cup and refills it/me in his way and in his own time with his love, no one can offer me what I need most--unconditional love. The God of my understanding is the source, the fountain of all true love.
repeat that please